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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 08-09-2016, 12:11 AM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (7)

Well, here is one thing Snowden leaked, and I'm sure the Cabal aren't happy, knowing their "secret" is out.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2015-07-14-at-12.43.23-PM-10...w=599&zc=1]

Quote:MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and fugitive, released documents Tuesday to Internet Chronicle reporters proving that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is definitively engaged in a program of assassination and mind control.

While the military prison industrial complex has routinely insisted that the Alaskan-based HAARP is only meant to study natural phenomena in earth’s ionosphere, Snowden has managed to blow open a brutally massive charade.
“The HAARP research station,” he said, “strategically based away from prying eyes near Gakona, Alaska, is actually used to terminate or manipulate would-be dissidents of global capitalism on the scale of millions of people.”
Added Snowden, using finger quotes, “With these terrestrial antennas, NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] is able to, on a global scale, remotely silence ‘perpetrators’ of ‘deviant or subversive’ strains of thought.”
Unbeknownst to victims or their loved ones, HAARP projects ultra-high-powered radio waves. Those waves operate at the same electronic frequency as the truncus encephali, or brain stem, selectively inducing deaths seemingly by natural causes  – including by some appearing to coroners as innocuous as strokes or heart attacks.
“When and if the intelligence community doesn’t view outright assassination as an optimal effect,” said Snowden, “‘they’ can simply make a ‘target’ act in an insane fashion, in order to discredit them. When we were in transit between Hong Kong and Moscow, WikiLeaks staff and I had to fend off the constant threat of radio-generated homicidal delusions.”
Quickly ushering staff into his lavish room at Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, the former NSA contractor quickly began to explain himself. Due to confidentiality agreements with the 30-year-old, formerly of Booz Allen Hamilton, the Chronicle cannot elaborate beyond the point that he has outfitted his entire flat to be a thoroughly functioning Faraday cage.
Swowden’s haphazardly constructed Faraday cage, he claims, can block interference from external static and nonstatic electric fields.
“Without it,” he says, “I would have been dead the moment The Guardian‘s first story went to print.”

Snowden’s bolstered his testimony with HAARP documents gleaned from the private email accounts of officials as high-ranking as admirals and Air Force brigadier generals. Sources within the intelligence community have confirmed to The Internet Chronicle the authenticity of these documents, as well as their horrifying ramifications for human dignity.
Snowden’s testimony appears to be partially in line with that of a U.S. senator’s brother, in 2009. It was then that he, Nick Begich, told “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” that “just to affect the brain with emotional state changes is so easily accomplished” with HAARP.


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  Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-08-2016, 11:36 AM - Forum: Political News and more - No Replies

Quote:Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death
and Hell Followed Him

Paul Craig Roberts
I just listened to Obama give Washington’s account of the situation with ISIL in Iraq and Syria.
In Obama’s account, Washington is defeating ISIL in Iraq, but Russia and Assad are defeating the Syrian people in Syria. Obama denounced Russia and the Syrian government—but not ISIL—as barbaric. The message was clear: Washington still intends to overthrow Assad and turn Syria into another Libya and another Iraq, formerly stable and prosperous countries where war now rages continually.
It sickens me to hear the President of the United States lie and construct a false reality, so I turned off the broadcast. I believe it was a press conference, and I am confident that no meaningful questions were asked.
If Helen Thomas were still there, she would ask the Liar-in-Chief what went wrong with Washington’s policy in Iraq. We were promised that a low-cost “cakewalk” war of three or six weeks duration would bring “freedom and democracy” to Iraq. Why is it that 13 years later Iraq is a hellhole of war and destruction?
What happened to the “freedom and democracy?” And the “Cakewalk”?
You can bet your life that no presstitute asked Obama this question.
No one asked the Liar-in-Chief why the Russians and Syrians could clear ISIL out of most of Syria in a couple of months, but Washington has been struggling for several years to clear ISIL out of Iraq. Is it possible that Washington did not want to clear ISIL out of Iraq because Washington intended to use ISIL to clear Assad out of Syria?
No one asked the Liar-in-Chief why Washington sent ISIL to Syria and Iraq in the first place, or why the Syrians and Russians keep finding US weapons In ISIL’s military depots, or why Washington’s allies were funding ISIL by purchasing the oil ISIL is stealing from Iraq.
It seems to be the case that ISIL originated in the mercenaries that Washington organized to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and were sent to Syria to overthrow Assad when the UK Parliament refused to participate in Washington’s invasion of Syria and the Russians put a stop to it.
All of the violence in the Middle East, violence that has consumed countless lives and produced millions of war refugees now overrunning Washington’s NATO vassals in Europe, is 100 percent the fault of Washington, not the fault of ISIL, or Assad, or Russia. Washington and only Washington is to blame.
Washington produced this violence. Where is the question: “Why, Mr. President, did Washington introduce 15 years of massive and ongoing violence into the Middle East and then expect us to believe that it was the fault of someone else?”
If Helen Thomas were there, she would ask the relevent questions. But the pussies that comprise the American press corps are merely an audience that validates the false reality spun by Washington by accepting it without question.
Meanwhile, Moscow and Beijing have understood the message. Washington intends war. The purpose of Washington’s lies is to prepare the insouciant Western peoples for war against the two countries that Washington cannot subjugate except by victory in war.
By faithful vassalage to Washington, Europe is bringing death and destruction to the world.


