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Active Shooter in Vegas!
Here is an interesting post I came across on FB. Very interesting to consider!

"Paddock was an FBI plant, like Comey was. He was hired by Bill Clinton. He exited the CIA in 1988 and became a private contractor that year. OSI was founded 1987. Volant in 1988.

Paddock knew too much about the Clintons and was going to be/may still be a key part in several of the trials going forward against the "Deep State" i.e. the people who controlled the Clintons, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Schumer, Weiner, Obama, et al. Imran Awan is one small bit. He was moving devices back and forth from the US and Pakistan and we know now AT LEAST Pakistani ISI was monitoring devices used by Democratic House Reps.

This will bring back Pizzagate, it will tie into some of these devices. These devices were used to transmit graphic images and information. One of these devices is what got Weiner caught. Internally only at first, but then it all spilled out.

The Benghazi ringleader's trial will come back full circle into this as well. The devices that Imran manipulated garnered him the intel that was needed to track and locate Ambassador Stevens. Gaddhafi's men managed to retrieve them, with precious information regarding Hillary Clinton's gun running (PADDOCK) to ISIS agents (at the time called 'moderate muslim rebels') to make her Syrian pipeline, which ended up in Gaddhafi's demise as well.

Seth Rich was killed because of one of these devices. Imran was stealing data from the Democrats, and the ISI planted digital fingerprints to make it look like it was Seth. The Democrats had Seth murdered based on this falsified evidence. This is why they refused to allow the CIA to look at the server, and instead had CrowdStrike look at it. To avoid the CIA from detecting the Pakistani ISI malware that was on the machine, and God knows what other spyware they had placed as well.

GWB Jr said history will vindicate him. Mark those words. His NSA was the key to uncovering all these sick people. He had no intention to go to war with Iraq but was tied up by his dad and the Clinton's forces. The founding of the NSA was GWB Jr's way of fighting this cartel of FBI-CIA-ATF-IRS total control by "Deep State" hunchback stooge freaks.

This thing goes deep."
"Mark Boomer Pappalardo"'
Just came across this.

I can't share anything (copy/paste) from this site due to his copyright, so PLEASE go to the link provided and watch the video this person has put together and explain what he thinks happened.


What are your thoughts?
How do we know this is a set up?

A simple point of fact

The hotel chain has not fired the head of security at the hotel..


Give the MSM the narative

Then pause for a second..

How many assualt rifles altered for mass fire

Security did not catch it..

Do you know what type of breach this is.. It means you can put together an assualt team.. Move the weapons to your room.. Gamble some make some friends...

Go upstairs to party.. Then.. Arm your crew

The security teams cant stop that much fire power.. And if you catch them at a tourney.. Spend say maybe a hundred thousand for millions in profit...

Sorry MSM narative does not fit..

I owned that hotel chain, That mother F#$%er in charge of security would be singing..

Most crimes like banks and casinos, are inside jobs..

CELEBRITY Was Kim’s Robbery an Inside Job? Report Ties Suspect to Limo Company Kardashian Used in Paris

warning embedded video play on lnk
Quote:According to French newspaper Le Monde, one of the suspects works for a limo company that the Kardashian family regularly used during their Paris visits — meaning he was the last person to have chauffeured Kardashian West on the night of the incident. (During the early hours of Oct. 3, the star was held at gunpoint by masked men who stole millions of dollars worth of jewelry — including a $4 million ring — from the No Address Hotel, where she was staying for Paris Fashion Week.)

As a result, the question of whether Kardashian West’s indirect entourage was involved in the heist now arises. Several major French networks are reporting that the driver, who is reportedly 27 years old, is among those arrested. While the extent of his involvement remains unclear, French police appear to believe he may have provided the robbers with inside information about the star’s whereabouts.

Armed Robbery Prevention—When It’s an Inside Job

Quote:The idea that current or former employees would take part in an armed robbery is nothing new. In fact, data suggests that as many as half of armed robberies involve current or former employees. However, that information has been volunteered by suspects, which is unlikely to include every instance. We see this commonly in internal theft investigations when admissions rarely total the entire amount of stolen cash or product. The question then becomes, “How much higher is it?” This question may never be answered, but the percentage of employees committing armed robbery could be significantly higher.

