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Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum
What the Brexit means for the United States


Hillary Clinton is sitting down with her advisors getting her Ego massaged
Truth is they are probably very afraid

Even though it looks like Bernie let his people DOWN, they will be embolden

A black swan took a bite out of Cameron

The Brexit means that regardless of polls

regardless of lies and tricks
People will vote what they want

You will see hillary's campaign try to shift in response to rural areas
They now have to spend the money or lose

It means that rural areas will fight back against a progressive tide

Trumps campaign got handed a win but not in the way being painted

He got a moral victory
Both the mayor of London and Cameron spoke out against him and what he represented
Now Cameron is going

He has the momentum for this part of the election
Both sides will now be thinking a single thought

This election will be over Obama's policies and he will not be there to fight this fight

My advice for hillary

Tie Cameron's fall to his deafness to his people
Associate Obama's cabinet with Cameron

Then, "I feel your pain.."


As for a market issue

I checked my fake stocks

(I decided to wait for a larger fall to invest cash)

Well the result was my portfolio dropped 2000 dollars

I started with a million play money
Is valued at roughly two million now
with about 350000 in reserve cash to purchase

so the markets playing around are about what less then .5 percent loss
Not even equal to a bad trading day

I also went with a time travel scenario and played looking for long term

so now.. places where I am NOT gambling have succeedded

Messages In This Thread
RE: Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum - by Armonica_Templar - 06-25-2016, 01:09 AM
RE: Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum - by 1984hasarrived - 10-14-2016, 12:27 PM

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