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At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting
I think it's not any one entities jobs to "keep kids safe." educators are there to educate, to try and double as law enforcement is a ridiculous endeavor.

Law enforcement can only act as a deterrent to crime and prosecute after the fact, when freedom is a given. 

So, who protects the kids from insanity? Who keeps then alive?

First, there is no guarantee of immortality in the constitution, no guarantee that you'll die old in your bed, and no promise that the government will bestow on you a perfect long life. All a government can do is protect borders and encourage trade. 

So, protecting our children falls to society at large, but most importantly the family unit. 

When every kindergartener has to go through a search, a pat-down, and enter his school through metal detectors in order to keep the kindergarteners "safe" from being stabbed or shot while in school by another kindergartener, as my son had to when we lived in Florida in 1989, the breakdown isn't in government, it's in the family in particular and the society in general who cannot manage to raise anything but homicidal maniacs. 

It WAS the fact that society was so bad in Florida that even kindergartens had to search their students that brought me out of Florida and into the rural Midwest to raise my kids because the society there wasn't broken, because people still took responsibility for their kids and raised their children with decent values...

Will that always protect your kid? No... but when people actually raise their kids instead of expecting a government to do it who does not live in the home your more likely than not to see your children live past high school, and less likely to see homicidal maniacs in school with your kid.

All this is doing is teaching children from a very young age how to be good police state citizens - not how to avoid killing your friend..

Messages In This Thread
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Grace - 02-24-2018, 01:14 PM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 02-27-2018, 08:12 PM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-27-2018, 11:46 AM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-27-2018, 11:57 AM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 04-10-2018, 12:40 PM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-24-2019, 10:17 AM
RE: At least 20 injured in Fla. high school shooting - by Wallfire - 03-24-2019, 08:52 PM

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