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Green Fireballs???
Yes, they were called Green Fireballs and there were numerous sighting in the 40's & 50's.
Here is a Thread Thanks To @"Mystic Wanderer" & @"OmegaLogos" .

Quote:Why Mysterious Green Fireballs Worried the U.S. Government in 1948
The sightings were concentrated around the Los Alamos and Sandia atomic-weapons laboratories, and other highly sensitive military installations.
Green Fireballs NOT Big Green Furry Balls.  tinybiggrin

Quote:On February 29, 1949, the Los Alamos, New Mexico Skyliner newspaper ran a piece on what it referred to, in typical newspaper parlance, as “flying saucers”—and a possible conspiracy around them:

“Los Alamos now has flying green lights.
These will ‘o wisps seen generally about 2 a.m., have alerted the local constabulary and their presence is being talked about in Santa Fe bars. But local wheels deny any official knowledge of the sky phenomena. Each one passes the buck to another.”

The story ended with, “Have you seen a green light lately?”

In fact, a great many had, and would continue to do so—enough to prompt TIME magazine, in November 1951, to publish a piece on the phenomenon called “Great Balls of Fire.” What makes the multiple sightings of “flying green lights” in New Mexico in 1948 and onward such a significant chapter in UFO history is exactly that—there were multiple sightings.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Well, actually, it was @"BIAD" who brought up the topic in the shout box when he said he saw one last night. 

Whether it be a UFO, or having a logical scientific explanation for a meteor changing color in the atmosphere, I don't know. I did read something about that earlier, but can't find it now.

Maybe BIAD can go a little bit more into detail and describe what he saw so we can make an educated guess whether it was a meteor, or an out of this world spacecraft?
(01-09-2019, 03:26 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ...Maybe BIAD can go a little bit more into detail and describe what he saw so we can make an educated
guess whether it was a meteor, or an out of this world spacecraft?

It was between and GMT. 8th January 2019.

The winter sun had gone below the horizon, but its rays still give enough light to make the western sky glow.

When I turned, I was facing south-east and the sky was dark blue -but no stars visible.
The direction of the object was downwards towards fields (with solitary electrical pylon in its centre), a by-pass
further away and more fields.
The object didn't seem to come from any other direction except downwards.

It gave no impression that it was a firework as there was no display and the height ruled out it coming originally
from behind me. The shortness of the 'tail' also led me to believe the object wasn't from a decaying arc, but
rather that it was 'falling' from above.
At no time was there any sound.

The main body was white with a tinge of noticeably bright-green on its outer area and as it disappeared, it seemed
to break apart. The duration of my sighting was only for a second, but I was surprised because there was no need
for me to look in that direction.

Typing in my location, I used this:

Quote:Quadrantid meteor shower

This event is visible to the naked eye from *BIAD's Shed*

The sky at 00:00 GMT on 4 Jan 2019
The Quadrantid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity on 4 January 2019.
Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible each night from
1 January to 6 January.

Annual meteor showers arise when the Earth passes through streams of debris left behind by
comets and asteroids. As pebble-sized pieces of debris collide with the Earth, they burn up at
an altitude of around 70 to 100 km, appearing as shooting stars.

By determining the speed and direction at which the meteors impact the Earth, it is possible to
work out the path of the stream through the Solar System and identify the body responsible for
creating it.
The parent body responsible for creating the Quadrantid shower has been tentatively identified
as 2003 EH1.

Observing prospects
The maximum rate of meteors expected to be visible is around 80 per hour (ZHR).
However, this assumes a perfectly dark sky and that the radiant of the meteor shower is directly
overhead. In practice, the number of meteors you are likely to see is lower than this, and can be
calculated from the ZHR formula.

From *BIAD's Shed*, the radiant of the shower will appear 22° above your north-eastern horizon at
midnight. This means you are likely to see only around 30 meteors per hour, since the radiant will be
low in the sky, reducing the chance of seeing meteors.

The radiant of the Quadrantid meteor shower is at around right ascension 15h20m, declination 50°N,
as shown by the green cross on the planetarium above. All of the meteors will appear to be travelling
directly outward from this point, as indicated by the white lines drawn above.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
I'm going with meteor, but it is strange that you would just suddenly look in that direction as it was falling.

