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  Living in the Ancient Times.
Posted by: guohua - 06-15-2018, 06:27 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

I find this topic to be interesting.
I'll attach videos for your learning enjoyment.

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  Berkeley declares
Posted by: guohua - 06-14-2018, 05:34 AM - Forum: Man Made Disasters - Replies (1)

I put this thread in the "Man Made Disaster" area because,,,,, The Berkeley City Council is Blaming All Of YOU and wishes to propose Depopulation of us "The Undesirables" the Heal Mother Earth,,,,,, Yes, they should stat in California,,, the Berkeley Area!

Quote:Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' worse than World War II, demands 'humane' population control
What Exactly is Humane Population Control,,, they already have Abortion Clinics!

Quote:The Berkeley City Council on Tuesday night declared what it called a "climate emergency" with more global significance than World War II, and called for an immediate effort to "humanely stabilize population" and "reverse ecological overshoot."

The resolution, which invokes the global conflict between the Axis and Allies, charges that Americans bear an "extraordinary responsibility to solve the crises" facing the environment.

"[D]uring World War II, the Bay Area came together across race, age, class, gender and other differences in an extraordinary regional mobilization, building and repairing Liberty ships, converting car assembly plants into tank manufacturing facilities," the resolution reads.
A similar effort is necessary today to confront an even greater threat, according to the document.

"[W]e can rise to the challenge of the greatest crisis in history by organizing politically to catalyze a national and global climate emergency effort, employing local workers in a mobilization effort building and installing renewable energy infrastructure," the resolution says.

More than 60 million people died during World War II, according to most estimates -- a huge portion of the global population.

But according to the Berkeley City Council, another thinning of the herd might be needed.

The resolution notes that "reversing ecological overshoot and halting the sixth mass extinction requires an effort to preserve and restore half Earth’s biodiversity in interconnected wildlife corridors and to humanely stabilize population."

Yes, Yes, Yes, This is California Elite Craziness,,,, You need to read the article here: [url=http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/13/berkeley-declares-climate-emergency-worse-than-world-war-ii-demands-humane-population-control.html]Source
 and watch the short video.

And the Follow-up article: ”Berkeley Declares Official Millennial Castration Day, Thousands of Beta Males Line Up for Procedure”  smallgreenbananadancer

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  Well done Singapore for acting as hosts for the USA/NK/SK peace summit talks.
Posted by: OmegaLogos - 06-13-2018, 04:42 PM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (3)

Explanation: In all the excitement the gracious neutral host country of Singapore seems to have been overlooked and I for one would like to commend them FIRST before I go posting other threads about Mr President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un's part in the peace summit talks.

Well Done Singapore!!! minusculebeercheers

You are the literal neutral rock that this USA/NK/SK peace deal has been struck and signed upon and I thank you for boldly hosting this historic event! tinysure

Personal Disclosure: I'd be willing to call Singapore the Switzerland of Asia and I wonder if my fellow members would also agree to that definition?

If you agree that my opinion is worthy then please feel free to add anything that you would like to say positive about Singapore's part in the historic momentous occasion.

If you don't agree that my opinion is worthy then please detail why I am wrong.


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  If You Go Down To The Woods Today... Or 3 Years Ago!
Posted by: BIAD - 06-13-2018, 08:53 AM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (1)


Chilling footage shows ‘mystery 7ft beast chasing dog in woods in front of shocked owner’.

The eerie clip, thought to be filmed in America, shows the pooch barking at something in an woods
before a seven-foot 'werewolf' leaps from the ground and chases the pet through the trees.

'Eerie video shows the moment a dog is attacked by a giant mystery beast.
The clip shows the pooch barking at something in a woods before a seven-foot 'werewolf' leaps from
the ground and chases the pet through the trees.

A man filming, believed to be the dog owner screams "hey, hey, hey" in panic as the creature pounces.
It grabs hold of the mutt and there is a loud scream before the chilling video cuts out.
It is not known what happened to the dog or the human.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3931]
[Image: attachment.php?aid=3932]

The clip was posted on Nv Tv's YouTube channel and has been watched more than 3,000 times.
Some claim the video proves the legend of the dogman -a half wolf, half human who stalks the dense
forests of northern America.

