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  Remote Viewers See August Event!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 08-03-2016, 04:29 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (9)

This may be more suitable for the Metaphysics Forum, but it's news, so I posted it here.

[Image: courtney-brown-remote-viewers-se.jpg]

We all know remote viewing has been used by the military for years, so don't be so quick to judge this as "woo-woo".
Even though I stopped posting doom porn last year, I think this needs to be shared... just in case. tinyshocked 

Courtney Brown’s remote viewers are focused on a target event happening somewhere in August, possibly in a big city in the U.S.  What they see seems to be something like an asteroid, or possibly a missile, hitting a large city. 
Three different "viewers" are getting the same thing.  Very scary, if this comes to pass. minusculespooked Might be time to get those bug-out bags ready! 

Watch them in action in the video below. 


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  The 1911 with one in the chamber
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-03-2016, 02:51 PM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (1)

Quote: A guy walked into a crowded bar, waving his unholstered pistol and yelled,
"I have a 45-caliber Colt 1911 with a seven round magazine plus one in the
chamber, and I want to know who's been sleeping with my wife."
A voice from the back of the room called out,  "You need more ammo!”

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  So you missed the windows 10 upgrade
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-03-2016, 09:11 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (15)

If you missed the windows 10 free upgrade here is a little secret you can use and still upgrade for free.

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Posted by: guohua - 08-03-2016, 04:20 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (4)

And some still wonder how is it possible that Obama was elected twice. These are suppose to be Educated people, NOT!  tinyshouting
Seriously, Who would Be Sooooooooooooooooooooo Stupid To Believe This? Yes,,, Liberals!

Quote:Media analyst Mark Dice has liberals in Southern California convinced that Donald Trump is coming for their tampons.

In his latest man-on-the-street video, Dice reveals yet again just how easily people can be convinced of patently false claims so long as it backs up their political views.

“Donald Trump will ban tampons, many liberals fear, and only allow the sale of maxi pads…” the YouTube video description states.
Other than two females who immediately refuted the legitimacy of Dice’s claim, every other individual featured in the video fell for the satirical premise.

“I mean, every woman should have a right to own a tampon or get a tampon without a prescription,” one man says.
Those interviewed also agreed with Dice that Trump’s proposal exemplified yet another example of the “Republican’s war on women.”
“Hashtag tampon rights!” one woman said.

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  New Documents Go Against Hillary
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 08-02-2016, 09:23 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (5)

Okay, so in less than one minute I come across two different articles about Hillary.  The first one says, "Hillary Clinton, when serving as Secretary of State, did not complete mandatory security briefings. Nor did she attend classes on how to properly handle classified information."

Quote:Hillary Clinton just got blasted by a leak, but this time it was not from Wikileaks. Instead it came from deep inside the Obama administration.
The Daily Caller just reported that according to legal filings, Hillary Clinton, when serving as Secretary of State, did not complete mandatory security briefings. Nor did she attend classes on how to properly handle classified information.
So, it would appear as though Hillary may have told the truth here, she did not know any better.
Unfortunately, at least for her, it means she was derelict in her duties by NOT completing these classes.
It also hurts Obama for having a Secretary of State that did not attend the most basic of briefings on the handling of classified materials.
For Trump supporters, it gets much better!
Since she has not attended these classes, the case can be made that she should now have her security clearance stripped!
The spinmasters are already doing their best to try to cover her tracks, but they are not going to get away with this one!
Claims of one-on-one briefings are already circulating, but that only solidifies the opinion that the Clintons think there is one set of rules for them and one set for everyone else.
The fact is, she was supposed to complete this training and never did.
She does not get to dictate how the training was done (and I fully expect she never received anything, it is just people trying to cover for her).
Bradley Moss, a national security attorney stated, “There is no real wiggle room in the affidavit submitted by the State Department. If the training records are not there, then Secretary Clinton and her aides never did the training. Period.”
Sounds like Hillary is up the creek without a paddle, again!


If that's not enough to get her ousted as a presidential candidate, maybe this one will: New Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Murder Cover-Up

[Image: 1foster.jpg]

Quote:Twenty-three years ago during the Clinton administration, Deputy White House Council Vincent Foster was found dead in his car.

