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Steve Scalise: Republican House whip shot and wounded.
(06-15-2017, 10:03 AM)Ninurta Wrote: ...What the hell kinda pussy takes an assault rifle to a captive mass target in a cage, and HE is the only
one that gets killed? A socialist pussy, that's what kind. Bastards can't shoot fer shit...'

In the movie this idiot lived in, it didn't happen that way.

After sitting behind the keyboard and soaking in all the imagined unrest of these middle-class college-brainwashed 
ass-heads, this 66 year-old man realised that it was his destiny to be a 'warrior' to those who have been oppressed
by... by choosing a political candidate that failed to win an election.

One can only imagine the pain and anguish he and those like him, were going through.
It must be a torment that makes concerns like starvation and torture seem trivial.
So loaded with his trusty firearm, he set out on his quest. In the movie he would win... he would be seen s
a hero and the powers-that-be would smile and nod that this great man sought justice for those who struggle
to get their own way. The chicks would love him and his peers would admire him.

Then reality came a-calling and he's dead.
No rolling credits, no wink to the audience and no nubile candy in the trailer afterwards.
Just dead.

The Latin name for such a person is Fuckitus Idiotus.
I think.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: Steve Scalise: Republican House whip shot and wounded. - by BIAD - 06-15-2017, 11:42 AM

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