October 1997 Loomis Fargo robbery

Quote:The Loomis Fargo Bank Robbery was a robbery of $17.3 million in cash from the Charlotte, North Carolina, regional office vault of Loomis, Fargo & Co. on the evening of October 4, 1997, by vault supervisor David Scott Ghantt, his married girlfriend Kelly Campbell (a former Loomis co-worker), Steve Chambers, his wife Michelle Chambers, Michael Gobbies and four other co-conspirators. An FBIcriminal investigation ultimately resulted in the arrest and conviction of eight people directly involved in the heist, as well as sixteen others who had indirectly helped them, and the recovery of approximately 88% of the stolen money.[1]

This robbery was the second-largest cash robbery on U.S. soil at the time, as only seven months earlier in Jacksonville, Florida, on March 29, 1997, Phillip Noel Johnson had taken $18.8 million from the Loomis Fargo armored vehicle he was driving.[2]

First one the cops look at too...

So why has the head of security for the building at least, not been fired..
It was widely reported that Stephen Paddock didn't write anything down -as the view of
a note in one of the images suggested. However, Police have now admitted...

Quote:Las Vegas killer's plan to maximise casualties as note found in gunman's hotel room.

Police found a note in the gunman's room with details of how to accurately aim from the 32nd
floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel.

'A note with calculations of where to aim to maximise casualties was found in the hotel room of
Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock.
The discovery, by police officers who stormed his room as last weekend's massacre unfolded,
was revealed in a TV interview.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2624]

Paddock, 64, killed 58 people from the 32nd floor room in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, which
overlooked a crowd of more than 20,000 people attending the Route 91 Harvest Music
Festival in the Nevada city.

The hand-written note was found near a window that Paddock had smashed to fire on the crowd,
and included calculations about where to aim to kill as many people as possible in the crowd,
about 400 metres away from the hotel.

David Newton, an officer with the Las Vegas Police Department's K-9 Unit, told CBS show 60
Minutes: "I could see on it he had written the distance.
"The elevation he was on, the drop of what his bullet was gonna be for the crowd."

Officer Newton told 60 Minutes the room, which was filled with dust and flashing lights from an
explosive used to blast open the door, was something "straight out of a movie".
Investigators are yet to establish what may have compelled Paddock, who had no known links
to radical groups and left no manifesto or messages, to carry out the massacre...'

So, discussion groups regarding the massacre were right and it'll be interesting to see what other
suggestions are also correct.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Interesting update:  MGM Execs made 190M on insider trading in August and September. 
Sounds like they knew this event was going to happen in advance.

I don't agree with everything Robert David Steele is saying in this video, but the trading thing holds some merit.

Here is an article that backs up what David Steele said in the above video.

Quote:We will examine the share price movements of two gun manufacturers (American Outdoor Brands and Sturm Ruger) and the share price movement of MGM (which owns Mandalay Bay). We will also examine additional financial events surrounding MGM, including what can only be referred to as massive levels of insider selling in the shares of MGM, by the CEO/Chairman and MGM officers/directors. As you’ll see, more than $200 million in MGM shares were sold in the weeks leading up to the attack.

Lots of charts and graphs to look over, so please, just click on the link below to read:

Insider Trading and Financial Anomalies Surrounding the Las Vegas Attack
This could explain why some of the videos I posted were taken down so quickly:

Quote:According to this report, YouTube has shut down all independent media coverage of the Las Vegas shooting in a desperate maneuver to protect the official narrative.

I cannot attest to the truth of this report. However, it has been brought to my attention that the video made from inside the hospital, which I provided in a link in my article , of what appears to be crisis actors carrying pretend wounded into the hospital has been taken down by YouTube. Clearly, if there are real wounded carried to the hospital, why at the same time have crisis actors acting the part? It seems obvious to me that the video was taken down, because those being carried are clearly not wounded and are not being handled in a professional way.

I am aware of books by former insiders that describe the CIA’s alliance with members of the media. When I was a member of the congressional staff, I was warned of the Washington Post’s collaboration with the CIA. And we have the case of Udo Ulfkotte, whose book, “Purchased Journalism,” was a best seller in Germany, but the English translation was yanked from the market. Ulfkotte, an editor with one of Germany’s main newspapers, wrote that he and most European journalists post articles handed to them by the CIA.

The way that the One Percent rules is by controlling the explanations. They do that through official statements endlessly parroted by the presstitutes who have sold their souls.

Remember, the presstitutes sold to the public the false story of “Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction,” the false story of “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” the false story of “Iranian nukes,” the false stories about Gaddafi, about “Russian invasion of Ukraine,” about Afghanistan, and on and on. When the presstitutes are willing to lie at the expense of the destruction of millions of peoples, the infrastructures of the countries, and millions of refugees inflicted upon Europe, how can we believe the presstitutes about Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, etc., especially when contradictions in the official stories are never cleared up and in place of hard evidence we are given only assertions and photoshopped photos?

