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Our Nation Divided
This might should have gone in the rant forum, but not really.  I am seriously concerned about some things.

[Image: DIVIDED_WORLD.jpg]

Over the past few weeks, I have posted some things on Face Book about my political views, and I was really startled at some of the replies.
I even posted videos and articles with documents to back up my claims for what a future with Hillary as president would be like, and things that Obama has brought into our country that go against our constitution, and how allowing Hillary in would continue bringing in the NWO.

Of course, I was attacked by Hillary's brain-washed herd in no time flat!  It started to get really heated, so I took the thread down.  These were people I've been associated with for years, turning on me like a pack of wolves on a fresh killed deer!

I was astonished that people could be so (bleep) blind!  And, no, I don't think any of them took the time to look at the links/videos I posted.

What I've noticed lately is that the left is accusing Trump of everything Hillary was guilty of, and talking about how Trump will cause a Nuclear War, and all kinds of crazy talk.  In short, they are afraid Trump will cause the same things we (on the right) feared from Hillary winning.

Just today I saw a headline on Yahoo! News where they were accusing him of treason! 
Are you kidding me?!  After everything Obama and Hillary have done, they have the nerve to say a word like "treason" in the same sentence with Trump?!   smallfit

That's what brought on this semi-rant that I wanted to post.

I don't listen to CNN, or any other MSM, so I don't really know what kind of shit they are spewing about Trump unless it shows up on Face Book or my Yahoo! home page, but it isn't good. 

WTH is going on?!

It honestly makes me wonder if the MSM is fanning the fire about Trump, while the Alternative stations are trashing Hillary.  They (the Elite) know the left aren't going to listen to anything that makes their golden child look the least bit bad, and they know the alternative crowd never listens to the MSM.

And we have Soros paying people to cause all kinds of chaos before Trump takes the oath as the 45th POTUS, but do the left even realize this?
I doubt the MSM reports any of this!

So... are they ( the MSM, which = the Elite) doing this on purpose to cause a divide among the people that won't be able to be reconciled?
ARE ALL OF US BEING LIED TO?!   tinybighuh

The left is so deeply convienced they are right and the other is wrong, it leaves me in awe of their stupidity!  But, we are the same way defending Trump, right?  Yes, we have the research that shows us the truth... or does it?  Are we all being "played" by the Elite?

I don't see the left stepping back to give Trump a chance... I just don't see it happening.  They are so sure he is going to be the downfall of America, they are stepping in to make sure they are right!   tinyok
And the media feeds the fire every day with some kind of twisted around headline about something Trump did or said that isn't true, but they don't take time to see this.

I mean, honestly... can't the people see what Obama has done?  I'm really bewildered and befuddled at this point.

I seriously think I woke up on a parallel Earth, because everything is upside down, inside out, and back-asswards from the world I'm used to.

I'm not feeling well, so my thoughts are kind of jumbled, and may not be clear, but I wanted to voice my concerns.

No, I don't agree with everything Trump stands for, and I will fight anything that has to do with big oil because we have other alternatives that will prevent polluting our skies and water. Yes, he will fight for this because he has an invested interested, but I think he will listen to the American people and at least consider our point of view, whereas, Hillary wouldn't even ask us. smallnotamused

I'm at a complete and utter loss for what is happening in the U.S. right now.  I want my home back the way it was before the Elite destroyed it, but I'm so afraid the left are so blind, they won't let it happen, then when the fog clears from their brain, it'll be too late.    tinycrying
*wanders in smoking cigar ...... hands mystic bottle of whisky ..... *  ya gonna need this ......  hate to break it to ya kiddo ..... but ...... they been lying to you all your life ......  with one goal in mind ....... destruction of the country and total control of the population ....... left / right ...... politicians ..... media ...... clergy ....... all the bastards are complicant in it ......  the old america died long ago with jfk ......

Nope ...... they not about to give up now on their vile plans ....... only becoming more bold showing their true colours .......

Been fight the bastards nearly all my life now ....... even if its been largely a losing battle on many fronts ....... not about to give in ...... nor give any quarter to the bastards ...... sadly ..... am old ...... tired ...... and very much pissed off that far too many are too complacent...... fat..... lazy...... stupid ....... apathetic to take up the fight ....... far too many have fallen in ......

