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Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life,
(07-28-2016, 07:55 PM)raau Wrote: Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )

can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??

Yes. Just ask me about any instant. Go ahead, try it.

Quote:if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?

But I can. What makes you think I can't? Just because YOU are defective does not mean I am, too! You want "proof", yet offer none of your own.

Quote:that is Fact that Supreme Lord Krishna exists but we posses no such intelligence to understand him.

See, here's where some of that "proof" would come in handy for you, since you make the extraordinary claim that you are presenting "fact". If your "Supreme Lord Krishna" is really supreme, and he wouldn't amount to a pimple on my ass, what does that make ME? "Supreme Mega Overlord Ninurta"?

Quote:there is also next life.

You got some "proof" to back that up?

Quote:and i already proved you that no scientist, no politician, no so-called intelligent man in this world is able to understand this Truth. cuz they are imagining. and you cannot imagine what is god, who is god, what is after life etc.

Uh, no, no you didn't. You didn't "prove" anything at all. Simply making a claim is not "proof" of it.

for example :Your father existed before your birth. you cannot say that before your birth your father don,t exists.

Which birth? Which father? Are you confusing yourself?

Quote:So you have to ask from mother, "Who is my father?" And if she says, "This gentleman is your father," then it is all right. It is easy.
Otherwise, if you makes research, "Who is my father?" go on searching for life; you'll never find your father.

If you have to ask your mother who your father is, you might want to get another mother - that one is clearly straddling the road a bit too much.

Quote:( now maybe...maybe you will say that i will search my father from D.N.A, or i will prove it by photo's, or many other thing's which i will get from my mother and prove it that who is my Real father.{ So you have to believe the authority. who is that authority ? she is your mother. you cannot claim of any photo's, D.N.A or many other things without authority ( or ur mother ).

You must have had a very disturbing childhood if even DNA cannot sort out your paternity.

Quote:if you will show D.N.A, photo's, and many other proofs from other women then your mother. then what is use of those proofs ??} )

Wait - you don't even know who your mother is? Were you raised in an orphanage, or a whorehouse?

Quote:same you have to follow real authority. "Whatever You have spoken, I accept it," Then there is no difficulty. And You are accepted by Devala, Narada, Vyasa, and You are speaking Yourself, and later on, all the acaryas have accepted. Then I'll follow.

None of those are "real authority". For example, they have no authority over me at all. I wouldn't even let them clean my toilet - why would I accept them as "authority", real or otherwise? Why on Earth would I give a fat rat's ass whether they "accept" ME or not?

Quote:I'll have to follow great personalities. The same reason mother says, this gentleman is my father. That's all. Finish business. Where is the necessity of making research? All authorities accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You accept it; then your searching after God is finished.

NO authorities I am aware of accept Krsna as anything but a blue Indian fantasy man. My searching for god finished a long time ago, and it didn't end at a skinny blue painting.

Quote:Why should you waste your time?

I don't. Why do you think I do?

all that is you need is to hear from authority ( same like mother ). and i heard this truth from authority " Srila Prabhupada " he is my spiritual master.
im not talking these all things from my own.

Srila Prabhupada is your mother? But it's a "he"? You are even more disturbed and confused than I first thought!

Quote:in this world no `1 can be Peace full. this is all along Fact.

I gotta give you that one - I've observed the same thing in my travels.

Quote:cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.

I do not suffer from disease, old age, or death - those are natural things, part of life, and I do not experience them as "suffering", they just are. Now, that afterbirth, that's some nasty shit, and may be a part of why I didn't have any more kids. Didn't want to see any more afterbirth.

Quote:tell me are you really happy ?? you can,t be happy if you will ignore these 4 main problem. then still you will be Forced by Nature.

I'm not just happy, I'm ecstatic - yet I DO ignore those things. They will come when they come, there is no stopping them, and no amount of worry about them will either halt or slow them down, so such worry is a waste of time... time that could be better spent in drinking and debauchery. I'm curious now - Why do you see them as problems, and waste time fearing them?


if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit sex,

Oh HELL no! What are you, some kind of fucking nun?

Quote: No gambling,

Well, that's kinda a personal choice - I don't do it because it's boring as hell, but other folks can do whatever floats their boat.

Quote:No drugs ( No tea & coffee ),

Fuck THAT! Coffee, cigarettes, and beer are the only things that keep me mobile! If I wanted to be a nun, I'd put on a dress and join a convent!

