12-31-2018, 02:39 AM
Here's something for the fans of this thread to chew on.
This notebook was found in a room with all kinds of information written inside about the Deep State Players, MKUltra, Corrupt Companies, etc.
It appears whoever wrote this was a whistle-blower.
Grab a cup of coffee and dig in!
Credit goes to YIG on Twitter. Click here: Read the Article
This notebook was found in a room with all kinds of information written inside about the Deep State Players, MKUltra, Corrupt Companies, etc.
It appears whoever wrote this was a whistle-blower.
Grab a cup of coffee and dig in!
Credit goes to YIG on Twitter. Click here: Read the Article
Quote:The Mystery Notebook
Posted by Yig Wilson on December 30, 2018 at 7:50pm in Daily Articles
Im sure as many of you are aware by now, a mysterious notebook has shown up. The story goes it was left in a hotel room. If this is true or not I have no idea. What is in it is quite another story.
The first thing you need to do is go to this link and download this zip file
It is safe I promise as far as the files go to download. I can't promise you how safe the information contained within it is. That will be up to you to decide after you read what I present to you.
Now keep in my there are 95 pages in this notebook. I can't possible place all those on here for you. I just want to give you an idea of what is in this notebook should you decide to download it.
It appears that a woman has written this and is the wife of one of the people a lot of this information is pointed at of their connections, which are MANY.