This scandal shocked the country, and raised massive questions about just how dangerous the Clintons are.
Foster’s apparent suicide was quite suspicious. Two investigators – Robert Fiske and Kenneth Starr – separately concluded that Foster shot himself and died, due to suicide.
But over time, major questions have been raised about what may have really killed him. Now, recently discovered evidence blows the case wide open!
Discovered in the files of the National Archives and Records Administration, Starr’s lead prosecutor Miguel Rodriguez submitted a 2-page resignation letter and a 31 page memo about the injuries Foster sustained. Rodriguez notes in the letter details about injuries around Foster’s neck which were not reported in official government documents.
At the time, the FBi claimed that Foster’s neck injury photos were underexposed, and therefore useless to them.
Rodriguez claims that after he produced additinal damning evidence of a possible Foster murder coverup, he became a target and was investigated internally!
In the letter, he explained 12 ways in which the case has mishandled and compromised. Then, he noted:
Quote:“I steadfastly maintained, and continue to maintain, that I, at all times, conducted myself as an experienced and trained prosecutor, with years of federal prosecutorial experience and federal grand jury experience.”
These records indicate Foster didn’t really die from one .38 caliber gunshot… but two gunshots! The other shot was on the right side of his neck, made by a “Small caliber” bullet hole.
This raises serious questions about Foster’s motives for suicide. He was tied to Hillary Clinton’s roles in White House scandals at Whitewater and the White House Travel Office.

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/new-documents-prove-hillary-clinton-murder-cover/#ixzz4GCxN58io

Here is the new smoking gun in the Foster case!

[Image: Screen-Shot-2016-03-02-at-1.39.51-PM-768x855.png][/url]

The theory is that Vince Foster knew too much, since he was one of Hillary’s closest friends, and some think they may have had a romantic relationship.

Quote:Foster had been a long-time friend and companion to Hillary. The two shared a brokerage account called Midlife Partners. When Barbara Walters asked Hillary if she had been having an affair with Vince Foster, Hillary lowered her eyes and told the 20/20 cameras, “He was a very special man.” When he died, Hillary said publicly that Vince Foster was the last person who would have committed suicide. Friends reported she was genuinely shocked and aggrieved.

Why, then, did Hillary lie under oath about the last time she saw Vince Foster?

Testifying before the Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC) in 1994, she claimed that the last time she had spoken to Vince Foster was on the phone “the Friday or Saturday before Father’s Day.” Yet documents from the National Archives, acquired by the New York Megaphone, show that Foster’s assistant, Tom Castleton, reported he “saw Hillary Clinton in Foster’s office approximately four times during the five weeks he was employed.” Castleton didn’t start working for Foster until after Father’s Day, 1993.

According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in a 1996 Telegraph (UK) article, Hillary Clinton asked Vince Foster to help her spy on her libertine husband in 1990. Foster hired Jerry Parks, an Arkansas investigator who later worked as the head of security for the Clinton/Gore campaign. According to Parks’s widow, “Jerry asked Vince why he needed this stuff on Clinton. He said he needed it for Hillary.”

When Vince Foster showed up dead in a Washington-area public park in the summer of 1993, Parks was terrified. Two months later Parks was shot nine times at close range, at a stoplight, in his SUV, in Little Rock. Parks’s home was then raided by eight Federal agents, including officers from the FBI, IRS, Secret Service, and (unusual for a domestic case) the CIA.

If true, then Vince Foster was murdered to make sure he didn’t leak out the information he knew about the Clintons, and we don't want another murderer for our President!



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  NASA Launch Urgent Investigation Into ‘Armageddon’ Asteroid
Posted by: perfectinsanity - 08-02-2016, 08:07 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (2)

Some Doom Porn for you all ! 

Not immediate Doom Porn, and I am fairly sure we will either wipe ourselves out or something else will wipe us out prior to this, but I guess at least they are on to it. 

Quote:NASA have launched an investigation into the so-called ‘Armageddon’ asteroid that appears to be heading towards Earth. 

Scientists will collect rock samples from the asteroid named Bennu, in an effort to understand just how much of a danger it poses to life on Earth.

Independent.co.uk reports:

Bennu, which is around 500 metres in diameter at its equator and travels around the sun at 63,000mph, will pass between Earth and the moon in 2135.

