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Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally
Mystic Wanderer

I don't believe this study at all.. ill tell you why. 

"Alt-right" was a term for Trump supporters, those who believed they wanted to take a chance on a Trump presidency and perhaps see some positive changes made politically in our national interest, rather than the path to globalization we were taking where America's interests didn't matter.

In this group there are black, white, latino, Muslim, Mormon, Christian, libertarian, independents, even some former democrats and republicans.  Such a diverse and mixed group. 

In order to demonize this group, and make it into something less than human, they heralded a handful of racists who claimed to have created the term alt right for their 15 minutes of fame, and claimed their group was the alt right. 

At the rally where those handful of racists gathered, a group of about 100 showed up. Half of the crowd who attended, were not members of this racist group, they were members of the media, a media desperate to dehumanize all trump supporters by claiming all trump supporters belonged to this one small group. 

Of course, with all this media attention, a group of people who couldn't gather a hundred true supporters has since grown, yet still, trump supporters are depicted with the brush of this one group. 

With this brush, the black man, the Latino, the Muslims and former Muslim, the whites, the republicans, the independents, the libertarians.. are ALL white supremacists who hold hitler in high regard and want nothing more than a return to Nazi Germany. 

It's a damn lie... in order to make a diverse group of people something less than human.. because if we were human, then this war they are waging might be misplaced, if we were a diverse group of people who wanted what is good for our nation, then this war they are waging against us might be misplaced, and they might have to listen to what we are saying.

Can't have that, so they must lie.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally - by 1984hasarrived - 08-13-2017, 09:39 AM
RE: Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally - by 1984hasarrived - 08-14-2017, 09:21 PM
RE: Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally - by Grace - 08-16-2017, 11:29 PM

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