10-14-2016, 06:43 AM
(10-14-2016, 01:53 AM)guohua Wrote: BUMP :smallimpatient: Yeah That's What I'm Doing!......
I don't know if it's a good idea or not, I don't live there and I don't know what their export or job futures look like.
Hi MrsG,
A very quick summary:
The political scene in the UK is dominated by England, because England has 10 times the population of Scotland (or Wales or N.Ireland).
The 2014 referendum on Scottish Independence came about because a large percentage of the Scottish population were less than pleased about continually being marginalised by the London-centric political systems in place at the UK parliament in Westmisnter (London).
At every major general election, you could completely remove the Scottish votes and it would make no difference whatsoever to the overall outcome of that election, despite Scots continually displaying very different voting patterns from the rest of the UK.
(In other words - It doesn't matter how the people of Scotland vote in UK elections or referendums, we ALWAYS get railroaded by the "majority" vote from England.)
This has led to a situation where the SNP (Scottish National Party) now hold 56 of the 59 Scottish seats at the UK parliament.
We are not anti-English or even anti-UK. We are simply fed up with not having a voice.
Our country is continually dragged in directions we don't want to go.
We even get dragged into illegal wars by a UK government that we didn't vote for!
There is a very strong suspicion that the 2014 Independence referendum was rigged in some way.
If you talk to people on the street or in the internet forums here... the vast majority seem to favour Independence.
Of the people that I know personally who have declared a preference one way or the other, the ratio is about 10:1 in favour of Independence!!
My gut feeling is that the true figure is probably around 70:30 in favour of Independence, but that was NOT reflected in the 2014 vote. I have NO IDEA where all the extra NO votes came from.
BREXIT is a f*cking disaster.
64% of Scots voted against it, yet here we are once again getting dragged in a direction that we don't want to go in.
Many of the people who voted to leave the EU did so on the back of a campaign of fear. Fear of Immigration and terror, created by those in power. The campaign wasn't based on factual information, it was dominated by fear mongering and mud-slinging and again I am gobsmacked that the overall vote was to Leave the EU. It came as quite a shock.
Maybe I am just "out of touch".
I am sick and tired of having no voice.
The majority of UK voters have apparently decided to leave the EU. Fair enough (if it wasn't rigged)
Most of those who voted to Leave have cited "control of our own destiny/borders" and "not being ruled from Brussels (EU)" as the main reasons for doing so...
Yet these same people SLATED the people of Scotland for stating almost the EXACT same reasons for wanting Scottish Independence from the UK.
They want "Independence" from the EU dragging THEM in a direction they don't want to go in (e.g. with Immigration, open borders etc)
But cannot see any logic in Scotland wanting "Independence" from the UK dragging us in directions that we don't want to go in (e.g. with Agriculture/Fisheries policies, Transport, Education, Defence, Immigration, etc etc)
In my opinion it's hypocritical at best.
Anyway, my fear is that Scottish "Indyref 2" will just fizzle out... I fear that we have just about given up.
"What's the point?" "They're never going to let it happen" etc.
The people are sick and tired of these referendums now, and they NEVER seem to go the way that we vote anyway????
Everyone is disillusioned. Deflated.
If Scotland had voted for Independence in 2014.
We would currently be negotiating our CONTINUED membership of the EU from within the EU, Independent of the UK.
Now, we are faced with being dragged out of the EU against our will, and then MAYBE voting for Scottish Independence from the UK... and then applying to re-join the EU from the outside... which would involve much more negotiations and penalties.
That's why there's talk of rushing through a 2nd Independence referendum sooner rather than later, but I fear that it's already too late as the UK are going to invoke the process for leaving the EU early next year, and once that's done Scotland will be in the horrible position of trying to organise an Independence referendum DURING UK negotiations to leave the EU, despite us wanting to stay!!!!
It's unbearable.
OK, enough for now.
(So sorry for the rant, but it drives me MAD!)
kindest regards,