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Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties
(01-21-2020, 12:39 AM)Ninurta Wrote: This one is for @"Mystic Wanderer" - it looks like even the "Space Brothers" were in attendance (keep in mind the FAA declared Richmond airspace as "National Defense Airspace", specifically banning drone flights as well):

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7025]

tinybigeyes tinybigeyes tinybigeyes

I did read where there weren't supposed to be any air traffic in the area, but I heard a helicopter flying over the city in multiple videos.
If that wasn't a helicopter, then all I can say is,  minusculethinking .
(01-21-2020, 03:11 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:  
If that wasn't a helicopter, then all I can say is,  minusculethinking .

It's not an helicopter, I took a close look at it and it's shape doesn't resemble a chopper.
Also, it's too high for a drone to be beneficial for any media optics, assuming drones are allowed
to fly in that area.

Personally, it resembles the ball-like objects I saw in Belen New Mexico and the one that flew over
my house!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(01-21-2020, 10:19 AM)BIAD Wrote:
(01-21-2020, 03:11 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:  
If that wasn't a helicopter, then all I can say is,  minusculethinking .

It's not an helicopter, I took a close look at it and it's shape doesn't resemble a chopper.
Also, it's too high for a drone to be beneficial for any media optics, assuming drones are allowed
to fly in that area.

Personally, it resembles the ball-like objects I saw in Belen New Mexico and the one that flew over
my house!

Probably one of the new Space Forces's ships.  Up there making sure everything goes smoothly. 

Maybe they came to take Northam away.  Nope, that wasn't it; he still there. 

Could be us... could be "them".   Hard to say, but someone/something was up there keeping an eye on things.
(01-21-2020, 10:19 AM)BIAD Wrote:
(01-21-2020, 03:11 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:  
If that wasn't a helicopter, then all I can say is,  minusculethinking .

It's not an helicopter, I took a close look at it and it's shape doesn't resemble a chopper.
Also, it's too high for a drone to be beneficial for any media optics, assuming drones are allowed
to fly in that area.

Personally, it resembles the ball-like objects I saw in Belen New Mexico and the one that flew over
my house!

In May of 2012 I was standing guard at an isolated location in North Carolina, and saw a string of 7 military helicopters chasing a sphere similar to that in broad daylight. The sphere they were chasing was metallic gray and about the size of the helicopter cockpits, but without the rotors, tail boom, or landing gear - just a round gray shiny ball about the size of a helicopter cockpit. I took photos, but the photos got swept up in all the thievery of my stuff that went on around my departure from NC in November 2012, so all I got out of it was this story, not even a nifty t-shirt!

Regarding this photo, air space was closed around Richmond that day, but I have no doubt that police choppers were flying, and have also noticed video of the event that could only have been gotten from a drone, despite the fact that the airspace lockdown specifically prohibited drones.

Here is a 4X enlargement of the Richmond object:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7033]

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Northam just doesn't know when to quit!

A minor update.

The sheriff's department in my county has begun giving "concealed carry" classes for free, just as they have in Tazewell County where a militia was allegedly declared. There are, I believe, 4 currently scheduled. I had intended to sign up for one, but this afternoon I was at the courthouse on an entirely unrelated matter (no, @"BIAD", I was not under questioning for the questionable dirt mounds heaped at my gate, or the possibility of the interlopers they might contain - the ground penetrating radar cleared that up pretty handily), and Grace struck up a conversation with the deputies guarding the door whilst I was roaming the corridors searching for a loo. Upon my return, I presented an old ID from, well, some former employment, and the deputy considered that it might be sufficient proof of a familiarity with firearms for a Concealed Carry Permit.

So upon his advice, I went up the elevator to a clerks office and applied, on strength of that ID. I'll know in a couple of weeks whether it was strong enough evidence of my familiarity with firearms or not. A judge has to figure it out and say yea or nay. If not, I expect a call to clear things up.

Now, I've never had a concealed carry permit, despite my background. I HAVE carried concealed for my entire life, I just never felt a need to ask anyone's permission to guard my one and only life. As a matter of fact, I considered asking permission to be counter-productive. It only gives other folks notice that you might upset their apple cart unexpectedly if they attempt to upset yours, so I've always considered it a security risk. Nowadays, however, considering the laws potentially coming down the pike, I deemed it advisable, because CCP carriers have certain privileges above and beyond the common herd regarding those laws. For example, the proposed "one handgun a month" law in Virginia exempts CCP holders.

