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  Planetary Defence System
Posted by: guohua - 02-06-2017, 03:51 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (2)

I really am interested in this, I wish there was more investigation into these Cauldrons.

And that's all I could find as far as videos.

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  Who We Supported
Posted by: guohua - 02-06-2017, 02:41 AM - Forum: America's President D. Trump - Replies (9)

Give You One Guess!  smallroflmao
[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: raw] [Image: 2IzLrSd.jpg]
[Image: In-Defense-Of-Donald-Trump.gif?resize=600%2C773] Of-Course you don't have to Agree With Us, Mr.G and me.

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  Obama's Greatest Legacy
Posted by: guohua - 02-05-2017, 11:03 PM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - No Replies

In Cartoons that I found to be Very Accurate.
[Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2Fde%2F05%2F81c5fa38410...humb-3.jpg]
[Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2F76%2F14%2F12aad09144c...dsuc-a.tif] [Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2F32%2F7c%2F1d14e128462...humb-6.jpg]
[Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2F30%2F39%2F5980f212473...humb-4.jpg] [Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2Ff7%2F2b%2F176f7287451...Fthumb.jpg][Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2F43%2F42%2Fae937e4b45e...humb-3.jpg][Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2Ff7%2F74%2Fa62e4a7d497...dsuc-a.tif]
[Image: ?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2F3c%2Fe2%2F1f74aa62414...humb-4.jpg]

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  First they killed my Father
Posted by: 727Sky - 02-05-2017, 09:28 AM - Forum: Asian Affairs - Replies (2)

I am so glad this film is being made. It is a story of how a whole culture can almost be totally destroyed by strong armed mad men..

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  The SSP
Posted by: guohua - 02-05-2017, 05:06 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (2)

This Eleven minute video well make you think.

Some interesting interviews.

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  187 Organizations Used by Soros to Destroy America
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 02-04-2017, 06:49 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

[Image: Fullscreen-capture-222017-94320-AM.bmp.j...=800%2C436]

Ewweeeeee!  The evil seeping from every pore of this man makes me nauseous.   minusculepuke Source

Below is a list of all the names of the organizations funded by Soros.  Take a close look at all of them. 

Quote:They’re all here. 187 groups being used to destroy America, thanks to funding by billionaire George Soros. Here are the groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to take down America:

There have been many articles written about George Soros and his collectivist activism. Soros is a business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author who is of Jewish-Hungarian ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He is chairman of Soros Fund Management. Discover the Networks has published a comprehensive list of organizations funded by Soros and his Open Society Institute.

Some of these groups have actively opposed Donald Trump for president and may be part of the recent levels of violence and chaos seen at his rallies. Many of the groups favor: open borders, amnesty, giving illegals voting rights, Muslim migration and social justice.

I'm going to list several below that I think many of us will realize as being used to attack Trump and the Right Wing Agenda:

American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns charging Republicans with wrongdoing.

American Friends Service Committee: This group views the United States as the principal cause of human suffering around the world. As such, it favors America’s unilateral disarmament, the dissolution of American borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, the abolition of the death penalty, and the repeal of the Patriot Act.

Free Press: This “media reform” organization has worked closely with many notable leftists and such organizations as Media Matters for America, Air America Radio, Global Exchange, Code Pink, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Mother Jones magazine, and Pacifica Radio.
Funding Exchange: Dedicated to the concept of philanthropy as a vehicle for social change, this organization pairs leftist donors and foundations with like minded groups and activists who are dedicated to bringing about their own version of “progressive” change and social justice. Many of these grantees assume that American society is rife with racism, discrimination, exploitation, and inequity and needs to be overhauled via sustained education, activism, and social agitation.
Independent Media Institute: IMI administers the SPIN Project (Strategic Press Information Network), which provides leftist organizations with “accessible and affordable strategic communications consulting, training, coaching, networking opportunities and concrete tools” to help them “achieve their social justice goals.”

League of United Latin American Citizens: This group views America as a nation plagued by “an alarming increase in xenophobia and anti-Hispanic sentiment”; favors racial preferences; supports the legalization of illegal Hispanic aliens; opposes military surveillance of U.S. borders; opposes making English America’s official language; favors open borders; and rejects anti-terrorism legislation like the Patriot Act.