Senator Richard Burr, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said two days ago that the committee’s investigation of Russiagate uncovered “quite a few” news outlets that ran stories that were not factual about Russiagate. He said “we will use the findings of our report to let the American people hold every news organization accountable for what they portrayed as fact.”

Government in the United States and the media whores that service government agendas have an immense credibility problem. We cannot rely on the veracity of any government or media statement. Like the boy who cried “wolf,” Washington and the presstitutes have made it impossible to know when they are telling the truth.
(10-09-2017, 08:28 AM)BIAD Wrote: It was widely reported that Stephen Paddock didn't write anything down -as the view of
a note in one of the images suggested. However, Police have now admitted...

Quote:Las Vegas killer's plan to maximise casualties as note found in gunman's hotel room.

Police found a note in the gunman's room with details of how to accurately aim from the 32nd
floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel.

'A note with calculations of where to aim to maximise casualties was found in the hotel room of
Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock.
The discovery, by police officers who stormed his room as last weekend's massacre unfolded,
was revealed in a TV interview.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2624]

Paddock, 64, killed 58 people from the 32nd floor room in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, which
overlooked a crowd of more than 20,000 people attending the Route 91 Harvest Music
Festival in the Nevada city.

The hand-written note was found near a window that Paddock had smashed to fire on the crowd,
and included calculations about where to aim to kill as many people as possible in the crowd,
about 400 metres away from the hotel.

David Newton, an officer with the Las Vegas Police Department's K-9 Unit, told CBS show 60
Minutes: "I could see on it he had written the distance.
"The elevation he was on, the drop of what his bullet was gonna be for the crowd."

Officer Newton told 60 Minutes the room, which was filled with dust and flashing lights from an
explosive used to blast open the door, was something "straight out of a movie".
Investigators are yet to establish what may have compelled Paddock, who had no known links
to radical groups and left no manifesto or messages, to carry out the massacre...'

So, discussion groups regarding the massacre were right and it'll be interesting to see what other
suggestions are also correct.

The story just gets curiouser and curiouser. Either the gunman had plans to maximize casualties with accurate fire OR he used a "bump stock" - it can't be both, as they are mutually exclusive. Simply put, any list of instructions on how to deliver accurate fire should have "DON'T USE A BUMP STOCK" at the head of the list, right there at #1.

Making calculations for a range card at 400 meters is a waste of time and effort if you're going to employ an inherently inaccurate bump stock. It's like planning to drive a car and keep it on the road by removing the steering wheel - then calculating where the car WOULD go it it had a steering wheel.

Here's an informational video on bump fire stocks:

Now ask yourself - "if moving 10 yards closer (40% closer, almost half the distance) to the target marginally increases accuracy, what is moving AWAY from it 375 yards (1600% distance INCREASE) going to do to accuracy?"

Furthermore, AR-15 rifles are not designed for that sort of sustained rate of fire. Here's another video demonstarting that aspect:

Note that at the 5 minute mark of the video - considerably less than 5 minutes of firing - the handguards of the rifle actually catch fire and burn like a wooden log. Also note that on the photos I've seen of the crime scene, there is no visible evidence whatsoever on any of the guns that they were subjected to the sustained rate of fire that can be heard in the videos of the event.

Also noteworthy are the constant, continual, and consistent mentions of "thousands of rounds" - which is probably accurate in that thousands of rounds would necessarily be expended to produce the 500-odd hits. BUT - the rifle in the video was rendered inoperative after only 440 rounds, and was, at that point, obviously and visibly damaged beyond repair - a circumstance decidedly NOT present in any of the crime scene photos I've seen.

Things that make you go "hmmmm..."...

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

@Ninurta. There are still certain sites stating (and one with an alleged firearms expert)... that the sounds
of gunfire during the Vegas incident suggest strongly that there were multiple gunmen.
Could it be true?
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(10-09-2017, 09:06 PM)BIAD Wrote: @Ninurta. There are still certain sites stating (and one with an alleged firearms expert)... that the sounds
of gunfire during the Vegas incident suggest strongly that there were multiple gunmen.
Could it be true?