And hey, thanks for that link.  It went right to my personal location, I suppose from my computer address.

Is that good, or bad?   tinysurprised  Well, we all know we can be tracked, so no big surprise there.
(01-09-2019, 03:39 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: I'm going with meteor, but it is strange that you would just suddenly look in that direction as it was falling.

And hey, thanks for that link.  It went right to my personal location, I suppose from my computer address.

Is that good, or bad?   tinysurprised  Well, we all know we can be tracked, so no big surprise there.

We're all tracked... all the time, but that's an entirely different thread! tinyhuh

Yeah, I was just moving a bag of twigs from some tree pruning the day before and
was only out there to make it secure from the rain. It was basically dark and I had
my back to where the light was, yet I turned around!

Reminds me of my 'white-orb' sighting!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(01-09-2019, 04:45 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(01-09-2019, 03:39 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: I'm going with meteor, but it is strange that you would just suddenly look in that direction as it was falling.

And hey, thanks for that link.  It went right to my personal location, I suppose from my computer address.

Is that good, or bad?   tinysurprised  Well, we all know we can be tracked, so no big surprise there.

We're all tracked... all the time, but that's an entirely different thread! tinyhuh

Yeah, I was just moving a bag of twigs from some tree pruning the day before and
was only out there to make it secure from the rain. It was basically dark and I had
my back to where the light was, yet I turned around!

Reminds me of my 'white-orb' sighting!

Got a link to that story to throw out here for the new lurkers? 

If not, how about telling us about that white orb sighting?
(01-09-2019, 10:26 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Got a link to that story to throw out here for the new lurkers? 

If not, how about telling us about that white orb sighting?

Here's the link.

And here's what it said.

My second sighting -because my first were the three off-white objects I saw above Belen New Mexico, was
in my garden one weekday morning. It was sunny and no clouds in the sky. I pulled out a recliner from BIAD's
shed and was laid down reading a book.

Here in the UK, an early-summer's morning still holds some cold of the night and making use of vacation time
from my job that required me to work from, I was wanting to grab some rays and get a chunk of peace
and quiet.
My wife was at work, my son was at university and so I was alone.

I read and shuffled for better positioning, shuffled and read. I was laying with my head facing east and the gable
-end of my house was behind me. There's a high raspberry bush in front of me that covers some fencing that
perimeters my home.

With the morning sun tracking from the east, the shadow of this bush became a problem and with the waning
chill of the morning, I reluctantly decided to move the recliner further towards the gable-end of my house in favour
of the warmth of the sun.

Leaving my open book face down, I stood up, dragged the recliner from the cool shadow and laid back down.
Laying down with my back to the sky, I picked my book up and continued to read.
A minute or two later, I thought 'look up' and turning over, did as the idea suggested.

Racing towards the east and appearing from behind the gable-end, a off-white sphere caught my eye. Within
two seconds -and with my scrambling to stand up, the object had cleared my view of the sky and disappeared
behind a line of trees. I would guess that it's height was about a quarter of mile high.

That's my account.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Here is something interesting.
Are UFO's watching the Russians (Putin) Secret Weapons Building and Testing Area?

Quote:Mysterious Green Fireball Seen Above Russia’s Secretive Research City
 No, I don't think the Green Fireballs are created by Green Lightning or Gases high in Earth's Atmosphere or Meteor Explosions. 
Quote:A mysterious green fireball was recently seen in the skies above Russia’s high-tech weapons research city. Are the Russians showing off one of Vladimir Putin “secret weapons” the area is known for, or was this merely a meteorite exploding over a highly conspicuous location?

For now, little is known about the mystery light in the sky. In the early morning hours of Tuesday, November 27, motorists driving near the research town of Akademgorodok in southern Siberia spotted a bright green flash followed by a tail streaking across the sky. It’s Russia, so of course several dash cams caught the incident on film. Russians love dash cams.

Quote:Russia’s state-run media has explained the incident as a meteor explosion – although they also noted that local astronomers are “somewhat bewildered” by the event because no meteor events were expected in the area. Ilya Orlov, deputy director of the Big Novosibirsk Planetarium, says that while the phenomenon was beautiful, he and fellow researchers are at a loss to explain what may have caused it:

Quote:Most likely, this is a flash of bolide, that is, the fall of a bright meteor with a flash. It is all the more surprising because there are no active meteor showers now. It can be either the tail of a [Leonid] meteor shower or a lone meteor. We need to find out.

