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Epstein is reportedly dead
You all have to know that this many "coincidences" can't exist, right?  Use your freakin' brain cells and understand that "they" are lying to you. This was not a suicide, but a homicide (if he's even dead)! 

Quote:Surveillance Video Outside Epstein's Cell Deemed 'Unusable'

I mean, really?   tinybighuh 
I don't know how you feel, but I find this as an insult to my intelligence that they expect me to believe Epstein hanged himself in a successful suicide when we know what we know.

Quote:It appears that Jeffrey Epstein had really good timing when he, according to New York Chief Medical Examiner Barbara Sampson, decided to hang himself in his Manhattan jail cell the morning of August 10th - crushing bones in his neck which can fracture during hangings, but are typically broken during homicide by strangulation. 
[Image: epstein%20face%20a_1.jpg]
Not only was his cellmate moved out the day before he died, overworked prison guards reportedly fell asleep - missing their assigned 30-minute checks on the highest profile inmate in the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC). Epstein had recently been taken off suicide watch stemming from mysterious injuries he received weeks earlier. The convicted pedophile said he had been attacked.

Now, the Washington Post reports that at least one of the cameras in the hallway outside Epstein's cell had footage that is "unusable," despite "other, clearer footage" which was captured in the area. v
In short, it looks like we may never know why sources heard "shouting and shrieking" from Epstein's jail cell the morning he died.  

Quote:It was not immediately clear why some video footage outside Epstein’s cell is too flawed for investigators to use or what is visible in the usable footage. The incident is being investigated by the FBI and the Justice Department’s inspector general’s office, which are attempting to determine what happened and how to assess whether any policies were violated or crimes committed.
The footage is considered critical to those inquiries, and the revelation of an unusable recording is yet another of the apparent failures inside the Metropolitan Correctional Center, the short-staffed Bureau of Prisons facility in downtown Manhattan that held Epstein. -Washington Post

Epstein was arrested on July 6 on charges of sex-trafficking minors in Florida and New York. Despite pleading with the judge for pretrial release, the pedophile financier was ordered held without bond.

If I'm labeled a conspiracy theorist for not allowing the media to tell me, and believe it without question, that his death was a suicide, then so be it. At least I'm thinking for myself, and seeing the truth.

@"Mystic Wanderer" 
We all agree with you I think,,, he was Murdered, BUT,,,,,,,,,,,, The Sheeple Glued To Their Boob Tube watching the MSM Can't Think For Themselves and they are Told we are Conspiracy Nuts Wearing Tin Foil Hats,,,,,,,, You Just Can Not Fix Stupid!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(08-20-2019, 04:22 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: This, to me, provides even more evidence that Epstein was switched out, and someone has all his money waiting for him when he arrives at his hidden destination.  Of course it could have just been his fear that he would be killed while in prison that sparked the urgency in making a will, but with the person saying that Epstein was wheeled out in the wee hours of the morning and put into a van that wasn't logged in and had a person in military uniform in the back, well, if true, it all makes sense.

I have doubts regarding that theory. I can't think of any military folks who would involve themselves in a scheme to spring a leftist from justice. Military folk have a duty to disobey illegal orders, and there is not much more illegal than a jailbreak.

The victims are suing for his estate? That puts questions in my mind as well. What kind of woman accepts money for sex? Don't they have a name for that? Instead, it should be enough for them, I would think, that the bastard offed himself in a prison cell awaiting trial for his misdeeds against them. Vengeance is sweet, and sweeter still when you can get the culprit himself to extract your revenge on him. I'm way less inclined to accept their stories if there is money in it for them - after all, it ain't gonna hurt Epstein any more, now is it?

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(08-27-2019, 07:59 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: You all have to know that this many "coincidences" can't exist, right?  Use your freakin' brain cells and understand that "they" are lying to you. This was not a suicide, but a homicide (if he's even dead)! 

Quote:Surveillance Video Outside Epstein's Cell Deemed 'Unusable'

I mean, really?   tinybighuh 
I don't know how you feel, but I find this as an insult to my intelligence that they expect me to believe Epstein hanged himself in a successful suicide when we know what we know.


