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Coronavirus - Take two - Action!
This may be a big deal and answer some of the conspiracy questions others put forth
Quote:Lawsuit Filed Today Accusing Government of Hiding More Than 45,000 Dead Americans from the Jab
Posted on July 19, 2021 by Hammers Thor
POSTED AT FREEDOM FIRST NETWORK: “When news like this comes out, the powers-that-be try to shut it down. Within moments of posting the article below from MAGA Institute on The Liberty Daily, the site was taken offline. We were able to get the information and put it below for posterity, but we do not want to risk taking their site down again so I’m publishing it here.
[Image: MAGA-Institute-Temporarily-Unavailable.p...=847%2C139]
The implications are striking. According to a whistleblower, the United States government is aware of far more Covid-19 “vaccine” deaths than they’re reporting. It’s not far-fetched that they would hide such information considering the obsessive push they’re engaged in to vaccinate every American regardless of natural immunity, age, health condition, or personal healthcare desires.
This will be buried by mainstream media, of course, as they are willing participants in the brewing vaccine tyranny spreading across the nation and around the world. Big Tech will almost certainly take it down just as they took down our third YouTube channel today. Those asking why we even have a YouTube channel, it’s for livestreaming to our Locals channel. Until we have a sufficient number of paid subscribers there, we cannot livestream directly so we’re stuck going through YouTube.
But I digress. Here’s the original article from the MAGA Institute:
[Image: 3A3E1E47-DA36-4BA9-B3E9-32DB6AED7840-696...C385&ssl=1]
BOMBSHELL: Government Hiding More Than 45,000 Dead Americans from the Jab – RECORD DEATHS Hidden From View; Lawsuit Filed Today
During Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour in Anaheim, California this weekend, friend of MAGA INSTITUTE Attorney Thomas Renz announced that he has filed a motion to IMMEDIATELY CEASE administration of the COVID-19 vaccines as a result of MASSIVE HIDDEN DEATHS across the nation.
Renz based his motion on sworn testimony he obtained from a whistleblower who has come forward alleging that the death rates she has been monitoring on government websites are much much higher than what the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Media are telling people.
In sworn testimony, the whistleblower stated that the accurate COVID shot death tally is 45,000 people.
You likely know about the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), but the whistleblower revealed that there are 11 other reporting systems that remain unknown by the public, hidden away by corrupt media and government agencies intent on keeping you in the dark about the deadly dangerous jab.
Quote:In sworn testimony, the whistleblower stated that the accurate COVID shot death tally is 45,000 people.
These other 11 agencies are being used to hide a much higher mortality rate than even first thought possible.  As the days move on, we find out that what was once considered a “conspiracy theory” is happening in record time.
To date, VAERS reports over 11,000 deaths. The whistleblower stated that one of the secret reporting systems indicates that the reality is that more than 45,000 people have died from the experimental gene therapy injections.
The lawsuit to stop these lethal shots will shine more light on this crime against humanity. Stay tuned, as this is breaking news!”
Here’s the article from Freedom First Network, while it’s still up…
I submit that the number is probably well in excess of 100,000 dead, and since historically VAERS reports anywhere from 1% to 10% of actual adverse vaccine reactions (currently about 11,000 dead as of this writing) then the number may actually be substantially higher.
If this is true, then the Biden Administration is actively and purposefully promoting the execution of Americans.
On Monday evening I posted a YouTube video where Boris Johnson and two of his 'scientists' continued
their bullshit narrative of how the flu in Britain could still jump out ot the bushes and get you.
Yer' know, like many of the Londoners behave when the sun goes down.

At 15.17 during the televised announcements, one of Johnson's cronies, Sir Patrick Vallance, said this:
"testing in August for those with the double vaccine" and I made reference to it in the post.

But in the 10.00pm BBC news on the same day of the official broadcast, Presenter Sophie Raworth repeated
the statement but changed it to those who had NOT had the double vaccine!
You can smell the media now, they're sweating.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
I am glad I am but a no body living in no where land as the insanity being demonstrated by government appointed experts really is disheartening for those who care. The old saying of the deeper your knowledge the deeper your sorrow has a bit of truth IMO.

[Image: print-icon.svg]
UK Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just "Comfort Blankets" That Do Virtually Nothing
Quote:The unusual Lambda variant is rapidly spreading in South America. Here’s what we know.

