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Two of the Best Documented UFO Sightings in the History of Mankind
What we see in our skies today that people call UFOs are probably (mostly) man-made craft. However, I doubt this was the case back in 1665, and even prior in the UFO Battle of 1561 over Nuremberg.
Surely all these people weren't having the same hallucinations, right? tinysurprised Could this open the minds of some who STILL believe we are the only life in the universe?

Quote:On the afternoon of April 8, 1665, several fishermen doing their jobs near Barhöfft, which at the time belonged to Sweden, now modern-day Germany reported the sighting of a Battle between ships in the heavens. Shortly after the battle had concluded, people witnessed a dark, disk-shaped object overflying the area where the battle had taken place.

Quote:“The Mass UFO sighting that took place in 1665 was seen by hundreds of people who saw flying ships in the sky. “After a while out of the sky came a flat round form, like a plate, looking like the big hat of a man… Its color was that of the darkening moon, and it hovered right over the Church of St. Nicolai. There it remained stationary until the evening. The fishermen, worried to death, didn’t want to look further at the spectacle and buried their faces in their hands. On the following days, they fell sick with trembling all over and pain in head and limbs. Many scholarly people thought a lot about that,” wrote Erasmus Francisci in “Der wunder-reiche Ueberzug unserer Nider-Welt/Oder Erd-umgebende” in 1689.

[Image: UFO-1665-2-674x450.jpg]
Right: A 1680 engraving accompanying a description by Erasmus Francisci of a battle between ships in the sky said to take place in 1665. Background: Text and an image from “An Illustrated Description of the Miraculous Stralsund Air-wars and Ship-battles), 1665.

This wasn’t the first time that mass UFO sightings were reported. Remember the UFO Battle of 1561 over Nuremberg? It seems to coincide with the accounts of people from Barhöfft.  Hundreds of people witnessed strange flying objects in the sky with a technology foreign to our very own today. It is believed to be one of the best-recorded Mass-Sightings in history.

Hundreds of years ago the little knowledge mankind had about star and planets was more connected with astrology than with science. Our understanding back then was not expanded as it is today, where we know that there are thousands of Earth-like planets in the universe and that most of them have the ability to sustain life as we know it. Today we know almost for certain that there are other life forms that inhabit the universe, and it is very unlikely that we are the only intelligent species around. Hundreds of years ago, people probably never suspected that there could be extraterrestrial life elsewhere in the universe.

[Image: Himmelserscheinung_%C3%BCber_N%C3%BCrnbe...l_1561.jpg]
News notice (an early form of newspaper) printed on 14 April 1561 in Nuremberg, describing the celestial phenomenon that occurred over Nuremberg on the 4th of April 1561. From en: Wickiana Collection, an important collection of news items from the 16th century.

Scientific explanations for the mass sighting at Barhöfft? Chris Aubeck and Martin Shough wrote about the mass UFO sightings over Barhöfft in the June 2015 edition of EdgeScience magazine while looking at several explanations for the phenomena witnessed by hundreds of people in 1665. After their analysis, researchers were able to scientifically exclude several celestial phenomena like the angle of the sun, producing an ice halo. But they went further and excluded the possibility that people witnessed a Mirage or Fata Morgana since a mirage would not explain some of the objects seen by witnesses, like the plate- or hat-shaped object that was said to remain into the evening. Researchers also excluded the possibility that people had witnessed a flock of birds in the sky since a flock would not explain the dark object that remained hovering in the sky until night fall.

An unusually large flock of starlings may have resembled such a scene, Aubeck and Shough said. Flocks sometimes merge together in startlingly well-defined masses that move in patterns before settling down.

What do you think people saw in 1665? Is it possible that this is another well-documented UFO sightings that occurred hundreds of years ago? And is it possible that people in Barhöfft saw what people over Nuremberg witnessed in 1561?

These two cases are certainly two of the best documented UFO sightings in the history of mankind. So far, researchers have not been able to ‘debunk’  these mass UFO sightings.[/size]

(08-28-2017, 09:08 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: What we see in our skies today that people call UFOs are probably (mostly) man-made craft. However, I doubt this was the case back in 1665, and even prior in the UFO Battle of 1561 over Nuremberg.
Surely all these people weren't having the same hallucinations, right? tinysurprised Could this open the minds of some who STILL believe we are the only life in the universe?