If I'm labeled a conspiracy theorist for not allowing the media to tell me, and believe it without question, that his death was a suicide, then so be it. At least I'm thinking for myself, and seeing the truth.


Didn't I mention in my predictions that the video would disappear? I thought I mentioned that just before I said that it would be revealed that his cell mate was removed at his request. If I didn't I should have, and that is a failing on my part.

Epstein was suicided to prevent him from talking in court, and on the record. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that would happen somewhere, before it happened.

I further predict that it will never be "solved", and that it will go down in the history books as a simple suicide.

ETA: Nope, I missed that in my predictions, which may be found here. I failed to account for that. I'm slipping. I blame it on old age.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(08-28-2019, 05:53 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Didn't I mention in my predictions that the video would disappear? I thought I mentioned that just before I said that
it would be revealed that his cell mate was removed at his request. If I didn't I should have, and that is a failing on
my part...

Quote:Ninurta's Predictions:

1) it will be determined that Epstein was no longer on suicide watch.

2) It will be determined that either the "30 minute rule" was no longer in effect, or that it was unnecessary.

3) It will be determined that Epstein requested a solo cell, because of his elite status.

4) It will be determined that no one unusual entered the cell block just prior to his demise.

5) It will be determined that Epstein tied his own noose and hung himself in a fit of pique.

6) It will be determined that Epstein died of cardiac arrest pursuant to his asphyxiation of himself.

7) It will be determined that it was no one's fault, shit just happens.

8) The case will be closed, everyone's secrets safe. Nothing will come of it. the next "crisis" to come along the
pike will obliterate all information regarding this blip of history.

Damn it...! I was just about to 'sign-off' on No.2-to-No.7 predictions and you beat me to it!
The specifics weren't important unless there's evidence within each to show sinister intent in his death.
If so, Prediction 8 will be negated!

It certainly brings home the realisation of how those who we accept control the media and law enforcement
can present a scenario that -in all honesty, we're too scared not to believe.

John Kennedy, Linda Collins-Smith, Jonathan Nichols, Vince Foster, Seth Rich and many others never stood
a chance.

Ms. Giuffre is right, but she should be careful too. It's not just the Clintons who employ 'Murder Inc' for cleaning

Quote:Jeffrey Epstein accuser urges Prince Andrew to 'come clean'

'A woman who accused the late financier Jeffrey Epstein of sex abuse and alleged she was forced to have
sex with Prince Andrew as a 17-year-old has urged the UK royal to "come clean".

Speaking after a hearing for alleged victims in the wake of Epstein's death, Virginia Giuffre told reporters
the prince "knows what he's done". The Duke of York denies the accusation.

Epstein killed himself in his prison cell this month while awaiting trial on sex trafficking and conspiracy charges.
The 66-year-old tycoon - who once counted President Donald Trump, former President Bill Clinton and Prince
Andrew as friends - was found unresponsive on 10 August.

About 15 plaintiffs were given an opportunity to speak at the New York City court hearing that brings an end to
the criminal case - which is now closed because of Epstein's death.
The women spoke of their anger, saying Epstein had cheated justice by taking his own life.

Prosecutors said the investigation was ongoing and charges could still be brought against any co-conspirators...'
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Quote:Ninurta wrote:
...7) It will be determined that it was no one's fault, shit just happens.

8) The case will be closed, everyone's secrets safe. Nothing will come of it. the next "crisis" to come along the
pike will obliterate all information regarding this blip of history...'

Hmmm... he called it.

Quote:Judge ends case against Epstein, with a nod to the accusers.

'A judge formally ended the criminal case against Jeffrey Epstein on Thursday, but not without a final tribute
to the women who spoke out against the financier.

U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman took the procedural step of adding his initials to an order dismissing
the indictment that charged the 66-year-old Epstein with conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of minors and
sex trafficking of minors in the early 2000s in Florida and New York.

In requesting the action 10 days earlier, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman, who is not related to the judge,
noted that the law required the dismissal after Epstein killed himself in jail Aug. 10 while he was awaiting trial.