Its mutations help it dodge the immune system. Researchers are scrambling to figure out if it is more dangerous or transmissible than Delta.
BySanjay Mishra
Published July 14, 2021
• 9 min read

A coronavirus variant known as Lambda, which has largely slid under the radar for the past nine months, is now causing almost all new infections in Peru.
Lambda (also known as C.37) was first detected in Peru in August 2020 and has spread to 29 countries, many in Latin America. And, since January 20, 2021, 668 Lambda infections have been reported in the United States. In Peru, Lambda is now responsible for more than 90 percent of new COVID-19 cases, a steep rise from less than 0.5 percent in December. The country has already suffered the world’s worst mortality due to COVID-19; the disease has killed about 0.54 percent of the population.
The Lambda variant likely caused the high number of infections during the second wave between the end of March and April, Peruvian Minister of Health Óscar Ugarte said in a news conference. In neighboring Chile, where the primary vaccine is China’s CoronaVac, Lambda accounts for 31 percent of sequenced cases in the last 60 days. The high case numbers are occurring even though 58.6 percent of Chile’s population is fully vaccinated and another 10 percent has received a single dose. The poor efficacy of the vaccine maybe partly to blame. A study by the University of Chile found that a single dose of the CoronaVac vaccine was only 3 percent effective, but that rose to 56.5 percent after both doses.
“Why Chile is getting such high infection rates is perplexing, and it’s likely due to several factors. Because of their high vaccination coverage, the restrictions were relaxed a little too soon, and that could have led to [a] rise in cases,” says Pablo Tsukayama, a microbiologist at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru. It was Tsukayama who first spotted the Lambda variant after routinely sequencing the samples deposited between January and March 2021. “But it is also possible that the main variants in circulation, Gamma and Lambda, have some immune escape properties that lead to reduced protection from vaccines.”
The possibility that Lambda might be able to dodge the immune system led the World Health Organization to designate it as a Variant of Interest (VOI) on June 14. WHO categorizes a virus as a VOI when genetic changes in the virus are so significant that they may affect its transmissibility, disease severity, immune escape, diagnosis or therapy; and it spreads rapidly through a community.
While Latin America has only eight percent of the world’s population, it makes up more than 20 percent of global coronavirus cases and 32 percent of COVID-19 deaths worldwide. Although the region is still reporting more than half of the deaths registered globally, only one in 10 Latin Americans have been fully vaccinated. In countries such as Honduras and Guatemala, the number is less than 1 percent.
“I think we are about to see another critical situation in the next few weeks in Latin America,” says Alfonso Rodriguez-Morales, an epidemiologist and vice president of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases. That is because in some countries the vaccination programs still have not fully vaccinated more than 5 to 10 percent of their populations “and that is very critical.”
Why it is hard to detect variants? 
The Lambda variant remained undetected for many months because it was frequently mistaken for Gamma—the variant first identified in Brazil and also known as P.1.
Due to limited resources, the Peruvian National Institute of Health uses a fast and affordable method  based on the changes in the virus’s ORF1ab gene. That method cannot distinguish Beta and Gamma variants from Lambda. To sort the Lambda variant from others requires genetic sequencing, a costly and time-consuming process.
“We have very limited capacity in the region to conduct genomics surveillance, so estimating full prevalence of Lambda is difficult. Why any variant becomes dominant is not easy to predict. So, it is important that we ramp sequencing capacity in all places, not just in the United States and Europe,” says Tsukayama.
What has changed in Lambda?
The Lambda variant is very unusual because of the way its spike protein is altered compared to other variants. It has mutations at 14 positions including a long stretch of seven amino acids which has been deleted from a region of the spike protein called the N-terminal domain or NTD. Beyond these, Lambda also has mutations in the ORF1abgene that are found in other variants of concern: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.
The ORF1ab gene encodes a large protein, parts of which help the coronavirus replicate and suppress the human immune response. Because of its importance, scientists are already developing antiviral therapies to target ORF1ab proteins.