One viewer remarked: "Is that a dire wolf from Game of Thrones?"
Another said: "Whatever that thing is -it should be extinct!"
But others criticised the owner, claiming it was irresponsible to let the dog chase wolf, and being critical
of them for filming the drama.

One commented: "Who lets their dog chase a wolf and films it, knowing the wolf could kill his dog in a split
second. Moron." The beast in the video is probably a large black wolf or black timber wolf, which can grow
up to 6.5ft in length.

Last month, a bizarre wolf-like creature was found in Montana leaving wildlife experts baffled as to what it is...'
The Sun:

What the illustrious rag forgets to mention is that this footage is three years old.
Basically, it's a filler.

Gosh, Journalists lie!

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  Soldier Who Listed Korean POW Deaths in 1950s
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 06-12-2018, 07:44 PM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - No Replies

Years ago during the Korean war Wayne "Johnnie" Johnson was captured along with 758 others and imprisoned there.
During that time he secretly recorded the names of 496 fellow prisoners who had died during their captivity. Without this list we may never have known all the names of those brave men.

Thanks to President Trump's administration's efforts for peace in NK/SK, the remains of the soldiers still over there will be returned home.

May they never be forgotten.  

Quote:WASHINGTON — Through four harsh summers and three brutal winters in North Korea, the "Tiger Group" of American POWs wasted away. Some froze. Some starved. Some were executed.
In all, about 500 of the original 758 captives died.

Secretly, almost miraculously, one survivor recorded each loss:
Wayne "Johnnie" Johnson, an 18-year-old private first class, six days at the war front, when North Koreans captured him and hundreds of soldiers of the Army's 24th Infantry Division in July 1950 near Chochiwon, South Korea.
Now 64 and living in Phoenix, Johnson talks uneasily of how he defiantly documented death for more than three years as a prisoner of war. It was a painful experience that left permanent physical and psychological scars on the young man from Lima, Ohio.
In tiny handwriting, he clandestinely recorded each death, including about 100 during a nine-day "death march" in November 1950 along the Yalu River. Most were soldiers. Some were civilians, a few nuns, a Korean boy the guys called Johnny.
[Image: pixel.gif]
First on Johnson's initial list were three or four fellow prisoners killed by an American warplane that strafed the small building in which they were held shortly after being captured. Stirred by the frightening, fatal wounds those men suffered, Johnson decided he should keep track of the deaths he would witness.

About 1 1/2 years later the "Tiger Group," as they called themselves, was put in a POW camp along the Yalu River. In October 1951, Johnson copied his notes scribbled on scrap paper onto a few small sheets he stole from the camp's Chinese guards. He used stolen ink, which he mixed with soot to make it last longer. A stolen pen point was attached to a piece of sugar cane.
[Image: pixel.gif]
When he wasn't adding to the list, Johnson kept it in a mud wall of his prison shack until a guard found it. Johnson recalls the Chinese camp commander's reaction.

"He threatened me. He hit me with the butt of his pistol," Johnson said. The officer pummeled Johnson about the neck, arms and head with a stiff leather whip and assured him he would never return home if he broke the rules again.
Unbeknownst to the Chinese, however, Johnson had kept a second copy of his list hidden in an empty space beneath his shack's floor.

In August 1953, the Red Cross gave prisoners being repatriated the next day a small green cloth bag of toiletries that included a metal tube of toothpaste. Johnson washed out the toothpaste, rolled up his list and hid it in the tube. Soon he was aboard the USS Black, headed across the Pacific for home.

"The List," as Johnson's tattered tabulation of tragedy has been dubbed, came to light in the Defense Department after Sgt. Victoria Bingham, an Army researcher dealing with Korean War POWs, got wind of what Johnson did. She caught up with him in 1995 at a reunion of former POWs in Sacramento.