Quote:No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )

Fuck THAT, twice and sideways! I'm a carnivore. All humans are either carnivores or omnivores, they have to have the essential amino acids found only in meat to stay healthy. If you ain't eating meat, ain't no wonder you're scared shitless of sickness and death!

Live a little, man! Instead of dancing down sidewalks in herds of yellow dresses beating tambourines and caterwauling to scare off us demons, get thyself to a steak house, post haste!

Quote:5th thing is whatever you eat `1st offer it to Supreme Lord Krishna. ( if you know it what is Guru parama-para then offer them food not direct Supreme Lord Krishna )

Oh HELL no! Krishna can go out and kill his own damned cow - he ain't getting none of mine!

Quote:and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
If your not able to follow these 4 things no illicit sex, no gambling, no drugs, no meat-eating then don,t worry but chanting of this holy name ( Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra ) is very-very and very important.

Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare " and be happy.

Not on a fucking bet. All that chanting shit cramps my style, and might make me choke on my beer! A man has to set his priorities in this life!

Quote:if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect. i promise you it works And chanting at least 16 rounds ( each round of 108 beads ) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily.

Not a goddamned chance. I've already seen what all that chanting has done to you crazy-assed Hare Krishnas. If I want to dance, it's gonna be naked, around a bonfire, and there will be beer involved. Lots and lots of beer. It sure as hell won't be running down a crowded sidewalk in a yellow dress beating a tambourine, screaming, and looking over my shoulder for demons!

Here is no Question of Holy Books quotes, Personal Experiences, Faith or Belief. i accept that Sometimes Faith is also Blind. Here is already Practical explanation which already proved that every`1 else in this world is nothing more then Busy Foolish and totally idiot.

Maybe, but I'm damned happy with it, lovin' every minute of it. Doesn't sound like you can say the same.

every `1 is already Blind in this world and if you will follow another Blind then you both will fall in hole. so try to follow that person who have Spiritual Eyes who can Guide you on Actual Right Path. ( my Authority & Guide is my Spiritual Master " Srila Prabhupada " )

But you still have offered no "proof" that your crazy-assed path is the "Actual Right Path". Why would I want to be crazy? It don't sound like you're having all that much fun with it!

if you want to see Actual Purpose of human life then see this link : ( {Bookmark it })

Aaaand... there it is! The Pitch!

Quote:read it complete. ( i promise only readers of this book that they { he/she } will get every single answer which they want to know about why im in this material world,

I don't give a furry rat's ass why you're in this material world. probably just to annoy sane folks and distract them. I know why I'M here, and that's enough. Don't need to know why you are, and don't care.

Quote:who im,

Don't care, but if I had to guess, you're probably that jackass in India who called me an "asshole". You'll remember me if that's you - I laughed at you and said "Yeah, I am - I invented that asshole shit!"

Quote:what will happen after this life,

Don't need to read no book to find out - I figure if I wait long enough, I'll find out anyhow, without reading the condensed version.

Quote:what is best thing which will make Human Life Perfect,

That's simple - beer, cigarettes, coffee, women, and steak!

Quote:and what is perfection of Human Life. )

See above.

Quote:purpose of human life is not to live like animal

As long as we are in animal bodies, that's the only way we can truly LIVE!

Quote:cuz every`1 at present time doing 4 thing which are sleeping, eating, sex & fear.

I'm with ya, baby - all except for the "fear" thing. What the hell is there to be afraid of? What will be will be, you can't stop it or slow it down, so enjoy life while you're living it, and stop being scared of shadows! Sometimes, I think I'm surrounded by fucking pussies, and not in the good way.

Quote:purpose of human life is to become freed from Birth after birth, Old Age, Disease, and Death.

I'm already freed from birth - got that over with a long time ago. Afterbirth IS some truly nasty looking shit, but I don't have to worry about that any more, either. Old age is something to look forward to - I survived life, and here I am, I survived long enough to become old and decrepit... i dunno how I managed that, either. Haven't the foggiest, but here I am all the same.

Death, well, that's coming for all of us. Why fear it? When it comes, you look it straight in the eye and knock it on it's ass before you walk off into the darkness, victorious.

No point in being a pussy about it - that won't change a thing, and death will still come, whether your ready or not, whether you're afraid of it or not.

Why don't you carry that crazy shit back into the darkened recesses of your monkey temple and beat your fucking tambourine where it won't disturb us humans?

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, - by Ninurta - 07-30-2016, 05:09 AM

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