*gives mystic hug*
Erm...... anyhoo ..... hang in there an dont give up ....... its never easy learning that youve been betrayed by those whom you thought you could trust ......

Hmph...... need more whisky......
*wanders off to get more whisky ...... *
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

(01-03-2017, 10:04 PM)Daitengu Wrote: *wanders in smoking cigar ...... hands mystic bottle of whisky ..... *  ya gonna need this ......  hate to break it to ya kiddo ..... but ...... they been lying to you all your life ......  with one goal in mind ....... destruction of the country and total control of the population ....... left / right ...... politicians ..... media ...... clergy ....... all the bastards are complicant in it ......  the old america died long ago with jfk ......

Nope ...... they not about to give up now on their vile plans ....... only becoming more bold showing their true colours .......

Been fight the bastards nearly all my life now ....... even if its been largely a losing battle on many fronts ....... not about to give in ...... nor give any quarter to the bastards ...... sadly ..... am old ...... tired ...... and very much pissed off that far too many are too complacent...... fat..... lazy...... stupid ....... apathetic to take up the fight ....... far too many have fallen in ......

*gives mystic hug*
Erm...... anyhoo ..... hang in there an dont give up ....... its never easy learning that youve been betrayed by those whom you thought you could trust ......

Hmph...... need more whisky......
*wanders off to get more whisky ...... *

Thanks for the hug.   tinybiggrin

Yes, I know they have been at it since JFK was killed.  I didn't know anything about the false world we live in until the early part of 2012.  That's when I joined my first board (TOS) really started digging in and finding out the truth about all kinds of things, not just the political world, but basically EVERYTHING!  It's been an eye-opener for sure.  tinybighuh
I just wish more people would do the research so they could learn the truth too, but they won't even click on a link when you put it right at their fingertips!   minusculeheadbanging
@"Mystic Wanderer" 

I feel the need to say a few things ... not even sure why probably as this is something I normally rather keep to myself. 

You and I disagree on somethings, but on others we agree very strongly. I used to ask myself what was going on too. The only answer I came up with was one. 

First, let me explain; I watched a serious polarization of people I knew. I watched people I considered left come to the same right wing beliefs I have, and people who I considered right, openly went as left as possible. 

I saw what I considered utter madness, people suddenly believing the craziest stuff, and fighting like mad over their crazy beliefs. Very few stayed where they were. 

Myself, I was always more left really. I mean, I voted republican but let's face it, I was left. But as things changed, as ISIS rose to power and I apostatized from Islam, and then became saved... I changed as much as anyone, and become just as polarized in my positions really, and went farther right than I ever was politically, became more of a libertarian suddenly. 

I think, and you can take this as you will, but somehow, I think we all became what we were in truth, to some kind of extreme, there was no hiding where we stood, maybe for the first time. 

I think this is somehow spiritual.. I cannot say why, because I really don't know. But it does seem, that the masks are off, and we are, exactly who we are, inside.

But to answer your question specifically, our individual polarization caused us to now listen and read two different opinions on news sources.. so yes we actually get different news than they do.
I'll be honest, I didn't read all of your post. More right wing crap...


But in all honesty, people are very divided right now and I think both sides have a point. It's the same reason when Obama blamed Bush for much most on the right were up in arms. And now here we are, about to get a year full of reasons why it's all Obama's fault. 

At the end of the day, being a libtard shill from the left, people are still pretty damn butt hurt about Senor Trump. And rather than try to find out why he won over Hillary they are uber focused on how she lost over him (and that's the problem). A week or so ago Obama made a comment about how he would've won (had he been eligible to run) and I believe it to be true. I also saw most on the right up in arms about how that was a "slap in the face to trump"...They couldn't be more wrong.

THAT was a slap in the face to Clinton(s). Same with Biden the week before commenting that "she never figured out why she was running". SHE RAN BECAUSE IT WAS HER TURN. THAT'S why she ran. She never knew anything other than that. And THAT is why Trump won. The people (no matter how misguided or brilliant it may turn out to be) wanted their person in there....It's just ironic that the outsider they chose is a billionaire who's been paying off politicians his entire life (cue the Berlusconi intro...)