The seven amino acids deleted from the NTD belong to an NTD supersite where the spike is attacked by many of the body’s potent antibodies. Many variants, including Alpha, Beta, and Gamma also harbor mutations within this zone, suggesting that this region is important for the evolution of the virus. “NTD is not crucial for carrying out important functions of the virus and thus, it is easy for the virus to mutate and still remain viable, so as to evade the existing antibody response,” explains Shee-Mei Lok, an infectious disease scientist at National University of Singapore.
The anti-NTD antibodies made naturally in the body may block subsequent viruses from entering the cell even after it has attached with the ACE2 receptor on the cell’s surface, which is why vaccine developers are focusing on it.
Among other mutations of Lambda is a unique one at location 452 which is also mutated in other highly transmissive variants: Delta, Delta Plus, Epsilon, and Kappa. While Lambda’s L452Q mutation has never been seen before in a variant, scientists predict that mutations at the 452 position boost the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to infect a cell.
The 452 position occurs in the part of the spike protein that interacts directly with the ACE2 receptor protein found on the lung and other human cells, and that interaction allows it to enter the body. “The 452 position is recognized by many neutralizing antibodies. Mutations at this site could result in decreased binding and thus less protection by certain vaccines in certain people, those with marginal responses to start with,” says Michael Diamond, an immunologist at Washington University School of Medicine.
Evgeni Sokurenko, a microbiologist at University of Washington, has shown that a single mutation at this position could have set off the recent rapid expansion of COVID-19 variants. A similar mutation—L452R—in the Epsilon variant causes high infectiousness, enhances the virus’s capacity to grow, and reduces the neutralizing activity of many antibodies.
In a study not yet peer reviewed, Nathaniel Landau, a microbiologist at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, has shown that a lab-made Lambda-like virus was twice as infectious as the early SARS-CoV-2 variant, due only to the L452Q. Other mutations found in Lambda had no significant effect on infectivity. Another study not yet peer reviewed also confirms that Lambda is likely more infectious than Gamma and Alpha.
What do we know about vaccines and Lambda?
There are very few studies on Lambda, but preliminary results suggest that current vaccines are still effective but perhaps less than against the original virus.
“We believe that, at least for the mRNA vaccines—Moderna and Pfizer, that those vaccines will protect very well against Lambda, in the same way that they protect against the Delta virus. Even though some of the antibody no longer works against the variants, it's still enough that they will fight the virus and get rid of it pretty well,” assures Landau who led one study.
Another study, also not yet peer reviewed, shows that Lambda can escape the neutralizing antibodies produced by the WHO approved, China-developed CoronaVac vaccine, although lead author Ricardo Soto Rifo, a virologist at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Santiago, Chile, clarified, “We still don't have evidence to say that Lambda is more transmissible, we don't have evidence to say that Lambda is responsible for vaccine breakthrough, we don't have evidence to state that Lambda is responsible for more severe disease or whether Lambda is responsible for death.”
Two doses of CoronaVac, an inactivated virus vaccine which is the available vaccine in many Latin American countries, is considered less effective than the mRNA vaccines, but is still good in protecting against severe disease and death.
Despite some skepticism around the efficacy of CoronaVac against new variants, everyone should get vaccinated by whatever authorized vaccine is available in their region, says Herbert Virgin, an immunologist, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and chief scientific officer of Vir Biotechnology. “If you don't vaccinate … the virus will evolve,” adds Virgin.
Although worrying about a new variant like Lambda gaining ground in a faraway country might seem excessive, it is important to stay vigilant and follow precautionary measures. “Lambda isn't scarier than the Delta virus. The key is, that they're both highly transmissible viruses. But if you get the vaccine, you're most likely going to be protected,” Landau advises. “And the rate of infection with these viruses is going to go down in areas where people get the vaccine.”
Editor's note: This article originally misstated Alfonso Rodriguez-Morales' title. He is an epidemiologist and vice president of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases.
And the Delta variant has mutated to the Delta Plus
Quote:How dangerous is the new Delta Plus variant? Here’s what we know.