Lynne Stewart Defense Committee: IRS records indicate that Soros’s Open Society Institute made a September 2002 grant of $20,000 to this organization. Stewart was the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her client, the “blind sheikh” Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.

Media Fund: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to conceptualize, produce, and place political ads on television, radio, print, and the Internet.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund: This group advocates open borders, free college tuition for illegal aliens, lowered educational standards to accommodate Hispanics, and voting rights for criminals. In MALDEF’s view, supporters of making English the official language of the United States are “motivated by racism and anti-immigrant sentiments,” while advocates of sanctions against employers reliant on illegal labor seek to discriminate against “brown-skinned people.”

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy: This group depicts the United States as a nation in need of dramatic structural change financed by philanthropic organizations. It overwhelmingly promotes grant-makers and grantees with leftist agendas, while criticizing their conservative counterparts.

National Lawyers Guild: This group promotes open borders; seeks to weaken America’s intelligence-gathering agencies; condemns the Patriot Act as an assault on civil liberties; rejects capitalism as an nonviable economic system; has rushed to the defense of convicted terrorists and their abettors; and generally opposes all U.S. foreign policy positions, just as it did during the Cold War when it sided with the Soviets.

Prepare New York: This group supported the proposed construction of a Muslim Community Center near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan – a project known as the Cordoba Initiative, headed by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.

Prison Moratorium Project: This initiative was created in 1995 for the express purpose of working for the elimination of all prisons in the United States and the release of all inmates. Reasoning from the premise that incarceration is never an appropriate means of dealing with crime, it deems American society’s inherent inequities the root of all criminal behavior.

Project Vote: This is the voter-mobilization arm of the Soros-funded ACORN. A persistent pattern of lawlessness and corruption has followed ACORN/Project Vote activities over the years.

Shadow Democratic Party: This is an elaborate network of non-profit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources — money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising, and policy initiatives — to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left.

USAction Education Fund: USAction lists its priorities as: “fighting the right wing agenda”; “building grassroots political power”; winning “social, racial and economic justice for all”; supporting a system of taxpayer-funded socialized medicine; reversing “reckless tax cuts for millionaires and corporations” which shield the “wealthy” from paying their “fair share”; advocating for “pro-consumer and environmental regulation of corporate abuse”; “strengthening progressive voices on local, state and national issues”; and working to “register, educate and get out the vote … [to]help progressives get elected at all levels of government.”

Of course, there are many, many more.  For the full list of organizations, CLICK HERE.

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  Apocalypse island
Posted by: guohua - 02-04-2017, 04:46 PM - Forum: Australia - Replies (1)

@"Just Looking" 
I hope that maybe you have some insight into this article. I understand you live in New Zealand.

Quote:Apocalypse island: Tech billionaires are building boltholes in New Zealand because they now fear social collapse or nuclear war.
YUP! They're off and Running Away as fast as they can to.
[Image: 3CCD5CA900000578-4190322-image-a-132_1486169291012.jpg]
Quote:You’re all set — your bags were packed long ago, there’s a dozen solid gold coins stashed inside your belt and a pistol strapped round your waist. 
There’s no need to say goodbye to the wife and children as they’re already waiting for you 6,000 miles away in New Zealand, having slipped off quietly at the first whiff of global catastrophe.
Now, they’re making themselves comfortable in that fortress home you’ve spent years preparing. They’ve got store-loads of food and enough guns and ammunition to start World War III – which might, anyway, have begun by the time you arrive.
OK cut to the main part of the article.
Quote:The world of Doomsday survivalists or ‘Preppers’ — those preparing themselves for total social collapse — is usually associated with wild-eyed eco-beardies hiding in the woods.

But the existence of a very different group of Preppers was laid bare by a political row in New Zealand this week.

Attracted by a remote First World country that has the potential to be self-sufficient and is on no one’s list of nuclear targets, the super-rich kings of Silicon Valley and Wall Street are buying up vast tracts of its land — in anticipation of the day when they may need to live there.

The controversy has revealed the extraordinary precautions being taken by the mega- rich to ensure that WTSHTF — a crude survivalist acronym for ‘when the **** hits the fan’ — they and their loved ones will be safe and comfortable.
What the catastrophe will precisely be remains unclear, but possibilities include a devastating asteroid impact, giant earthquake, nuclear war, civil war, pandemic, zombie invasion and the Second Coming.