Johnson had shared his list with Army debriefers after the war, but some of the information fell through the cracks and was not passed to victims' families.
Officials at Bingham's office, which is in charge of accounting for servicemen missing from the Korean and other wars, are using Johnson's list to cross-check their incomplete database.

Johnson is proud of his Silver Star but still is haunted by memories. He said he relives a horrifying moment of the 1950 death march.

On the morning of Nov. 1, a North Korean colonel the prisoners called "Tiger" halted the procession. He climbed atop a dirt mound and ordered 1st Lt. Cordus Thornton of Dallas to join him. The colonel wanted to show the prisoners the price they would pay if they straggled and slowed up the march.

"He put his pistol to [Thornton's] head and shot him," Johnson said. "It splattered his skull and brains on us right there in the front row. That stays with you a long time."

Here is a website that lists all the names on Johnson's list:  Korean War POW/MIA

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  5-Minute Management Course
Posted by: 727Sky - 06-11-2018, 01:13 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Quote:Lesson 1:
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings.
The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.
When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor.
Before she says a word, Bob says, 'I'll give you $800 to drop that towel..'
After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob, after a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.
The woman wraps back up in the towel and
goes back upstairs.

When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, 'Who was that?'
'It was Bob the next door neighbor,' she replies. 'Great,' the husband says, 'did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?'

Moral of the story:
If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.

Lesson 2:
A priest offered a Nun a lift.
She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg.
The priest nearly had an accident
After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg..
The nun said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?'
The priest removed his hand But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again.The nun once again said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?'
The priest apologized 'Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.'
Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way.
On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, 'Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.'

Moral of the story:
If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.
Lesson 3:
A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.
They rub it and a Genie comes out.
The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.''Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas , driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.'Puff! She's gone.
'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii , relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.'
Puff! He's gone.
'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager.The manager says, 'I want those two back in the office after lunch.'
Moral of the story:
Always let your boss have the first say.
Lesson 4:
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing.
A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and do nothing?'The eagle answered: 'Sure, why not.'
So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Moral of the story:
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
Lesson 5:
A turkey was chatting with a bull.
'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.''Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the bull. They're packed with nutrients.'
The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree
The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.
Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.
He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.
Moral of the story:
Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there..

Lesson 6:

A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field.
While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him.
As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was.
The dung was actually thawing him out!
He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate..
Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.
Morals of the story:
(1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
[i](2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend..

(3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep your mouth shut!

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  Iraq's Election & The Dangers of Matches.
Posted by: BIAD - 06-11-2018, 11:14 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (3)

'Iraq ballot warehouse hit by blaze as country prepares for recount'

No way Pedro... no way. It's just a coincidence.

Quote:'A fire has torn through Iraq's largest ballot warehouse, ahead of a controversial recount prompted by allegations of fraud.
A column of dark smoke was seen rising above the Al-Russafa district of Baghdad, where around 60% of the capital's two
million eligible voters are believed to have cast their ballots in May.

Firefighters were struggling to stop the flames even two hours into the blaze, as staff ran back and forth from the warehouse
carrying blue and white ballot boxes. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi suggested it had been a deliberate attempt to harm
his country's democratic processes.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3915]

"Burning election warehouses... is a plot to harm the nation and its democracy," he said.
"We will take all necessary measures and strike with an iron fist all who undermine the security of the nation and its citizens."

Iraq's election, held on 12 May, was won by a coalition led by populist Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, in a surprise result that
pushed out political establishment figures. But the results have been marred by allegations of fraud, levelled by veteran
politicians fronted by Salim al-Juburi, the parliamentary speaker.

No timetable has been announced for the recount, which will take place at all polling stations.

Intelligence services say that tests of electronic voting machines produced varied results, implying the tools may be unreliable.
Officials said that Sunday's fire did not damage ballot boxes, which were in an adjacent room, but that voting machines and
other electronic equipment were destroyed.

"Election material, including maybe ballot boxes, were burned but most of the ballot boxes were stored in another building
and have been preserved," interior ministry spokesperson General Saad Maan said.
Less than half of Iraq's population took part in last month's election in what was widely interpreted as a show of disillusionment
with established elites - a trend further demonstrated in the swing to Mr al-Sadr's coalition.