As far as the hatred on social media? F'It. Most social media (even though people outside of your "circle" are generally included) is one big giant bubble. Even here (to an extent) is becoming a bubble. Just as other sites have become. There is an attitude and demeanor that is portrayed which generally leans one way or the other (rather than sway in the center) and it just is what it is. 

It's people like me that have more blame on the shoulders. Rather than speak my mind or comment on certain issues I just click next and keep my mouth shut. Maybe that's the solution. Take away the ability to ignore. Rather than ignore, learn. Because the path to ignorance starts with ignoring. And the path to enlightenment start with lighten'in up. 

I never have been able to "fit" into a category when it came to politics.
Reason being, there are things from both sides of the isle that I like, as well dislike.

Hence why I call myself an Independent.

One reason why it seems our Nation is more divided than ever, I think is mainly due to 24 hour cable news and social media.

Just think about that for a sec...
Remember back in the day when it was just 3 news channels, at certain time slots?
Of course, that was back when reporters reported the news, not inject their opinions into it.

So what we have now a days, are so-called journalists putting their spin (opinion) on the matter at hand depending on their own personal views. No longer being "objective" in reporting.

Then we have social media which is a breeding ground for hostility.
Keyboard warriors, internet bullies who have no problem dissing those who have opposing views.

Now then, I will have to say, it does seem like under the Obama Admin. our Nation has become more divided than united and I feel his actions towards some things are partly to blame.

Having said that, isn't that what the 2 political parties are used for, keeping the populous divided?
And isn't that what the government in general, regardless of who is in office, prefers? When we are divided?

What blows my mind, is them calling Trump a traitor and already "predicting" what he will/will not do when he has NEVER HELD A POLITICAL OFFICE BEFORE.

Oh and not to mention, he is not even sworn in as President yet, so how can he be charge for treason?
And what for may I ask???

Yes, the Dems seem to have forgotten how corrupt and deceiving Hillary is/was.
Plus she mainly ran to make history being the first Woman president.......whoopie fuckin shit.
Sorry, but think you need a better platform to run on than just your gender.

And how/why the Dems can be proud of Obamacare is beyond me.
Do believe that can also be part to blame for Hillary's loss.
Pretty bad when her own husband called Obamacare "Crazy".

Basically, the people may have favored Hillary more so than Trump, being he was an unknown in the D.C. arena.
And winning the popular vote by only 3 million votes is nothing to brag about IMO. Not much of a lead there.
She should have won by a land slide in that department, but she didn't.

But when it was all said and done, she was the least trusted of the two.  And Trump had a strong message, tapped into the people's needs  where as Hillary had none.
Trump could relate to the people.
Hillary could only relate to herself --  her needs/wants. She was out of touch with her ideas of what the people wanted.

Will have to say, this has to be one of the most emotionally charged elections I have seen yet.
Thanks to 24 hour 'spin-room' news and social media.

The haters are gonna hate, no matter what Trump does.
Even if he were to make it rain gold down on us, they would still hate him.

And I personally blame the MSM for much of the division, which we have seen first hand ourselves how agenda driven news reporters are now a days.
Even tho Trump won fair & square, the MSM is still trashing him, trying to take away from his win.
All because THEIR candidate of choice LOST!!

Nothing like having sore losers in control of our media, eh?

I also think another reason that has divided us was the BLM and turning on cops, with Obama pushing the narrative.
(Remember when Obama spoke up, taking sides of Trayvon Martin/Michael Brown before the facts were ever in, siding with criminals due to their skin color)

With Trump fixing to be in office, maybe at least that won't be front and center anymore. (race)
I am sooooooo sick & tired of the race card being thrown in my face just because I may disagree with his foreign policies or Obamacare.
THAT in of itself is partly to blame too!

Ann Coulter called that one from the get-go, before Obama won in 2008.
That anyone who disagrees with Obama would be called a racist.

Maybe now we can focus on the economy, jobs, and National Security.
You know, important stuff for ALL Americans.

I just hope that the MSM will cool it with their hateful rhetoric towards Trump enough to give him a chance to lead, as well as let the public decide on their own, if they are satisfied with his Presidency or not.

