You know, Trump seems to be stumbling a lot. Maybe he's taken to drinking or something. He got us out of the TPP (or DID he?), and that was a good thing - a campaign promise apparently fulfilled. Then it all started sliding downhill after that.
He'd promised to get rid of Obamacare, and utterly and completely failed. He failed so hard it left a crater. First they tried the old bait-and-switch and attempted to shift it from "get rid of" to "repeal and replace", which is not what we voted for... but still, it would have been a promise half-fulfilled. He couldn't even get there, and at the first sign of trouble just shrugged and walked off from it. Didn't even put up a token fight. Now, personally I don't care of they repeal, replace, recycle, rejuvenate, repurpose, relate, regulate, regurgitate, or relegate Obamacare. I don't care what they do with it at all... just as long as they get rid of that unconstitutional and totalitarian "individual mandate" that tries to force you into Obamacare for simply committing the crime of being alive. Without that, I just don't give two shits about Obamacare - as long as I'm not forced to participate in it, which I find to be unconscionable and morally reprehensible. I don't care if they take it into the back yard and set it on fire with gas, and I don't care if they put it on the mantelpiece to collect dust. If I'm not enslaved into it, I don't give a fat rat's ass what they do with it.
Still, he utterly, completely, dismally and WILLFULLY failed to keep that campaign promise, which is one of the biggies that got his ass elected in the first place. It's why I voted for him. I want my vote back - he's abusing it.
Now - and this is another biggie, the subject of the thread - he also promised to keep us safe from ISIS, and he's utterly and completely failing at that, too. You don't win a war by putting up a token resistance to your enemy and then bombing the crap out of the only other folks trying to ace that same enemy too. They call those folks "natural allies", and it's considered bad form to blow them up when "trying to win" a war. At the very least, if he had a beef with Russia or Syria, he ought to have let them slog it out with ISIS, and then mopped up the considerably weakened victor of THAT contest, not handed ISIS a victory by splitting up their opposition and then causing that split opposition to attack itself. That is a "divide and conquer" strategy handed to ISIS with a bow and wrapped in some My Little Pony gift wrapping paper. He ought to send them some chocolate and flowers to go along with it.
He fell right into place with the "Assad Did It" crowd without any analysis whatsoever - just bought the bullshit they were selling, and even paid extra for royalty fees on the "It's for the children" buzz line they always use when they're bending you over the barrel to pop it to you.
If he's looking for another vote here in 2020, he'd damned well better get with the program, and I mean really, REALLY soon. If he fucks up just one more time, that vote is going to be irretrievable to him. I'll vote for a card-carrying communist first - at least you know what you're getting there, and there won't be any bait-and-switch shenanigans.
Now, I'm starting to wonder what the hell we've actually gotten with Gorsuch, given Trump's record of being unable to pick winners, and I'm also starting to wonder when the other shoe is going to drop with the "departure" from the TPP... I'm waiting for Trump to just pop up and yell "JUST KIDDING! It's all really still there!"
I just don't know at this point whether to brush up on my Arabic or my Spanish, because with the race that's being run, I don't know which he is going to invite to invade us in force first.
He'd promised to get rid of Obamacare, and utterly and completely failed. He failed so hard it left a crater. First they tried the old bait-and-switch and attempted to shift it from "get rid of" to "repeal and replace", which is not what we voted for... but still, it would have been a promise half-fulfilled. He couldn't even get there, and at the first sign of trouble just shrugged and walked off from it. Didn't even put up a token fight. Now, personally I don't care of they repeal, replace, recycle, rejuvenate, repurpose, relate, regulate, regurgitate, or relegate Obamacare. I don't care what they do with it at all... just as long as they get rid of that unconstitutional and totalitarian "individual mandate" that tries to force you into Obamacare for simply committing the crime of being alive. Without that, I just don't give two shits about Obamacare - as long as I'm not forced to participate in it, which I find to be unconscionable and morally reprehensible. I don't care if they take it into the back yard and set it on fire with gas, and I don't care if they put it on the mantelpiece to collect dust. If I'm not enslaved into it, I don't give a fat rat's ass what they do with it.
Still, he utterly, completely, dismally and WILLFULLY failed to keep that campaign promise, which is one of the biggies that got his ass elected in the first place. It's why I voted for him. I want my vote back - he's abusing it.
Now - and this is another biggie, the subject of the thread - he also promised to keep us safe from ISIS, and he's utterly and completely failing at that, too. You don't win a war by putting up a token resistance to your enemy and then bombing the crap out of the only other folks trying to ace that same enemy too. They call those folks "natural allies", and it's considered bad form to blow them up when "trying to win" a war. At the very least, if he had a beef with Russia or Syria, he ought to have let them slog it out with ISIS, and then mopped up the considerably weakened victor of THAT contest, not handed ISIS a victory by splitting up their opposition and then causing that split opposition to attack itself. That is a "divide and conquer" strategy handed to ISIS with a bow and wrapped in some My Little Pony gift wrapping paper. He ought to send them some chocolate and flowers to go along with it.
He fell right into place with the "Assad Did It" crowd without any analysis whatsoever - just bought the bullshit they were selling, and even paid extra for royalty fees on the "It's for the children" buzz line they always use when they're bending you over the barrel to pop it to you.
If he's looking for another vote here in 2020, he'd damned well better get with the program, and I mean really, REALLY soon. If he fucks up just one more time, that vote is going to be irretrievable to him. I'll vote for a card-carrying communist first - at least you know what you're getting there, and there won't be any bait-and-switch shenanigans.
Now, I'm starting to wonder what the hell we've actually gotten with Gorsuch, given Trump's record of being unable to pick winners, and I'm also starting to wonder when the other shoe is going to drop with the "departure" from the TPP... I'm waiting for Trump to just pop up and yell "JUST KIDDING! It's all really still there!"
I just don't know at this point whether to brush up on my Arabic or my Spanish, because with the race that's being run, I don't know which he is going to invite to invade us in force first.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.
Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’
Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’