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Geologist claims found Christ tomb...
I understand there are some bad situations out there in churches, yesterday and today, but I'm glad I never was exposed to a lot of that crap. I didn't get the pre-packaged faith to go combos, the ones that come with guilt added on at no extra charge. I briefly attended a couple of churches that just didn't feel right, so I stopped going (after I was saved in 1984 at the age of 19). Thank goodness I have found a couple of churches that don't participate in that type of bullying. I can't stand the holier-than-thou crap that so many people wave around like a flag and call it Christianity these days. Jesus didn't like it either. That's why he didn't hang with the elite of the day, he hung out and broke bread with ordinary people.

Whether or not this tomb belonged to Christ is of no importance to me. The details can be squibbled and squabbled over to no end. People can argue it both ways until the end of time, and I won't care one bit. This earthly stuff is inconsequential when you know how it all goes down. People who are into the paranormal (Myself included) but have never read the King James Bible with an open mind, and for themselves, have no idea how surreal and magical, amazingly mystical the Bible can be. If Jesus were alive today he would be the ultimate whistle blower. His ideas were so radically different from the elite of the day that he had to be killed, one way or another.

The whole Bible is full of people telling us that they went "in spirit" to the top of a mountain, or above a city, with an angel. That's the same as astral travel. Jesus could look at the Pharisees and know what they were thinking to themselves as they played the hypocrite and denounced his helping the sick and communing with the lowly people. That's psychic intuition, or mind reading, whatever you want to call it. When Moses threw down Aaron's rod at Pharaoh's feet and it became a serpent, it was a result of godly power. When Pharaoh commanded his court magicians to do the same thing, they did... and their rods became serpents too, but it wasn't from godly power, it was earthly power. Who has dominion over the whole earth and the powers of the air? Satan. Aaron's rod/serpent turned around and devoured the magicians' rod/serpents... as if to show godly power trumps earthly power.

Finally, toward the end of the New Testament, several times Jesus "suddenly appeared" among his followers, after he had been crucified and rose again. They make a point of saying the door was sealed shut for the night, and he suddenly appeared among them. Can you imagine what a shock that was? Jesus also walked across the water to appear before some of his disciples in a boat, and it scared the heck out of t hem. They thought they were seeing a spirit and they were afraid, because they didn't recognize him. This says that 1) they knew of spirits, or ghosts and they were afraid of them, and 2) he appeared to them looking different, or not in the same "body" they knew him as before. As a side note, the Bible also says if you encounter spirits (ghosts) you are to question them... ask them if they are "of God" and see what their reaction is before you trust them, or try to help them, or whatever. This is to help people who are able to see or otherwise sense spirits so they won't be deceived by anything evil pretending to be something else.

I'll wrap up this rant of sorts by saying that this is entirely my take on several things mentioned in the Bible, which I also believe is fact, and I'm not criticizing anybody for believing differently. There was a decidedly negative image of Christ being portrayed here, and I just thought I'd even it up... not that he needs me or anybody else to speak for him!  


Messages In This Thread
Geologist claims found Christ tomb... - by guohua - 09-18-2016, 02:54 PM
RE: Geologist claims found Christ tomb... - by Spirit Scribe - 07-27-2017, 06:36 AM

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