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Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally
I am a freeman and think for myself

Should I feel something.. I do not..

Is it the bipolar or is it a realization..

We have a murder.. That is it.
Am I going to point to chicago or new york's deaths

I must pause over the coverage.. I think back to the recent events of an election.. Then the obvious bias and Agenda that is preexisting..

The magic word is narrative, and who controls it

An incident blown up out of proportion on the news..

Epoch news video

A little bit different view.. BCM found

it looks a little different here

Keep in mind, to my understanding the only protesters with a permit where the ones being blamed

BLM and Antifa no permit

I think the man has a good defense available
self defense

Does anyone have a video showing the initial charge into the crowd

As write this.. The narrative is changing 

Trump is at fault
using a negative attatchment

Protest over removal of statues
now a KKK rally

men and women with baseball bats and cocktails
peaceful protest

The big questions I leave you with is this..

1)who paid for the unpermited protesters to be be present
last I checked gas, food, and water are not free

2)what story is being buried

I do not buy this load of crap

Messages In This Thread
RE: Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally - by 1984hasarrived - 08-13-2017, 09:39 AM
RE: Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally - by Armonica_Templar - 08-13-2017, 08:17 PM
RE: Car plows into dozens of protesters at Charlottesville rally - by 1984hasarrived - 08-14-2017, 09:21 PM

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