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Let's see...who feels like Blogging?
Hello Everyone, it's been a while... : )

As some of you know, and I am sure some of you don't, Rogue-Nation has had a Blogging zone now for a while and it's been tested without a glitch.

So now is the time to open the area for some members : )

Members that have been active here on RN3 have been inserted into the database. For those of you who haven't been active in eons but feel like you would like to blog, simply send a PM to Guohua, Senona or myself and we will gladly open up an account for you.

As of now, Usernames and Passwords have been created for these active members:

1984hasarrived, 727Sky, adjensen, Armonica_Templar, Daitengu, Errollorre, EyesOpenMouthShut, Grace, Jackie, Jude, Just Looking, kdog, Melina Hawk, Mystic Wanderer, Night Star, onequestion and Penguin.

If you feel we've missed your name (could have happened), please send one of us a PM and we WILL create an account for you.

So how does it work?

Well, it works a little differently than a discussion board. The end result (what you've posted) ends up on the Blog page.

And looks like this:

[Image: gDMxQcY.png]

which is reached at :

But the Posts you make (Blogs) can only be performed at this address here:

which will open your log in area, which will look like this:

[Image: nKE6Rwm.png]

Typing in your Username and Password will get you in the Blogging area.

Once you've done so, the home page area will look like this:

[Image: 3HqAwbi.png]

As you can see, the left hand side area is where you can do the good deeds...such as changing your profile, posting (blogging), look at comments that have been made on your post, and so on...

Don't be afraid to hover over things and click things. You can't break anything.

Visit your profile area, set up an avatar, change your password, tell us a little something about you in the bio section...

Creating a post is quite simple:

[Image: ZYv65Ns.png]

You can save it as a draft, edit it as you want, select a category for it, (oh by the way, we can CREATE a new Category just for in Sol's Misbehaviors as an example lol )...just don't forget to click on Publish for it to appear on the RN Blogs page.

You can view your new post if you right click on Visit site (located under Rogue Nation Blogs in the header) as shown here:

[Image: Lv6hrbE.png]

Once you're done, you will find the log-out on the far right hand side of the header:

[Image: Vony18Z.png]

As time goes by, I will be adding to this tutorial, giving little tricks here and there.

Give it a try, who might enjoy it !!

Simply send us a PM to get your password and Have Fun !!!



~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~
Thanks for the instructions.  I had no idea what to do. 
Not saying I'm going to anytime soon, but I might in the future, just to test the waters for my future personal site; see if anyone likes my stuff, you know?   tinywondering
Thank You Sol,,, Now I'll email you my questions.

I really hope our current members pass the word around to others they know.
I think some people would love to have their own Blogging area.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I'm truly trying to muster up a blogging subject to get me going!
I have favourite topics such as the JFK assassination (that is waaay to complicated
and runs everywhere) and maybe even Mystic's 'Sasquatch' phenomena.

Are these too trivial...? I've never 'blogged' before.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(06-25-2017, 11:10 AM)BIAD Wrote: I'm truly trying to muster up a blogging subject to get me going!
I have favourite topics such as the JFK assassination (that is waaay to complicated
and runs everywhere) and maybe even Mystic's 'Sasquatch' phenomena.

Are these too trivial...? I've never 'blogged' before.

I've never Blogged before either.
I wasn't even sure if I'd ever read a blog before I read Sol's and gordi's.

I think a Blog about the Love Life Of BIAD on a Winters Day or,,,,,,,, the Unique Relationship between Mystic Wanderer, BIAD annnnnndddddddd Sasquatch! smallcrackingup

Butyou do what Moves You and Feels Right  tinybigeyes
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(06-25-2017, 11:10 AM)BIAD Wrote: I'm truly trying to muster up a blogging subject to get me going!
I have favourite topics such as the JFK assassination (that is waaay to complicated
and runs everywhere) and maybe even Mystic's 'Sasquatch' phenomena.

Are these too trivial...? I've never 'blogged' before.

You should give it a try my Red Dress Wearing Friend ! There are no perfect blogs and there are no crappy blogs.

Blogs are just that little something inside you that screams to go out for all to see. Much like these wonderful banners you create.

You really should give it a try !! : )

~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~
(06-25-2017, 11:10 AM)BIAD Wrote: I'm truly trying to muster up a blogging subject to get me going!
I have favourite topics such as the JFK assassination (that is waaay to complicated
and runs everywhere) and maybe even Mystic's 'Sasquatch' phenomena.

Are these too trivial...? I've never 'blogged' before.

Since blogs are supposed to be continued at least once or twice a week, I think your story about BIAD on the ship that you didn't bring over to this site would be great.  I loved reading the next post everyday.  It was great! 

Something involving BIAD's antics, for sure, would be a hit.  Maybe he goes camping and meets Sasquatch?  LOL
(06-27-2017, 02:53 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ...Since blogs are supposed to be continued at least once or twice a week, I think your story about BIAD
on the ship that you didn't bring over to this site would be great.  I loved reading the next post everyday.
It was great! 

Something involving BIAD's antics, for sure, would be a hit.  Maybe he goes camping and meets Sasquatch?  LOL

*Boy In A Dress looks at his shoes and nibbles his bottom lip*
"Would that constitute a blog...?" he asks, pulling nervously at his hem. "...I mean I could tell the tale
of what they asked me to do at Hopkinsville or even about the flock of missing geese that turned up
thirty-five years later down in Florida" he mumbled and moved his sightless gaze back towards his shed.

I waited a minute or so as BIAD mulled over the idea beneath that dark mane, the rain attempted to pat
a back-beat against the window as the bare-thighed creature thought whatever bare-thighed creatures

"Okay... but I'll have to be careful" the Man-Girl said softly, "...there are things you're not supposed to
know... things that might get you thinking" he whispered enigmatically and without another word, left
for the shack at the bottom of the garden.

So now I wait.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2075]


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Quote: blogs are supposed to be continued at least once or twice a week

[Image: 1476d.jpg]

What ?
~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~

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