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The M S M will never report this.
Well, it's just that it disturbs the accepted dichotomy and if discussed, might reveal the true persuasion of
a political party.

It was laid out in a simple form that Donald Trump represented all that is bad about current-day America.
Wealth, the 'old-boy-network' -with an emphasis on the gender part of that title, a lack of concern for those
who fail to achieve and a disdain for anyone who dosn't appreciate traditional values of that country.
Trump is portrayed as a bully with an ignorance for nuance and fair-play.

Hillary is not only a woman and ergo, innocent of the accepted crimes that business, finance and corrupt
political horse trade that men always mingle in to gain personal power, she also represents the 'mother'...
the caring, loving human that someone who isn't as strong, can run to.

Barack Obama is the oppressed black man, a man who's thwarted the evil white establishment and rose
to power with the assistance of those who also struggle beneath those mainly-men that are brash and walk
the land with a confident swagger.
Black hat, white hat and there's the irony.

In the cartoon-world of mainstream media, the masses have to pick a way of life and it has to be the one
that certain political and controlling factions require. The same news forums treat each 'side' in a way that
is simple and easy to understand, because that's how the media perceive their customers.

People go to the same websites, watch the same televsion programmes and read the same newspapers
because it reinforces their belief-system. Trump is evil, Russia is evil and so they must be connected.

Oddly enough, terrorism has never been tied to the Trump wagon and really, a neutral would find that odd.
But we'll get back to that.
Trump's background smacks of wealth and a privileged rearing, so the general impression is that he has
never failed and doesn't know what it 'feels' like.

Hillary and Barack want peace and love. Any misogynistic and racial guilt is diffused, a message is offered
to those who struggle to grasp confidence -namely the young and seemed to promise a world where danger
will become a forgotten word.

It's gone on since the media realised ratings can be gathered from displaying such a simplistic format of
politics. Peter Pan and Wendy versus the evil Captain Hook!
And the group that holds the pen will always write the story they want.

If the same mainstream media were invited to play 'The Truth Game' I would dare to suggest that one of
the main concerns that their customers have... a concern that rarely effects them at this point but has the
potential to do so, is terrorism.

If the tale is written to imply a non-coloured-skinned, affluent, cruel-for-cruel's-sake group of males were
wanting to invade western society because of a particular goal, the patriotism evoked would stamp it out
and we'd move on to continue our wonderment of a Kardashian buttock.
9/11 proved that.

But these killers and suicide-bombers are from a perceived poor country and constantly talk about religious
worship. A poor country is like the weak kid in a schoolyard fearing the bully and for many of young, they could
feel an affinity.

They state their ideology is about peace and the extreme version demands that to sustain this peace,
anyone who doesn't follow the religion must be destroyed. Okay, let's ignore the 'destroyed'-bit... that's a
bit triggering. But the peace-thing is good as it implies no physical harm... sort of.

Well... maybe this violent behavior could be stamped out, there's always someone who doesn't grasp the
'kumbaya' aspect and the forced head-coverings can be dealt with later. Maybe we can call a hijab and a
burqa a fashion-item and ignore the oppression attitude?

Except there's a problem that goes against the cartoonish narrative. Since the media enjoy showing fleeing
families and children in their stories -and the wars are always started by men from those countries, we run
head-long into a predicament that can dilutes the rage the media wished to pour onto their assumed 'Black
Hat'. The media have always portrayed Muslims as non-white and our Peter Pan, Mr. Obama isn't white either.

And that's why the increase in terrorism couldn't be blamed on Trump because it would automatically neutralise
the race-card and in the United States, certain political strategists knew that this was important. Terrorists from
another country can't vote and it was the votes that Hillary and Obama wanted.
That's why at-the-time-President Obama said unto his Mexican children "If you're here, just vote"

What's Black is White and vice versa, the account of St. Jerome's wanderings in the Vatican's catacombs go
a long way to describe how today's readers and viewers of mainstream media should 'feel'.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
The M S M will never report this. - by guohua - 05-28-2017, 01:27 AM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 05-28-2017, 10:22 AM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 05-28-2017, 03:54 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by guohua - 05-28-2017, 03:38 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by guohua - 05-28-2017, 04:05 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 05-28-2017, 04:31 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by guohua - 05-28-2017, 04:54 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by 1984hasarrived - 05-29-2017, 03:04 AM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 05-29-2017, 10:13 AM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 06-02-2017, 02:51 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 06-02-2017, 04:52 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 06-05-2017, 11:34 AM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by guohua - 06-05-2017, 01:37 PM
RE: The M S M will never report this. - by BIAD - 06-05-2017, 02:22 PM

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