Tellingly, the geeks of Silicon Valley appear to be most worried that it will be a struggle between rich and poor in a world economy turned upside down by new technology — with them as the main targets.
The row in New Zealand involves scores of mega-rich Americans but has specifically centred on Peter Thiel, the billionaire founder of the internet payment system PayPal and an early investor in Facebook.

Thiel, a libertarian supporter of Donald Trump, paid $10million for a 477-acre lakeside estate in the country’s beautiful but isolated Southern Alps, which provided much of the staggering landscape in the Lord Of the Rings and Hobbit films.
Amid a public outcry over the invasion of U.S. internet and finance billionaires, the New Zealand government has released papers detailing the ‘exceptional circumstances’ under which the American tycoon was quietly given a New Zealand passport.
OK, more of the Meat of the article.
Quote:Other uber-rich Americans who have recently bought homes there include the billionaire hedge-fund pioneer Julian Robertson and the Hollywood film director James Cameron.
Local estate agents say their U.S. clients rarely intend to live in New Zealand, but cite reasons for their purchases such as the toxic presidential election and the spate of mass shootings in America. 
Toxic election,,,, only because the Spoiled Progressive Socialist didn't Get Their Way!
Mass Shootings? How many Citizens of France are Running Away?
Quote:In the first ten months of last year, foreigners — mainly Australians and Americans — bought nearly 1,400 square miles of land there, more than four times what they bought in the same period the previous year.

Marvin Liao, a former senior executive at web giant Yahoo, has taken classes in archery and has amassed a small arsenal of other non-firearm weapons to protect his wife and daughter.

Survivalists have their own set of acronyms, including WROL (Without Rule Of Law) and LIA (Little Ice Age). (Some of them worry that the latter has just started).
They also have secret buzzphrases. ‘Saying you’re “buying a house in New Zealand” is kind of a wink, wink — say no more,’ Reid Hoffman, a venture capitalist told the New Yorker magazine.

‘Once you’ve done the Masonic handshake, they’ll be, like: “Oh, you know, I have a broker who sells old ICBM [intercontinental ballistic missile] silos, and they’re nuclear-hardened, and they kind of look like they would be interesting to live in.” ’
These brothers in paranoia don’t necessarily agree on how to survive the approaching cataclysm. Antonio Garcia Martinez, a former Facebook product manager, bought five wooded acres on an island off America’s north Pacific coast.

For this refuge, he brought in solar panels, power generators and thousands of rounds of ammunition.
He chose the spot because it’s far from cities — but not completely remote, as ‘one guy alone’ couldn’t hope to stand up to a ‘roving mob’. One would need to set up a ‘local militia’ with others, he says. And when you have your hundred or so acres of land, what do you put there? 

Post-apocalypse design for the money-no-object brigade tends to involve creating a home with a huge bomb-proof basement. The home must be self-contained, not only ‘off the grid’ (with its own power and water supplies), but with tanks for raising tilapia — a hardy, fast-growing fish — to eat, and facilities in which to grow vegetables hydroponically without soil.
Naturally, property developers are eagerly capitalising on such concerns. The Survival Condo Project, a former underground nuclear missile silo in Kansas, has been converted into a 15- storey luxury apartment complex with a pool, gym, classroom and a miniature hospital.

It also has ground-level security cameras, electric fences, an on-site armoury, a sniper post and even a prison cell in which to put unwanted visitors. Instead of windows, giant LED screens show live pictures of the prairie above.

Its creators, who’ve sold all 14 of the $3m homes and are developing a string of new sites, say it can sustain 70 people indefinitely. That is, as long as they can put up with living in what a visitor compared to a well-furnished submarine — silent and rather oppressive.
Project boss Larry Hall says he gets more phone inquiries every time North Korea tests a bomb.

His team promise to send a Pit-Bull VX armoured truck to collect a resident from within a 400-mile radius of the silo.
Others prefer to put their own plans in place. Reddit founder Huffman says he realised a motorbike would be a necessity after watching the disaster film Deep Impact, in which people try to flee a tsunami caused by a comet-strike, clogging the streets so cars are brought to a standstill.

All this panic among the super-rich begs an obvious question: what do they know that the rest of us don’t?
Certainly, preparing for the Apocalypse has been a multi-billion dollar business for many years.
Polls have shown around 22 per cent of Americans believe the world will ‘end’ in their lifetime. Many right-wingers were convinced that Barack Obama would start a civil war by trying to seize citizens’ guns.