And stop calling everyone one who voted for Trump a racist, bigot, Islamophobic, xenophobe or whatever else insult the Left and MSM want to sling out there.

Hell yeah that in of itself will keep the country divided!!

So much hate being spewed, so much hate.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

@"Senona"  said,

Quote:What blows my mind, is them calling Trump a traitor and already "predicting" what he will/will not do when he has NEVER HELD A POLITICAL OFFICE BEFORE.

Oh and not to mention, he is not even sworn in as President yet, so how can he be charge for treason?
And what for may I ask???

THEY were accusing him of being in cahoots with Putin to hack the election and make Trump win.

What blows my mind is them saying Trump will create a nuclear war, when that was Hillary's MAIN agenda!!  I think it is Trump's goal to AVOID nuclear war.

Here is a good article about how Putin responded to the MSM news:

Putin Went On Live TV, Exposed Everything Obama And Hillary Say Is a Dirty Lie

January 1, 2017

Quote:Donald Trump has been the President-elect for almost two months now, but the only thing the media will talk about is whether the Russians played a role in his election.
Much like the drama from your typical high school, you don’t have to look very far to determine just where this rumor emanated from. Even Vladimir Putin himself realizes it, and he went on live television to fully explain it. According to Putin, the American press is being hoodwinked — not by Donald Trump but by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Democrats.

Quote:Of course, the very fact alone that Putin prefers Trump over Hillary means that the man is smarter than many take him for. It also has other ramifications, including the fact that it is easier to negotiate if the other party respects you.
To his credit, however, Putin didn’t just endorse a candidate in the election. He took it a step further and said that the press is lying to the American people.

Of course, the liberal news media thinks Vladimir Putin is the boogeyman du jour, so they will discount everything that the man says. There was one small problem with that, however.

Turns out that Vladimir Putin was right. For all of the talk about him and Donald Trump being tight, the media missed out on the fact that even he realized that the American people were tired of elite individuals running the show.

Apparently everyone saw it but the liberal media. Average, everyday Americans saw it, and even Putin saw it.

There is more on this article for anyone who wishes to see it:  Source Link
(01-04-2017, 02:30 AM)Grace Wrote: @"Mystic Wanderer" 

I think this is somehow spiritual.. I cannot say why, because I really don't know. But it does seem, that the masks are off, and we are, exactly who we are, inside.

But to answer your question specifically, our individual polarization caused us to now listen and read two different opinions on news sources.. so yes we actually get different news than they do.

Yes, I suppose you could say it is a spiritual battle, and it is my personal opinion that anything that represents bringing in the NWO is EVIL!

Chalk that up to years and years of being taught Christianity growing up and hearing in church how someday this evil would try to overtake the world. I don't know that this is where it all comes from for me; I think I would be against it, regardless of my upbringing, just because of realizing what is right and what is wrong.  

I see Sharia law as plain and utter evil!  I also see the Catholic church as evil, from things hidden from the public.
It's all about control from any "religion", IMO.  They tell you what to wear, how to think, who to associate with, how to speak, and you absolutely MUST pay your tithes, or you will burn in Hell for all eternity! 

I used to be an avid Christian (not Catholic), but then I realized ALL the major faiths hold a "branch" of the truth which, together, makes up the entire tree that reaches up to understanding ascension of one's soul.
No one doctrine is correct about everything it "preaches", but if you unite the truths in each one, and let the rest fall, you pretty much have a good road map for total truth for ALL humanity.

I'm not "religious" now, but I do consider myself to be very spiritual; there is a huge difference.  I don't need to go to a building to talk to my God, nor do I need a human being telling me I'm forgiven (the Pope).  I know what is in my heart, and so does my God; that's all that really matters to me.

This kind of went off topic, but I wanted to address your reply.  

So, getting back to the thread topic, I see the left as evil, spiritually, because they want to bring in Sharia Law world wide, and I see the right as good because they still represent true freedom in allowing the people to choose and practice the faith of their choice (as long as it's not Sharia Law).

On a subconscious level maybe this is where the battle is occurring for humanity.
DuckforCover said,
I'll be honest, I didn't read all of your post. More right wing crap...


 And now here we are, about to get a year full of reasons why it's all Obama's fault. 