The short answer is "yes". it could be true. My only reservation is that I've seen (or heard, for that matter) very little evidence to support that theory. I do recall the video with the cab driver showing apparent muzzle flashes from a lower story of the hotel, but note that there is no window broken out to facilitate firing at that level, and so am more of the opinion that the apparent muzzle flashes must have been something else, or perhaps were reflections bounced around the outside of this decidedly reflective building from the actual firing event.

However, as the man said, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", so yes, it could be true.

I Am interested in seeing if they can match every recovered bullet to one or the other of the weapons recovered from the alleged assailant's room. It may be a while for the results of that, however, given the sheer number of bullets and the sheer number of weapons. That is a LOT of potential permutations and combinations to have to test and match.

Of course, it's possible they could lie like troopers about any such matches on orders from higher up...

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(10-09-2017, 09:43 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(10-09-2017, 09:06 PM)BIAD Wrote: @Ninurta. There are still certain sites stating (and one with an alleged firearms expert)... that the sounds
of gunfire during the Vegas incident suggest strongly that there were multiple gunmen.
Could it be true?

The short answer is "yes". it could be true. My only reservation is that I've seen (or heard, for that matter) very little evidence to support that theory. I do recall the video with the cab driver showing apparent muzzle flashes from a lower story of the hotel, but note that there is no window broken out to facilitate firing at that level, and so am more of the opinion that the apparent muzzle flashes must have been something else, or perhaps were reflections bounced around the outside of this decidedly reflective building from the actual firing event.

However, as the man said, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", so yes, it could be true.

I Am interested in seeing if they can match every recovered bullet to one or the other of the weapons recovered from the alleged assailant's room. It may be a while for the results of that, however, given the sheer number of bullets and the sheer number of weapons. That is a LOT of potential permutations and combinations to have to test and match.

Of course, it's possible they could lie like troopers about any such matches on orders from higher up...


I saw a video of a woman in a completely different hotel who said there were shots fired from her hotel as well, and this was just before everything else went crazy. They put it on lock down. No mention of this at all from MSM because they want the people to stick to the narrative of one shooter.
If I can find that video again, I'll post it. Thought I saved it, but I can't find it now.   Jeff Rinse was talking about it on his radio show too; he played the recording.
If you guys would watch some of the videos I posted, I think you might answer some of the questions you have.

ETA: Found it!  

Hmm...  they are changing their story now.  How could they have made such a screw up at the beginning?  I guess it wasn't fitting into the original "lie" they came up with for the timeline of events.   tinysure 

Vegas cops change shooting timeline: Security guard warned before gunman opened fire
Quote:It has been a week since Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old retired accountant and high-stakes video poker player, unloaded on 22,000 country music fans from his 32nd-floor suite in Las Vegas’ Mandalay Bay Resort moored on the city’s Sunset Strip, killing 58 people and wounding hundreds before fatally shooting himself in the head.

Here are some of the latest details:
Security guard shot before concert shooting began
On Monday, Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo announced a change to the sequence of events that occurred on Oct. 1, saying a security guard who encountered Paddock was actually shot at 9:59 p.m. local time, minutes before the 64-year-old unleashed a hail of gunfire on unsuspecting concertgoers.

Previously, authorities had said that the security guard, Jesus Campos, was shot after Paddock had opened fire on the crowd below.

Lombardo said Campos immediately reported to hotel security that he had been shot. However, responding officers did not know Campos had been shot until they arrived on the 32nd floor and encountered him, Lombardo said.
It's unclear what ultimately led Paddock to stop shooting at the people below. Officials had originally thought that Campos distracted him.

Read more on this story here:  Source Link
This may be a little late in the story, but I want to add things here that I hadn't seen yet for posterity.

This video appears to show that Jason Aldean was giving off some type of cue, or clue, to the crowd. They start running BEFORE the shots begin to fire.   Watch...

Well now, isn't this interesting?  tinysure

[Image: befunky-collage_39_orig.jpg]

Quote:Well America if you do a Google search of John Podesta's daughter...She is the wife of lead FBI investigator in the Mandalay Bay shooting Aaron Rouse. So now basically the Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting smells a little worse, and now has an all out Hillary Clinton connection. So what we have here is a country concert that was mainly Trump supporters where 59 died having a Clinton campaign connection, due to FBI agent in charge Aaron Rouse being the son in law of John Podesta who is the husband of John Podesta's daughter Megan.

 No way you can deny on why there is a major cover up of the Las Vegas massacre at Mandalay Bay and why it being a country music concert was targeted, because the shooting actually now involves the finger prints of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Should we now find it obvious why the Las Vegas shooting investigation is so messed up and going nowhere...Especially since Mandalay Bay has thousands of security cameras? The Las Vegas shooting may be darker than we have thought!