For 14 years of that former employment, I had to endure a class once a year - EVERY year - for re-qualification with my sidearm that puts a CCP class to pale. I endured that classroom for 1/2 of the allotted time each year, and then punched holes in targets day and night for the remainder of it. Oddly perhaps, I consistently scored better shooting at night than I did in daylight, and I still don't know why. I averaged 94% daylight and 96% night on a modified FBI course - it got to the point that the instructors would run me through in the first wave so that I could be a range coach for the remainder. I even got a CCP certification one year because the instructor felt bad for wasting our time, but have since misplaced the certificate. Anyhow, I thought it advisable to put that education to use while I was at the court house today, and see if it still counts for anything.

In other news, the great state of West Virginia has up for a vote a resolution telling the Federal government to go pound salt up their collective ass regarding THEIR infringements on the Second Amendment. It says, in effect, that what happens in WV STAYS in WV, and if it does, the Feds have no goddamned say in it at all, as it is entirely a state matter. Missouri recently passed a similar or identical resolution, and I do believe either Montana or Wyoming passed it a few years back. I love WV - those folks seem to know how to defend their citizens, and allow their citizens to defend themselves. If I can't get them to annex my county out from under VA, I may have to move there. It should be a relatively easy move, as I have owned land there for over 50 years.

In still other news, I heard on the news this evening that more counties in the adjoining state of Tennessee have passed 2ndA Sanctuary resolutions. Some in WV have also passed them, and I wondered why (since the entire state is a "2ndA Sanctuary") until the recent resolution telling the Feds to mind their own damned business came up. After that, I realized their 2A resolutions in WV were aimed at the Feds rather than the locals.

Kentucky is also still on fire with the 2A fever, and is burning steady from east to west. I expect Tennessee will follow suit. It's starting to catch in adjoining North Carolina as well, but I have to wonder how far it will get there, considering the massive influx of Yankees and Illegals that have invaded there.

The war the Socialists declared on Virginia has spread to other states, and some of them are responding accordingly.

This could get messy if they don't back the hell off and tend their own damned taters, and leave us alone to tend ours as we see fit.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

As a Brit, I finally discover what an assault weapon is... or maybe I don't.

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(01-28-2020, 06:50 PM)BIAD Wrote: As a Brit, I finally discover what an assault weapon is... or maybe I don't.

Yes, another Brain Dead Politicians pushing the Agenda of the NWO Elitist and showing just how Stupidly, Clueless they Really Are.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
ALL weapons are "weapons of war" - ALL of them. Use in fighting a war is kinda what makes an implement a "weapon". I have a "Dane Axe" that was at one time the most devastating weapon available, and has been used to end more lives than the M-16 assault rifle... yet no one is calling for a ban on "assault axes".

"Assault weapons" and now in VA "assault firearms" are not real. Not even a little bit. The terms are made-up political definitions describing something a political wants to ban, not something of a particular technology or configuration. For example, an "assault rifle" IS a real thing, with a real definition based upon mechanics. An actual assault rifle is defined as a selective fire weapon that fires an intermediate cartridge. That's it, that's all. the combination of those two things define a weapon as an assault rifle, regardless of how scary or not scary it's configuration LOOKS.

An actual assault rifle does not have to have "one of those things that goes up", it does not have to have a pistol grip of any kind at any place on the weapon, it does not have to have a flash suppressor, or a muzzle break, or a bayonet lug, or anything else used to attempt to define "assault weapons". It only has to be select-fire capable (safe, semi- and full automatic selected by a switch or lever on the weapon), and fire an intermediate cartridge.

This means of course by definition that a semi-automatic weapon is not, and can not be an assault rifle, no matter how many geegaws someone attaches to it. To get around that, gun-grabbers have invented the terms "assault weapon" and "assault firearm" to apply to scary LOOKING guns, regardless of their inability to create mass mayhem due to their lack of a full auto feature.

Likewise, an actual assault rifle is NOT a "high powered weapon" - by definition, it must fire an intermediate cartridge, like the Russian 7.62x39 mm, the Russian 5.45x39mm, the American 5.56x45 NATO cartridge, etc. In the case of the 5.45 Russian and 5.56 American in particular, they are so NOT high-powered that it is illegal to use them in deer hunting in VA. Paradoxically, you CAN hunt with the 7.62 Russian, despite it's low power, because it is a .30 caliber bullet - the other two mentioned are .22 caliber bullets. Be that as it may, if a civilian semi-auto weapon fires an assault rifle cartridge common to it's military siblings, then it cannot be, by definition, "high powered" - yet they still SAY it is, to scare the masses.

