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Australia Day. January 26th.
To put this post into some perspective, my Aboriginal Skin name (Family name) is Tjungula.  Basically pronounced Jungular but with a 'ch' for the 'T'.  My true love is Nungarai, boys are Jampa Jimpa and girls are Nampa Jimpa except for my youngest lady who underwent ceremony in the desert and is Yumangali.  (Princess of the Warlpiri tribe)  We are known to the Warlpiri and Pintupi aboriginals in the Tanami and Gibson deserts.

Now without going into to much depth, being a lawman in those areas I learnt much aboriginal culture and eventually taught this subject to police.  I am also the only officer that taught the first all indigenous police officer course and others.  I opened and was the OIC of the first multijurisdictional police station in Australia.  So what! Pfft.  Look for me in 'Bush Mechanics'.  

Anyway, being a child in the 60's, Australia day was special.  Cricket, BBQ's, family get together etc.  

[Image: Aust-Day.jpg]

My childhood hero was Captain James Cook.  You all know about him.  Briefly from Wiki:-

James Cook FRS (7 November 1728[NB 1] – 14 February 1779) was a British explorer, navigatorcartographer, and captain in the British Royal Navy, famous for his three voyages between 1768 and 1779 in the Pacific Ocean and to Australia in particular. He made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific, during which he achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands, and the first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand.

He landed in Australia during 1769.  May I say harmlessly.  Being the explorer he was until his demise in the islands.  Perhaps he was my reason for joining the navy and sailing the same waters.

Regardless, he was inspirational to me.  This was his statue on Australia Day.

[Image: Capt-Cook-2.jpg]


Okay, some gutless coward/s covered this statue with red paint.  Gutless is a kind word for the dirty, filthy, lowlife scumbag/s that did this.  Obviously cowards as they remain unnamed and did it during the dead of night.  Stupids don't realize the Dutch were here and mapped, landed and met with indigenous peoples on the coastline 170 years before Cook.

So this statue is in Melbourne.  Cook was nowhere near that part of Australia but as a gift Captain Cook's original cottage was gifted to Melbourne during the centenary.  Statue was later commissioned.  The statue is innocent, the dirtbag/s that did the damage are not.  Hit and run to make a statement methinks.

[Image: Capt-Cook-3.jpg]

.So lets ponder Australia Day.

   Although it was not known as Australia Day until over a century later, records of celebrations on 26 January date back to 1808, with the first official celebration of the formation of New South Wales held in 1818. On New Year's Day 1901, the British colonies of Australia formed a federation, marking the birth of modern Australia.

Also called: 
Foundation Day, Survival Day, Invasion Day
26 January
Observed by: 
Australian citizens, residents and expatriates
Date of landing of the First Fleet in Port Jackson in 1788

The first fleet in Port Jackson in 1788.  Not Cook.  He was dead by then.  Killed in the islands in 1779.  

Sure there are some that don't want Australia Day or at least have the 26th of January date moved. 

Moving the date won't solve the problem.  They'll still complain.  Just cancel the fucking date to give these fuckers something else to complain about.  Sorry isn't enough.  Well here you go stupids.  I'm sorry we are white.

Come at me with a can of red paint and I'll reply in kind but it won't be paint that colors you red in return.  

Meanwhile in Sydney today 26th Jan,

[Image: Capt-Cook-4.jpg]

I think a better statement would be light up the Opera house red.  Seeing that's where Phillip (not fuckin Cook!) landed with the 'first fleet' in 1788.  Bennelong Point.  But now 'they' celebrate it.  Real flamin double standard here.  Must be getting paid heaps.

April 25th is ANZAC day.  Next they'll be protesting that when Australians and New Zealanders 'invaded' the shores at Gallipoli.  Inclusive of indigenous soldiers/heroes from both countries.

I've climbed that sacred rock (Uluru) 2 times.  Now you're not allowed to. (might offend some) In retrospect I should've taken a can of red paint with me and painted a big red 'Bally was here' on top of the lump.  Mind you that would be vandalism, sacrilege and highly offensive.

Bye... Bye... Captain Cook, 
you parked the Endeavour by the river and your statue was dyed.
And good ol Aussies drink beer and sigh,

Singing this is where Aussie day dies.

So, there's my rant.  They can take my flag and upbringing but those sorry pricks cannot take my soul.

Kind regards,

Happy Australia Day, Bally!!

That's quite a Resume and very interesting.
It might be intriguing for RN reader to expand on what else you're familiar with in regards of
Aussie's Aboriginal culture as I find their perception of reality fascinating.
(And don't forget how they view the Yowie in their paradigm!)

Oh... and wasn't there an attempt to ban the expression 'Mate' at one time too?!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(01-26-2022, 09:43 AM)BIAD Wrote: Happy Australia Day, Bally!!