The latest coronavirus variant has spread to about a dozen countries—including India, the U.S., and the U.K.—while scientists scramble to figure out if the strain is more deadly or transmissible.
"Covid Vaccines are killing people at a 79% higher rate than Covid-19 in the UK according to statistics"

daily expose

Nothing  to see here folks....move along ..
(07-20-2021, 07:16 PM)Kenzo Wrote: "Covid Vaccines are killing people at a 79% higher rate than Covid-19 in the UK according to statistics"

daily expose

Nothing  to see here folks....move along ..

The NWO has their Population Control working over time.
*Cough, Cough, Clears Throat and Shouts ,, it's called the COVID Vaccine*  veryangryemoji and people think the Government's Care about them! *Stupid*  tinysure
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-20-2021, 07:41 PM)guohua Wrote:
(07-20-2021, 07:16 PM)Kenzo Wrote: "Covid Vaccines are killing people at a 79% higher rate than Covid-19 in the UK according to statistics"

daily expose

Nothing  to see here folks....move along ..

The NWO has their Population Control working over time.
*Cough, Cough, Clears Throat and Shouts ,, it's called the COVID Vaccine*  veryangryemoji and people think the Government's Care about them! *Stupid*  tinysure

What if someone had Blank Covid Vaccine Card ? tinywondering tinycool

Blank Covid Vaccine Card
Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines, Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths

Quote:America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) filed a motion July 19, seeking immediate injunctive relief in Alabama Federal District Court to stop the use of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID vaccines — Pfizer/BioNTechModerna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) — for three groups of Americans.

According to a press release, AFLDS is asking to immediately stop administration of experimental COVID vaccines in anyone 18 and younger, all those who have recovered from COVID and acquired natural immunity, and every other American who has not received informed consent as defined by federal law.

The 67-page motion requests the judge issue a preliminary injunction pursuant to § 360bbb–3(b)(1)© for the following reasons:
  • There is no emergency, which is a prerequisite to issuing EUA and EUA renewals for COVID vaccines.

  • There is “no serious or life-threatening disease or condition.”

  • Vaccines do not diagnose, treat or prevent SARS-CoV-2 or COVID.

  • Known and potential risks of the vaccine outweigh their known and potential benefits.

  • There are adequate, approved and available alternatives to vaccines.

  • Healthcare professionals and vaccine candidates are not adequately informed.

The authors of the motion attached a declaration by a whistleblower who came forward alleging deaths occurring within 72 hours of receiving a COVID vaccine are significantly under-reported in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) maintained by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Tell Schools/Universities No Vaccine Mandates for Children/Young Adults!
As of July 9, reported deaths in the VAERS totaled 10,991. Of those, 4,593 occurred within 72-hours of vaccination.

The whistleblower — a computer programmer who developed more than 100 distinct healthcare fraud algorithms, and who has expertise in healthcare data analytics that allows her to access Medicare and Medicaid data obtained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems (CMS) — filed a sworn statement under penalty of perjury alleging the actual number of COVID vaccine-related deaths is closer to 45,000.

The whistleblower alleged that VAERS, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five.

In her statement, she said:
“On July 9, 2021, there were 9,048 deaths reported in VAERS. I verified these numbers by collating all of the data from VAERS myself, not relying on a third party to report them. In tandem, I queried data from CMS medical claims with regard to vaccines and patient deaths, and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5. This would indicate the true number of vaccine-related deaths was at least 45,000. Put in perspective, the swine flu vaccine was taken off the market which only resulted in 53 deaths.”

AFLDS said the findings were shocking, and informed consent is impossible when safety data is not accurate.

In a press release, AFLDS said:
“It is unlawful and unconstitutional to administer experimental agents to individuals who cannot make an informed decision as to the true benefits and risks to the vaccine on an independent basis. They must be of an age or a capacity to make informed decisions and have been provided with all of the risk/benefit information necessary to make an informed decision.”

One of the named plaintiffs, Deborah Sobczak, the mother of a 15- and 17-year-old, said in the press release:
“My child will not be the subject of an experiment. What kind of monsters are we allowing to control us? Perfectly healthy children have developed heart inflammation, brain bleeding and even died! I have had enough. I am not sacrificing my child so a pharmaceutical company can experiment on her. This madness has to stop.”

There is no emergency warranting EUA of COVID vaccines, plaintiffs allege
According to the complaint, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, named as one of the defendants in the lawsuit, declared on Feb. 4, 2020, pursuant to § 360bbb–3(b)(1)©, that SARS-CoV-2 created a “public health emergency.”

This initial emergency declaration has been renewed repeatedly and remains in force today — a necessary legal prerequisite for the issuance of vaccine EUAs, the complaint states. EUA allowed the mass use of the vaccines by the American public before the completion of the standard regimen of clinical trials and FDA approval.

Plaintiffs allege the emergency declaration and its multiple renewals are illegal because there is no underlying emergency. Using HHS COVID death data, SARS CoV-2 has an overall survivability rate of 99.8% globally, which increases to 99.97% for persons under the age of 70. This is consistent with the seasonal flu, the complaint states.
Read the full page/Source
The European Union take a back-seat and let Macron take the heat.

