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At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting
I also found this little bit of info strange. I wonder if all the marches would of happened if a muslim had done the shootings.

No CNN Town Halls Or Student Walkouts Over Islamic Murderer Because No Guns

Were To Blame— 13 Year Old Rescued His Mom And Sustained 32 Stab Wounds
Michelle Malkin
Corey Johnson’s brutal attack was no unexpected incidence of sudden jihad syndrome.

A sickening act of youth violence in Florida glinted across the news headlines last week,
and then disappeared from view.

There will be no CNN town halls or student walkouts over the lost life and preventable
tragedy, because there are no guns to blame.  As the exploiters of crisis know full well,
bureaucratic screw–ups don’t make good fodder for partisan fundraisers and hipster T–shirts.

According to a probable cause affidavit filed by the Palm Beach County police, 17 year–old
Corey Johnson bought a knife last Sunday and brought it with him to a sleepover at longtime
friend Kyle Bancroft’s house.

At 4 a.m., he decided to kill Kyle’s mother, Elaine, Kyle’s brother, Dane, and Dane’s friend,
Jovanni Sierra Brand. Johnson repeatedly stabbed Jovanni in his bed and slit his throat.
Then he attempted to murder Elaine as she approached the boys’ bedrooms in response to Jio’s
last gasps.

Dane rescued his mom and sustained 32 stab wounds. Both were hospitalized and survived.
Jovanni was buried last Friday — less than a week after celebrating his 13th birthday at a pizza
party attended by Johnson.

The 17 year–old killer Johnson told police he "stabbed the victims because of his Muslim faith,"
watched videos of "Muslim jihadists" on his cellphone, and "was reading the Quran from his phone
just prior to the attack to give him courage to carry out his intentions."
Local school officials and police in Palm Beach County, along with federal and international law

enforcement authorities, had encountered more red flags in their years of dealing with Johnson.

In middle school, Johnson had reportedly stalked a student and sexually harassed her.
She told school police but they did nothing. He dabbled in white supremacy, anti–Semitism and
gay–bashing, and then immersed himself in radical Islam.

Johnson’s online jihad agitation, physical abuse and addiction to ISIS beheading videos prompted
his sister in 2016 to confide in a school therapist, who contacted the local sheriff’s office.
Johnson’s mom, the sister told school officials, was in denial. The sister so feared for her life she slept
with a knife under her bed.

Law enforcement officers at the Jupiter Police Department and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office
convened at Johnson’s high school last January to investigate the self–radicalized teen’s contact with
ISIS as he sought to join the terror group.

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force became involved after European intelligence counterparts told
them Johnson had used Instagram to issue security threats to a Catholic high school in England.
The threats "were so severe in nature," local officials discovered, "that up to 100 students were removed
from the school fearing some kind of attack."

One of the messages threatened: "By Allah, we will kill every single Infidel student at this school." Johnson
told FBI agents he "was supportive of known terrorist Anwar al Awlaki" -the spiritual patron of lone–wolf

Messages In This Thread
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 02-27-2018, 08:12 PM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-27-2018, 11:46 AM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-27-2018, 11:57 AM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 04-10-2018, 12:40 PM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-24-2019, 10:17 AM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-24-2019, 08:52 PM

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