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  U.S Navy DEFIES Obama : allows insignia on uniforms he calls racist
Posted by: Daitengu - 08-08-2016, 10:26 AM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (1)

Now heres something never thought would see ..... navy finally doing something worthy of respect ... seems obumma thinks the gadsden flag is racist and banned it ... Navy authorised  insignia with it for wear on uniforms .  well done navy for standing up to obumma .... 

Navy sticks it to obumma

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  Breaking : Hillarys unsecured email exposes u.s spy leading to his execution
Posted by: Daitengu - 08-08-2016, 10:11 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

Add one more to killerys body count .... her unsecured email caused another death .... lets see one u.s ambassador dead .... one spy dead .... how many more will be dead because of killery before shes stopped .... 

more treason by killery

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Brick Picking the Greater of Two Evils! Hill-Dogma or Chump-Change?
Posted by: OmegaLogos - 08-08-2016, 08:22 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (4)

Explanation: This thread is for the fanatics ok!

RULES: You may pick one Evil candidate between Hillary Clinton OR Donald Trump to be your greater of two evils. [3rd party candidates and fans ... you're out of luck ... throw your vote away! tinytongue  ] BUT you may not debate whether they are actually evil and must take that for granted.

Who do you choose to be your greater evil?


NOTE: This thread is not an excuse to rag on the opposition, but is instead about promoting your own sides arch-demon ok!  minusculebeercheers

Personal Disclosure: I know its all a sideshow where your vote doesn't really count [aka electoral college chooses] but humor me ok! tinysure 

Mark Twain — 'If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.'

I choose Chump-Change Donald Trump to be my greater evil because I want to see him build that wall with Mexico and turf out all the Muslims! tinyok

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  Fast and furious and dope
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-07-2016, 02:44 PM - Forum: America and its Territories - Replies (1)

Absolutely horrid story of our open borders, drugs and fast and furious. Worth a listen IMO.

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  recent post/threads
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-07-2016, 08:54 AM - Forum: The Suggestion Box - Replies (6)

Just a suggestion : Place the recent post part of the discussion page at the top. When I log on that is the first area I check.. If I want to post something then I scroll down through all the different forum topics. Don't know what kind of problem that would be or how much work ? Talk it over with the other MODS and see what they have to say..

Then the individual forums would be placed after the recent post. minusculebeercheers

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  Two Police Wounded By Machete-Wielding Man.
Posted by: BIAD - 08-07-2016, 08:52 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (2)

'The man, who shouted the Arabic for "God is Greatest", is shot by a
third officer in Charleroi, Belgium, and later dies.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=341]

Two female police officers have been wounded in Belgium by a man
wielding a machete who shouted "Allahu Akbar".

The man was shot after the attack in Charleroi and was later confirmed to
have died from his injuries, the city's police said in a tweet.

Sky's Mark White said one of the officers suffered moderate injuries to
her face and the other was less severely wounded.
He said: "This was an attack that unfolded at 4pm local time in Belgium
outside the police station.

"Two police officers were attacked according to police officials by a man
wielding a machete. "A third officer, who was there at the police station,
opened fire on the attacker.

"Now, there are local reports, this hasn't come from police sources, but
local reports suggesting that the attacker as he set about attacking those
two police officers was heard to shout 'Allahu Akbar', the Arabic phrase
for God is great.'
[Image: attachment.php?aid=342]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Latest pics of Mars (colors)
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-07-2016, 01:57 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (7)

Follow the link for the pictures ... Pretty interest landscape and colors for a change

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  First Olympic Gold goes to american teen - Heres why liberals attacked her
Posted by: Daitengu - 08-07-2016, 01:40 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (1)

First off Congratulations and very well done to Ginny Thrasher for winning the Gold in womens shooting 10 meter air rifle event . 

As to the commie sympathising whiny liberal pieces of shit over there who are bitching about it ...... theres a little thing called the SECOND AMENDMENT that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED . So if you damn pinko commie bastards dont like it and dont have the courtesy to show good sportsmanship like everyone else - at least among civilised human beings ..... then crawl back under your damn rocks and stay there .....

The olympics are meant to be an event to spread peace ..... promote unity and for people to join together in a spirit of good will and good sportsmanship .... leave your fucking agenda and politics at the damn door .... if you cant do that then dont let the door hit you on the ass on your way out ..... one last note to you commie bastards ...... you want my weapons come try to take em ..... will deal with you same way I dealt with charlie ..... hell you bastards arent even worth the respect I had for charlie as at least charlie had the balls to stand up and fight rather than hide behind a bunch of damn pc bullshit like fucking damn cowards ...... meh ..... before this devolves into further rant about the commie bastards ..... heres link

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