The reason for the "intermediate cartridge" requirement is that back when these weapons were being developed, the Powers That Be decided it was preferable to injure enemy soldiers rather than outright kill them, because if you kill a man dead, his buddies just keep coming because there is nothing they can do for him then. if you wound him instead, that takes, on average, 4 men out of the fight - the injured man and 3 more to transport him back to safety. SO - "assault rifles" are by design low powered weapons that injure more than kill.

So, basically, "assault weapon" and "assault firearm" bans are predicated on unreasoning fear, rather than lethality. They seek to ban scary LOOKING weapons by using scary SOUNDING words, and ignore actual war technology altogether.

The guy in the video claims it takes a whole two seconds, up to "30 or 40 seconds if it's a hundred rounds" to change magazines. My suggestion to him is that if he works that slowly, he'd best stay away from war zones - he'll die in the first few seconds, after he runs his magazine dry in a panic, and then can't efficiently replace it in a timely manner due to his nervous fumbling. If it takes him more than half to 3/4 of one second to get back into the fight, he never will. Someone will drop his slack ass like a pole-axed steer.

That's why a ban on "high capacity" (actually standard capacity) magazines has been such a dismal failure. I can swap out 10 round mags all day long just as fast as I can swap out 30 round mags, and get right back into the tussle - I only have to swap them out more times, and they do nothing at all to slow me down... you just carry more of them, that's all.

All of these proposed laws are nothing but feel-good measures designed to give gullible, child-like people a false sense of security, and do nothing to address the problem of violence or violent people. Until the actual problems are addressed, blanket bans of inanimate objects are never going to reduce crime or violence.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

President Trump just mentioned during his rally speech that the governor of VA is trying to seize your guns. He said, again, it wouldn't happen while he's President. 
So, maybe he's just waiting to see how things go in the next election to see if he's voted out, or maybe he's waiting until he actually crosses the line before taking action, (which I'm sure many there feel like he has already).

Anyway, thought that might make y'all feel better. President Trump is a man of his word.
"Vexit" is taking off. matter of fact, that's the exact term they are using now - remember folks, you saw it HERE first!

I just saw a WV Representative on Tucker Carlson discussing the matter, and it's apparent that a great deal of though as to how the nuts and bolts of a transfer would work have already gone into it. He discussed matters of how licensure transfers, etc., would work, as well as what we can do as counties (short of taking up arms and daring Richmond to stop us) if the Legislature in Richmond says "no, we're not giving up your tax revenue, so just sit down and shut up, and take it, bitches!" We can take that to court and sue the state for self-determination, and likely win.

Some folks are agitating to join Kentucky instead, which I am having to lay back down as soon as they pop up - for one thing, KY has not made the offer, and WV HAS - and they have the constitutional grounds to make it happen.

The county next door - Tazewell County - scheduled a meeting on their Vexit. Find the story here. It was held this past Tuesday - here's how it went.

Don't step on us, because we will bite the living shit out of you! Virginia should consult with one Wayne Herschel and one Judy Faltskog (alias James van Greunen) to find out just how easy folks like me are to make lay down.

It don't happen until they kill us.

ETA: In other VA Second Amendment news, the House of Representatives debated the "Assault Weapons Ban" (HB 961) in committee today. They changed some of the bill, most notably removing the registration requirement for existing "assault firearms" and increasing the magazine limit from 10 rounds to 12 (that right there is just a feel-good smoke screen - I've never seen or heard of a 12 round AR magazine). Mere possession of a standard capacity AR magazine - even without the AR to fit it to - would suddenly become a felony. This despite the fact that the California magazine ban was just declared unconstitutional last Friday. The bill passed the committee on a 12-9 party-line vote, and is going to the floor for debate and vote. When the committee passed it, some 200 Liberty Supporters started chanting the Virginia state motto of "Sic Semper Tyrannis" ("Thus Always to Tyrants"), and the chair got so scared he had the chamber cleared by the Capitol Police and Virginia State Police. Think deeply on that for a moment - simply chanting the STATE MOTTO made the gun grabbers pee themselves just a little bit. The STATE MOTTO.

Maybe they need to pass a bill to change the state motto  to something more Socialist friendly... something like "Bend over and grab your ankles, subjects!". Perhaps "comrades!" would be a better choice to end the new motto with, I dunno. I'll think about it a bit before sending off a fiery letter to the chair detailing what a pussy I think he is...