Quote:It started with Pres. Bush Sr., and every President after him has been a member of the Free Masons, or the Illuminati.  They all had one main goal, and that was to usher in the NWO to the entire world to give government total control of the people.  

As for blaming Obama, I think the reason most people blame him is because he did things right out in the open. We (our government) had been so infiltrated by the time he got in office, there wasn't any need to hide it any longer.  Maybe it was also about "conditioning" the mind of the masses to accept what they were bringing.  

At the end of the day, being a libtard shill from the left, people are still pretty damn butt hurt about Senor Trump. And rather than try to find out why he won over Hillary they are uber focused on how she lost over him (and that's the problem). A week or so ago Obama made a comment about how he would've won (had he been eligible to run) and I believe it to be true. I also saw most on the right up in arms about how that was a "slap in the face to trump"...They couldn't be more wrong.

Quote:Sorry, but I think if Obama had run again, the results would have been the same.  People were fed up with what he was bringing to the table. Hillary said in a public statement that she would continue with his plans for America... and that is why she lost. He would have lost too!

As far as the hatred on social media? F'It. Most social media (even though people outside of your "circle" are generally included) is one big giant bubble. Even here (to an extent) is becoming a bubble. Just as other sites have become. There is an attitude and demeanor that is portrayed which generally leans one way or the other (rather than sway in the center) and it just is what it is. 

Quote:I agree people need to be more "centered".  I don't know about everyone else, but I couldn't ignore all the facts coming in about Hillary; all the people who have died that were connected to her in some way that could have blown the whistle on her "secrets"; her statement when Julian Assange pissed her off, "Can't we just kill him?"  That seemed to be her problem-solver to everything.  The evidence that showed she was using her Clinton Foundation for money laundering; accepting money from our enemy countries to fund her campaign; and much more that I won't go in to now.

She was disconnected from the "small man" in America, and most people couldn't relate to her.  Of course, all the immigrants or anyone getting help from the government were for her; they wanted to keep their meal ticket without having to work. And that was exactly part of the big plan. Hillary (or the Puppet Masters who pulled her strings) would have continued to send our jobs to other countries, causing more and more people to have to rely on government help.  If the government helps you survive, you aren't going to do anything that goes against them, right?
Don't bite the hand that feeds you!  
I think if things had progressed, it wouldn't be long before the majority of people were dependent on the government... right where they wanted them!  

Anyway... I'll stop here before I go into a rant.   tinywondering

It's people like me that have more blame on the shoulders. Rather than speak my mind or comment on certain issues I just click next and keep my mouth shut. Maybe that's the solution. Take away the ability to ignore. Rather than ignore, learn. Because the path to ignorance starts with ignoring. And the path to enlightenment start with lighten'in up. 


Quote:I agree.  Everyone needs to look at both sides.  I see many faults with Trump, but it is my opinion that he will be a great President... if people will give him a chance.  If he turns out not to be, we can always impeach him, right?  

People need to stop with all the hate already!  (Unless it's directed at the extreme Islamist.)   :smallwink:  
(01-04-2017, 07:01 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: DuckforCover said,
I'll be honest, I didn't read all of your post. More right wing crap...


 And now here we are, about to get a year full of reasons why it's all Obama's fault. 

Quote:It started with Pres. Bush Sr., and every President after him has been a member of the Free Masons, or the Illuminati.  They all had one main goal, and that was to usher in the NWO to the entire world to give government total control of the people.  

As for blaming Obama, I think the reason most people blame him is because he did things right out in the open. We (our government) had been so infiltrated by the time he got in office, there wasn't any need to hide it any longer.  Maybe it was also about "conditioning" the mind of the masses to accept what they were bringing.  

At the end of the day, being a libtard shill from the left, people are still pretty damn butt hurt about Senor Trump. And rather than try to find out why he won over Hillary they are uber focused on how she lost over him (and that's the problem). A week or so ago Obama made a comment about how he would've won (had he been eligible to run) and I believe it to be true. I also saw most on the right up in arms about how that was a "slap in the face to trump"...They couldn't be more wrong.

Quote:Sorry, but I think if Obama had run again, the results would have been the same.  People were fed up with what he was bringing to the table. Hillary said in a public statement that she would continue with his plans for America... and that is why she lost. He would have lost too!