Though anticipated, Berman’s action included a reference to a Tuesday court hearing where 16 women spoke
about their claims against Epstein of sexual abuse, some committed when they were under the age of consent.
Statements by several other women were read by their lawyers.

The judge said he was incorporating by reference the hearing’s transcript while he “underscores the significance
of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.”

Among other things, the victims’ law ensures crime victims have the right to be heard at public court proceedings
regarding the accused.

At the unusual hearing, women detailed how Epstein abused them. The women said he used his financial power
and connections to famous people to make them vulnerable, some as teenagers, to sexual attacks that sometimes
continued for years.

The allegations mirrored criminal charges in which prosecutors said Epstein repeatedly assaulted women and
teenage girls in the early 2000s at his $77 million Manhattan mansion and at another opulent estate in Palm Beach,

Attorney General William Barr has promised the Justice Department he will pursue those who enabled Epstein to
carry out the sexual assaults. Epstein was arrested July 6 when he arrived at a New Jersey airport on a private jet
from Paris, where he sometimes resided.

He had pleaded not guilty and his lawyers were preparing to submit written arguments next month to support claims
that the sex trafficking charges were negated by a deal Epstein reached with federal prosecutors more than 10 years

They agreed not to bring charges as he pleaded guilty in 2008 to state prostitution-related charges in Florida, where
he served 13 months in jail. His lawyers said he had committed no crimes since...'
USA Today:
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Now we get to see A.G. Barr's true colors.  Will he continue to prosecute any co-conspirators as he promised, or will this all just go floating away in the sea breeze?


Quote:Hundreds more will be implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, claims Ghislaine Maxwell, as his victims ask judge to open 10,000 pages of secret files detailing the pedophile's sex crimes
  • There are still around 10,000 pages of documents which are yet to be unsealed

  • They come from a 2015 lawsuit by Virginia Giuffre Roberts, Epstein's 'sex slave'

  • She sued him and Ghislaine Maxwell, his British socialite friend and ex-girlfriend

  • Maxwell's attorney told a court on Wednesday that the remaining files implicate 'literally hundreds of people'

  • They are arguing in court over how to release the dump of files
  • On Tuesday, one of the people named submitted a letter to the court asking for his name to be protected  
By Jennifer Smith For
Published: 11:14 EDT, 4 September 2019 | Updated: 12:03 EDT, 4 September 2019

You have to know those who suspect their names are on the list are pooping themselves about now.   tinylaughing
I do hope the judge releases the names, otherwise we can flush transparency down the toilet. 

These people better pay!  And they deserve to be embarrassed by having their name splattered all over the media for all to see!

Quote:As many as 1,000 people including celebrities are implicated in thousands of pages of court documents from a Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit which remain under seal. 

The documents, some 10,000 of them, were part of a 2015 lawsuit by Virginia Giuffre Roberts, Epstein's 'sex slave', who sued him and Ghislaine Maxwell, a British socialite who many of Epstein's victims say was his madam. 
They settled their lawsuit in 2017 and the case docket was made private, keeping all the allegations secret.

In August, in light of the pedophile's arrest on human trafficking charges, an appeals court ordered that any pages of the case files which represented public interest should no longer be kept secret.
Around 2,000 have been released but thousands more are still under lock and key. 

On Wednesday, Judge Loretta Preska listened to lawyers for Maxwell and Roberts at a hearing in New York court to determine if and how she should release any more of them.  

Preska did not decide on whether or not to release the remaining pages on Wednesday, but has instructed the attorneys on both sides to file written briefings about them. 

They have to categorize the documents into three types and then decide which will be released.

If I had to guess who the person was that ask the judge not to reveal his name, I would guess either a member of "Royalty"  (Prince Andrew), or Bill Clinton. 

Who would you say?
More victims come forward.  I hope this poor woman lives to testify.   tinycrying 

The real truth of why Epstein had so many 'Doctors' at his New Mexico ranch.

