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When Do We Stop Being As Stupid As They Think We Are?
(06-15-2022, 09:06 AM)FlyingClayDisk Wrote: Society stops being stupid when society understands the fundamental problem, when they understand the disease not the symptom.  But those are just cliche' words, too easy to say.  So, here's a different way of saying it.

The fundamental problem as I see it is society does not truly understand the nature of incremental change.  How often do we hear things like..."Well, when (this, really BIG thing) happens, THEN people will be out in the street with pitchforks and torches, and by-cracky, I'll be right out there with 'em!!  Damn Straight!!"...?  We hear that all the time.  In fact, someone even said something similar in this very thread.

People are always waiting for the Moon to crash into the Sun, or Armageddon, or a Solar Flare (or whatever).  People need to understand these changes happen incrementally, and they're small.  There's probably never going to be that BIG event which triggers everyone.  In the meantime people should be getting incrementally more angry about small incremental changes.  But they don't do this; what they do is get mad a little bit today and then calm down later.  Then when something happens they get a little mad, and calm down again.  They're resetting every time.  This is almost a textbook definition of 'apathy'.  People are accepting the incremental hurt which creeps into their lives, and swearing they'll act when the Sun doesn't come up tomorrow.  Well, people aren't going to live long enough for the Sun to not come up tomorrow, so they need to be getting pissed off about toilet paper prices going up $0.27.  And getting even more pissed off when the same toilet paper goes up another $0.05, and so on.  People need to say today, right now, when the price of toilet paper goes up by $1 dollar and nine cents, I am going to REVOLT, and I'm not going to stop revolting until the price of toilet paper goes down AT LEAST one dollar and nine cents!  Period.

And whatever that revolt means (be it stopping buying toilet paper and using a sandpaper instead, whatever it is), they need to stick to it!

This is how I operate.  Some things are peaceful, like stopping buying something.  Others are less peaceful, like someone laying claim to something which is mine.  That is going to be met with force...every time.

People just refuse to understand incremental change.  They just can't get this concept through their thick skulls.

(...and the government knows this, and they love it too!  They use it against the American people every single day, passing more and more laws...incrementally encroaching on freedoms, rights, income and you name it)


Everything single thing you said is spot on.

The only thing that I think is a bit off, is that I believe that the majority of the people "know" that they are being slow boiled.

I believe that as long as they can tolerate the rise in temperature, they will bitch about the heat, but they are too content to get out of the pot. Even though they "know" that by staying in, their arse will be surely cooked.

I have watched news segment after news segment, of intelligent, hard working people, being kicked out of their homes, living in their cars, or on the streets, because they did not believe what was happening in front of their faces.

I am just as guilty. I see the handwriting on the wall. I know what is coming. I am hoping for the impossible, and have made contingency plans, but in the end I know I will be sitting on the ground of the gulag with the rest of my friends and family.

I have only one family member that is willing to bite the bullet and do what needs to be done. The other thousand, plus one, will be knocking on the door, empty handed, expecting to be let in.

And knowing myself and my Brother, we will seal our fate, and open the door to our certain demise.

I find it amazing at how well conditioned we are. Giving the devil his due, they have been at this task for a very, very, long time. They are indeed, masters of their craft.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

I pray that parents stand up. If they won't stand up for themselves, I hope and pray they stand up for their children.

This is not the time for parents to play stupid.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

Are we there yet?

Quote:Monkeypox DNA found in semen in handful of cases -researchers sa

Researchers at the Spallanzani Institute, a Rome-based hospital and infectious disease research facility first highlighted evidence of the monkeypox virus in semen in four patients in Italy in a report on June 2.

They have since identified six out of seven patients at the facility with semen containing the virus' genetic material. In particular, a sample tested in the lab from a single patient suggested that the virus found in his semen was capable of infecting another person and replicating.
This data, which is being submitted for publication, is not enough evidence to prove that the virus' biological traits have changed, such that its mode of transmission has evolved, Francesco Vaia, the institute's general director, told Reuters.
"However ... having an infectious virus in semen is a factor that tips the balance strongly in favour of the hypothesis that sexual transmission is one of the ways in which this virus is transmitted," he said.


An analysis by UK researchers found that viral DNA from a range of different viruses, including the Zika virus, has been found in semen, but it is unclear whether the presence of genetic material increases the risk of sexual transmission.

But one trace of the Corona virus is enough to make a diagnosis of you being infected, infectious, and likely to die from it.


They don't just think we are stupid, they think we have advance beyond the stage of Idiocracy.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

And if that was not enough to get you thinking. Add this info into the mix.

In the UK

Quote:55,450 views Jun 16, 2022 Monkeypox, upgraded to a notifiable disease Doctors required to notify health authorities of every case Labs must tell the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

What it may look like.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

(06-15-2022, 11:46 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: Everything single thing you said is spot on.

