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Thus the Republic falls to applause: No Fly list and gun control
Yes, those on the "No Fly" list can be legally enslaved. Slavery has never actually been abolished in the US, only the criteria for enslaving someone has been changed. Note well the words "except as punishment...", which give the privilege of enslaving anyone - all couched in pretty language that only appears to abolish slavery. There is no abolition of slavery when the word "except" comes into play - only a change in the criteria required for enslavement. Abolition would have been along the lines of "People can't own other people. Period" rather than "People can't own other people, unless..." Other cultures use much the same evasion, such as "people can't own people, unless those people owned are captured in warfare". Different criteria, same principle.

This so-called "no fly list" does amount to a Bill of Attainder, or more precisely, legal actions taken which are predicated on it are Bills of Attainder. Once these individuals and groups have been singled out for different treatment from any other citizen, solely based upon who they are or what group they belong to rather than actions they have taken, the stage is set for massive abuse. What is to keep them from adding any other person or group to the list on a mere whim, once the list is established? What is there that will prevent them from adding Republicans, or Libertarians, or Jews, or Methodists from the list if someone high enough in the food chain takes a sudden dislike to one of those groups?

As it stands right now, one cannot even KNOW if they are on the list unless they take some legislatively prohibited action (prohibited ONLY for those on the list, based solely on their presence on the list, for example flying or buying a gun). Even once one finds out they are on the list through some prohibition they encounter, there is NO way to get off of it.

Nixon kept an Enemies List. Hitler kept an Enemies List. Mao kept an Enemies list... and now the US government does the same. This is no longer the free land I was born in, nor the free land I fought for. It looks a lot more like the old Soviet Union - they very folks we were fighting against back in the day. The Republic has already fallen, without a shot even being fired.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Thus the Republic falls to applause: No Fly list and gun control - by Ninurta - 06-19-2016, 03:44 PM

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