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Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner
So this is Trump's latest brain fart.  Democracy is alive and well then.

"Lighthearted" this guy says random shit and then says I was just being "sarcastic" and then changes that back the next day. "Oh, I was just joking *smarmy grin*, do you people have no sense of humour?" This is a dangerous way for a potential world leader to act.

"Just thinking to myself right now"
WTAF - Is this how he is going to give speeches on the world stage, in front of the world's media? Just saying whatever pops into his befuddled brain.  Do people not see how dangerous this is?

What planet is this guy living on??

Quote:Donald Trump, trailing his opponent in key battleground states polls less than two weeks from Election Day, said Thursday he'd like to "cancel the election" and be declared the winner.

"Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally here on Thursday.

"Her policies are so bad. Boy, do we have a big difference," he added of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

The apparently lighthearted comment falls against the backdrop of Trump's repeated and serious questioning of the legitimacy of the presidential election in recent weeks as he has tumbled in the polls.

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner -
A friend of ours says Trump has "diarrhea of the mouth"...he just cannot help himself I think.

IF Trump were elected, think that would be a rather enjoyable, lively, animated Presidential inauguration address. LOL.
Maybe even keep people from getting bored and falling asleep.

However, do believe Trump acts in a total different manner when it comes business dealings, as per the Mayor of Las Vegas.
The Mayor said he enjoyed doing dealings with Trump in the past. But that he did not recognize this new flamboyant Trump that we see in front of the cameras.

So with that in mind, plus some other business men who have spoke out in the past, makes me think Trump is one way when it comes to business....all serious and no playing around.
Gets straight to the business at hand.

But then at these rallies and during speeches, he totters between serious and playful.

I highly doubt he would bring the playful side to the table when meeting Foreign dignitaries.
Believe he would be all business then.

I would love to see a female President in the Oval day.
But Hillary, as corrupt and crooked as she is, is not a good role model for Women IMO.
Nor would she change the way she operates, but rather keep on knowing she is untouchable.

I guess for me, I've known about the Clintons underhanded dealings since their time in Arkansas when we worked up there.
And from the sounds of it, they have only gotten more corrupt and conniving over the years.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

Trump is a wild card.

But, to me, he seems like the lesser of two evils. I am not fond of his loud mouth, nor his narcissistic false sense of superiority.

Yet, I think that he speaks his mind. He's touched issues that others would not want to touch with a 10 foot pole, (i.e. illegal immigration, refugees, border problems, Radical Islam) because it would make them look bad - AND they would lose crucial votes from ALL of those who wish for a status quo on such issues. (illegal immigrants, Latinos, refugees and Muslims)

Makes no difference to me, to a certain point, as I won't be voting, being Canadian.

But if I was American, I would definitely vote Trump. Hillary is just a representative of that status quo and more...from what I have read (not from the mainstream medias), she's way worse than just being corrupt and has a history of making extremely bad moves when it comes to foreign policies.

So I guess that 'dangerous' here would be in the eye of the beholder : )

No offence, just giving my honest opinion.

~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~
I wish I shared your optimism about The Trump, but when I hear him say shait like this, it shows to me he has no control over what comes out of his mouth. 

I find it hard to believe that this is some kind of persona he has taken on, and thinks that this is presenting himself in the best light.  John Oliver hoit the nail on the head (pun intended) when he said in one show that Trump has not just said one weird/offensive/racist etc etc (the adjectives could flow on) comment he has made hundreds.  And his analogy was a bed of nails - if there is just one nail, it is painful, if there are hundreds you don't feel it, or sense it anymore.  Just like Trump with his Trumpisms, no sooner do we start to recover from one ridiculous statement he has made, than by the next day he has made another five, and your brain is reeling from those, thinking which one is worse? How do we react to these ludicrous statements?

As the saying goes "A leopard cannot change his spots" and I honestly fear that this is how he is, and I am worried about this man and what he is going to proclaim next.

I am just waiting for him to announce he is God next week.
(10-28-2016, 02:45 AM)Sol Wrote: Trump is a wild card.

But, to me, he seems like the lesser of two evils. I am not fond of his loud mouth, nor his narcissistic false sense of superiority.

Yet, I think that he speaks his mind. He's touched issues that others would not want to touch with a 10 foot pole, (i.e. illegal immigration, refugees, border problems, Radical Islam) because it would make them look bad - AND they would lose crucial votes from ALL of those who wish for a status quo on such issues. (illegal immigrants, Latinos, refugees and Muslims)

Makes no difference to me, to a certain point, as I won't be voting, being Canadian.