As far as the hatred on social media? F'It. Most social media (even though people outside of your "circle" are generally included) is one big giant bubble. Even here (to an extent) is becoming a bubble. Just as other sites have become. There is an attitude and demeanor that is portrayed which generally leans one way or the other (rather than sway in the center) and it just is what it is. 

Quote:I agree people need to be more "centered".  I don't know about everyone else, but I couldn't ignore all the facts coming in about Hillary; all the people who have died that were connected to her in some way that could have blown the whistle on her "secrets"; her statement when Julian Assange pissed her off, "Can't we just kill him?"  That seemed to be her problem-solver to everything.  The evidence that showed she was using her Clinton Foundation for money laundering; accepting money from our enemy countries to fund her campaign; and much more that I won't go in to now.

She was disconnected from the "small man" in America, and most people couldn't relate to her.  Of course, all the immigrants or anyone getting help from the government were for her; they wanted to keep their meal ticket without having to work. And that was exactly part of the big plan. Hillary (or the Puppet Masters who pulled her strings) would have continued to send our jobs to other countries, causing more and more people to have to rely on government help.  If the government helps you survive, you aren't going to do anything that goes against them, right?
Don't bite the hand that feeds you!  
I think if things had progressed, it wouldn't be long before the majority of people were dependent on the government... right where they wanted them!  

Anyway... I'll stop here before I go into a rant.   tinywondering

It's people like me that have more blame on the shoulders. Rather than speak my mind or comment on certain issues I just click next and keep my mouth shut. Maybe that's the solution. Take away the ability to ignore. Rather than ignore, learn. Because the path to ignorance starts with ignoring. And the path to enlightenment start with lighten'in up. 


Quote:I agree.  Everyone needs to look at both sides.  I see many faults with Trump, but it is my opinion that he will be a great President... if people will give him a chance.  If he turns out not to be, we can always impeach him, right?  

People need to stop with all the hate already!  (Unless it's directed at the extreme Islamist.)   :smallwink:  

You could be right about Obama (and probably are), the "tide was turning" so to speak, and Trump capitalized on that. What I mean by me saying he could have was more along the lines of him knowing how to do exactly what Trump did (connect with people better than Clinton). 

And I too hope for a great president some day, I just don't think Trump will be the man that can do it. More so because of the polarization now (just as with Obama), nobody will WANT him to succeed (at least those on the opposite side of the aisle). Same thing the right said about Obama: It was their stated and public goal to make him a 1 term president. To hell with us peons that put them there to compromise, debate, and actually get something done. 

As for the left, well, this is more directed at congress in general: When Obama got in office he had an enormous amount of political capital to play with. And tackling healthcare was a noble act....Except they didn't tackle it. They let a few think-tanks and lobbying firms write a bill (a damn book actually), slap it on the table, point and laugh at the other side for not having the votes to stop it, PASS IT, PROMOTE IT, THHHHHEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNN Actually F'n Read it. Biggest waste of political capital and the biggest waste of a presidency that I can remember (on par with invading Iraq). 

So what we as Americans need to do is let the president be the damn president. There are checks and balances in place to make sure they tread lightly (yet firmly when needed). But no more sabotage bullshit when it's not "your guy" or "your party". I saw that for the last 8 years of Obama and would very much hope the left will not return the favor. It serves no purpose and THAT is why Trump was elected. To shake it up....I just hope to Thor he doesn't start a damn war because of some f'n twitter comment....I don't have my hopes up... tinywondering

Which twitter comment are you referring to?
(01-05-2017, 12:12 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: @"DuckforcoveR" 

Which twitter comment are you referring to?

None yet, but his inability to to stay off of twitter or keep his mouth shut about sensitive matters that need more explaining than "140 characterso or less" is a bit alarming. 

I just always thought the office of the President was (and should always be) above this whole "I know you are but what am I!" Grade school tit for tat. And he just can't help himself.  tinylaughing
(01-05-2017, 12:23 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 12:12 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: @"DuckforcoveR" 

Which twitter comment are you referring to?

None yet, but his inability to to stay off of twitter or keep his mouth shut about sensitive matters that need more explaining than "140 characterso or less" is a bit alarming. 