Russian social media has been full of speculation ranging from secret rocket launches to tests of “extremely advanced weapons,” and aliens, naturally. With other unexplained explosions being caught on camera around the world, it really makes you wonder if we aren’t experiencing an uptick in meteorite impacts – or are we just catching them on camera more frequently in the dash cam/smartphone age?

Why aren't these Green Meteors, Lightning Bolts or WTF Ever not more Common, maybe Alien in Origin.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
And on the back of what Guohua reported above...

Quote:Russia call in army over Siberian mountain collapse amid UFO attack claims

The Russian army has been sent to investigate the collapse of a Siberian mountain locals
believe was caused by a UFO or meteorite.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5087]

'A massive 525ft rock pile has blocked the Bureya River leading to flooding and the evacuation
of villagers from the remote area. The Russian military’s first task is now to move all the debris
that would reportedly fill 13,600 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

They along with scientists are also looking to discover what caused the mountain to collapse a
month ago in the Khabarovsk region. A Russian defence ministry source revealed to the Siberian
Times that a group of specialists have been sent to “conduct reconnaissance work” at the site.

“Given the significant size of the landslide, units of engineer and railway forces with special equipment
as well as army and transport aviation will be involved in clearing the rock,” said the official.

A state of emergency has been called in the Verkhnebureysky and Bureysky districts due to the flood
risk and makeshift housing has been put in place.
The river is also vital in providing water for the Bureyskaya hydro electric power reservoir.

Specialists are also rushing to a site, close to the village of Chekunda where the river level is rising
fast, several centimetres each day. Plenty of theories have been put forward for what took place and
Professor Dave Petley, of Sheffield University, an expert in landslides, has played down the chances
of their being any involvement from space.

He reportedly said: “The slope appears to show a pre-existing tension crack or depression that aligns
with the rear of the failed mass.” The fall left a new 160 metre high mound visible from space above the
river bed.

People who first reached the site of the incident reported hot rocks which they could warm their hands on
and a smell “like hydrogen sulphide”. They thought the rock fall was caused by a meteorite similar to one
which devastated Russia’s Chelyabinsk region 2013.

“I insist it was a meteorite,” said Alex Maslov, the district government chief of the remote part of the Khabarovsk
region where the accident took place.

There were also reports of something a lot more mysterious going on. Alexey Dyundin, 46, a local businessman,
was driving through the neighbouring Yakutia region when he witnessed the event.

He said: “We saw a huge green-coloured body with a spectacularly bright and very long tail, falling almost
vertically at about an 80 degrees angle.
“We saw it right in front of us, falling east to south. It all happened within three or four seconds.”...'

'Falling almost vertically'... 'green-coloured body'...  -Russian report.

'...The shortness of the 'tail' also led me to believe the object wasn't from
a decaying arc, but rather that it was 'falling' from above...'
'...The main body was white with a tinge of noticeably bright-green...' -BIAD's account.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Hmm...   minusculethinking 

At this point, I'm torn as to what it is.  It's either a meteor, or maybe some advanced technology "they" are using in star wars above us.  I have heard just about every known inside whistle-blower say we are fighting in space already.  "Who" we are fighting is my question.  Is it China, Russia, or ETs?   tinysurprised
(01-09-2019, 03:39 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: I'm going with meteor, but it is strange that you would just suddenly look in that direction as it was falling.

And hey, thanks for that link.  It went right to my personal location, I suppose from my computer address.

Is that good, or bad?   tinysurprised  Well, we all know we can be tracked, so no big surprise there.


When I clicked the link, it gave me the information for Washington State, which I guess means my tracking blockers are sort of working.

On topic, the radiant given in the link is for midnight, GMT. Because of the rotation of the Earth, the radiant would be significantly farther east at 17:45 to 17:55 GMT, meaning that if the object came from "up" instead of "left", it was not likely a Quadrantid.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(01-14-2019, 07:41 PM)Ninurta Wrote: ...On topic, the radiant given in the link is for midnight, GMT. Because of the rotation of the Earth,
the radiant would be significantly farther east at 17:45 to 17:55 GMT, meaning that if the object
came from "up" instead of "left", it was not likely a Quadrantid...

