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  Self explanatory
Posted by: PLOTUS - 03-08-2021, 12:54 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (2)


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  Has anyone watched?
Posted by: guohua - 03-06-2021, 07:13 PM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (2)

This is just Weird.
Yes, I agree Antarctica is a strange place and there may very well be something there but,,,,, this video is just full of people claiming really Weird Stuff.

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  California is just Fucked-Up
Posted by: guohua - 03-06-2021, 04:40 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (167)

Yes that is My Opinion of the State of California and the Liberal Looney's that live there.
Why, you may ask?
Just read the Headlines.

Quote:California would ban boys and girls sections at big retailers under proposed law

They just can not leave people alone to live life and shop the way you want.

Quote:California’s large retailers would have to do away with boy and girl signage for toys and child care aisles, under a bill being considered by state lawmakers.
Assembly Bill 1084 would require retailers with 500 or more employees “to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the Legislative Counsel’s digest of the bill.
The bill would also prohibit the use of signage to indicate whether a particular child care item or toy is for boys or girls. Online retailers with a physical presence in California would be required to label their toy and child care sections in a unisex or gender neutral way.

The bill, which if passed would go into effect Jan. 1, 2024, contains a provision to punish violating retailers with a $1,000 civil penalty.
The bill is co-authored by Assemblyman Evan Low, D-Campbell, who chairs the California Legislative LGBT Caucus, and Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, D-Bell Gardens, who chairs the California Legislative Women’s Caucus.


Yeah, Transgender people, we don't care if you shop in any section you want, you should not let your leaders force their ideas of a better world on others.

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  US Navy UFO Patents
Posted by: 727Sky - 03-06-2021, 01:41 PM - Forum: Aviation Developments - Replies (7)

Interesting back ground on the NAVY Patents

For those who remember the discussions on the Patents on some really neat tech the Navy forced through the US Patent Office here is a video which goes more in depth on the Patents in an easily understood break down. The gravity wave generator would be one of the bigger inventions if it can be made/demonstrated ...??

Is this all a PSYOP for our perceived enemies or have we finally discovered stuff that really will change the world ?

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Star Stand By - Needed Soon - COVID19(84) -Climate19(84) -Carbon19(84) -Lockdowns
Posted by: xuenchen - 03-06-2021, 02:24 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (3)

[Image: Gretta-1.png]
Get ready folks as your government will soon need to mandate rolling lockdowns to meet those climate change goals outlined in the Paris Agreements !!

The brain thinking is fossilized !!

The Carbon Credit Certificates of Deposit will be "Price-Adjusted" !!

Mankind needs to over-ride and cancel any and all natural occurring climate adjustments !!

Can we do it ?? We MUST do it !!

All the experts with French and German sounding names can't be wrong or financially influenced can they ?

"Conform-to-Compensate" Lockdowns must be necessary for nations not complying !!

tinylaughing tinylaughing tinylaughing

Quote:Carbon dioxide emissions need to fall by the equivalent of a lockdown every two years to save the planet, climate scientists have claimed.

The claim derives from a paper in the journal Nature Climate Change titled ‘Fossil CO2 emissions in the post-COVID-19 era’.

According to the abstract:

Five years after the adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement, growth in global CO2emissions has begun to falter. The pervasive disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic have radically altered the trajectory of global CO2 emissions. Contradictory effects of the post-COVID-19 investments in fossil fuel-based infrastructure and the recent strengthening of climate targets must be addressed with new policy choices to sustain a decline in global emissions in the post-COVID-19 era.

In short, the nations of the world will need to do much, much more if they are to meet the CO2emissions reduction targets set out by the Paris Climate Agreement. This is predicated on the idea that by keeping global industrial CO2emissions below a certain level, mankind will somehow tweak the global temperature control knob to such effect that planetary warming will be kept within a supposedly safe range of “1.5 °C to well below 2 °C.”

