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Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum
I know I keep 'banging-on' about the way this EU Referendum took place and offering a negative
view on how information has been related to the public, but I also think it's a prime example of how
the mainstream media actually behave in such circumstances.

I tend to 'tune out' the TV Journalists talking to each other in the College Garden of Westminster as
it means little in regards of true information and is just grist for their eternal mill-grinding of intrigue.
But in a way, they're showing the real truth of what all this means to the British public.

Personally-beneficial politics and celebrity endorsements -based on the idea that a person who is
glorified by being famous by this media, is also a knowledgeable sage that will offer their view and be
listened to. This is what occurred in the run-up to the vote.
It took me back to my youth when teen-magazines offered pop-stars' opinions on what clothes to wear!

Polished debates in USA-style, where men and women shouted down each in front of cheering selected
audiences and delivered ten-words-or-less sound-bites. Members of Parliament sniping at each other
behind a desk on morning news, whilst the viewers attempt to find real facts among the caustic words
said in what seemed a jocular 'Heh, don't worry about it' manner.

What are the benefits and draw-backs of staying or leaving the European Union?
I can honestly say, I'm uncertain.

How much does the UK pay to the EU...? Well, a number was given and then ripped apart by the
opposition in favour of their side.

Their side...! Think about that. A whole country and it's outlying lands are asked by an elected official to
choose on something and when they turn to the conduits that have constantly smeared the headlines and
flashed on the television screens that they're the people in-the-know, it all became a jumbled bickering
match and the useful information was lost.

By the way, the only reason the referendum opportunity arose was because the man who eventually
became Prime Minister had it as a major plank for his platform to get voted into the job.

Stranded in the darkness of ignorance, I was left with this...

In one corner, we can see sensible a group of people who know where they are and how it works.
With a measured tone, they explained that we'd been in the community for a long time and that we
were a major player on the European stage.
It was implied that jobs, finance for areas of the UK and free passage from-and-to the continent could
be placed in peril if we leave.

Also, we're into our second generation of people now in as far as a full generation of people have grown-up
in an environment that was in the European Union and know no other way. So any negative information would
surely make them think that to leave would be a far-too radical idea.

If it didn't work, then surely the trusted media would have told us by now, the negatives would have surely
out-weighed the benefits?

The alternative was to leave.
To walk away from a system that provided a safe environment and a state where trade and a stronger voice
in the world were already ours. Somehow, people of supposed-importance were allowed to proclaim -by
accessing the airwaves and journals, that we should bring down our nation, create mass unemployment,
bring our currency to it's knees and lay waste all of what the EU has done for and with us.

The world has changed a lot since 1973 and we would be alone in the world again. The people who were
insisting we leave the EU would also be at the mercy of these supposedly terrible forces out there!
So why were they advising such a crazy idea?

Like children in a playground, we were supposed to pick a team because of the latest headline.
On Thursday 23rd June 2016, we were asked a simple question.
Taking in my evaluations above, loving my family very much and being seriously aware of what could happen
to this -and the next generation, my answer was leave.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum - by BIAD - 06-26-2016, 01:03 PM
RE: Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum - by 1984hasarrived - 10-14-2016, 12:27 PM

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