Would you say -in your opinion, that it was something illuminated due to entering the atmosphere?
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(01-14-2019, 07:48 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(01-14-2019, 07:41 PM)Ninurta Wrote: ...On topic, the radiant given in the link is for midnight, GMT. Because of the rotation of the Earth,
the radiant would be significantly farther east at 17:45 to 17:55 GMT, meaning that if the object
came from "up" instead of "left", it was not likely a Quadrantid...

Would you say -in your opinion, that it was something illuminated due to entering the atmosphere?

Well, it could have been incandescent from friction heat due to falling through the atmosphere, or it may possibly have been lit by the rays of the setting sun. Depending on how high up it was in the atmo, combined with how far below the horizon the sun was, sunshine could have still been hitting it. I've see airplanes at 30,000 feet or so lit up like christmas trees by a sun I could no longer see as it had sunk below the horizon from my earth-bound vantage point. If you light a ball with a flash light, you can see that there are areas on it's surface that are still in shadow while something an inch or two above the surface at the same point will still be illuminated by the torch's light.

So it could have been extraterrestrial and being lit by friction, or it could have been terrestrial but high enough to still be lit by the sun. I've also seen the International Space Station (280 miles or so up) in bright sunshine as it cruised across the sky while below I was in blackest night.

Another possibility is that your object was self-luminous...   tinysurprised
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

We've discussed green fireballs in this thread; how about some red ones?

Richard Dolan takes a case from Project Blue Book and did some digging into it. If you need evidence to become a believer, this one should do the trick.

(01-15-2019, 12:47 AM)Ninurta Wrote: ...Another possibility is that your object was self-luminous...   tinysurprised

Yes, I think it was, but due to friction. It wasn't a firework because everything was quiet in the
area and I know that some celebrate a birthday or something with rockets, etc over here these days.

But due to it's angle, I immediately thought it was a dying chunk of hot debris coming down.
It looked fairly close and low, but I later believed its elevation was much higher and all I was really
seeing was it disintegrating in the atmosphere.

Quote:Can fireballs appear in different colors?
'Vivid colors are more often reported by fireball observers because the brightness is great enough to fall well
within the range of human color vision. These must be treated with some caution, however, because of well-known
effects associated with the persistence of vision.

Reported colors range across the spectrum, from red to bright blue, and (rarely) violet.
The dominant composition of a meteoroid can play an important part in the observed colors of a fireball, with certain
elements displaying signature colors when vaporized.

For example, sodium produces a bright yellow color, nickel shows as green, and magnesium as blue-white.
The velocity of the meteor also plays an important role, since a higher level of kinetic energy will intensify certain
colors compared to others.

Among fainter objects, it seems to be reported that slow meteors are red or orange, while fast meteors frequently have
a blue color, but for fireballs the situation seems more complex than that, but perhaps only because of the curiosities
of color vision as mentioned above.

The difficulties of specifying meteor color arise because meteor light is dominated by an emission, rather than a
continuous, spectrum. The majority of light from a fireball radiates from a compact cloud of material immediately
surrounding the meteoroid or closely trailing it. 95% of this cloud consists of atoms from the surrounding atmosphere;
the balance consists of atoms of vaporized elements from the meteoroid itself.

These excited particles will emit light at wavelengths characteristic for each element.
The most common emission lines observed in the visual portion of the spectrum from ablated material in the fireball
head originate from iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na). Silicon (Si) may be under-represented due to
incomplete dissociation of SiO2 molecules. Manganese (Mn), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu) have been observed
in fireball spectra, along with rarer elements.

The refractory elements Aluminum (Al), Calcium (Ca), and Titanium (Ti) tend to be incompletely vaporized and thus
also under-represented in fireball spectra...'
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(03-03-2019, 03:55 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: We've discussed green fireballs in this thread; how about some red ones?

Richard Dolan takes a case from Project Blue Book and did some digging into it.
If you need evidence to become a believer, this one should do the trick...

That's where the problems arise when explaining different coloured fireballs, when they
change trajectory and/or fly horizontal!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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