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Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum
'...The biggest puzzle to me is Scotland...' -NINURTA.

I've looked at many different reasons on why Scotland were strong in their request to
stay in the European Union and they are of course, wildly diverse.

(To save my ass from being ravaged by Big Gordi, I took the sprinkling of reasons below
from all over the internet. They're not my views, Big 'un!)

Edinburgh is the UK's largest financial centre outside London.

Leaving the EU risks loss of banking jobs which would be a serious hit for the economy.

Many of the Scots are not big fans of the English Government that dictates from London.

Deprived areas of Scotland have benefited from EU funding.

Infrastructure has improved fro EU funding.

Scotland seems to be in favour of a broadly more left wing government- happy to be taxed
for free higher education, more money into the National Health Service.

Many of the Scots are not big fans of the English Government that dictates from London.

A Third of Scotland didn't bother to vote.
1.6 million voted to remain (same number who voted for leaving UK)
1.1 million voted to leave.
Only 500,000 more people voted to remain than leave EU.
Not the enormous majority that the media and Scottish National Party keep stating.
Nearly 40% voted to leave EU.

Many of the Scots are not big fans of the English Government that dictates from London.

With England, there were also many factors that caused them to place an 'X' in the 'Leave' Box.
The media comment that immigration was one of the main reasons, but I would suggest the
word they really wanted to use was slightly-smaller. Migration.

It wouldn't be too-hollow of me to offer the reason many sections of wealthy London voted to
remain was due to the cheap labour migrants provide for lower-perceived jobs. Some of the
Eastern countries who are playing the poor cousins in the EU are enjoying the better-paid
employment that the wealthier Great Britain provides, but I know the Capital utilises it the most.

Then there's the financial benefits the country offers for unemployed men and women that
live here. Single mothers receive monies and housing that are competitive with some of the lesser
service jobs and in some cases, it's preferred to become pregnant than seek employment.

Of course, on the back of the migration scene is the constant media-driven whisper that every
person coming from across the North Sea with a Middle-Eastern complexion, is a terrorist
waiting for the word to destroy the infidel.
And it feeds a small culture fuming under the yoke of the 'Haves-and-Have-Nots' that's just greedy
for this kind of stupid stuff.

I would wager the far-greater reason for the more mature of the UK residents to decide to leave the
European Union was because of the increase of control a supposed 'market-place for trade' had

Bureaucracy became the major product in Brussels and to a nation that still holds an 'island
mentality', it's something that can be put on the Grumble Shelf alongside old grudges regarding
past conflicts.

The young saw the result as an insult to their ideological perception of a safe, communicating
and financially-secure area where many groups of different people came together in the name
of making the world a better place. There were no more borders and the worry of war decreases
when your historical enemies now sit at the same table as you.

The old bastards saw it as place that mutated from a trading area that was supposed to make
the selling and buying of goods cheaper to each other -into a self-centred money-hoarding
conglomerate that produced nothing put the means emphasise that politics was more important
and to constantly press to take power off those they pretended to serve.

I've also heard it said that they were also making the adults younger.

Inflation fell away, wage-rises tailed off and food was cheaper. Gambling was no longer a slightly
-hidden hobby and where once, visiting the Pawn Shops was seen as taboo and a something to
be ashamed of, now is standard practice on many high-streets.

Debt became a friend that turns into a tenant that won't leave and to certain factions of the working
-class, an honest day's toil was something you lied and cheated about to avoid it.
The Government would always give you enough for booze, anyway.

Some of the more cynical of the 'old geezers' saw it nothing more than another ploy of 'Johnny
Foreigner' to grab our groceries and slyly weaken our military forces. 

But over-all, it didn't seem too bad. The amounts of homeless dropped because it was no longer
mentioned on the television. Child-molesters roamed the streets because the television told us
-and in such ways that all men could be perceived as possible 'kiddy-diddlers'

Schools moved away from the usual lessons of yore and began educating the young on how to
question everything with a tone of doubt instead of curiosity. They are encouraged to reveal their
true selves in social media forums without the confidence of a mature person who knows everyone
is really a cyber-stranger until proven otherwise.

All-in-all, the basics of life were covered. Food, pay and play, it was like... well, like everything you
wanted! And that's what was wrong, I honestly believe that underneath all the uncouthness, the
blaize manner that the way worrying areas of our lives were covered over by the media and the
banal portions of the crap they call entertainment were served up, even the most brain-fuddled of
us knew something wasn't quite right.

It was almost like we didn't feel we'd earned it. And we hadn't. Maybe... just maybe, those with
wiser and less hair-covered heads saw the game for what it was.
When you're offered a plate of cookies, you can bet a pound to a bucket of bull's p*ss that a plate
of caviar is being gobbled down somewhere else.

Since the 'Leave' decision came in, the news-outlets on the television channels have rarely
left Westminster. Tarpaulin-draped studios stand around a grassed-area known as 'The College
Garden' next to the Houses of Parliament and the only people they interview are members of
that establishment or other television journalists.

The people who voted for or against...? Well, the proof of the pudding really is on the screen
that was supposed to inform the masses of the realities of staying or leaving.

Politics. Politics and the concern that someone in a suit and a large expense-account may
lose their job and NOT the poor schmuck who earns in a year only half of what one of them
pen-pushers does in a month.

I can't blame Scotland nor Northern Ireland for wanting to stick with the European Union,
the age-old marriage they're stuck with now, they know fine-well.

The Common Market -a.k.a The European Economic Community -ak.a The European Union.
Nah... not fur' us, mate.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum - by BIAD - 06-28-2016, 02:53 PM
RE: Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum - by 1984hasarrived - 10-14-2016, 12:27 PM

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