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Welp...Some days go as planned...and others..?
(06-27-2022, 05:50 AM)FlyingClayDisk Wrote: Some days go as planned, and other days, well...not so much.

Got up this morning; lots to do.  Had to get the stock trailer all ready to go to deliver a bull tomorrow morning.  Figured we'd get everything ready to go early so there were no "rodeos" before sun up trying to load a 3 year old bull.  Got hooked up, backed up the trailer to the loading alley and chute.  Seemed like a really relaxed day.

The plan was to get the bull locked in the corrals tonight, and then it would just be a simple matter of loading him up through the tub, alley and chute into the trailer in the morning tomorrow.  The bull had other ideas.

To make a long story short, the 'rodeo' we had hoped to avoid went off per the bull's plan, up to and including him deciding to declare war on a full sized diesel UTV with bull-bars, and my wife, and me.  Then to go into ultra-freakout-psycho mode where anything (and everything) was a target.

Handling adult bulls is always dangerous, but there comes a point where you have make a decision between risking a human life, or taking that of an animal. 

Tomorrow morning, well, there will not be a bull delivery.  And, I will just be waiting for the livestock recovery service to call us and tell us when they will be by to recover the carcass. 

Kind of a shame really, a 1,900 lb. animal like that, but sometimes you get the bull...and other times the bull leaves on a flatbed winch-truck (because ain't nobody gettin' the horn as long as I'm boss!)

How did you euthanise the scared Bull?
I still don't understand why the Kamikaze pilots wore helmets!

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RE: Welp...Some days go as planned...and others..? - by Rodinus - 06-27-2022, 08:09 AM

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