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DNA Study Proves Bigfoot is Human Hybrid
(04-02-2017, 06:21 AM)Daitengu Wrote: Bigfoot in the vid looks like someone wearing a monkey suit .....  they probably dna tested some drunk college kid thinking it was bigfoot .....

Rational assumption would suggest this because like other animals, obvious evidence would have surfaced by now.
It's far-more viable that a group of people -organised or not, were donning a hairy suit and wandering the woods
alongside highways and the edges of rural towns for reasons that are their own.

One of the main problems that Bigfoot 'researchers' tend to fall into is that they are correct and the academic push-back
is perceived as an emotive situation. Science is supposed to be based on non-personal attitude towards available
evidence. Theories are fine and their merits can be discussed as long as they keep close to established truths of what
we know and to explore outside of the excepted boundaries, takes a very slow and long time.

Newton didn't just see an apple fall and just come up with the idea of gravity, the theory took years to be accepted and
in a world far-less liberal than today. Does gravity behave in all the ways we're told...?
Well, there are gravitational anomalies in our universe where some observations that are not adequately accounted for
in our general acceptance and which may point to the need for better theories of gravity or perhaps be explained in other

Right there, Bigfoot can step onto the stage, but bitemarks on bones are not enough to sweep the belief in large hominids
into the category of 'real' because science demands a body. Mistaken identification, deliberate deceit and large footprints
are commonplace in this subject and until a dead Sasquatch is unloaded from the back of a pick-up truck, the world of
science won't touch it with a barge-pole.

Many Bigfoot researchers believe blurry images of shaded areas in the forests and terrible screams in the middle of
night surely indicates that a hiding creature with thumbs is out there and the resistance from mainstream science tends
to make them offer alternative theories of why scientists won't investigate it.

Science looks on a subject with judicious eyes and 'Squatchers' just take it at face value.

Global religious concerns...? possibly, a connection with extraterrestrials, maybe. But it's indisputable evidence that's
needed to force academia from it's safe area of 'knowing' The DNA proof can only show them what it's not, not what it
is and when laid alongside established theories of homind evolution, a giant biped tramping around the northern areas
of the New World -where primates never existed is just wishful thinking in the eyes of mainstream science.

So Daitengu's statement at this time, stands.
Thousands of people have mistaken bears or the back-end of a Moose for Bigfoot.
Pranksters in a Wookie costume or ghillie suit have jogged across highways at night when the headlights of an oncoming
vehicle come into view and people who enjoy carving large pieces of wood, strap them to their feet and leave enormous
footprints in the damp soil and snow across North America.
Tourism and hits on YouTube bears the above out.

Because what is the alternative and where's the evidence that causes us to leap from dogged, careful investigation of
what this phenomena is about and into the area that Bigfoot is a big humanoid?
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: DNA Study Proves Big Foot is Human Hybrid - by BIAD - 04-02-2017, 10:12 AM

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