It is this old guard clamouring for a recount: the outgoing parliament also voted to annul ballots of displaced Iraqis and sacked
the nine-member independent commission that oversaw the vote.
Mr al-Sadr, who emerged as a kingmaker in the elections, has a chequered and sometimes violent past which has included
targeting both foreign troops and Sunni Iraqis with violence.

But he has more recently positioned himself as an Iraqi nationalist, critical of both Iranian and American influence and sectarian
conflicts in Iraq, and forming diverse alliances with communists, Sunnis and independents...'

Sheesh, where's the Russians when you need 'em. They're supposed to be ace at election-rigging, Hillary and James said so.

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  Creepy Ghost
Posted by: guohua - 06-11-2018, 05:57 AM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (7)

Creepy Ghost or Playful Spirits?

I believe in the afterlife and Spirits.
Some are Helpful and some are Not, some are just plain Mean and Nasty as they were in Life.
Most are confused and scared because they are fairly new souls and inexperienced.
But here for your viewing pleasure.

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  June's Loch Ness Sighting.
Posted by: BIAD - 06-10-2018, 09:36 PM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (9)

Good old Nessie hits the headlines again ready for the beginning of June.

Ridicule it or not, there's something in the water.

(From The Daily Record)

Quote:Loch Ness Monster filmed 'frolicking' about in water for 10 minutes by spotter.

Eoin O’Faodhagain was given a "terrific shock" after appearing to capture
Nessie diving down before resurfacing.

'Of all history's greatest questions - who killed JFK? was the moon landing faked?
who shot Phil Mitchell? -none is more mysterious than 'is the Loch Ness Monster real?'.

Well a fan says he has an answer after filming the mythical beast frolicking about in the
waters of the famous Loch for 10 minutes... allegedly.

Eoin O’Faodhagain was given a "terrific shock" after appearing to capture Nessie diving
down before resurfacing. The clip has been accepted by the Official Loch Ness Monster
Sightings Register, according to The Mirror.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3914]

Nessie watcher Eoin, 53, from Co Donegal, Northern Ireland, said: “I couldn’t believe my eyes
and started recording it on my phone.
“It was certainly something big. It dived down and up again and dived and disappeared.
"It was not a boat. I would say it was Nessie.”

Gary Campbell, keeper of the sightings register, said: “As far as Nessie footage goes, this
is a feature film. "Normally you only get videos of one or two seconds. It is remarkable in its length.
"Clearly it is something that dives in and out of the surface with water splashes and reflections.
"The object would be no larger than 20ft.”

The news comes just days before DNA sampling on fragments of skin and scales collected from
the loch in the Scottish Highlands...'

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Posted by: guohua - 06-09-2018, 11:20 PM - Forum: America's President D. Trump - Replies (4)

Most of you will like the Headlines and then again, there are the Few you will Cry, Kick Their Feet and Scream!
Go to your Safe Place and Hug Your pillow and Puppy,,,,,, This is NOT Your Year, or Next Year or the Following next 6 years.

Quote:TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies
GiantThumbsUp  It's only going to get better. Go have your Diapers Changed,,, Snowflake!
[Image: trump-approval-rating--600x327.jpg]

Quote:On June 9, 2010 Barack Obama’s approval number was 46% on the Rasmussen poll.
President Trump’s approval number is at 47% according to Rasmussen today.

Again…. That is with 90% extremely negative coverage for President Trump!

Now to put the Icing on the Cake,, This headline should make everyone Happy,,,,who knows the truth about the evil Corrupt left and who is funding it.


Quote:George Soros recently lamented the rise of President Trump and anti-establishment parties across the globe, saying “everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong.”
Soros made the comment in an interview with The Washington Post published Saturday. He also said that he did not expect Trump’s election, saying, “Apparently, I was living in my own bubble.”
The activist billionaire also made the bizarre claim that President Trump would be “willing to destroy the world.”
Soros has become known for using his immense wealth to influence politics in the United States and around the world.

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