That's quite a Resume and very interesting.
It might be intriguing for RN reader to expand on what else you're familiar with in regards of
Aussie's Aboriginal culture as I find their perception of reality fascinating.
(And don't forget how they view the Yowie in their paradigm!)

Oh... and wasn't there an attempt to ban the expression 'Mate' at one time too?!

Thanks for the reply.  I can expand a bit more. And will if you think so.

Before I put sausage fingers to keys I would appreciate it the dark text could be brought to light.

Cheers and beers,


Edit S'kay, did the text.

minusculebeercheers  Salute !
(01-26-2022, 10:07 AM)Bally002 Wrote: minusculethumbsup

Thanks for the reply.  I can expand a bit more. And will if you think so.

Before I put sausage fingers to keys I would appreciate it the dark text could be brought to light.

Cheers and beers,


Edit S'kay, did the text.


Sorry for delay, mother-in-law visit day!
(My mistake, I thought you meant just the grey text)

Yes, I'm interested in Aboriginal culture and how it sits beside the more-modern culture of Caucasians.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(01-26-2022, 12:27 PM)BIAD Wrote: Sorry for delay, mother-in-law visit day!
(My mistake, I thought you meant just the grey text)

Yes, I'm interested in Aboriginal culture and how it sits beside the more-modern culture of Caucasians.

I think Australian aboriginal culture has a lot more going on than most non-Aboriginals realize. It's deep, and mostly "alien" in it's concepts to the rest of us - but it had 40,000 to 60,000 years or so to develop and mature in a direction apart from ours, and almost all of that was in isolation, apart from the directions ours were going.

I've been reading up on Aboriginal astronomical observations (there are a lot of downloadable papers on the topic at Academia). and there is a lot more there than folks realize. I'm sure I'm not even grasping the half of it. I believe Aboriginal cultures may be seen as "primitive" by us just because they are alien enough to our experience that we just can't get a handle on what IS there.

For example, I've never fully grasped the Aboriginal concept of the "Dreamtime". I'm not sure there are words in English to adequately explain it to me, and I'm nowhere near well enough versed in any of the Aboriginal languages to have it sink in properly.


It seems that statue painting is all the Leftist rage currently, worldwide. We've had a lot of it going on here, too, whenever they're not just outright tearing the statues down. It started with Confederate statues, but has now branched out to include any White Person in American history - they'll find a rationale, however far-fetched, to make such persons "racist" and justify their desecrations in their own minds.

The latest rage here is to claim that the Revolutionary War was all about black slavery, I'm not sure how much farther out into Left Field they can get, but there it is. Now they are tearing down statues of revolutionary Patriots, and installing new statues of Marxist "heros". They just installed a bust of "Dr." Huey Newton, founder of the Black Panthers, and have been extolling his "heroism". He was a murderous prick, but no matter that - they have to have SOMETHING to be proud of, even if they have to make it up, I reckon.

My son sent me a link to a thread on the topic of that statue and wanted me to go into it and kick everyone's barstool over, but I didn't. As I explained to him, after reading the thread, it became apparent that it was populated by a bunch of racist "True Believers", and there would be no arguing with them or convincing them of anything. That ain't how True Believers work. They get a notion in their head. then mob up, and will defend that notion to their death - or your death, whichever comes first -  despite the lack of any evidence for their beliefs, and in the face of evidence contradictory to those beliefs. Although it was BLM racists in the thread, using all manner of racist epithets against "whitey" and "crackers" - whitey and crackers being anyone who violated their sacred beliefs - and was the most racist collection of rants since Stormfront. Going into that would be like going to a Klan Rally and telling them that all their mommas secretly wanted to screw a black guy. It just wouldn't fly, at all, and would likely just end in a deadly dogpile.

You have to pick your battles wisely.

I did observe that the bust seems to have been installed indoors, and it's my guess they had to do that because a .308 will make a right mess of a hollow bronze head from a distance.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

A Very Happy Australian Day to you @"Bally002"  
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEXB6AF1z6__h25AHvo7R...g&usqp=CAU] [Image: 207954.gif]
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Bye Bye Miss Australian Pie . . .

Yeah, that lot of sodders are tiresome.

Wonder what would happen if people put up statues of Mao and Che just so they could be vandalized and torn apart?  Bet some hurt feelings would be rapidly apparent.

I knew an Aussie lady once.

She had worked on MacArthur's staff and later married an American officer.  Wow, she was formidable.

[Image: 14sigsepia.jpg]

Location: The lost world, Elsewhen
Enjoy the holiday  tinybiggrin

Just a word of advice on the statue thing from an American. Don't give an inch. They will never be happy. There is no end to it.

Those folks do not build anything. They create nothing and destroy everything. That is their mission.

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