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Is It or Isn't a Religion? You Tell me.
When I was growing up I attended three different denominations of churches. All of these different denominations had slightly different beliefs, and each one taught that their belief was "right" and everyone else was "wrong". I was confused as to what to believe, as you can imagine! I thought, 'Well, they can't all be right, as they claim, and have such totally different beliefs'.

Did you know the Bible has been translated 26 times since the original written scriptures? In all those translations I find it hard to believe that "man" didn't mis-interpret something. So, I decided I would just read the Bible and research on my own, and see what God had to say to me without any human "twists" being put on the scriptures by a preacher.  I've been shown a lot since the beginning of my journey.

I started researching every religion and spiritual belief I could get my hands on, and just letting God tell me what the "truth" is.

Back when Christianity was first formed from the teachings of Jesus there were many different interpretations of it going on in different parts of that country. When Emperor Constantine came into power he decided he only wanted ONE teaching being taught so everyone would have the same belief, and it would stop any type of religious uprising/war. So he did away with some of the teachings and books written by the disciples. He and the Council of Nicea got together and decided which books to put in the Bible that would be used then, and for future generations to come, and which books to leave out.

There are books that contain Jesus' teachings that never made it into The Hebrew Bible we use today, but none the less, they are still teachings from Jesus. Jesus also shared some knowledge with his disciples that he told them not to reveal to the public. And he said there was more that would be revealed later. I believe "later" has arrived (actually, several decades ago).

Okay, having said that, let me say that some of the books that never made it into the Bible contained information about reincarnation. But, oops..... some verses slipped through in the books that got selected for our Bible that back-up reincarnation:
The 9th chapter of John tells the story of a man who was born blind. The disciples asked Jesus, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?"
In other words, the disciples acknowledged the possibility that being born blind might be this man's punishment for sins he committed. But since he was born blind, when could he have had time to sin unless it was in a previous life?

Also, in Matthew 17 Jesus was talking to Peter, James, and John and said, "Elijah does come, and he is to restore all things; but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased." Verse 13 reads, "Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.
In one of his other incarnations Elijah was very widely recognized as being Elijah. So obviously, if a time came when "they did not know him," it was in a different incarnation, which the disciples understood to be John the Baptist, who was beheaded by King Herod. This is the clear example of "did to him whatever they pleased".

Also, when Jesus said, "Ye must be born again of the spirit to enter the kingdom of heaven", I think that is EXACTLY what he meant! Of course man has put his own spin on the meaning of this, too.  Being "born again" (reincarnation) to enter the "kingdom of heaven".  The kingdom of heaven is in the heart of man.

Since the 1970's there have been many psychiatrists doing regressive hypnosis on people trying to find a childhood explanation for some of their client's problems. Unexpectedly, some of the clients went back even further to a previous life time, and described it in full detail giving their names in that life, dates, and where they lived. Their details checked out to be true. There have been thousands and thousands of these studies done by different psychiatrists since the first time it was revealed, and they have all had the same results. (I've probably read all the books!)

Some scientists argue it is "cell memory" that was passed to us by our ancestors that gives us memories of past lives. I disagree.
Here's why... 
In one case study, I read about this person who remembered a past life as a woman that didn't have any children; she remembered more lives prior to, and after that one. If it was cell memory, she wouldn't have been able to remember the life of the woman with no children because there was nobody to pass the cell memory to concerning that lifetime.

So many people have been helped with current phobias, fears, and other problems by revealing the root of their problem actually occurred in a past life. Once the clients "remember" this, they understand they carried that particular fear or health problem over into this life, and they really don't need to hang on to it now.... they let it go. They're cured!

Have you ever just met someone, and automatically felt so comfortable with them; like you've known them all your life? Or, maybe you knew that you didn't like this person before they even opened their mouth? These are people we've known in past lives, and when we meet them in this life we get these "feelings" about them based on how we got along with them in a past life.
Or, have you ever felt you've visited (or lived in) a certain place before, but know that you haven't? I believe that is a past-life memory bleeding through.

Do you really think God could justify it as being fair to allow some people to be born with major physical or mental challenges, while others aren't?

And, what about the person who lives a terrible life up to the ripe old age of 89, then "gets saved" just before he dies, while a younger person dies at the age of 18 before they've "made it right with God"? Their time here was unfairly shorter!

What about the person who is born into a family with a silver spoon, while others are born into poverty and have to struggle and sacrifice all their lives just to get a scrap of food? Does this really seem fair to you? Forget what you've been taught by the "church" .... I'm asking YOU. Does this seem like a "FAIR AND JUST GOD" to YOU?

Here's PART of "what I believe":

I believe we come here over the course of many life times to learn new lessons for spiritual growth during each of these life times.

I believe we carry a "spark" of God in our heart, and this is where the "kingdom of heaven" is; in our hearts.

I believe we can continue to choose to come back to Earth as long as there are lessons we want/need to learn, or we can choose not to come back if we feel there is no more spiritual advancement for us here. Although, some spirits (people) come back just to help other people reach a higher level of spiritual awareness; they come to teach us.

I believe there will be an "end of time", and "judgment day" because the Bible says it. However, I think "end of time" refers to when we die. There is no time outside of this reality, I know... I have experienced it.  Don't ask.
"Judgement Day" refers to when we do our life review after we leave the physical body and decide if there are more lessons we need to learn, in my opinion.

I believe that religion is like a big tree: Our roots come from the same place, but along the journey many different branches (paths) were formed. But, the bottom line is, every branch is reaching toward the same goal: GOD, the Creator of All.
Each branch is just on a different pathway to reach Him. And, even though God may have many different names used by the people in these religious branches, He is still the same ONE... "The Creator" that each branch prays to and seeks during their spiritual journey. I don't think any certain religion is "right" or "wrong".............. just "different" in their path to find God. However, I don't think highly of the Catholic Church at all!

There... that's what I believe.

Some of Jesus' teachings actually take on more (and new) meaning when a person applies the belief of reincarnation to their belief system. For example, being that we are all here to learn different lessons, we should "judge not, lest we be judged". We don't have a clue as to what the lesson is that person is here to learn. 

I could go on and on about all this, but these are revelations that have taken a whole life time to get me to my current belief system, so I don't have enough time to tell you everything I've been shown about reincarnation.... sorry.
I can tell you it took many, many years of reading, and praying for only the truth to be revealed to me before I reached the point of saying, "Yes, okay, here is the proof I've been praying for!" It's really hard to accept something that hasn't been taught in the "church" using years and years of what I call "brainwashing", but I do accept it as truth now.

If you would like to research reincarnation further, you should read the book, Life Without Guilt, by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D. It is an excellent book on the topic if you are ready to expand your knowledge on the subject. I have read hundreds of books on this topic and this is a good one for beginners.

As you advance in your studies, these are my best recommendations:

There are all kinds of books on this subject at Amazon, or the book store of your choice.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is It or Isn't a Religion? You Tell me. - by Wallfire - 11-14-2017, 06:54 PM
RE: Is It or Isn't a Religion? You Tell me. - by Mystic Wanderer - 11-15-2017, 04:31 PM

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