Here is the current text of HB 961 as it stands after the revisions. All of the "Assault Firearm" and "high capacity ammunition feeding device" and "silencer" mumbo jumbo is hidden at the end of it, after you've already been put to sleep by the truancy language at the beginning.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

This video is a town hall meeting held by delegate Levine, a bought and paid for Bloomberg shill, attempting to explain "assault firearms":

This fella is alleged to have been the author of HB 961, the Virginia "assault weapon" ban, but he clearly did not author it. After watching the video, witnessing his utter lack of knowledge concerning firearms, and then reading the bill, I can say with all confidence that he did not author that bill. My best guess is that it was actually written by one or several of the gun-grabber attorneys working for one of those various organizations, and then passed over already written to Levine to try to foist off on an unsuspecting electorate.

In his defense, on his Facebook page he claims only to be "carrying the bill for Governor Northam". I read many of the over 1,000 comments on that post. I did not see a single one supporting him or his legislation. Some were downright mean.

I did leave a comment of my own there. You will be pleased and gratified to know that I did not threaten anyone, nor was I my usual overly-abrasive self. Quite a number of the posters were not, however, all warm, soft, fuzzy and friendly like me! Several mentioned the word "guillotine" in connection with the bill-pushers. A great many more mentioned the word "traitor" in their posts. NONE of them that I could find mentioned anything positive, so I didn't either - I merely related that contrary to his claim that his ban would "save lives", it was far more likely to cost lives when he disarmed otherwise helpless people, who would be unable to properly defend themselves when they come under attack by criminals, no matter what kind of "criminal" (law breaker or law maker makes no difference, because a criminal is a criminal) was doing the attacking. I also mentioned that not only will it not save lives, it will not even be able to save his job.

I think that was pretty restrained for me, don't you?

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Another video, explaining a bit more about Vexit:

These people are absolutely correct when they say that nothing happens if you don't try to make it happen. Furthermore, it won't be easy, as they point out... but who values the easy stuff as much as the things they've poured their blood, sweat, and tears into? The mountain folk I grew up amongst did not shrink from doing the hard things - they did hard things every day of their lives. It only remains to be seen how serious the modern-day mountain folk are regarding their freedom. Do they mean what they say and say what they mean, or are they just talkin' shit? Will they follow through and do the hard things to order, or will they cave and say "nah, I'm not doing that. it's too HARD!" Will they make their forefathers proud, or are they going to feel the shame of defeat because they just don't have the balls their ancestors did?

Only time will tell. The difficult is done immediately - the impossible takes just a little longer to do.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

These eight states just held up their middle fingers to big government over our second amendment rights.   minusculegoodjob

West VA is one of them @"Ninurta".  Might want to start packing your bags if your little part of VA doesn't break off and become a part of that state.

HB 961 has passed the VA House of Representatives. That is the "assault firearm" ban that got the whole Second Amendment Sanctuary movement in motion.

They made some changes. We can keep our AR's, but our kids will never be able to buy new ones here. We cannot keep the magazines for them, essentially making our expensive rifles into expensive clubs.  We cannot transport or transfer them, only keep them, so long as they are useless and inert.

They can kiss my ass.

I was born free, and I'll die free.

I'm understanding this as a Declaration of War by the VA House of Representatives. I don't see any other way it can be taken. If the VA Senate agrees, and wants to declare war on us as well, then it is war they will have. They cannot say they weren't warned when it comes. Around 50,000 citizens of VA put them on notice on January 20th in Richmond. If they wish to ignore that, well, then that's on them, and the blood is on their hands, at their insistence.

Come get some, you sons of bitches. I never planned on living forever anyhow, and I'm not going to live in a totalitarian state. You can kill me, but you'll never defeat me as long as I breathe.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Let's take a deep look at who George Soros is, and how he's involved in VA elections and trying to get the guns banned.

Quote:Soros and the Virginia Elections

This most recent election was no different for Soros. In Virginia, he backed four candidates for county prosecutor positions, and all four won.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, “In addition to the $1.2 million in funds Soros spent on House of Delegates and Senate races in the commonwealth [of Virginia], he funneled an additional $2 million to four Democratic prosecutor candidates” [emphasis mine].

This was curious news to me. Why would Soros be concerned about county attorneys in Virginia? What’s more, the Washington Free Beacon reported that the winning candidate in Loudoun County, Buta Biberaj, received nearly $850,000 in donations from the Justice & Public Safety PAC. They also stated the PAC is “financed by Soros.”

At first I was skeptical. I thought, “Just how much of that $850,000 came from Soros? Is this merely over-dramatic journalism?” After all, I’ve become skeptical of broad-stroke, summative statements. You’ve probably seen it before. A hypothetical conservative candidate collects a hypothetical $8.50 each from 100,000 people, for a total of $850,000. Later, if it’s learned that just one of the $8.50 donors is a pedophile, suddenly it’s a scandal and news outlets everywhere report the candidate is being funded by pedophiles.

