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Bill O’Reilly Thrives at Fox News, Even as Harassment Settlements Add Up.
My issue is with many of these women, as well as the guys who have been accused.

True, they maybe scared of losing their job if they say anything.
Yet at the same time, how in the hell are they helping other women if they remain silent? 

Sure some made complaints in the past but they did not pursue it.

It was only after Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit with Ailes (not FOX) once she found out she was being let go.

Carlson (and M.K.) had audio of suggestive behavior by Ailes, yet she never said anything about it until she realized she was gonna lose her job.

Now others are coming forward (both Ailes and O'Reily).

Guess better late than never, but I just have to wonder.

Megan Kelly had very provocative  professional photos of herself when looking for a job way back when.
Now WTH kind of response did she think she was going to get with them???
She knew what was going to happen, she got hired due to her sexuality. 
One advantage women have over men, sad to say.
Show some cleavage and/or legs to a male CEO, more than likely you'll get the job.

But for MK to act all innocent like years later.....pfffft. smh.

SEX sells.
That simple.

That is why many female anchors look like hookers. 
And if they are that ignorant not to realize that, well then I just don't know what to say.
Except to say enjoy your job while it lasts.

As for O'Reilly.....yeah, think it is time for him to hit the road.
Sure he has the highest ratings. (or did)
But only time will tell how all this plays out.

Right now, many hate Trump.
FOX news supported Trump.
Therefore, FOX is in the cross-hairs of their competitors who are Hillary supporters. (CNN/MSNBC)

So they will attack FOX any chance they get, and this is a prime opportunity for them.
Best way to nip it in the bud and put a stop to it, is to let O'Reilly go.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: Bill O’Reilly Thrives at Fox News, Even as Harassment Settlements Add Up. - by senona - 04-07-2017, 03:12 AM

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