But if I was American, I would definitely vote Trump. Hillary is just a representative of that status quo and more...from what I have read (not from the mainstream medias), she's way worse than just being corrupt and has a history of making extremely bad moves when it comes to foreign policies.

So I guess that 'dangerous' here would be in the eye of the beholder : )

No offence, just giving my honest opinion.  


It doesn't affect me either - but it affects us all sadly.

I agree and appreciate that it is the lesser of two evils, but I do not see appointing a loose cannon and giving them uncontrollable power is really a good thing. All I have to say to the people of the US is "You have made your bed, now lie in it" - these choices of candidates were offered and now people have to suck it up sadly, but I fear that the world may end up paying the price.
Another thing to point out, both with Trump and Sanders.

Is that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of the D.C. political games.
Including Congress/Senate.

Same old, same old.

The economy is NOT getting better.
People ARE worried about National Security.
Some question the vetting process we have for refugees being as the head of FBI said it was outdated and would take time to upgrade.
So we have thousands just coming on in, without a hassle.
Of course the Dems just love that.

Our country is broke, cannot take care of our own including our Vets.
Yet our government can find millions of dollars to take care of the refugees.
THAT right there is what is rubbing many Americans the wrong way.

Hence why Trump is doing great with his supporters, he hit a nerve when it comes to immigration.
And no, it don't have a damn thing to do with being racist/bigot/islamaphobic as Hillary likes to spout.
But in 2 words.....National Security.

Yet those are all topics that will never ever change under a Hillary presidency.
And no, no one gives a shit about global warming. pffft.
The Dems need to get off that soap box and focus on what the people are truly concerned about.

But the point is, that is why the Sanders/Trump movement is so damn strong and took off like a rocket.
People are showing the 'Establishment' that they are done with the D.C. games and career politicians that never get anything done.

It doesn't matter what party affiliation Hillary is, she is clearly a hardcore D.C. operative and even the Established Republicans would rather her due to she is controlled by the same interest/lobbyist groups.
So therefore, NOTHING. WILL. CHANGE.  

Trump is the unknown.

And the Establishment fear him due to they will not be able to control him as they can with your regular polished politician.

We know what we will get with Hillary, and that thought is chilling.

So why not give Trump a chance?

Despite all these talking heads and so-called experts, NO ONE knows what a Trump presidency would be like being as he has never held a political office before.
So we have nothing to compare to.

Unlike Hillary.

Boy oh boy, look what we've got to look at while she was Sec. of State.
Even ignored and disrespected her security detail, putting those around her in danger.
Scandal after scandal and more to come if she gets in the White House.
Plus Billy boy will be part of her Administration, so the Clinton shenanigans will only continue.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

Trump = the american Duterte .....
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

A cut-&-paste job from a Podesta email. (Since Reporters do it without any abashment,
I will too!)

'David Brock is a liar which makes his candidate even more distrusted'
Date: 2016-01-22 02:05
Subject: David Brock is a liar which makes his candidate even more distrusted

And I am probably going to write it soon.

The Bernie Sanders ad which I praised will be seen by voters all over Iowa and New Hampshire,
who will see the many black faces in the ad, and prove the lie that David Brock tells in the name
of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I am not a big fan of lying in any event, but Brock, who insists on making Hillary's negative trust
ratings even higher, tells a lie that everyone who watches the ad will know is a lie.

Brock makes the cardinal mistake of those who bring politics into disrepute with voters.

He tells a lie that people will know is a lie, and insults the intelligence of black voters with a kind of
elitist racism that Bill and Hillary Clinton should not be seen with. I guess Brock's plan is that black
voters are stupid and will not watch the ad and believe his lie, though Iowa voters---who do not
appreciate this kind of low end politics----will love the ad and view Brock as offering the kind of
politics that they detest.

I cannot think of anything more desperate, more stupid and more self-destructive than David Brock
lying about the Bernie ad and playing a seamy brand of the politics of race using the tactic of deceit
on her behalf.

Brock will lift attention to a great ad, helping the candidate he opposes, and further lower the trust
rating of the candidate he supports, reminding people why they distrust her.

The Clinton campaign should produce a great ad of their won. If you cannot do it, I will write the text
of one for free.

