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Another SSP Whistle-blower Comes Forward
(10-04-2016, 05:13 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
Quote:The grandfather paradox is a mental exercise in impossibility, but it does serve to show why events in a timeline cannot be changed. Clearly, all of the present and future depend upon events of the past (equally true, but not as clear, is that the fact that the past also depends on events of the present and future). It's an attempt to explain the nature of space-time without having a clear understanding of that nature. It's an attempt to explain that nature from within the experiential framework of the perception of physically "passing through time", rather than from the realization that "time" passes through us instead.

Have you heard it said that all "time" exists at the same time?  Time is NOT linear, everything is happening all at the same "time".
I suppose this is where the parallel universe comes into play. Could it be possible that these people were taken to a parallel timeline to experience the 20 years, then brought back and put back in the other parallel timeline at the age they were taken? This would prevent their future in this dimension from being altered.

Quote:The opening of a sixth-dimensional time gate invariably leads to the creation of a divergent timeline. The term "time travel" is somewhat misleading, since one is traveling between two different Universes, not two different time periods within the same Universe.

Copyright © Chronos Technologies, Inc., http://Chronos.WS

One way to think about parallel timelines is to think of them as echoes of one's own timeline. At regular intervals, an exact duplicate of the past exists at each multiple of the temporal cycle. (See Applications of Nine-dimensional Theory for more information about temporal cycles.) Travel through a sixth-dimensional time gate brings a time traveller into one of these "temporal echoes," or parallel timelines, not into the actual past. Each of these parallel timelines is identical in every way to the original timeline, up to the point at which the time gate from the original timeline is opened into it.
Copyright © Chronos Technologies, Inc., http://Chronos.WS

While travelling to a parallel timeline does not allow time travellers to change their own past, sixth-dimensional travel opens up many other opportunities. The ability to go into a past timeline and influence events is almost as satisfying as changing one's own past, with the added benefit of avoiding the phenomenon known as the temporal paradox that is depicted in many fictional accounts of "time travel."

Quote:What "will be" will actually "not be" if it is prevented from being, therefore it never was. That is the gist of the grandfather paradox, and it is also why one cannot be temporally "regressed" back to a point where he or she never left from and have that leaving never occur - if it never occurred, it never happened, so that memories of it having happened are false memories - how can one recall something that never happened (or is not going to happen)? We call that "hallucination".

Hallucination... Or possibly traveling into/through a parallel universe that does not affect this one.

Quote:Your watch is a physical artifact, so if time passed through it, then time passed everywhere during that interval. The "two minutes", on the other hand, are subjective to you, rather than objective to the universe. Subjective vs. objective is the basis for the saying "time flies when you're having fun" - it's your subjective perception of the passage of time rather than the passage of time itself, objectively, that is affected. You, as a physical being, must have experienced the passage of the same amount of time as your watch, as a physical artifact. Any "gaps" in that time in your recall necessarily indicates time you can't remember, rather than time that never passed.

Okay, this is where my head starts to hurt.   tinylaughing

I do understand what you are saying, but I guess it's just one of those things that you would have to experience for yourself because I don't have the words to explain it myself. That's why I'm still seeking answers.
I don't think the human brain, or human scientific terms for what I experienced even exist to pose an explanation.  We (humans) give explanations for what our brain can comprehend as truth. Anything else is just labeled as pseudoscience, i.e., Hogwash.

Quote:I'm an example of that. I have gaps in my memory, times that I cannot recall. That doesn't mean time never passed, only that I can't recall it. the result of that, for me, is that at times I have flashes of memories of events that "never happened" - not that they objectively never happened, but that I have no conscious recall of those events except those fleeting flashes of "memory".

Okay, I said I wouldn't tell the story again, but for clarity, I will give the highlights.

I was in town one night when I came to a drive-through restaurant that I liked. I checked my watch before pulling in to see if I had enough time to get a burger before they closed.  I had about 10 minutes left, so I pulled up to the drive-through speaker and placed my order, then pulled up one car-length to the one in front of me. Another car was behind me, and it seems I remember another one behind him.

From my position at the corner of the building, I was able to see the sky directly across the highway.  There was a light in the sky flashing very brilliant colors of a reddish-orange and green colors just over the mountain top across the road.  It kept getting bigger in the sky as it came closer.

I was mesmerized at this point and never looked away from it. In an instant it came toward the parking lot, flipping end over end.  It was cigar-shaped, about the size of two school buses, (one behind the other). It was raised slightly in the middle, almost like a blimp, but not that much... just slightly. Both ends had a big round light there... one red and the other green.

As it approached, flipping end over end, the flipping slowed until it completely stopped with one end pointed to the ground. It was right overhead, just barely missing the power lines along the road as it floated closer.
Once it reached the parking lot, it shot a white beam of light down to the ground while floating closer and closer to me! It made no sound.
At that point, I started to freak out! No one else seemed to pay any attention to it... they weren't moving at all. That's when I stuck my head out the window and hollered back to the car behind me and asked, "What the hell is that thing?!"  
The driver just sat there, hands on the wheel, never moving, looking straight ahead...didn't even move his head to acknowledge he had heard me.
The people in the car ahead of me seemed to be statues too.
This realization really sent me into a panic mode, but I just sat there and watched wide-eyed as the beam of light went right beside the passenger side of my car. Then as soon as it passed my car... it started flipping end over end again, and was back up in the sky in 2 seconds. 
It stayed low in the sky, like a very bright star that twinkles those colors like we see, and are told that it's just the water vapor or something that causes the colors. I could "feel" them; they were still watching.

At that point I looked at my watch again and noticed 20 minutes had passed since I had moved my car from the speaker window.  Now, let me tell you, I would not have waited in line for 20 minutes to pick up a hamburger because there was some place I needed to stop before they closed too.
Then, the cars started moving up to the pickup window.  No one acted like anything had just happened. The girl at the window was all friendly and didn't seem a bit aware of what had just taken place, while I, myself,  was in such a state that I could barely hand her my money!

The time it took from me first seeing the craft until the time it flew away was only about two minutes... three at most. If you sit and watch the second hand on your clock, you'll see that three minutes is plenty of time for what I just described to have occurred. It certainly was not there for twenty minutes... no way. And, again, if it was, how did the people around me not notice anything?  Especially the cars traveling on the highway? Were they sent into a brain fog during this so they wouldn't notice? They WOULD HAVE NOTICED SOMETHING LIKE THAT! It was too big to miss.

So, how do I explain something like that when I don't have any human comprehension of how to put it into scientific words so people can understand?

There are no such words.

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RE: Another SSP Whistle-blower Comes Forward - by Mystic Wanderer - 10-04-2016, 07:43 PM

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