Hi Mystic,

I commented on the Nuremberg case on another site recently...
I'll copy & paste my "theory" below.

Quote:I'm going to throw in a curve-ball here...

A Time-slip.

WWII Allied raids on German held Nuremberg.
Planes looking like crosses from the ground.
Searchlights making big circles in the clouds.
The circles and crosses "battling" one another.
Crosses catching fire and falling to the ground... etc.

A 16th century glimpse into an event nearly 400 years into the future.
[Image: CoolForCatzSig.png]
That's good @"gordi", but according to this article, these two cases have never been debunked.

Quote:These two cases are certainly two of the best documented UFO sightings in the history of mankind. So far, researchers have not been able to ‘debunk’  these mass UFO sightings.
(08-28-2017, 10:28 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: That's good @"gordi", but according to this article, these two cases have never been debunked.

Quote:These two cases are certainly two of the best documented UFO sightings in the history of mankind. So far, researchers have not been able to ‘debunk’  these mass UFO sightings.

If you deny the existence of time slips, of course it's not been debunked. You have to be open to a possibility to even consider it to debunk a case, and they probably haven't considered it. Either way, it's hard to say exactly what people saw, they could only describe it the best they knew how.

I also remember a documentary on this from years back that said the entire batch of sightings lasted weeks and traveled across Europe. They could tell by looking at printed engravings of the spectacle showing up very close together in a time when communication between areas was very slow. The folks in the documentary said it was clear evidence that something was there for people to see, because it couldn't have spread that fast by normal communications; they had to be seeing this in each location. Sorry I can't remember the title or anything else about the source of the documentary... had to be something related to UFOs though!
(08-28-2017, 10:28 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: That's good @"gordi", but according to this article, these two cases have never been debunked.

Quote:These two cases are certainly two of the best documented UFO sightings in the history of mankind. So far, researchers have not been able to ‘debunk’  these mass UFO sightings.

Hi Mystic,

I am just coming at this from a different angle... I'm pretty sure that the people there saw something, but rather than presume that they definitely saw actual physical UFO's battling in the skies above them, I'm asking what else could explain what they saw.

If this was an actual physical event taking place at the time... |I'm sure there would have been physical evidence... crashed "ships" etc
The description of the event specifically mentions these things crashing to the Earth and wasting away with immense smoke:
Quote:...Besides the globes flew back and forth among themselves and fought vehemently with each other for over an hour. And when the conflict in and again out of the sun was most intense, they became fatigued to such an extent that they all, as said above, fell from the sun down upon the earth ‘as if they all burned’ and they then wasted away on the earth with immense smoke.
But there was no mention of actual physical wreckage or of any artifacts that I'm aware of.

Now, given the "religious" nature of the commentary regarding the event at Nuremberg like:
Quote:...Although we have seen, shortly one after another, many kinds of signs on the heaven, which are sent to us by the almighty God...
I'd think that any physical remnants of such a spectacle would be regarded as being "sent to us by the almighty God" too? And therefore perhaps be accorded special religious significance.
It just seems strange to me that there is no mention whatsoever of any physical evidence after the event itself.

So, given the complete lack of physical evidence I'm asking.... "what if...?"
What if this wasn't a real physical event happening at that time, but a time-slip... a rift in the space-time fabric... a glimpse through the veil?
What if they were witnessing an event that had yet to happen (or that happened way in the past)?

This leads us naturally to the question....
What events are we aware of that have taken place over Nuremberg, that might resemble crosses, cylinders and orbs "battling" in the skies and falling, burning with immense smoke etc?
The closest match that I could think of was 20th Century aeroplanes, barrage balloons and searchlights.
So, I googled Nuremberg (in the context of air-raids) and lo-and-behold there were many such air raids in WWII.
One of which saw the British RAF lose more bombers than on ANY other mission of the entire war. It must have been an incredible sight - dramatic and terrifying for any witnesses on the ground.