The Clinton campaign did not respond to a New York Times inquiry about Brock's comments?

Here is the proper response: the Brock comments are crap and unworthy of her campaign. 

Sent from my iPad'
So much for the black vote!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Personally I get a kick out of Donald Trump's sense of humor. Humor is something people engage in the world over, it lightens the mood and makes even the most difficult of topics easier to deal with and relate to. We all use humor. 

We can all sit and say, yeah that was a good joke well delivered and have a nice laugh at this thing or that which Donald Trump says.. (I do all the time, he makes me laugh out loud with every single speech he gives..)

 You see it at the time he tells each joke.. you realize exactly how the media is going to spin what was just said in jest before they do it.. and you think to yourself, "Donald, you shouldn't have said it," because you know what the spin is going to be and how anti Trump the media is going to play it.

Yet he tells the jokes anyway, even knowing what the end will be... but.. there is a good reason for it and it has nothing to do with foreign governments and foreign leaders and it's far far from how he will act as president with leaders from other's for us, his electorate and his potential electorate.

He is trying to get elected and the media hates him, won't even come close to giving him an iota of fairness in coverage.. so he has the job of convincing people in this country that the media absolutely hates him and consistently lies and misleads people concerning his policies and who he is as a person. He has the job of convincing people he can, not only be trusted, but that any naysayers are lying about him. 

He uses humor to show people this clearly. If I make a joke.. everyone there laughs, I laugh.. it's a joke.. and later some media person takes it completely out of context and tells people this makes me dangerous.. this thing I made a joke about, goes from being a joke to suddenly everyone is being told it wasn't a joke, it was me being serious.. they cut out the part of everyone laughing, the part where I say immediately after I tell the joke that I was joking.. and boom.. I am attacked for something that wasn't even serious..

Except all the people who were there, all the people who saw the joke in its entirety knew it was a joke.. and the full speech replayed can show what is being said by the media is clearly a lie to those who are open minded and just want to know the truth. 

So, slowly but surely, you convince people one at a time, that they cannot believe all these negative things being said in the media about you. and one by one, slowly but surely, more and more people come to your side.. why? because they cannot trust anything said about you, but what you say about you.. (it's an amazing position for a potential candidate to be in really.. couldn't ask for a better one)

The jokes are about getting people to trust Donald, and distrust the media. And it works.. well.. They attack him over everything he says.. twist everything he says.. so, this is how he fights back.. he doesn't have to say "the media is biased against me" when he can show it.. then, when he says it, everyone knows for a fact it's the truth, because it's been proven time and time again.

More and more  he is showing every man women and child that the media does not care for the truth.. and he is doing it one joke at a time.

If you don't like his jokes, at least appreciate his genius. If the media only attacked his policies and such the jokes wouldn't work and he probably wouldn't do them as much. But they don't. They attack every word he utters and twist everything he says, and the jokes prove it. So he keeps telling them. It's smart.
"it's far far from how he will act as president with leaders from other's for us, his electorate and his potential electorate."

I genuinely wish I shared your optimisim about this, but I fear he cannot change, and this is not just an act he is putting on for the election. Even he does not know what is going to come out of his mouth when he is speaking -

"Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally here on Thursday.

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner -

As he is fond of telling us he speaks his mind and is open, allegedly.  And therein lies the scary part.

So what some people are actually saying is that they want a joker for a president, well - be careful what you wish for is all I can say.

Oh, and I know that peoplewill criticise the fact the source is CNN - but the undeniable fact is those are his words - and he admits he is just winging it, as he is giving a speech.  Yes, I undertand adlibbing or going off at a tangent, but he is just saying whatever comes into his head.
(10-29-2016, 05:47 AM)1984hasarrived Wrote: "it's far far from how he will act as president with leaders from other's for us, his electorate and his potential electorate."

I genuinely wish I shared your optimisim about this, but I fear he cannot change, and this is not just an act he is putting on for the election. Even he does not know what is going to come out of his mouth when he is speaking -

"Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally here on Thursday.

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner -

As he is fond of telling us he speaks his mind and is open, allegedly.  And therein lies the scary part.

So what some people are actually saying is that they want a joker for a president, well - be careful what you wish for is all I can say.

Oh, and I know that peoplewill criticise the fact the source is CNN - but the undeniable fact is those are his words - and he admits he is just winging it, as he is giving a speech.  Yes, I undertand adlibbing or going off at a tangent, but he is just saying whatever comes into his head.