Quote:Paedo Plot Jeffrey Epstein ‘paid doctors to medicate his sex slaves with Xanax’

'Paedo billionaire Jeffrey Epstein bribed doctors to medicate his teen sex slaves with Xanax, it has been claimed.
Virginia Giuffre -recruited by Epstein at 16 -told how the perv also shelled out for teeth whitening and gynaecology
visits for his victims.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=6402]

She told the Miami Herald: "There was a doctor who gave me Xanax.
"What doctor in their right mind, who is supposed to protect their patients, gives girls and young women Xanax?
"There were doctors and psychiatrists and gynaecologist visits. There were dentists who whitened our teeth."

Sarah Ransome, who was 22 when she was first trafficked by Epstein, claimed she was prescribed Lithium by one
of Epstein's crooked psychologists. She said: "You could see it in our faces...
We were damaged, we were medicated."

Lawyer Bradley Edwards is suing federal prosecutors in South Florida over their handling of Epstein's 2008 sex
trafficking case. He said:  "It's called 'The Epstein Process'.
"He would find out they have no home, no car, that they need a place to live, and he would provide a place to live.
"He can get you to the best doctors."...'

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
You beat me to it,,,,  minusculebeercheers
He wanted his Slaves to look good and be Compliant by drugging them for his Friends and Clients.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
It's a little out-of-date by a couple of weeks, but I believed it needed adding to the thread.

With Jeff supposedly still laid in the morgue and the legacy media seemingly forgetting about
his activities, Sky News have kept looking for his lieutenants of Epstein's blackmailing operation.

Quote:Jeffrey Epstein's inner circle Ghislaine Maxwell and Jean-Luc Brunel traced to Brazil.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=6514]

Ghislaine Maxwell and Jean-Luc Brunel.

'Jean-Luc Brunel's phone was traced to the Infinity Blue Resort and Spa in Santa Catarina,
according to a former US police officer.

The prosecution of the disgraced billionaire might be over, but global investigations into his
inner circle of alleged enablers are only just beginning. Among the names most mentioned
are Ghislaine Maxwell and Jean-Luc Brunel.

Ghislaine Maxwell's friendship with Epstein goes back years, she was reportedly his girlfriend at
one point. It's also claimed she played a significant part in the recruitment of girls and young women.

Jean-Luc Brunel ran successful French model agencies with high profile names on his books.
It's alleged he also procured women for Epstein.

The pair haven't been seen since Epstein killed himself on 10 August, while facing trial for sex trafficking.
They've gone to ground, but Sky News understands they've recently been in the Brazilian riviera.

Information gathered by a former US police officer, who was not paid or commissioned by Sky News,
shows that Brunel's phone was traced to the Infinity Blue Resort and Spa in Santa Catarina.
It is an upmarket holiday area popular with wealthy tourists.

At the same time, Ghislaine Maxwell's phone was also connected to a network in Santa Catarina state.
Sky News visited the hotel but by the time we arrived there was no sign of either Brunel or Maxwell.

Ghislaine Maxwell was last seen in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, in mid-August.

Brunel's lawyer denies he is on the run, insisting he is willing to cooperate with investigations.

Yet there has been no sign of him since 5 July when he was pictured partying at the exclusive members-only
Paris Country Club. He was a guest at the club's Soiree Blanche where tables cost over £1000 ($1,262)
This was his last public appearance.

Similarly, Ghislaine Maxwell hasn't been seen for weeks.
She shut down her ocean protection TerraMar Project in the US on 12 July, just six days after Epstein's arrest.
Sky News has learnt she has also formally started proceedings to shut the UK arm of the project too.

Companies House records show she signed off the closure on 13 August, three days after Epstein was found
dead in his cell. Maxwell and Brunel both enjoyed a lavish, luxury lifestyle, hanging out with huge names in politics,
business and entertainment.

Since the death of Epstein questions have been asked about their role in his trafficking and abuse of young girls.
Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of disgraced newspaper tycoon, Robert Maxwell, has been named in a number of
papers filed in the US.
Among them a case brought by Virginia Roberts, now known as Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

She claimed Maxwell had recruited her as an underage teenager, to have sex with Jeffrey Epstein.
Her case also mentioned Prince Andrew. She says she had sex with him on three separate occasions when she
was seventeen years old.