Did the Hillary Campaign basically go off in a rage and kill Americans that were attended mainly by Trump supporters?
(Red highlights by me)

I can see this has a "Hillary Campaign connection".  Can you?  

We won't actually know for sure what happened unless we are allowed to see the security cameras from the hotel, but I doubt this will ever happen, especially if Hillary and her minions could be implicated somewhere deep down the rabbit hole.   tinyok
(10-12-2017, 03:52 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Well now, isn't this interesting?  tinysure

[Image: befunky-collage_39_orig.jpg]

Quote:Well America if you do a Google search of John Podesta's daughter...She is the wife of lead FBI investigator in the Mandalay Bay shooting Aaron Rouse. So now basically the Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting smells a little worse, and now has an all out Hillary Clinton connection. So what we have here is a country concert that was mainly Trump supporters where 59 died having a Clinton campaign connection, due to FBI agent in charge Aaron Rouse being the son in law of John Podesta who is the husband of John Podesta's daughter Megan.

 No way you can deny on why there is a major cover up of the Las Vegas massacre at Mandalay Bay and why it being a country music concert was targeted, because the shooting actually now involves the finger prints of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Should we now find it obvious why the Las Vegas shooting investigation is so messed up and going nowhere...Especially since Mandalay Bay has thousands of security cameras? The Las Vegas shooting may be darker than we have thought!

Did the Hillary Campaign basically go off in a rage and kill Americans that were attended mainly by Trump supporters?
(Red highlights by me)

I can see this has a "Hillary Campaign connection".  Can you?  

We won't actually know for sure what happened unless we are allowed to see the security cameras from the hotel, but I doubt this will ever happen, especially if Hillary and her minions could be implicated somewhere deep down the rabbit hole.   tinyok
That is an interesting Conspiracy Theory .
It could never be proven, They could however poll all the concert attendees to see if the vast majority did vote for Trump.
But still the shooter is dead and dead men tell no tales.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Sure sign of a coverup, in case you had any doubt...

[Image: 121017vegas.jpg]

Quote:Workers at the Route 91 festival during which Stephen Paddock unleashed his massacre have reportedly been given back their phones and laptops by the FBI only to discover that all messages and videos from the night of the attack have been wiped clean.

According to a Las Vegas resident who posted a status update on Facebook, “A bunch of people that worked the Route 91 said they got their cell phones back today. They all said that all their phones are completely wiped clean! All messages and info from that weekend are completely gone. Anyone else experience this?”

“A few different people who were vendors there are all saying the same thing,” the woman later comments.

So the FBI wiped all evidence of the shooting from the peoples phones!  This only shows they want to make sure nothing else is released that could upset their narrative lies.  With no video, it's only the witnesses word of what they say they saw, and that can be easily "fixed" with a few threats. 

I'm amazed at how stupid they think the public is.   Amazing.  SMH!
It appears Jesus Campos has skipped town.  What's going on here?!   tinyshocked 

Info Wars brings it all up to date, so far.

Here's more...Breaking News! 

You'll have to click on the source link to watch the video. Be patient, it will begin after a minute or so of melodramatic music.

Quote:BREAKING NEW LAS VEGAS EXCLUSIVE EVIDENCE: 10/14/2017 Tonight's private MFA Underground show with MFA - March For America Founder/CEO "Scott J Binsack"... "WHO IS THE VEGAS FBI HIDING ON THE 47TH FLOOR OF VDARA? / SECOND SHOOTER ARRESTED"

Scott J. Binsack shares more exclusive evidence given to him by his sources in Las Vegas that the FBI since October 2nd has been hiding out a mystery man on the 47th floor of the MGM Vdara Hotel and Spa in Las Vegas under heavy guard and an alias name in the MGM guest registry system. Scott further confirms that MGM Resorts got served with its first victim legal action and has ordered all MGM employees on a gag order not to speak to anyone concerning the October 1st, 2017 Harvest Shooting Massacre. Scott then goes on to explain his sources in the federal government have confirmed that Scott Edminsten arrested on October 2nd in the State of Tennessee with a large weapons cache while speeding is tied to Stephen Paddock and that MSM is deliberately not reporting on this major arrest and gun seizures. He further goes into the possibility that alleged Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos may be an FBI Agent undercover at the time of Stephen Paddock's shooting. A show not to miss!!
The best of my naive guesses is that Campos is probably an illegal immigrant.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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