One of the great attributes of Rogue-Nation is that we can discuss such sensitive issues with respect and in civil manners. This is such a major difference from other websites out there that are vitriol filled when it comes to even talking about a topic, especially elections topics : )

I agree with you that Trump has said some pretty stupid things. I don't think that anyone can deny that. I also agree with the fact that he's shown that he doesn't have much respect for some women. I absolutely agree that he's a wild card, an undiscovered country in itself. He is a narcissist, no doubt.

But I think that he has the United States of America at heart. I think that he could change the way American businesses jump ship and head overseas. I think that he would be a tough one to deal with when it comes to foreign policies.

I don't think he is a joker. I think he addresses the people in a way that they can relate to. I saw an article yesterday where Putin has come out saying that Trump may seem extravagant because of the way he wants to send his message across to the voters. But that Trump is far from being an idiot and is somehow very similar in thinking to his way of playing on international grounds.

I don't think Putin is a joker either. Thing is, we know very little on how Trump deals when it comes to business. It's a fact.

But we do know how Hillary does. Most alternative news websites have it all, her long history of dealings, decades long.And it ain't pretty.

1984, I am 100% with you about optimism. Optimism during this election, is like being stuck in a cage with a hyena and a bear. The hyena has years of experience, and while he's just moving around, keeping his distance, almost looking friendly, the truth is that he's just waiting for the right moment to jump to your throat. The bear is an unknown. He might just sit there and watch over you or he might shred you to bits, in an instant's notice.

In either case, you have to take one out of the cage and agree to be with the remaining one for four years.

I'd take a chance on the bear.

~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~
(10-29-2016, 05:47 AM)1984hasarrived Wrote: "it's far far from how he will act as president with leaders from other's for us, his electorate and his potential electorate."

I genuinely wish I shared your optimisim about this, but I fear he cannot change, and this is not just an act he is putting on for the election. Even he does not know what is going to come out of his mouth when he is speaking -

"Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally here on Thursday.

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner -

As he is fond of telling us he speaks his mind and is open, allegedly.  And therein lies the scary part.

So what some people are actually saying is that they want a joker for a president, well - be careful what you wish for is all I can say.

Oh, and I know that peoplewill criticise the fact the source is CNN - but the undeniable fact is those are his words - and he admits he is just winging it, as he is giving a speech.  Yes, I undertand adlibbing or going off at a tangent, but he is just saying whatever comes into his head.

It's not being optimistic, I'm a realist when it comes to what he will or will not do as president. 

Your "scared" but honestly, what of? We have checks and balances in this country, the president cannot suddenly decide to be a dictator... no man is an island. Not even Obama could have done any of what he did without the full support of the house and Senate (vocally complaining is nothing but show.. they could have stopped him at any time) 

Trump has few people in his corner in government. The biggest problem we will have is that the republicans and democrats both will stand so solidly against him that not one thing we want done will actually get done. 90% of congress has promised just that. 

I'm voting for Trump, because of what he can do, even with everyone against him. The law for a wall passed congress in 2006, he can do that and doesn't need to have congress for that since they already passed it. He can repeal very dangerous TTIP trade agreements, that Hillary and congress would push through and sign.. 

One thing Trump is, is a good negotiator... every single person he has ever done business with says so.. banks he has done business with have nothing but praise for the way he handles business.. shark negotiator comes to mind for most who have done business with him.. this is good if he puts that to work for us and not against us. 

Will congress pass trade agreements that Trump gets? Most likely not.. but at least we won't be signing "secret" trade agreements that the American people aren't allowed to see and discuss prior to congress signing them. 

In short, the things that Hillary can do the second she gets into office are so dangerous for this nation that even with all of congress against him.. he can at least take off the table certain things that need gone for real. 

We know for a fact what Hillary wants to do, we know for a fact they will get done because she has support not only from democrats, but republicans as well.. (don't let the dog and pony show fool you.. ) We have no doubt where this nation will be in 4 or 8 years of Hillary Clinton.. 

I'm putting my eggs in the basket that something different, something better, has even a small chance. That basket is Trump.

Thanks for the considered and detailed reply.

Well, we will know in a week or so if it is the hyena or the bear.

I sincerely hope you are right about Trump, if he does get in but I have a bad feeling about that.

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