So yes, I’m skeptical of broad, summative statements. Therefore, to address my curiosity, I did some research into this particular PAC. Here’s what I found.

Read all about it here:  Source
Shortly after 9 AM yesterday morning, HB 961, the ban on "assault firearms", standard capacity magazines, silencers, etc. was tabled until next year's legislative session. This means Virginia now has an entire year, and a whole election cycle, to drive home the point that we will not allow our rights to be trampled with impunity. 

Now we must sally forth and eject every single democrat from the legislature to make sure they understand what a very, very, bad idea it was to go on the attack against us... and to make sure they understand it well enough that it does not become an issue again for a long, long time.

Once we have the Socialists ousted from the legislature, we then need to set about telling the Republicans they need to roll back all the damages this legislature caused, or else their seats will be next on the chop block. They're not special if they can't fix problems government has caused, and don't need their seats in government if they don't.

I'm done being nice to politicians. This was just too damned close, and we're not out of the woods yet.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(02-18-2020, 11:48 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Shortly after 9 AM yesterday morning, HB 961, the ban on "assault firearms", standard capacity magazines, silencers, etc. was tabled until next year's legislative session. This means Virginia now has an entire year, and a whole election cycle, to drive home the point that we will not allow our rights to be trampled with impunity. 

Now we must sally forth and eject every single democrat from the legislature to make sure they understand what a very, very, bad idea it was to go on the attack against us... and to make sure they understand it well enough that it does not become an issue again for a long, long time.

Once we have the Socialists ousted from the legislature, we then need to set about telling the Republicans they need to roll back all the damages this legislature caused, or else their seats will be next on the chop block. They're not special if they can't fix problems government has caused, and don't need their seats in government if they don't.

I'm done being nice to politicians. This was just too damned close, and we're not out of the woods yet.


That's good news @"Ninurta".   Time to get a team of boots on the ground and go door to door to make sure people are registered to vote and knows who to vote for. 

(02-18-2020, 02:00 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: That's good news @"Ninurta".   Time to get a team of boots on the ground and go door to door to make sure people are registered to vote and knows who to vote for. 


One of the things I noticed in this last mid-term election is that there was no "R", "D", or "I" next to the names on the ballots like there usually is, so that unless you recognized the name, you didn't know how to vote. I think a great many people got taken by that, as they just voted on name recognition rather than actual political stances, and, well, Bloomberg paid a LOT of money in VA to get names out there and hide party affiliations. I believe that was done on purpose here, just like the Democrat gerrymandering was done, and will be done again after the census this year.

They are cheating, re-districting to favor Democrats and hiding their affiliations, then paying to get their name out there so that folks just vote for the name they recognize. What makes it worse is that the Democrats control the legislature now, and so they will be the ones drawing the district lines after the census. It's like having the fox guard the chicken house.

I believe they are hiding the party affiliations because Democrats have a damaged brand now, and no one will vote for them other than the hard core "Progressives", whom we used to call "Socialists" before they started trying to hide that affiliation, too.

It's going to be an uphill battle, and it starts in earnest right now.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(02-18-2020, 09:05 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(02-18-2020, 02:00 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: That's good news @"Ninurta".   Time to get a team of boots on the ground and go door to door to make sure people are registered to vote and knows who to vote for. 


One of the things I noticed in this last mid-term election is that there was no "R", "D", or "I" next to the names on the ballots like there usually is, so that unless you recognized the name, you didn't know how to vote. I think a great many people got taken by that, as they just voted on name recognition rather than actual political stances, and, well, Bloomberg paid a LOT of money in VA to get names out there and hide party affiliations. I believe that was done on purpose here, just like the Democrat gerrymandering was done, and will be done again after the census this year.

They are cheating, re-districting to favor Democrats and hiding their affiliations, then paying to get their name out there so that folks just vote for the name they recognize. What makes it worse is that the Democrats control the legislature now, and so they will be the ones drawing the district lines after the census. It's like having the fox guard the chicken house.

I believe they are hiding the party affiliations because Democrats have a damaged brand now, and no one will vote for them other than the hard core "Progressives", whom we used to call "Socialists" before they started trying to hide that affiliation, too.

It's going to be an uphill battle, and it starts in earnest right now.


I have been looking for names of people running in our elections here so I can get "studied up" on what the represent. Then I'll write down their names and take them with me to the voting booth when the time comes.

That sucks that people up there were caught off guard like that.  Our voting ballots still show the party affiliations here, or they did they last time I voted.

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