“That 2135 fly-by is going to tweak Bennu’s orbit, potentially putting it on course for the Earth later that century,” Dante Lauretta, professor of planetary science at Arizona University, told The Sunday Times.

“It may be destined to cause immense suffering and death,” he added.

Mr Lauretta, Nasa’s principal investigator in charge of the Osiris-Rex probe mission to Bennu, launching in September, said the probe will map the asteroid, pick up some rock samples and then head back to Earth. He said information on the asteroid’s size, mass and composition could be vital data for future generations.

Osiris-Rex will arrive at Bennu in 2018 and will spend a year surveying the asteroid’s chemical makeup, mineralogy and geologic history. Information gathered during the observation will help scientists understand how its course is affected by absorbing and radiating sunlight as heat.

The probe will then take a sample from the asteroid before heading back to Earth for 2023.


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  U.S. Border Protection Agcy. Advertises SAFE ZONES for Illegal Aliens
Posted by: guohua - 08-02-2016, 01:11 AM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - No Replies

Under Obama's Administration, Not Only Do College and University Students Have Safe Zone But Illegals Do Too!

Quote:Just about any illegal alien can avoid arrest by following these simple rules, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) advertises in a post on its website’s homepage.
Providing a virtual "how-to" guide for illegal aliens in its “Sensitive Locations FAQs,”CBP explains that immigration laws are not to be enforced at any of a wide range of designated “sensitive locations” – so that illegal aliens may be “free” to live their lives “without fear or hesitation”:

Quote:“The policies provide that enforcement actions at or focused on sensitive locations such as schools, places of worship, and hospitals should generally be avoided, and that such actions may only take place when (a) prior approval is obtained from an appropriate supervisory official, or (b) there are exigent circumstances necessitating immediate action without supervisor approval.  The policies are meant to ensure that ICE and CBP officers and agents exercise sound judgment when enforcing federal law at or focused on sensitive locations, to enhance the public understanding and trust, and to ensure that people seeking to participate in activities or utilize services provided at any sensitive location are free to do so, without fear or hesitation.”

“This policy is designed to ensure that these enforcement actions do not occurat nor are focused on sensitive locations such as schools and churches” without meeting special exceptions, the ICE Sensitive Locations Policy states.
Locations covered by these policies include, but not be limited to:
  • Schools, such as known and licensed daycares, pre-schools and other early learning programs; primary schools; secondary schools; post-secondary schools up to and including colleges and universities; as well as scholastic or education-related activities or events, and school bus stops that are marked and/or known to the officer, during periods when school children are present at the stop;
  • Medical treatment and health care facilities, such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, accredited health clinics, and emergent or urgent care facilities;
  • Places of worship, such as churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples;
  • Religious or civil ceremonies or observances, such as funerals and weddings; and
  • During public demonstration, such as a march, rally, or parade.

o, just almost any illegal alien can escape arrest by either walking with a second person (a march), attending some type of class, or finding a nearby church, medical facility or school bus stop.
“The enforcement actions covered by this policy are (1) arrests; (2) interviews; (3) searches; and (4) for the purposes of immigration enforcement only, surveillance,” the ICE policy says.
Each “FAQ” answer is accompanied by a translation for Spanish-speaking illegal aliens – but, not in any other foreign language.
The CBP website also provides a toll-free number and email address to enable illegal aliens report immigration enforcement efforts taking place at any of the “sensitive locations.”

Thought you all should know what this President has turned your Hospitals, Churches and Schools into.
[Image: 5720093959_9d3391e422_z.jpg]

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  Who Was The First Man Into Space and Return Alive?
Posted by: guohua - 08-01-2016, 11:59 AM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (1)

There are people who say,  Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in Space to Survive.
Yes he was Russian and Yes He Returned To Earth Alive.
My husband believes this.
The story goes like this:

Quote:That recklessness - and the Soviet Union’s penchant for denials and cover-ups of setbacks and disasters - led to rumors of a top secret Soviet space program that was sending humans into space long before Gagarin’s journey. As far back as 1959 there were stories circulating that the Soviets had lost multiple cosmonauts - including a woman - in attempted suborbital flights.
Some of these rumors came from misunderstandings, such as the 1962 death of Colonel Pyotr Dolgov. Dolgov parachuted from a balloon at almost 94,000 feet but didn’t survive; he hit the visor of his helmet while jumping from the balloon gondola and his suit depressurized, killing him. At least that’s the official story.