Time slips have been reported many times before.
One of the most famous also involved a British airman who (in 1935) encountered a strange storm (with weird brownish-yellow clouds):

Quote:In 1935, Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard of the British Royal Air Force had a harrowing experience in his Hawker Hart biplane. Goddard was a Wing Commander at the time and while on a flight from Edinburgh, Scotland to his home base in Andover, England, he decided to fly over an abandoned airfield at Drem, not far from Edinburgh.
The useless airfield was overgrown with foliage, the hangars were falling apart and cows grazed where planes were once parked. Goddard then continued his flight to Andover, but encountered a bizarre storm. In the high winds of the storm’s strange brown-yellow clouds, he lost control of his plane, which began to spiral toward the ground. Narrowly averting a crash, Goddard found that his plane was heading back toward Drem.
As he approached the old airfield, the storm suddenly vanished and Goddard’s plane was now flying in brilliant sunshine. This time, as he flew over the Drem airfield, it looked completely different. The hangars looked like new. There were four airplanes on the ground: three were familiar biplanes, but painted in an unfamiliar yellow; the fourth was a monoplane, which the RAF had none of in 1935.
The mechanics were dressed in blue overalls, which Goddard thought odd since all RAF mechanics dressed in brown overalls. Strange, too, that none of the mechanics seemed to notice him fly over. Leaving the area, he again encountered the storm, but managed to make his way back to Andover.
The True Mystery
It wasn’t until 1939 that that the RAF began to paint their planes yellow, enlisted a monoplane of the type that Goddard saw, and the mechanics uniforms were switched to blue. Had Goddard somehow flown four years into the future, then returned to his own time?

Did you notice the original description of the Nuremberg incident and how it mentioned the colour "blood red" several times?
Quote:...two blood-red semi-circular arcs, just like the moon in its last quarter...above and below and on both sides, the color was blood...such blood-red ones...blood-red crosses...

Isn't it interesting that both incidents involve an unusual colour in the sky (around airborne craft) and that both colours are very similar?
It certainly made me wonder!

I'll go off on a slight tangent here...
What if Time-Slips are MUCH more common than we imagine?
What if a HUGE chunk of what we today describe as "The Unknown" or the "Paranormal" (like ghosts, phantom hitch-hikers, ghost cars ghost-trains, (some) UFO's,  Loch/Lake monsters etc) are actually glimpses into events of the past or future?

Could many (but not all) ghost encounters (especially the ones which just seem to show a replay of a tragic event) not simply be a glimpse through a rip in time?
Could the Loch Ness Monster actually be a REAL Plesiosaur (or similar creature) but seen through a time-slip peeking 50 million years into the past?
It would certainly explain why there is no physical evidence left behind in most of these cases.

It is by no means "proof" of anything, but I think that it is an interesting alternative explanation for both the events mentioned in the OP and many others too and it would seem to explain the lack of physical evidence as well.

kindest regards,

[Image: CoolForCatzSig.png]
There's actually nothing say that it's both a time-slip and a warring extraterrestrial situation!
We don't know enough yet about how time-slips occur (if they do) and what is actually real
'on the other side'

I mean, all we can take from this is that it happened in the time-frame it was reported...
and possibly in a sky!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Quote:I am just coming at this from a different angle... I'm pretty sure that the people there saw something, but rather than presume that they definitely saw actual physical UFO's battling in the skies above them, I'm asking what else could explain what they saw.

Yes, I know, and you definitely gave a good answer @"gordi".  minusculethumbsup

I was listening to an interview from Kerry Cassidy with Sean David Morton last night, and somewhere about half way through he started talking about how CERN has caused a major catastrophe on Earth several times, but when they did, they just went back on the timeline and hit the "reset button" to take us back to before the event occurred, and then they kept working on fixing their mistakes.

According to Sean (and someone he knows that works at CERN), this is what's causing the Mandela Effect that we see so much of these days, because we're on a different timeline.
He also said something about the veil being totally lifted during the solar eclipse on the 21st. So, we may start experiencing much more "high strangeness" now.
And then, we are also in the middle of an energy cloud that is affecting people in emotional ways. The negative people will act out doing negative things (remind anyone of what we're going through?), and the positive people will only find the "energy" is helping them to rise to new levels of psychic awareness and new "gifts".

Here is the video, if anyone wants to watch:  

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