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Answer the Phone or Turn-Up the Radio!
What exactly do any of you think causes this?
Quote:Mysterious, ancient radio signals keep pelting Earth
[Image: fast-radio-burst.gif]
Could that be those imaginary lines of Power circling the Earth, Way Lines I think they are called.

Quote:Sudden shrieks of radio waves from deep space keep slamming into radio telescopes on Earth, spattering those instruments' detectors with confusing data.
And now, astronomers are using artificial intelligence to pinpoint the source of the shrieks, in the hope of explaining what's sending them to Earth from — researchers suspect — billions of light-years across space.

Usually, these weird, unexplained signals are detected only after the fact, when astronomers notice out-of-place spikes in their data — sometimes years after the incident. The signals have complex, mysterious structures, patterns of peaks and valleys in radio waves that play out in just milliseconds.

That's not the sort of signal astronomers expect to come from a simple explosion, or any other one of the standard events known to scatter spikes of electromagnetic energy across space.
Astronomers call these strange signals fast radio bursts (FRBs).

Ever since the first one was uncovered in 2007, using data recorded in 2001, there's been an ongoing effort to pin down their source. But FRBs arrive at random times and places, and existing human technology and observation methods aren't well-primed to spot these signals.

Now, in a paper published July 4 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, a team of astronomers wrote that they managed to detect five FRBs in real time using a single radio telescope.
More on this article here: Source
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Quote:Could that be those imaginary lines of Power circling the Earth, Way Lines I think they are called.

They're called Ley Lines. You were close though. tinybiggrin 

Has ET been trying to contact us all this time, but just couldn't get an answer?  minusculethinking

Interesting article. minusculethumbsup
I took a glance at other articles regarding the 'FRBs' and it seems that the astronomers involved
are genuinely stumped. The locations on the Earth of the signal impacts don't seem to be of any
interest in their conversations on the Astronomer's Telegram bulletin board and could be, just could
be a random act of no bearing.

It must also noted that even though these findings were made by accredited researchers, their findings
haven't been peer reviewed yet and independent teams haven't verified that the signals are from space.
(A microwave oven at one of these facilities was responsible for a strange signal from space and only
realised seventeen years later!)

So it will take more investigation, but I'll be surprised if the signal impact zones aren't relevant and I hope
-just as Guohua, that they're connected to our planet's assumed ley lines.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(08-08-2019, 08:00 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:
Quote:Could that be those imaginary lines of Power circling the Earth, Way Lines I think they are called.

They're called Ley Lines. You were close though. tinybiggrin 

Has ET been trying to contact us all this time, but just couldn't get an answer?  minusculethinking

Interesting article. minusculethumbsup

OK, Ok,,,, Sorry and Thank You @"Mystic Wanderer" for the Genital Correction  minusculebeercheers
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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