Some of the “Lost Cosmonaut” theories have the spacefarers dying in space or on the launchpad, but the conspiracy theory surrounding famed Soviet test pilot Vladimir Ilyushin is much more entertaining. Ilyushin, some claim, beat Gagarin to space by five days, launching on April 7th, 1961.

But Ilyushin’s trip didn’t make the history books because it was a major embarrassment to the USSR, as a malfunction supposedly brought Ilyushin’s capsule down in China. He was taken prisoner and held for a year. There’s some plausibility to this tale, especially when you realize that unlike the US space program the Russians kept their launches secret. Gagarin’s feat was only publicized when he got home safely, so is it impossible that Ilyushin’s mission would be scrubbed from the records? In 1999 Nikita Kruschev’s son told documentary filmmakers that the story was true, but Ilyushin himself never spoke of it, taking the truth to his grave in 2010.
There's another source:
Quote:Of all the notorious myths that have enshrouded the space mission of Yuri Gagarin on Vostok on April 12, 1961, the oldest and most interesting has been the story that his flight was preceded by a secret mission that failed. Most specifically, many people claimed—and as we shall see, still claim—that the first man in space was actually Vladimir Ilyushin, a noted Soviet test pilot and son of the leading aircraft designer.

In 2009 we saw the release of “Fallen Idol: The Yuri Gagarin Conspiracy”, a new program that was an outgrowth of a 1999 documentary, “The Cosmonaut Coverup”, both produced by a veteran team led by Elliott Haimoff of Global Science Productions. It alleged that Vladimir Ilyushin was really the first man to orbit Earth.
This was supposed to have occurred on April 7, 1961, but Ilyushin was off course and badly injured on landing, and came down in China, where he was held prisoner for a full year. The Chinese agreed to cooperate with the USSR’s pretense that Gagarin (launched April 12) was really the first man in orbit.

Yes, I Believe these too!

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  Russia's Lost Cosmonauts
Posted by: guohua - 08-01-2016, 11:25 AM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - No Replies

Did Cosmonauts lose their lives in Space?
I believe they did. I also believe those recordings made by those two Italian Brother's Achille and Giovanni Judica-Cordiglia.
I do think they captured recording of these Cosmonauts transmissions. 

For you viewing pleasure, I'm attaching a really good video.

Just think, Drifting in Space Forever, Out Further and Furture, with No Hope Of Rescue.

Quote:On November 28, 1960, the brothers were alerted to something strange.  An East German observatory announced that they had picked up a strange signal on the Soviet space frequencies.  When the Cordiglias tuned into that frequency, they picked up what sounded like a hand-keyed SOS signal.  The most disturbing thing about the signal is that it showed almost no relative speed which could only mean one thing: it was on a direct course away from the planet.  As the brothers listened, the signal grew weaker until it finally winked out.
The brothers had apparently just discovered evidence that a Soviet space capsule had gone off course and drifted permanently into outer space with a cosmonaut on board.

Two months later, the brothers detected another transmission.  This time, it seemed to be the labored breaths of an unconscious man and a heartbeat.  When they played the recording for their father, a cardiologist, he postulated that the heartbeat was of a man suffering cardiac arrest.

Two days later, the Soviets announced the failed re-entry of a large unmanned spacecraft.
In April of 1961, the brothers picked up the transmissions of Yuri Gargarin, the official first person to orbit the Earth.

The story wasn't over.  In fact, the most disturbing chapter was still to come.  In May of 1961, they picked up a new transmission.  It was a a woman's voice speaking in Russian.  Although she seemed calm and professional, her tone became more and more strained an panicked as the transmission continued and finally ceases.
The translation came out as, "Isn't this dangerous? Talk to me! Our transmission begins now. I feel hot. I can see a flame. Am I going to crash? Yes. I feel hot, I will re-enter..."

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  Juno heads back toward Jupiter, ready for science
Posted by: guohua - 08-01-2016, 04:30 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (6)

Finally!  minusculeclap
I'm hoping for some Really Great Pictures and information.
Maybe,,, Yes Just Maybe they'll let something slip through.

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