Quote:Covid: France rolls out health pass as cases soar

'A new Covid health pass has come into effect in France amid a surge of new infections.
From Wednesday, people need proof of vaccination, a negative test or recent recovery from Covid to enter most
museums and cinemas...'

Most museums and cinemas...?! The virus has become choosy?!

Quote:Later lawmakers will debate whether to extend its use in August for entry to cafes, restaurants and shopping malls.
It comes the day after Health Minister Olivier Véran announced 18,000 new infections in just 24 hours. This was
compared to fewer than 7,000 cases a day last week, a surge of 150%, as the highly contagious Delta variant
spreads throughout the country...'

A country that once had sovereignty over itself and often reported as struggling to embrace the 'Must-Jab' propaganda
is now -like the rest of the idiot-Journalists around the world, are associating Covid cases via cell-phone apps with
with serious malaise and death.

Quote:"We have never seen this before," he told the National Assembly, saying Delta had led to far larger rises in cases than
previous variants, like those first spotted in the UK or South Africa. President Emmanuel Macron announced the plans
for a health pass earlier this month, as well as compulsory vaccination for all health workers by September.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9664]
The protests & President Macron.

Surveys suggest there is widespread vaccine hesitancy in France...'

See... even this article comments on France's reluctance to buy into the scamdemic-panic.

Quote:Mr Macron's plans have proved controversial. Protests against new coronavirus rules in France saw demonstrators
vandalising two vaccination centres this week...'
Archived BBC Article:

There's a further analysis by one of the ass-holes of the BBC in the article and the first statement is correct.

Quote:"Health Dictatorship" is what protesters here are calling it.
If the government has its way, in a few short weeks, you won't be able to sit down for a coffee at a Paris café
-or board a train -without proof that you're Covid-free, vaccinated or immune...'

It's just like if Germany had returned.

Maybe France and the UK should take a look at Resolution 2631 (7.3.1. & 7.3.2.) from The Council of Europe:

"Ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is not mandatory and that no one is
under political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so;"

"Ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible
health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;"

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Tribal mentality you agree or you are kicked out of the tribe.

I wonder how many governments are going to fall because of covid; when people lose everything they IMO are going to take to the streets and start pointing fingers.. Problem for many places..... they are disarmed and have nothing to fight back against the government bootlicker enforcers. 

People need to feel there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if in reality there is just more darkness. Once all hope is lost then they have nothing to fear as they have lost everything already, everything but their miserable pathetic lives. That coupled with it is hard to sift the facts from the feces when it comes to vaccines and covid as there seems to be more mysteries than certainties .

" The more we do to you the less you seem to believe we are doing it." Joseph Mengele......
Can you handle the Truth????? Can YOU guess who is Spreading Fear.
[Image: bc78a73c-2CARTOON-7.21.21-7.21.21-7.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-20-2021, 07:46 PM)Kenzo Wrote: What if someone had Blank Covid Vaccine Card ? tinywondering tinycool

Blank Covid Vaccine Card

Neat idea - it's probably why the FBI has said they are cracking down on fake cards, and offering federal prison time to offenders they catch with them. I dunno why - it doesn't look like an official government document to me, and ought to carry no more penalty than faking a company letterhead.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(07-22-2021, 05:25 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(07-20-2021, 07:46 PM)Kenzo Wrote: What if someone had Blank Covid Vaccine Card ? tinywondering tinycool

Blank Covid Vaccine Card

Neat idea - it's probably why the FBI has said they are cracking down on fake cards, and offering federal prison time to offenders they catch with them. I dunno why - it doesn't look like an official government document to me, and ought to carry no more penalty than faking a company letterhead.


Yeeh you are right, a bad idea ...i dont  know what the official document look like.
(07-21-2021, 12:09 PM)727Sky Wrote: Tribal mentality you agree or you are kicked out of the tribe.

Getting kicked out of the tribe ain't all that bad. There are those who say it's a guaranteed death sentence, but that's not necessarily so. There are those whom, when kicked out of the tribe, thrive while the tribe goes extinct without their input.

There was a book written many, many years ago called "Fire Hunter" by a guy named Jim Kjellgard. It revolved around a presumably Cro-Magnon hunter who was exiled from the tribe for some perceived misdeed, along with a girl expelled due to an injury. The tribe was never mentioned again, and presumably died out, while the guy and gal thrived. After he patched her up, they went on alone as a team, and he ended up inventing the bow and arrow to replace spears since there was only one of him now, and domesticating wolves to create dogs as a force multiplier. Sure, it's just a book, but some times that is the way it goes in the real world, if an individual has enough strength of character to just refuse to give up and die.

