On the 17th April of 1961, the the Central Intelligence Agency sponsored a paramilitary group Brigade 2506 to invade
Cuba from a marshy inlet known as The Bay Of Pigs and two days later, the attempted incursion had failed.
But the day in between this historical event held an incident that makes as much sense as the CIA's blundered intrusion
of the island ninety miles south of the Florida coast. It was the day that Joe Simonton received a gift of outer space.
Joe the chicken-farmer was eating an early lunch in his small shack on the outskirts of Eagle River, Wisconsin. Mr. Simonton
lived alone and after finishing his meal, took the plate to the sink and prepared to spend that Tuesday in the same manner
as the day before.
Except this day would be like no other in Joe's life.
Glancing out of the kitchen window, a large ovoid craft hovered in his yard and being a pragmatic loner, Joe first believed
that the metal roofing of his small wooden had blown off during the night. With further perusal, he became aware that the
strange object was actually hovering above the packed-earth yard and immediately went to investigate.
Watch the four minute video.
A liar...? A simple man wishing for attention?
It sound ludicrous that a straight-talking chicken farmer from Wisconsin would be involved in an incident of galactic
pancakes used to barter for a pitcher of water. Yet, it warranted a military investigation and a scientific examination
of the small pock-holed biscuit Joe had been given.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tested the flapjack and stated:
"The cake was composed of hydrogenated fat, starch, buckwheat hulls, soya bean hulls, wheat bran.
Bacteria and radiation readings were normal for this material. Chemical, infra-red and other destructive
type tests were run on the material."
Basically speaking, the dried material was an ordinary pancake of terrestrial origin.
![[Image: attachment.php?aid=5660]](http://rogue-nation3.com/attachment.php?aid=5660)
The description of the occupants also gave the impression that the incident wasn't other-worldly, Joe described the three
males he saw were about five feet in height, smooth shaven and they appeared to "resembled Italians."
They had dark hair and skin and wore outfits with turtleneck tops and knit helmets.
An odd similarity to the strange men James Forrestal -the first United States Secretary of Defense, believed were following him.
On 22nd May 1949, Forrestal allegedly threw himself from the window of his VIP 16th floor suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital
in Maryland after telling Robert Lovett -a future Secretary of Defence, that 'they were after him'.
General Arthur Exon, former base commander of Wright-Patterson AFB, gave an interview in 1990 where he claimed
James Forrestal was one of the “unholy thirteen,” one of those who knew the most about Roswell and the whole UFO
situation at that time.
'Foreign-looking men' Forrestal had said back in 49 and then Joe Simonton in 1961 saying his visitors 'resembled Italians'...
what can it mean?
But there's one thing missing from the FDA's analysis that few have commented about, an ingredient that tallies with
Mr. Simonton's reference that his edible gifts tasted like 'cardboard'. There was no salt.
In fairy folklore it is said Fairies cannot eat salt.
There's always been a connection between the UFO phenomena and the legends and folklore from around the world.
Are we dealing with something that not only involves the 'nuts-and-bones' of we deem reality, also associates with
the ignorant fears of worlds beyond our perception?
It certainly suggests further inquiry and I hope I can research it more.
I believe Mr. Simonton's account is true and the timing of it is intriguing too.
Cuba from a marshy inlet known as The Bay Of Pigs and two days later, the attempted incursion had failed.
But the day in between this historical event held an incident that makes as much sense as the CIA's blundered intrusion
of the island ninety miles south of the Florida coast. It was the day that Joe Simonton received a gift of outer space.
Joe the chicken-farmer was eating an early lunch in his small shack on the outskirts of Eagle River, Wisconsin. Mr. Simonton
lived alone and after finishing his meal, took the plate to the sink and prepared to spend that Tuesday in the same manner
as the day before.
Except this day would be like no other in Joe's life.
Glancing out of the kitchen window, a large ovoid craft hovered in his yard and being a pragmatic loner, Joe first believed
that the metal roofing of his small wooden had blown off during the night. With further perusal, he became aware that the
strange object was actually hovering above the packed-earth yard and immediately went to investigate.
Watch the four minute video.
A liar...? A simple man wishing for attention?
It sound ludicrous that a straight-talking chicken farmer from Wisconsin would be involved in an incident of galactic
pancakes used to barter for a pitcher of water. Yet, it warranted a military investigation and a scientific examination
of the small pock-holed biscuit Joe had been given.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tested the flapjack and stated:
"The cake was composed of hydrogenated fat, starch, buckwheat hulls, soya bean hulls, wheat bran.
Bacteria and radiation readings were normal for this material. Chemical, infra-red and other destructive
type tests were run on the material."
Basically speaking, the dried material was an ordinary pancake of terrestrial origin.
The description of the occupants also gave the impression that the incident wasn't other-worldly, Joe described the three
males he saw were about five feet in height, smooth shaven and they appeared to "resembled Italians."
They had dark hair and skin and wore outfits with turtleneck tops and knit helmets.
An odd similarity to the strange men James Forrestal -the first United States Secretary of Defense, believed were following him.
On 22nd May 1949, Forrestal allegedly threw himself from the window of his VIP 16th floor suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital
in Maryland after telling Robert Lovett -a future Secretary of Defence, that 'they were after him'.
General Arthur Exon, former base commander of Wright-Patterson AFB, gave an interview in 1990 where he claimed
James Forrestal was one of the “unholy thirteen,” one of those who knew the most about Roswell and the whole UFO
situation at that time.
'Foreign-looking men' Forrestal had said back in 49 and then Joe Simonton in 1961 saying his visitors 'resembled Italians'...
what can it mean?
But there's one thing missing from the FDA's analysis that few have commented about, an ingredient that tallies with
Mr. Simonton's reference that his edible gifts tasted like 'cardboard'. There was no salt.
In fairy folklore it is said Fairies cannot eat salt.
Quote:"...Salt Used in Folk Magic Around the WorldSOURCE:
Folklorist Robert Means Lawrence, in his 1898 book "The Magic of the Horseshoe," looks at some of
the ways salt is used in folk magic around the globe.
In parts of Germany, Normandy, and Scotland, salt is used in or around a butter churn to keep witches
from souring the butter or harming the cow from which the cream was obtained.
Irish folk remedies include the use of salt, combined with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, to cure those
who might have been “fairy-struck.” A similar story comes from Bavaria and Ukraine, in which salt is used
to determine if a child is bewitched.
Egyptian caravans setting out on a journey across the desert used to perform a ritual that involved burning
salt on hot coals. This was done to ensure that evil spirits wouldn’t get in the way of the travellers..."
There's always been a connection between the UFO phenomena and the legends and folklore from around the world.
Are we dealing with something that not only involves the 'nuts-and-bones' of we deem reality, also associates with
the ignorant fears of worlds beyond our perception?
It certainly suggests further inquiry and I hope I can research it more.
I believe Mr. Simonton's account is true and the timing of it is intriguing too.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.