LINK-->  Delingpole: Lockdown Equivalent Every Two Years to Save Planet, Claim ‘Experts’

"We and CO2 vill conquer zi Vorld !!"
[Image: Sheri-Moon-Zombie1.jpg]

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Sad Analyze This - House Bill H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021 - unConstitutional
Posted by: xuenchen - 03-05-2021, 02:25 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (2)

The U.S. House has passed a wild Bill called H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021

It's a big Brother Federal Voting Bill that seems to attempt an override of many State Laws.

Could be a huge unConstitutional slap at total Democrat control of the entire voting illegal systems.

Read this Bill and find out what your fate as an American might become !!

Keep in mind this is heavily endorsed by Nancy Pelosi AND Hillary Clinton !!

All kinds of vote fraud tools included !! tinylaughing tinylaughing

Quote:H. R. 1

To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.

LINK-->  H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021

Quote:House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday celebrated the House passing H.R. 1, which the GOP warns will federalize state elections and lead to greater distrust in the U.S. election system, branding it as key to curbing “misinformation” on Democrat priorities such as climate change and gun control.

“We are so pleased with the actions taken by the House of Representatives last night,” Pelosi told reporters at her Thursday press conference, stating that lawmakers made a “giant step for democracy.”

The Speaker claimed that the legislation will “protect the right to vote” by removing “obstacles of participation” — a likely reference to the measure’s federal takeover of state voting procedures, particularly overriding state voter ID laws.

LINK-->  Pelosi Praises H.R. 1 as Means to Curb ‘Misinformation’ on Climate Change, Gun Control

Quote:Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Thursday that the U.S. has a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” in H.R. 1, a bill reshaping election rules which the House passed late Wednesday evening.

“My friend John Lewis said, ‘The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have in a democratic society.’ We now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect it,” Clinton said, calling on the Senate to pass the For the People Act:

LINK-->  Hillary Clinton: Democrats’ Election Transformation Bill Is ‘Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity’

[Image: Girl-Sassy-sm.gif]

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  Chit Chat will have to work
Posted by: PLOTUS - 03-04-2021, 06:21 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (18)

I have been here a few months now and in the course of that time, I have noticed/discovered that many of our members are not US Citizens. I'm all for anybody joining in at Rogue Nation and am amazed daily at the  amount of information coming through here (RN3) that likely has not hit the Media here in the US yet. and the astute level of accurate and informative information our members actually possess. 

If you would like to disclose your Country of origin feel free, and if not it will be readily understood. Who knows it might be dangerous to offer such info to the world, who knows, with TPTB watching over us  plebeians. 
It's a poll of sorts you could say. Purely voluntary for the purpose of making a sad point really. Our (US Citizens ) Apathy when  it comes to our freedoms/country/efforts to preserve..... and simple knowledge we should have.

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  Democrats Pushing to Permanently Rig Elections?
Posted by: 727Sky - 03-04-2021, 02:02 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (4)


Quote:[Image: 44416ace-cf91-43de-bf55-5360031687d0.jpg]Source: AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Democrats are great at naming bills the reverse of what they really do. Pretty much anything they say, know they are actively working toward the opposite and the bills they push try to codify it into law. Such is the case with the harmless sounding “For the People Act.” What it really does is federalize elections in a way so as to rig all future elections for Democrats.
The most famous example of this Orwellian naming of bills is the “Affordable Care Act.” It caused at least 5 million Americans to lose the health insurance they liked and raised premiums and deductibles to the point that people effectively had no health insurance for tens of millions more. But it was hardly the last example of the fraudulent naming of legislation and the lies Democrats tell about it.
The latest COVID relief bill, called the “American Rescue Plan,” has little to do with rescuing anyone who isn’t a Democrat Party donor or interest group, with only a tiny percentage of the almost $2 trillion having anything tangentially related to COVID. The rest is pay-offs to unions, Silicon Valley, Democrats who’ve run their state’s economy into the ground, and everyone else in the progressive coalition. The “Equality Act” strips Americans of their religious freedoms and female athletes of their rights to compete fairly. 
And now we have the “For the People Act,” which Democrats insist will “expand voting rights” and “secure future elections.” It does nothing of the sort.

