05-22-2016, 04:26 AM
Boy oh boy, I tell you what (shakes head)
This part gets me when I read it...
Then they make excuses for continuing on regardless *sigh*
And another thing that people need to make note of is the fact that our government has clearly let it be known that they DO tamper with the weather/climate
Yet the majority of the public are dumb to it
Of course, being as it states 'Intergovernmental Panel' means it is more than just ours
Am afraid that they are going to royally screw up our environment with their experimentation's
Yet lets create and blame Global Warming so the masses won't know any better and we can guilt them into believing their lifestyles are the cause
As wrabbit stated one time, you get several governments playing around with Mother Nature, not knowing what another country is doing, well that alone is a recipe for disaster.
Goodness me, boy Mother Earth sure is screwed, and we have our governments to thank for that with their weather manipulation games
Yet blame the people (shakes head)
This part gets me when I read it...
Quote:.....despite global side effects and long-term consequences
Then they make excuses for continuing on regardless *sigh*
And another thing that people need to make note of is the fact that our government has clearly let it be known that they DO tamper with the weather/climate
Yet the majority of the public are dumb to it
Of course, being as it states 'Intergovernmental Panel' means it is more than just ours
Am afraid that they are going to royally screw up our environment with their experimentation's
Yet lets create and blame Global Warming so the masses won't know any better and we can guilt them into believing their lifestyles are the cause
As wrabbit stated one time, you get several governments playing around with Mother Nature, not knowing what another country is doing, well that alone is a recipe for disaster.
Goodness me, boy Mother Earth sure is screwed, and we have our governments to thank for that with their weather manipulation games
Yet blame the people (shakes head)