Now, there’s the unpredictable Donald Trump to disturb their dreams. More than 13,000 Americans registered to buy a home in New Zealand — 17 times the usual rate — in the week after he was elected president.

There are TV shows about so-called preppers, a survivalist radio network and disaster readiness conventions. There are estate agents dedicated to the task, scouting out easily defendable properties, and even ‘Doomsday dating’ sites such as Survivalist Singles (motto: ‘You don’t have to face the future alone’).

But why are the country’s most privileged people, protected by immense wealth, quite so in fear?
For it is believed that at least 50 per cent of Silicon Valley billionaires have taken out so-called ‘apocalypse insurance’ by finding a refuge at home or abroad. Reluctant to admit the truth, they often describe it as a holiday home, so it’s difficult to know whether or not Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg bought a 750-acre estate in Hawaii ‘just in case’.

Similarly, his fellow tech billionaire Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle, who has not only bought 98 per cent of Hawaii’s sixth largest island, Lanai, but — handily — its own airline.
Of course there is the possibility that these fretting tech wizards’ prescience is justified. For many have made their fortunes out of predicting mankind’s dependence on digital gadgets and so we should respect their Doomsday hunches. Survivalists say the first signs of crisis often appear on internet chat forums, as they reportedly did before the 2008 financial crash.

Yishan Wong, another Silicon Valley multi-millionaire who has had eye surgery in readiness for a world without opticians, argues that techie types see risk in a clear-headed way. An apocalypse may be a remote possibility but, if you have money to burn, it’s ‘logical’ to take out insurance, he says.

A less flattering theory is that they’re simply bored nerds who long for adventure and fantasise about a future in which they’ll be a woman-magnet cross between apocalyptic hero Mad Max and environmentally friendly chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. 
Yes, they are buying Weapons  minusculespooked Liberals and Progressives are Arming Themselves,,,,,,  smallroflmao They're more a Danger To themselves than anyone else.
Read the rest of the article and see the pictures here: Source

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  Cigar-Shaped UFO Found In A Moon Crater
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 02-04-2017, 04:10 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (12)

[Image: 700_944cb24e2467a2338eaa9b7e6dbd396c.jpg?v=1486213758]

Quote:William Rutledge is well known in UFO research circles for the extraordinary claims he made about his work for NASA on the Apollo missions. Rutledge alleged that he was part of the crew on the top secret Apollo 20 mission which deployed a team of astronauts to the surface of the Moon to investigate the Delporte crater.

The Delporte crater had been the site of an alien craft crash and NASA and the government of the United States were keen to recover their technology. They discovered ample technological components which was later put to use in America’s own military industrial project and the bodies of two alien creatures, one of whom appeared to be alive.

Does Google Earth footage of the Delporte Crater confirm the UFO story? 

Quote:Rutledge and the rest of the team were sworn to secrecy by the United States government but he made the bold decision to break his silence when he was in his late 70s. At this time, he was retired and living with his wife in the African country of Rwanda and did not believe that his safety or his livelihood would be endangered by his revelations at that time.

Rutledge proceeded to record his story on videos which he uploaded to YouTube. They were promptly removed by persons unknown, presumably the Central Intelligence Agency. Rutledge told that prominent UFO research Scott Waring that he was frightened and intimidated by the speed of the CIA’s reaction but he refused to be silence. Instead, he uploaded the videos to a smaller content platform similar to YouTube. These videos lasted a little longer but were also removed promptly by state agents. During the brief period that they were online, they were downloaded and duplicated by a number of individuals who brought the public’s attention to Rutledge’s sensational story. For his trouble, Rutledge was subjected to a long-standing public campaign of ridicule.

But despite the attempts to silence, discredit and humiliate Rutledge, there were many people who believed his story. Therefore when Google made satellite images of the lunar surface available to the public view they decided to scour the surface in search of the enormous ship Rutledge described. What UFO researchers discovered when assessing the Delporte Crater appeared to vindicate Rutledge’s story. The images recovered clearly show a cigar-shaped vessel of approximately 3000 metres in length.