Quote:I wonder how many governments are going to fall because of covid; when people lose everything they IMO are going to take to the streets and start pointing fingers.. Problem for many places..... they are disarmed and have nothing to fight back against the government bootlicker enforcers. 

That's not necessarily a barrier to rough action, either - assuming folks in the modern world have around 1/10th of the mettle our ancestors did. take Okinawa as an example. They were denied weapons as well, but enterprising minds will find a way when discontent reaches a certain threshold, and they turned their farm implements into deadly weapons which persist to this day. I believe it is the Biblical Isaiah who advises folks to "beat your plowshares into swords"... There are common things found in every household that would assist jackbooted thugs in not surviving long enough to make it to the bridge at the end of my driveway should they decide raiding me and removing, for example, my firearm collection, might be a good idea.

Sheer numbers and a bit of ingenuity have overcome more than one would be conqueror.

Quote:People need to feel there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if in reality there is just more darkness. Once all hope is lost then they have nothing to fear as they have lost everything already, everything but their miserable pathetic lives. That coupled with it is hard to sift the facts from the feces when it comes to vaccines and covid as there seems to be more mysteries than certainties .

" The more we do to you the less you seem to believe we are doing it." Joseph Mengele......

Indeed that is so. there is a fine psychological line to be walked to maintain control, and I think they are pushing that line. Folks are getting more and more fed up, and as they are, that fed-up-ness is causing the authorities to crack down even harder, which is exacerbating the cycle. It was either Mao or Che, and maybe both, who advised that provoking government crackdowns was the best way to turn the people against a government... and here they are, doing it all by themselves, without any need for provocations...

Jao Bai Den, when he mentioned that his citizens don't have "F-15's and nukes" like the government has made me laugh out loud. The instant he assaults the citizenry with F-15's is the instant he will lose to that same citizenry, by galvanizing the rest of the population against him. The instant he employs NUKES against his own citizenry is the instant that the rest of the world's governments will shout "whoa there, hoss - that's a bridge too far!" and intervene. Governments as a rule take a pretty dim view of the use of nuclear weapons, when the fallout may muck up their OWN carefully crafted plans for domination.

Neither him nor his hollow threats scare me... and I would hope there are folks all around the world, in various countries, who feel the same towards their own Overseers. If they don't now, there will eventually come a certain point of fed-up-ness for them as well...

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

The next level insanity...." ‘Don’t Have a Conversation’ With Each Other " tinybigeyes

Top Health Officer Orders Australians: ‘Don’t Have a Conversation’ With Each Other Even if you’re wearing a mask.


Those people are mentally sick and evil .
Two more reported dead after the jab with blood clots
(07-22-2021, 10:02 AM)727Sky Wrote: Two more reported dead after the jab with blood clots

Speaking of blood clots, this conversation between some scientists who got a hold of the vaccines have analyzed it and found:

Quote:"between 98% and 99% of the content of the vaccination vials corresponds to graphene oxide". As they have been saying, this is not a vaccine but a dose of pure graphene oxide into the vein.

Ricardo Delgado: Graphene is toxic, it is a chemical, a toxic chemical agent.  Introduced in the organism in large quantities, it causes thrombiIt causes blood clots.

Their conversation is eye-opening. I suggest everyone read it, especially if you're considering getting the jab.

Source Link
(07-22-2021, 04:57 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:
(07-22-2021, 10:02 AM)727Sky Wrote: Two more reported dead after the jab with blood clots

Speaking of blood clots, this conversation between some scientists who got a hold of the vaccines have analyzed it and found:

Quote:"between 98% and 99% of the content of the vaccination vials corresponds to graphene oxide". As they have been saying, this is not a vaccine but a dose of pure graphene oxide into the vein.

Ricardo Delgado: Graphene is toxic, it is a chemical, a toxic chemical agent.  Introduced in the organism in large quantities, it causes thrombiIt causes blood clots.

Their conversation is eye-opening. I suggest everyone read it, especially if you're considering getting the jab.

Source Link

Graphene oxide could make textiles smarter


Is this why they want it add to our body  hmmm ?

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