A now infamous photo of Prince Andrew with his arm around her waist, shows Ghislaine Maxwell also in the shot.
The image reportedly taken at Maxwell's central London mews house.
A statement from Buckingham Palace strenuously denied "any form of sexual contact or relationship with Virginia
SKY News: (There's more, but it's mainly about Prince Andrew's ties to Epstein.)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(10-15-2019, 10:31 AM)BIAD Wrote: It's a little out-of-date by a couple of weeks, but I believed it needed adding to the thread.

With Jeff supposedly still laid in the morgue and the legacy media seemingly forgetting about
his activities, Sky News have kept looking for his lieutenants of Epstein's blackmailing operation.
Maybe he's on ice somewhere waiting on some of those DNA or gene experiments he was working on to come up with a way to bring him back, or maybe his clone is being grown now waiting on his brain to be transferred over.
Would anyone be interested in doing some digging into the Epstein files?  I just came across the mother load.

Here are a couple of brave dudes giving us a closeup look at Epstein Island from the ground.

"BREAKING FROM FOX: Investigator hired by Epstein’s brother to watch autopsy says he believes Epstein was murdered. Had THREE broken bones - Epstein’s brother worries he may be a target and is requesting DNA from bedsheets."

Well, duh! We already know this wasn't a suicide by hanging, right?   tinysure

I'm really getting tired of the Deep State/MSM thinking the public are as stupid as they think we are. tinyok

Quote:The body of disgraced money man and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in his Manhattan federal prison cell in August, bore telltale signs of homicide despite an official ruling that he killed himself, a pioneering forensic pathologist revealed to “Fox & Friends” in an exclusive interview Wednesday.

The bombshell claim by Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner who has worked on high-profile cases during a five-decade medical career, is certain to reignite suspicions that surfaced immediately after Epstein, who was awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges involving underage girls, was discovered dead in his cell on Aug. 10. Baden, who was hired by Epstein’s brother and observed the autopsy, told Fox News its findings are more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging. He noted that the 66-year-old Epstein had two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple, as well as one fracture on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple, Baden told Fox News.

“Those three fractures are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation,” Baden, who is also a Fox News contributor, said.

While there’s not enough information to be conclusive yet, the three fractures were “rare,” said Baden, who's probed cases involving O.J. Simpson, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, record producer Phil Spector, New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez and many others.

“I’ve not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case,” the 85-year-old medical legend told Fox News.


Baden, who's examined more than 20,000 bodies and hosted HBO's "Autopsy," explained that if a person weighed 120 pounds and their head weighed 10 pounds, there would be 110 pounds of pressure on the neck at the jaw during a hanging. But, if someone put a hand around a person's neck and squeezed, that could double or even triple the pressure on the neck, Baden said.

There were also hemorrhages in Epstein’s eyes that were common in homicidal strangulation and uncommon, though not unheard of, in suicidal hangings, the forensic pathologist said.

“The prominent hemorrhage in the soft tissues of the neck next to the fractures is evidence of a fresh neck compression that could have caused the death,” Baden said.

Baden stressed his independent study was not complete. “The investigation is not completed until all the information has come in,” he said.

Epstein was found hanging in his prison cell at the high-security Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan and was later declared dead, investigators said.

Prosecutors alleged that the previously convicted sex offender paid girls as young as 14 hundreds of dollars for massages before he molested them in his homes in New York and Palm Beach, Fla., between 2002 and 2005. He was awaiting trial in federal prison, thus federal agencies -- presumably the FBI and Justice Department -- had jurisdiction over the investigation into his death, Baden explained.

There is much more to this story HERE
The thing is that the MSM dont care what we think, so they feed us bull shit but what are the people going to do about it,,,, nothing always nothing.
There is a small group of people who understand this and try to show the truth, but if they get too close to the truth, well see how DT is been treated and he has POWER so what hope do we have.
And yet this web site and the people here are fighting and need to keep fighting.
Im happy I have found this web site and I feel happy to be here

Project Veritas information on Epstein. Watch this before YT removes it!

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