I just always thought the office of the President was (and should always be) above this whole "I know you are but what am I!" Grade school tit for tat. And he just can't help himself.  tinylaughing

I agree with that.   tinylaughing
(01-05-2017, 12:23 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 12:12 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: @"DuckforcoveR" 

Which twitter comment are you referring to?

None yet, but his inability to to stay off of twitter or keep his mouth shut about sensitive matters that need more explaining than "140 characterso or less" is a bit alarming. 

I just always thought the office of the President was (and should always be) above this whole "I know you are but what am I!" Grade school tit for tat. And he just can't help himself.  tinylaughing

Americans cannot read an entire article in the age of social media. No one reads full articles anymore, most react to articles based on the title alone and never once bother to read what was written after the title. Attention deficit fairly well describes each and every one of our youth and the majority of parents. Just saying, not judging.

However, what Trump is doing is speaking to his constituency, in a manner they understand. He is being transparent, Americans know what he is thinking, and their responses to him, if you noticed, have helped flesh out his policy in this election cycle. 

This entire election with Trump, has been a negotiation of what the American people want American policy to be, going forward. When he has changed his position slightly, it's been due to negative response I'm certain areas, when he backtracked, it was due to negative response and when he solidified his position and doubled down on it, it was due to positive responses.
(01-05-2017, 03:28 AM)Grace Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 12:23 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 12:12 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: @"DuckforcoveR" 

Which twitter comment are you referring to?

None yet, but his inability to to stay off of twitter or keep his mouth shut about sensitive matters that need more explaining than "140 characterso or less" is a bit alarming. 

I just always thought the office of the President was (and should always be) above this whole "I know you are but what am I!" Grade school tit for tat. And he just can't help himself.  tinylaughing

Americans cannot read an entire article in the age of social media. No one reads full articles anymore, most react to articles based on the title alone and never once bother to read what was written after the title. Attention deficit fairly well describes each and every one of our youth and the majority of parents. Just saying, not judging.

However, what Trump is doing is speaking to his constituency, in a manner they understand. He is being transparent, Americans know what he is thinking, and their responses to him, if you noticed, have helped flesh out his policy in this election cycle. 

This entire election with Trump, has been a negotiation of what the American people want American policy to be, going forward. When he has changed his position slightly, it's been due to negative response, when he solidified his position and doubled down on it, it was due to positive responses.

I find it sad, that so many purportedly educated people seem to have missed that, in their quest to look down their noses at Trump and declare themselves more intelligent. (And I'm specifically thinking of the media here)

I would like to agree but he's said himself that he says things just to get people worked up. His whole "yeah we wanted to jail Clinton but now that we won we don't actually think that right?", or countless advisers that come out and say that he says one thing in public but doesn't actually believe it in private. That's a recipe for same old same old. (In my opinion). 

He's pandering. Like a politician. He's not negotiating at all, the only negotiation he's doing with his words are in between his ears. Trump speaks openly about the people he doesn't care about (everybody that's not a billionaire or one of the many politicians he's bought in his life) so his promises should be taken with a grain of salt.
(01-05-2017, 03:47 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 03:28 AM)Grace Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 12:23 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 12:12 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: @"DuckforcoveR" 

Which twitter comment are you referring to?

None yet, but his inability to to stay off of twitter or keep his mouth shut about sensitive matters that need more explaining than "140 characterso or less" is a bit alarming. 

I just always thought the office of the President was (and should always be) above this whole "I know you are but what am I!" Grade school tit for tat. And he just can't help himself.  tinylaughing

Americans cannot read an entire article in the age of social media. No one reads full articles anymore, most react to articles based on the title alone and never once bother to read what was written after the title. Attention deficit fairly well describes each and every one of our youth and the majority of parents. Just saying, not judging.

However, what Trump is doing is speaking to his constituency, in a manner they understand. He is being transparent, Americans know what he is thinking, and their responses to him, if you noticed, have helped flesh out his policy in this election cycle. 

This entire election with Trump, has been a negotiation of what the American people want American policy to be, going forward. When he has changed his position slightly, it's been due to negative response, when he solidified his position and doubled down on it, it was due to positive responses.