What FPA does is federalize elections, taking power away from states and has Washington setting the rules. And by Washington, I mean Democrats.
Nationwide automatic voter registration, vote by mail, ballot harvesting, stripping voter ID laws, felons voting, and federal standards for drawing Congressional districts are just a few of the provisions the left has crammed into this abomination. If you wanted to corrupt all future elections, you couldn’t do it more efficiently than the FPA does it.
If people can’t bring themselves to do the simple task of registering to vote, they shouldn’t vote. You almost have to actively avoid registering, but if it’s automatic, the pool of people not voting grows significantly. With the mail in ballot provision, that leaves a lot of ballots that won’t be filled out by the legal recipient but could easily be filled out by someone else. 
There would be no signature verification, making discarded or stolen ballots as good as cash on the black market. We’ve all seen pictures of stacks of ballots mailed to apartment complexes just sitting around or tossed into the trash. That’s gold for political hacks. Given the “walking around money” Democrats are famous for, buying ballots to be filled out later from people would become a new sport. 
If you can get your hands on the mailed ballots of people who didn’t register, have no history or intention of voting, and no signature verification because they never filled out a voter registration card, it would make rooting out fraud nearly impossible. The only way to invite more fraud would be to allow Democrats to print ballots. 

Democrats have also included federalizing the drawing of Congressional districts. Leftists have railed for years against gerrymandering, the drawing of districts to favor one party over the other. They point out where Republicans have done it, but ignore places like Maryland, where the former Democrat Governor admitted under oath that he drew those lines explicitly to eliminate as many GOP seats as possible. It worked, Maryland went from three Republicans in the House to one under the new districts, and the one only survived because they couldn’t find a way to marginalize all the Republicans in the state.
Matt Vespa
Democrats draw their lines based on race, assuming only someone with the same skin color or ethnicity can represent people – the concept of us all being Americans be damned. The FPA incentivizes more of this because racism is their bread and butter.
Everything in the FPA is specifically designed to advantage fraud and Democrats, and it’s couched as how they present everything – as being in the name of “justice.” It’s every bit the lie everything else they do or say is. 
It’s really an attempt to cement a permanent majority for Democrats, by any means necessary. It will easily pass the House, it is in the Senate where the real fight will be. Joe Biden will sign anything his handlers put in front of him, which means the fight over killing the filibuster is about to heat up again. Sharpen your elbows and get ready, because this one is for all the marbles.

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  Spring time bad weather and more
Posted by: 727Sky - 03-04-2021, 01:32 PM - Forum: Forces of Nature - Replies (4)

Take it for what it is worth regardless of the global warming alarmist. Wouldn't it be weird if all they say is exactly opposite what is going on.. IMO we can stand hot... but cold and no crops in the past has lead to many many bad things for humanity.

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Big Grin Biden says - The Last Thing We Need is Neanderthal Thinking
Posted by: xuenchen - 03-04-2021, 12:59 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (17)

In a stroke of numbskullery, Joey Biden is suspicious of States lifting the mask orders !!

Yup, Joe after some more attempts to steal Trump's vaccine policies, comes up with the statement of the week.

He has compared the mask lifting to Neanderthal thinking !!

Joe should know right roflmao

tinylaughing tinylaughing tinylaughing tinylaughing tinylaughing tinylaughing

Quote:States that are relaxing coronavirus restrictions are making "a big mistake," President Biden told reporters on Wednesday, adding: "The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking."

Driving the news: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ® said Wednesday he will end all coronavirus restrictions via executive order, although some businesses are continuing to ask patrons to wear face masks. Mississippi is lifting its mask mandate for all counties Wednesday, per Gov. Tate Reeves ®.

The big picture: Coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to fall across much of the U.S. and the Biden administration expects to produce enough vaccines for 300 million adults by the end of May.

LINK-->  "Neanderthal thinking": Biden slams states lifting mask mandates

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