Following the dissemination of these images, Google sprang into action and removed the zoom option for this particular portion of the Moon. The swiftness with which the government and their corporate allies have acted to keep the public from viewing anything related to the Apollo 20 mission has only served to bolster the integrity of Rutledge’s original story. If there was no truth in his story, they wouldn’t be making such a phenomenal effort to cover it up.

Date of discovery: 1970s

Location of discovery: Delporte Crater, Earths moon

Google coordinates: 18°39'5.09"S 117°36'19.46"E


There, you have the coordinates.  If anyone here has Google Earth, please go look this up and let me know if you see anything.

I can't confirm whether this story is true. I've read things about the secret missions of the Apollo 18, 19, and  20 missions, but who knows?

What I can confirm is that it was in the latter part of the 1970's when I had my encounter of a cigar-shaped craft that floated just above the top of my car, and this one in the video below fits the description closer than any others I've seen in pictures to date.
The exception would be the one I saw didn't have pointed ends like this one; it looked more like the tips had been cut off and a big round light was in place at each end. One blinked orange-red, and the other blinked green as it flipped end over end twirling through the night sky. It finally came to rest floating, similar to a blimp, with one of the lights pointing down to the ground while shining a white light to the surface as it went right beside my car.

So... who am I to say this man's story is false? It could be just as true as my own.
I would like to know if anyone sees this on Google Earth for personal verification. 

Can you please let me know?
  Also, this could verify the alleged story of Apollo 20 being true.

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  Police raids in Paris after 'terrorist' shot by soldier at Louvre.
Posted by: BIAD - 02-04-2017, 10:14 AM - Forum: Europe - No Replies

Police raids in Paris after 'terrorist' shot by soldier at Louvre.

'Suspect Abdullah Reda Refaei al-Hamamy is Egyptian and had only been in
France for a matter of days before the attack.

Several police raids have been conducted in Paris after a "terrorist" tried to enter 
the Louvre museum carrying machetes.

The suspect has been identified as 29-year-old Abdullah Reda Refaei al-Hamamy,
who lives in the United Arab Emirates but is originally from Egypt, according to
security sources.
He was shot five times after lunging at four French soldiers outside the Paris landmark.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1178]

The assailant shouted "Allahu Akbar" while holding a machete in each hand,
and prosecutors said he was hovering between life and death after being subdued
by one of the patrolmen.

A raid was carried out last night at an apartment near the tree-lined Champs-Elysees
where cash, an Egyptian passport, and a driver's licence issued by the UAE were

It is believed the suspect arrived in France on 26 January after acquiring a one-month
tourist visa in Dubai. Parisian prosecutor Francois Molins said the suspect had bought
two military machetes at a gun store in Paris on 28 January, and it is believed that the 
attacker's return flight to Dubai was scheduled for tomorrow.

The man was wearing a black T-shirt adorned with a skull design when he targeted the
soldiers, and apparently became violent when he was told he could not enter the Louvre
with his bags.

No explosives were found in his backpack, which only contained cans of spray paint...'

Just another regular day.

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  John McCain, Paul Ryan Funded By George Soros.
Posted by: BIAD - 02-03-2017, 02:41 PM - Forum: Political News and more - No Replies

John McCain, Paul Ryan Funded By George Soros.

'Senator John McCain, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio all received generous funding
from George Soros in 2016, and McCain’s financial association with the globalist
billionaire dates back to at least 2001, according to a new report by OpenSecrets.Org

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1172]

The non-profit, non-partisan research group based in Washington, D.C., that tracks
the effects of money and lobbying on elections and public policy, revealed that while
George Soros is responsible for funding Democrats and progressive causes,
he has also bankrolled Senator John McCain and a small but select group of other

Unsurprisingly, all of the names revealed to receive funding from George Soros
have a track record of opposition to President Trump.

Joining Sen. John McCain, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio on the
Soros payroll-of-shame are fellow Republicans John Kasich, Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
and Carlos Curbelo (R-FL).

As Senator McCain continues attacking the policies of President Trump,
his long-standing, but little-known association with globalist billionaire George
Soros is receiving new attention among his Republican critics.

It has been revealed that McCain has been sucking on the Soros tit for over 15 years.

In 2001, McCain founded the Alexandria, Va.-based Reform Institute as a vehicle
to receive funding from George Soros’ Open Society Institute and Teresa Heinz
Kerry’s Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations.

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