I find it sad, that so many purportedly educated people seem to have missed that, in their quest to look down their noses at Trump and declare themselves more intelligent. (And I'm specifically thinking of the media here)

I would like to agree but he's said himself that he says things just to get people worked up. His whole "yeah we wanted to jail Clinton but now that we won we don't actually think that right?", or countless advisers that come out and say that he says one thing in public but doesn't actually believe it in private. That's a recipe for same old same old. (In my opinion). 

He's pandering. Like a politician. He's not negotiating at all, the only negotiation he's doing with his words are in between his ears. Trump speaks openly about the people he doesn't care about (everybody that's not a billionaire or one of the many politicians he's bought in his life) so his promises should be taken with a grain of salt.

Personally, one of the reasons I voted for him was because he said he would go after Hillary if he won.  I think a lot of people are going to be upset if he doesn't stay true to his word.

She is a criminal, and needs to be held accountable, just like any other person.  We wouldn't be over-looked if we did all that Hillary has done!

Yes, that will piss me off if he doesn't go after her! tinyok
How all this will translate into very real public policy once in office is yet to be seen, and I have always said we are taking a chance, but this chance was better than the certainty we had if the vote had gone the other way.. it's always better to have a chance at something better, than to resign to what is worse in some kind of defeat. 

But I was paying very very close attention to what was happening, and that was exactly it. The times trump changed slightly in a proposed policy, was when he was getting overwhelming negative reactions to what he was saying.. he wasn't paying attention to polls or the media, so much as he was paying attention to social media, and that policy, those negotiations to come to a solidified position, is why he got elected. 

He spoke to people, and found out exactly what they wanted, something no one else bothered to do. And he did it using 140 words or less.
I personally am on the fence when it comes to Twitter and Trump. LOL.

Having said that, what he is doing is bypassing the biased MSM and getting his message out there.
And yes, Grace is correct in that people really don't 'read' articles as they should, but merely glance at the headlines.
Hence why anymore, the headlines are sensationalized even tho the article may not.

"Click Bait" is what that is called.
Knowing a majority won't really take the time to read the whole article.

Oh yeah, I cringe at times when Trump sends out Tweets and I hear negative responses.
But come to find out, usually the negativity comes from the Leftist MSM or the never-Trumpers.
And McCain/Graham are part of the never-Trumpers being, as they are hardcore D.C. players.

They need to retire along with Pelosi and Feinstein.

And as far as World War 3 goes.... I have been hearing that since Bush.
And guess what, nothing happened.
Just more fear-mongering from the opposing team.

I remember from ATS, they said Bush was going to do something to create martial law and stay in for a 3rd term.
Well guess what........same shit, different president. ha

People are now saying Obama is going to create a false flag event to bring martial law and prevent Trump from getting in office.

Of course, back to my original statement, the MSM putting out their spin of hatred and fear-mongering does not help matters at all.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

@"Mystic Wanderer" you said,

Quote:Personally, one of the reasons I voted for him was because he said he would go after Hillary if he won.  I think a lot of people are going to be upset if he doesn't stay true to his word.

She is a criminal, and needs to be held accountable, just like any other person.  We wouldn't be over-looked if we did all that Hillary has done!

Yes, that will piss me off if he doesn't go after her! tinyok

One of the problems here, is that really needed to be done under Obama. But it wasn't.

Trump has a need right now to calm things down to prove he isn't the dictator the media keeps telling people he will be. We have people torturing a white boy because he is white and therefore a Trump supporter in their eyes on video. Trump needs to calm this down, as we are literally on the brink of civil war this election..

It would be nice to see Clinton charged for her crimes, but at the same time, for Trump's administration to do that will only fan the flames and they will hold that up as unjust and more reasons to torture or even kill more people deemed to be Trump's supporters. In other words it would feed the desire for actual civil war.

My husband said what Trump needed to do was to offer her a position in his administration where she wouldn't be able to cause any harm, to prove himself as someone who wanted to unify us .. she would turn it down, but then she would be the bad guy, and Trump magnanimous..

He has a point, although it would make me cringe personally it would take a lot of the wind out of their sails, and might even go toward some unifying, instead of all this hate.
Here is why the right didn't want Obama's "legacy" to continue:

And you can read even more here:  Source Link

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