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Steve Scalise: Republican House whip shot and wounded.
I downloaded this shitstain's Facebook page just before Facebook took it down. I scrolled all the way to the bottom of it to make sure I got every post he ever made there, all the way back to 2012 or 2013. I took a look at his posts, and each and every one was socialist bullshit, all political. It was sometime during the downloads that I realized there was Someone exactly like him who blows up MY Facebook page with the exact same kind of bullshit, and all of THEIR posts are political - and batshit crazy -  too. It was shortly after that that I "de-friended" that individual, the first time in the history of the world that I have ever done so to anyone. Bat shit crazy always amuses me... until it starts blowing up MY Facebook page. It's fun to watch until you can't escape it, and I sure as hell don't care to answer any official questions because so-and-so went ape shit batty and fired up a crowd, and, well, there I sat on their goddamned friends list.

A lot of other folks did the same with this guy, but AFTER the fact. You could watch them bailing like greenflies getting away from a pile of shit that just caught fire. He had 423 friends by the time I found his page, and an hour or so later when it got taken down, that list was down to 303.

Other folks were posting like madmen on his page, either trashing him or supporting him. Yes, supporting him. Boys and girls, I think we're in for a hell of a ride, and the balloon ain't going to be long going up. It was like two tribes of monkeys flinging shit at each other before Facebook took it down. The last update I downloaded was at 12:44, and when I went to download an updated version at 12:59, POOF! it was gone.

The governor of Virginia, another dyed in the wool socialist, went on TV ranting about "gun violence" and "common sense gun laws". Bite me, buddy. If you're not going to enforce the goddamned laws you already have, what good is it gonna do to make MORE? I swear, I don't know how some dumbasses even tie their shoes in the morning. Furthermore, it's now gonna be dangerous as hell to try disarming me and folks like me. We ain't about to give up our only means of defense against radical leftists like this bozo... and I know goddamned good and well that they ain't done, and there's more coming. "Sandinistas", "Sandersistas" - ain't no difference in my book. All are socialist pansies who pitch a goddamned fit and start shooting folks that disagree with them if they don't get their way.

Happens this way every time. First some jackass or gang of jackasses foments some fake social unrest, then they get a crap-ton of useful idiots to buy into it, next thing you know they're marching in the streets over their imaginary injustices that were fed to them from the shadows, and before you know it, motherfuckers start shooting motherfuckers, and it's on. Just check the history of every little brushfire war since WWII, and you'll find that I'm right.

Word to the wise: if you try to put my family in danger by removing the only defense they have, you'd damned well better watch your step, and I mean every goddamned place you set your foot, with every step you take. You never know when the ground will open up and swallow you, and POOF! your gone like a Facebook page, just that quick. Hang out with your socialist buddies all you please, but do it well away from my neck of the woods. We'll both be a lot happier if you do, in the long run. Folks trying to disarm me at this particular juncture of history are exactly the same as the folks they're disarming me FOR - the Sandersistas - in my book. No damned difference at all, and they get the same as their buddies that have wet dreams of coming for me and mine.

What the hell kinda pussy takes an assault rifle to a captive mass target in a cage, and HE is the only one that gets killed? A socialist pussy, that's what kind. Bastards can't shoot fer shit.

We ain't all piss poor shots like that, though.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Steve Scalise: Republican House whip shot and wounded. - by Ninurta - 06-15-2017, 10:03 AM

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