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Pelosi says Trump may have to be fumigated out of the White House
It's seeing Nancy and her projection that makes my stomach churn. The democrats accuse the Republicans of everything they are doing. Everything that comes out of their mouth about Pres. Trump is negative; that's how they brainwash you against him.

Turn off the fake news.

I think a lot of you guys are about to get a wake up call. There were more documents released today showing that the FBI under Obummer had absolutely nothing to take to the FISA court to investigate; they made it all up, and Hillary and the DNC paid for it.
Then they sent it to Yahoo News, they ran the story to make it look legit, then they took their fake dossier to get a FISA warrant made up of lies so they could spy on Trump's campaign.

It's all coming out. And, Yes, Trump is going to win again in November. The fake news has you all so brain washed that you believe anything they say. Just look around.
Do you see all the looting, fighting, burning buildings in the cities run by democrats?  Do you see that anywhere else?
Is that what you want our country to turn in to?  Go ahead and elect a democrat as president and that's exactly what you'll get country wide.

If Trump gets reelected, he's already said he's going to bring out some of the technology that has been hidden from us. He said the best is yet to come.
I can't wait to see what we have in store.

And, don't worry, if by some cheating miracle Trump doesn't win, he will leave the White House. That's just more fake news nonsense.

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RE: Pelosi says Trump may have to be fumigated out of the White House - by Mystic Wanderer - 07-21-2020, 02:19 AM

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