(01-09-2019, 03:26 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ...Maybe BIAD can go a little bit more into detail and describe what he saw so we can make an educated
guess whether it was a meteor, or an out of this world spacecraft?
It was between 5.45.pm. and 5.55.pm GMT. 8th January 2019.
The winter sun had gone below the horizon, but its rays still give enough light to make the western sky glow.
When I turned, I was facing south-east and the sky was dark blue -but no stars visible.
The direction of the object was downwards towards fields (with solitary electrical pylon in its centre), a by-pass
further away and more fields.
The object didn't seem to come from any other direction except downwards.
It gave no impression that it was a firework as there was no display and the height ruled out it coming originally
from behind me. The shortness of the 'tail' also led me to believe the object wasn't from a decaying arc, but
rather that it was 'falling' from above.
At no time was there any sound.
The main body was white with a tinge of noticeably bright-green on its outer area and as it disappeared, it seemed
to break apart. The duration of my sighting was only for a second, but I was surprised because there was no need
for me to look in that direction.
Typing in my location, I used this:
Quote:Quadrantid meteor showerLINK:
This event is visible to the naked eye from *BIAD's Shed*
The sky at 00:00 GMT on 4 Jan 2019
The Quadrantid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity on 4 January 2019.
Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible each night from
1 January to 6 January.
Annual meteor showers arise when the Earth passes through streams of debris left behind by
comets and asteroids. As pebble-sized pieces of debris collide with the Earth, they burn up at
an altitude of around 70 to 100 km, appearing as shooting stars.
By determining the speed and direction at which the meteors impact the Earth, it is possible to
work out the path of the stream through the Solar System and identify the body responsible for
creating it.
The parent body responsible for creating the Quadrantid shower has been tentatively identified
as 2003 EH1.
Observing prospects
The maximum rate of meteors expected to be visible is around 80 per hour (ZHR).
However, this assumes a perfectly dark sky and that the radiant of the meteor shower is directly
overhead. In practice, the number of meteors you are likely to see is lower than this, and can be
calculated from the ZHR formula.
From *BIAD's Shed*, the radiant of the shower will appear 22° above your north-eastern horizon at
midnight. This means you are likely to see only around 30 meteors per hour, since the radiant will be
low in the sky, reducing the chance of seeing meteors.
The radiant of the Quadrantid meteor shower is at around right ascension 15h20m, declination 50°N,
as shown by the green cross on the planetarium above. All of the meteors will appear to be travelling
directly outward from this point, as indicated by the white lines drawn above.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.