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  Welcome Hrodgmc
Posted by: BIAD - 12-13-2020, 10:15 PM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (2)

Hi there Hrodgmc, welcome to the site!

If you require an avatar, feel free to private message me or leave a note on this thread.

Enjoy and see you around the boards!

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  China's 2020 Robotics show
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-13-2020, 02:07 PM - Forum: Asian Affairs - Replies (1)

Some of the robots will look very familiar

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  On-line manual for most guns
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-13-2020, 12:10 PM - Forum: Firearms and Related Topics - Replies (8)

This link will not work from Asia but used to work in the states.. Let me know if it works for you..

Firearms owners need to bookmark this page.

If you own a Weapon, You will want to save this.

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Posted by: guohua - 12-12-2020, 11:07 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (9)

Yes, I believe there were Giants and YES I believe that the Fact there were Giants has been hidden from us.
Here is a short video.

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  Welcome to R-N 3 Dug88
Posted by: guohua - 12-12-2020, 10:08 PM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (7)

Hello  minusculehello

Come on in and  mediumcouchpotato have a  minusculebeercheers and say Hello in the Shoutout Box.
If you need an AVATAR send a PM to @"BIAD"  if you have question just ask or go here: Learn our Board.

Please make yourself at Home.  YO

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Posted by: hounddoghowlie - 12-12-2020, 06:49 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (43)

Quote:We are in discussion with a serious party who has our faith that they are committed to continuing the site in the same manner that's causing (most of) you to feel sad about ATS's potential disappearance. And, to invest in technology and monetization improvements.

link to SkepticOverlord's anouncement

No matter what they say it will never be the same.

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  Welcome to R-N 3 Enderdog
Posted by: guohua - 12-12-2020, 04:23 AM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (5)


Hi, Come on in and  mediumcouchpotato Relax and join the chat in the Shoutout Box.

Need help just ask.

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  Welcome to R-N 3 Scraedtosleep
Posted by: guohua - 12-12-2020, 03:05 AM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (6)


Come on in and  mediumcouchpotato
Have a  minusculebeercheers

Need Help Just  minusculesoapbox or ask  tinylaughing

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  Genesis Apologetics
Posted by: kdog - 12-11-2020, 10:58 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (11)

I came across this group that are trying to debunk the evolution theory by using Christian beliefs and creationism . 

There are videos in the link if interested. But what I find interesting is it also could prove ET involvement in our dna. 

Anyways, a short description and link to enjoy on your Friday night . 

Quote:Millions of people stream into Natural History Museums every year where they are presented the idea that life evolved on earth over millions of years. Is there a different view? Yes, there certainly is, and we believe the Bible presents the viewpoint about origins and earth’s history that actually fits the evidence. This movie takes on the leading 12 evolutionary icons presented in museums: the Human-Chimp 99% Myth, key ape-to-human icons like Ardipithecus ramidus, “Lucy” the Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Neanderthals, Darwin’s Finches, the fossil record and transitional forms, Continental drift and Pangea, Dinosaurs, Whale Evolution, Historical vs. Observational Science, and Deep Time based on Radiometric Dating. Staged as an interaction between a secular museum docent and a well-versed creationist, the actors go head-to-head on contrasting views over these major evolutionary icons. The Genesis Impact movie (released this Fall!) is just the start—for those who want to dive deeper into a Biblical worldview on the 12 leading “evolutionary icons” presented in Museums, we are developing 12 training videos and a museum guidebook.


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  Roswell & The Marcel's Won't Let Go.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-11-2020, 10:15 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (10)

A quiet Friday in the UK because PM Boris Johnson said he won't have anymore news about a deal with the European Union until Sunday.
So when the dying media struggle to find any news that doesn't involve them leaving their desks, they turn to Roswell and whoever may
still be alive.

This time it's Jesse Marcel's grandsons and some advertising for a programme on the History Channel.

Quote:NOT OF THIS WORLD Roswell investigator’s journal reveals he found ‘indestructible debris not made by
human hands’ at ‘alien’ crash site

'An investigator found ‘indestructible debris not made by human hands’ at the ‘alien’ Roswell crash site, his private journals reveal.
In July 1947, a UFO reportedly hurtled into the ranch in New Mexico - and the most famous alien legend of them all was born.
Soon after the military sensationally announced in a press release that the remains of a crashed flying saucer had been discovered
in the desert.

The following day, however, the statement was retracted, and it was said to be instead a damaged US Air Force balloon.
The incident has become one of the most discussed and controversial UFO theories in history.
Jesse Marcel, an intelligence officer of the 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field, was tasked with investigating
the crash.

Now, more than 30 years on from his death on June 24 1986, his grandchildren - Jesse Marcel III and John Marcel - claim he was
‘ordered’ to deny what was actually discovered at the crash site.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8784]
Jesse Marcel III and his Grandpa.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, his grandson Jesse Marcel III said: “He was made to be the fall guy. “He was the head of intelligence in
Roswell, New Mexico and followed his orders. “In essence, he was at the heart of the story and heart of the conspiracy or cover-up.”
The wreckage was first discovered by WW ‘Mac’ Brazel, who spotted ‘odd pieces of metal and debris’ scattered across Foster Ranch.

Jesse Marcel III said: “Even animals had a sense about whatever it was and did not want to go around it.
“He (Marcel) had examined the debris in the field and determined it was not made by human hands.”

Pieces of debris were taken to the Roswell base where a team tried to figure out what they were from and the material.

According to Marcel, some beans [beams] were etched with ‘alien writing’.
Grandson John Marcel said: “He said there were glass fibers and fiber optics that may have been from the computers on the ship.
“When my grandfather came home with the debris, our dad looked through it with a shining light and saw a purple light inside with
a symbol of a seal balancing a ball on its nose.”
Jesse added: “My grandfather said ‘you might be the first person on Earth to look at alien writing.”

The fascinating diary will be revealed for the first time in a three-part series ‘Roswell: The First Witness’ on the History Channel.
The show, which airs tomorrow, follows the investigation of the Marcel children, along with former CIA operative Ben Smith.
The claim comes after extraordinary footage emerged reportedly showing an alien creature being carted away on a stretcher
from the scene.

The grainy video is alleged to have been shot in an Area 51 hangar and apparently films an alien being taken away.
Meanwhile, the ex-head of Israel's space program says aliens are hiding among us but will only reveal themselves when mankind is ready.
Haim Eshed, 87, claims the extraterrestrial beings have struck a deal with the US government to stay silent while they carry out experiments
on Earth...'

The Sun:

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