The only thing that I think is a bit off, is that I believe that the majority of the people "know" that they are being slow boiled.

I believe that as long as they can tolerate the rise in temperature, they will bitch about the heat, but they are too content to get out of the pot. Even though they "know" that by staying in, their arse will be surely cooked.

I have watched news segment after news segment, of intelligent, hard working people, being kicked out of their homes, living in their cars, or on the streets, because they did not believe what was happening in front of their faces.

I am just as guilty. I see the handwriting on the wall. I know what is coming. I am hoping for the impossible, and have made contingency plans, but in the end I know I will be sitting on the ground of the gulag with the rest of my friends and family.

I have only one family member that is willing to bite the bullet and do what needs to be done. The other thousand, plus one, will be knocking on the door, empty handed, expecting to be let in.

And knowing myself and my Brother, we will seal our fate, and open the door to our certain demise.

I find it amazing at how well conditioned we are. Giving the devil his due, they have been at this task for a very, very, long time. They are indeed, masters of their craft.

It's the old adage about the frog in warm water, incrementally getting hotter.  Society will be content to stay in the ever hotter water until they boil to death.  Society in America (in particular) has allowed themselves to be 'dumbed-down' to the point of idiocy.  They have allowed themselves to be conditioned to believe everything they see and hear, without applying any critical thought to it.  From there, they jump directly into apathy-mode (i.e. 'the problem is so much bigger than me it's futile to try to fix it.')  There is no middle-ground for much of society now.

Oddly, the reason for this mindset is counterintuitive.  Yes, people have allowed themselves to be 'dumbed-down', BUT only because they habitually 'over-think', and 'over-analyze' the problem in the first place.  One would think that critical analysis would lead to enlightenment, but for much of society the exact opposite is true...they get 'stoopid-er'.  And, one of the main reasons people get 'stoopid-er' is because there are no immediate consequences for their actions, nor the actions of their leadership (and "leadership" is the worst possible word here!).

If people would only 'simplify' the problem (rather than making it so complicated they give up) there might actually be productive and positive change.  For example, if people would view the problems we have today like doing the dishes in their home, well, things might actually start to get fixed.  Now, what I'm about to say may seem complicated because I am going to build on that 'doing the dishes' analogy, but it isn't really, if taken at face value and applied in context.

Using the 'doing the dishes' analogy, if one doesn't do their dishes they pile up until their kitchen is a disaster.  Worse, the person's kitchen has been rendered useless in the process, and it can no longer be used for its intended purpose.  A person can look at all the piles of dirty dishes and throw their hands up and say it's impossible (this is society today).  Then someone comes along and says they have a solution to this problem...just buy a new house!  Problem solved!  (this is the government today).  The reality is, the solution is far different, and if they just would have simplified the issue...if they just would have washed only two more dishes than they used today (they didn't have to wash ALL the dishes, just more than they used) then, over time, they would see incremental improvement.  Remember, the dishes didn't get dirty all in one moment, and neither do the problems today get corrected all in one moment...and this is what people fail/refuse to see.

People are spoiled, they want an easy fix for everything, and they want it right now.  Buying a new house to solve a dirty kitchen problem solves nothing, because it's only a matter of time before the new kitchen is piled high with dirty dishes.  On the contrary, buying a new house only creates a bigger problem, a more difficult problem and a far more complex problem because debt increased and many other things.  At the end of the day, the solution was the exact same in the big house as it was the small one...just start doing the dishes, dammit!  You don't have to do ALL the dishes right this second, but you have to do more than just what you need today.  Once people start seeing some improvement in their 'kitchen' now there's an incentive to do even more dishes (and the problem corrects itself even faster).

I could use probably 10,000 different analogies for this same issue (baking a cake, letting bread rise, etc.), but it all boils down to 'incremental change', both positive and negative.

I dunno...this whole situation today just makes me want to scream!

For my part, I've been doing the proverbial 'dishes' for a long time.  I didn't let them pile up.  In other words, I didn't let a pile of debt increase over my head to where I had no choices.  Our home, our ranch in the country, are all paid for long ago.  There is no debt.  (sure, some say 'property taxes', but those are insignificant really, in the bigger picture)  If somebody wants to come take this place from me, well, they better pack a F'ing lunch!  It's gonna' be a really long and painful day for them!  (and not a pleasant one either!)

Anyway, if people want to solve some of these problems they just need to wake up and, well, not be as 'stoopid' as "they" KNOW we are!
I'm going to wax phiisophic a bit and say we've always been stupid.

We are amazing tool makers but we have not evolved in centuries.

We are no different, certainly no wiser than the ancient Greeks.

We live, we strive, we die.

I'm going to fling poo at something and howl at the moon for a bit.
(actually prepping for a meeting)

But it's basically the same.
"I be ridin' they be hatin'."
-Abraham Lincoln

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