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DNA Study Proves Bigfoot is Human Hybrid
I agree with Scribe and Guohua, just because you can't see it from your office window,
doesn't equate to it not existing.

Even if we take away the idea that a large bipedal animal that thinks in a similar manner
to humans exists, you're still left with this phenomena.

A seemingly coordinated plan across large distances of humans dressing up in an ape-like
costume, skulking around in woodland and crossing highways in the hope of garnering a
self-smugness from tricking people and boosting local tourism.

Maybe it's just a few individuals in the majority of the States the Sasquatch has been reported
in...? Single uncoordinated people drumming up interest for their own purposes.

Added to this, bears walking upright with hunters, trail-walkers and people who've lived in
the same environment for years, mistaking the standing bear or even the backside of an
moose/elk for something that would guarantee to bring them ridicule.

And then there's the people who just simply lie. For whatever reasons they hold, they just
say they saw a Bigfoot and feign an appearance of a shocked, confused person in photos
for newspapers, news reports on television and footage on YouTube.

Hoaxers are the common suspects, with stuffed man-made bodies kept in crates or slabs
of foot-shaped wood that leave trails of giant footprints across soft soil or snow.

In regards of the internet, we can find hundreds of people filming forest-interiors where
they explain wood-structures, the truncated act of exchanging gifts with the assumed beast
and dark shapes that are analysed after the filming.

Then there's the few who say they can actually communicate with the Sasquatch and with
the aid of telepathy, state these shaggy, elusive creatures are really close-cousins to humans
and prefer their environment because of a 'New Age'-style of thought.

No cadaver, no graves, no physical evidence that holds credibility in the forum of academia and
whole phenomena remains in the hands of amateurs and website hosts.

All these reasons are man-made and even though new sub-species are found every year by the
same people who scoff at the idea that a large simian with forest-nous inhabits remote areas of
Canada and the United States, this strange paradox still prevails.

The above list offers Occam's Razor plenty of scope to put the idea of a physical creature to bed
and once more, we can resign ourselves to being the only humanoid free-thinker on the planet

Except... Occam's Razor -the law of parsimony, is a man-made principle.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: DNA Study Proves Bigfoot is Human Hybrid - by BIAD - 08-01-2017, 09:07 AM

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