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The Globalists Elite
I would like to share this chart with you that shows all the globalists and the networks under them.  People are named in all the groups, and many graphs show how they are all connected.

You might want to save this one to your files in case someone decides to take it down!

[Image: VThiIPkA.jpeg]

Quote:The global elite march in four essential columns: Corporate, Academic, Political and Organized Religion.
In general, the goals for globalism are created by Corporate.
Academic then provides studies and white papers that justify Corporates goals.
Political sells Academic’s arguments to the public and if necessary, changes laws to accommodate and facilitate Corporate in getting what it wants. Organized Religion along with church and state secures corporate, academic and political rule into a global order.

There is way too much for me to post here, so be sure to go to the link and be blown away! 

I WILL post the Key Players here for you though:  

Key Players of the One World Order

(In order of importance)

1: Lord Jacob de Rothschild. 2: His son Nathaniel. 3: Baron David de Rothschild 4: Sir Evelyn de Rothschild 5: David Rockefeller 6: Henry Kissinger 7: George Soros 8: Lloyd Blankfein

The power behind the Committee of 300 is the Anglo-Jewish cousin-hood that dominate the financial and political systems of the world. This cousin-hood includes the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer, Goldsmid, Mocatta, Montefiore, Sassoon, Warburg, Samuel, Kadoorie, Franklin, Worms, Stern and Cohen families.

Read it all here:  Source Link

And to further your education, here is an article that discusses
The Committee of 300: Some of the Shadow “Elite”

[Image: Resources-Distribution1.jpg?fit=800%2C427]

[Image: Committee-300-Scheme.jpg?w=640]

Read more about this here: LINK
Well lookie there, oh Georgie boy (Soros) is on that list at #7

I guess the Rothschilds/Rockefellers (R&R) will always be at the helm of what goes on Globally. sigh.
Don't guess their family lineage will ever die out and they will always pass the torch for others to follow in the NWO path.


Yeah, that chart goes into pretty good detail about the spiderweb of money/power groups.

Thanks for sharing, will look over all this some more.


ETA: Now see, Oil is a money maker for them.
That is one reason why I do not see oil factories going out any time soon as the global warming agenda wants it to.

Either there is something else in play with the whole GW agenda.
Or the Elites have something better to do with their oil.

Sorry, but they will never give up their fountain of wealth over some global warming agenda deal.
Unless there is more to it than meets the eye.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

(11-14-2016, 04:53 AM)senona Wrote: Well lookie there, oh Georgie boy (Soros) is on that list at #7

I guess the Rothschilds/Rockefellers (R&R) will always be at the helm of what goes on Globally. sigh.
Don't guess their family lineage will ever die out and they will always pass the torch for others to follow in the NWO path.


Yeah, that chart goes into pretty good detail about the spiderweb of money/power groups.

Thanks for sharing, will look over all this some more.

You're welcome.   :smallwink:

I've always thought Soros and Rockefeller looked a lot alike...  almost like a clone.   tinybighuh

[Image: george-soros-29.jpg][Image: david-rockefeller_506917.jpg]
From the "Committee of 300" source link.....

What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing the following by divine right:

Quote: Wrote:
A One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. Not many people are aware that the One World Government began setting up its “church” in the 1920’s/ 1930’s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a “church” body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

Quote: Wrote:
The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.

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The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.

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Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski call “technotronics” which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski’s Red Terror will look like children at play.

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An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call “the post-industrial zero-growth society.” 

Exempted are the computer and service industries. United States industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labour is available. 

Unemployables in the wake of industrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination process we know today as Global 2000.

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Legalization of drugs and pornography.

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Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot’s genocidal plans were drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome’s research foundations. It is also interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.

Quote: Wrote:
Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press. 

Development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee’s conception of “limited natural resources” right out of the window. A fusion torch properly used could create unlimited untapped natural resources from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner which is as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.

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Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000, people they call “useless eaters.” The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide.

The paper was produced under the title the “Global 2000 Report” and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.

Quote: Wrote:
To weaken the moral fibre of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labour class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs.

The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as “The Aquarian Conspiracy.”

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To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then “managing” such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result.
In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first disclosed in 1980.

Quote: Wrote:
To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which includes rock “music” gangsters such as the filthy, degenerate Mick Jagger’s “Rolling Stones” (a gangster group much favoured by European Black Nobility) and all of the Tavistock created “rock” groups which began with “The Beatles.”

To continue to build up the cult of Christian fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company’s servant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist state of Israel through identifying with the Jews through the myth of “God’s Chosen People” and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.

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To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the Jim Jones and “Son of Sam” type of murders. It is worth noting that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creation of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6, commonly known as M16, as I reported in my 1985 work, “What Really Happened in Iran.”

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To export “religious liberation” ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions but more especially the Christian religion. This began with “Jesuit Liberation Theology” which brought about the downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years into a “civil war,” Costa Rica and Honduras. 

One very active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology is the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll’s so-called nuns in EI Salvador a few years ago.

The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the government of EI Salvador. The United States press and news media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation in possession of the Salvadorian government, documentation which proves what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and played a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.

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To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.

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To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.

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To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.

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Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them.

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Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded the Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnappers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. 

As an aside, General Dozier is under orders not to talk about what happened to him. Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be made “a horrible example of” in the manner in which Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.

Quote: Wrote:
Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.

The ones in "red" are for sure happening now.

I highlighted #8 due to the fact they WILL NOT allow scientists to question man-made global warming. Which goes against Science in general.

Still trying to figure what the real agenda is behind GW when the Rockefellers money comes from oil and I simply do not see them giving that up 'cause of the climate.

Anyhow, there is more interesting information at the link here.

But yeah, dumbing down the young people, make them weak and more able to control (manipulate) already in the works.

As shown in guohua's thread here.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

Another video on the 13 families that rule our planet.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

This video has to do with the top 5 Secret Societies, but am going to post it being as these groups influence much of what goes on too.
Not very long, but informative.

Most of it we already know/suspect, but it only confirms it.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'


Life is simple, we just confuse ourselves with the little things.

Please, if you do watch this video, take close notice of Bezmenov's comments regarding
Journalists after the 40 minute mark. It may hint at where we are today.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Thank you both for the videos.  I watched them all and found them very informative.   minusculeknocks 

@"BIAD" , I think the part you were referring to starts at the 42:00 mark, and yes, it does sound like what we are dealing with in America with our reporters now.   tinysure

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