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  This One Is For Ninurta.
Posted by: BIAD - 04-18-2018, 10:11 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (7)

Well, it seems that our favourite woods-runner has relatives in the UK who are still keeping up the habit
of deterring unwelcomed guests from their homes.

Gran shoots machete-wielding thug with a CROSSBOW after four yobs mistakenly stormed into her house.

'Weapons fan Anji, 49, opened fire on the four armed intruders who apparently mistook her house for a drugs
den while her mum Lilian, 82, slept upstairs.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3609][Image: attachment.php?aid=3610]

A GRAN told yesterday how she shot a masked thug with a crossbow after a machete gang burst into her home.
Weapons fan Anji Rhys, 49, says she grabbed the bow off her wall when four yobs raided her house, mistaking
it for a drugs den.

Anji, of Dunstable, Beds[Bedfordshire], said: “One tried to grab me but I shot him in the belly. Then they ran.
“I hit one in the belly at close range. He shouted, ‘You f***ing bitch! You shot me!”

Police questioned her — but unlike Hither Green burglary ­victim Richard Osborn-Brooks she was not arrested.
Ex-Thai boxer Anji was watching TV when the gang apparently mistook her home for a drugs den.

She said: “I heard what I thought was an explosion then I realised my door was being kicked in.
“I ran to see and was met by a masked man with a hammer.
“He was about 6ft 6in with a blue bandana hiding his face.

“The gang chased me into the living room so I grabbed my crossbow from the wall. I had a tussle with a second
man with a machete, a skinny man who walked with a stoop.

“He went to grab the bow but I managed to spin and shoot him in the belly with it at close range.
“He fell on me, cutting my hand with the machete. I remember seeing there was blood over the floor.”

The thugs, who had pinned Anji’s son Dillon to the floor, then fled. Anji said: “I felt such rage.
The audacity they would break into someone’s home.
“I was definitely in shock afterwards. I’m on medication for PTSD. But I’ll be ready for anyone else who tries to break in.

“I’ll always stand by my right to protect my family.”
Police were called to the house in Dunstable, Beds, and questioned Anji.

But they did not arrest her -unlike in the case of pensioner Richard Osborn-Brooks, who was held after stabbing to death
burglar Henry Vincent during a break-in at his home in Hither Green, South East London.
Police said Anji faces no action because no victim had come forward to report an attack.
They are investigating the break-in.

Officers did confiscate her crossbow, affectionately nicknamed Manstopper, which Anji keeps to defend Dillon, 22,
and her partner Rebecca McCarvel, 42.
She added: “I practise with it in my garden. The bolt I shot him with was six inches long and disappeared into him.
“He had to have gone somewhere for treatment. With all the blood I’m surprised police haven’t picked him up.”

Rebecca, a waste management worker, said: “All four men were shouting, ‘Keep your f***ing heads down.
Where’s the weed?’”
Anji’s head, hand and leg were injured. She has left her call centre job as a result of the raid.
Incredibly, Anji’s 82-year-old mum Lilian slept through the attack.
The crossbow is not the only weapon Anji keeps to ward off potential intruders.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3611]

She has a small arsenal of other weapons, each of which has a nickname -and a “bed kit” she keeps nearby at
night that includes a torch and a knife.
She used to have two dogs trained to bark if anyone set foot near her property.

Survivalist Anji said: “We need to pay much more attention to protecting ourselves, our homes and families.”
She fully supports Mr Osborn-Brooks, saying: “He was defending himself. What would the alternative have been?
Let himself be robbed? Be killed?

“I know I have weapons but the man I shot was carrying a weapon too.” Anji has a historic assault conviction but has
never been convicted over weapons.
Her mum Lilian, who has 27 grandchildren and 17 great- grandchildren, said: “Anji has always been ready for anything.”...'

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  UK Man Deliberately Gives HIV to Other Gay Men.
Posted by: BIAD - 04-18-2018, 09:37 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (1)

It might be fashionable in California, but in the UK... it's a no-no.

Quote:Daryll Rowe jailed for infecting men with HIV.

'A man who said he was "riddled" with HIV and convicted of trying to infect 10 men has been
jailed for life with a minimum term of 12 years.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3608]

Daryll Rowe, 27, infected five men he had unprotected sex with and sabotaged the condoms
of another five in Brighton and Northumberland. He is the first man in the country to be found guilty
of intentionally setting out to spread the virus.

His crimes were branded a "determined hateful campaign of sly violence".
After being diagnosed in April 2015, Rowe met men on the gay dating app Grindr and had sex with
eight of them in Brighton between October that year and February 2016, before fleeing to the north
east where he went on the run from police, targeting two more men.

He sent mocking messages after sex with some of the men, including
"I have HIV LOL. Oops" and "I'm riddled".

Sentencing Rowe at Brighton Crown Court, Judge Christine Henson QC said: "The messages you sent
make it crystal clear you knew exactly what you were doing.
"As well as the physical offences it is clear for the victims the psychological effects are immense.
"They describe living with a life sentence as a result of your cruel and senseless acts.

Many of those men were young men in their 20s at the time they had the misfortune to meet you.
"I cannot see how and when you will no longer be a danger to gay men."
She added: "I note that this sentence is not about stigmatising anyone living with HIV."

Rowe, from Brighton, was convicted of five counts of causing grievous bodily harm (GBH) and five of
attempted GBH. During his six-week trial, one man said he felt "pressured" into having sex with the
Another victim branded Rowe as "grotesque" and a "sociopath".

Ahead of sentencing, prosecutor Caroline Carberry QC read out statements from nine of his 10 victims,
which she said showed the "devastating consequences" of his actions.

'Horrendous chapter'
Many told how they had considered suicide having suffered physical and psychological damage and
needed to take daily medication. One said: "Darryl has destroyed my life. I would rather he had murdered
me than left me to live my life like this."

Another said he found condoms with the tops cut off in the bin, and that it had been "a horrendous chapter"
in his life. A Tyneside man who was in a relationship with Rowe while he was on bail, but was not infected,
told BBC Look North: "If you have a dog, and that dog has rabies, and it bites someone, you'd put it down
"That is exactly how I think about him now.

"I think he doesn't deserve to be paid for by the taxpayer for the rest of his life."

Describing his behaviour as "predatory", Judge Henson said Rowe had "emotionally unstable personality traits"
but there was insufficient evidence to diagnose a personality disorder.

Det Insp Andy Wolstenholme, of Sussex Police, said the sentence was "hugely important for Rowe's victims,
and the communities that he deliberately targeted". "Daryll Rowe was consistent in lying to his victims about
having HIV, he was persistent and aggressive in wanting unprotected sex in order to infect people, and when
he didn't get what he wanted, he deliberately damaged condoms to achieve his aim," he said...'

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  Barbara Bush is Dead
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 04-18-2018, 03:30 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (2)

Everywhere I look I see an article of people mourning the death of "one of the great women of America", Barbara Bush. 
Sorry, but I won't be participating in mourning her death. Rather, I'll be celebrating her departure, and hope to see her sick pedophile husband go to meet her soon.   tinyok 

People who think the Bush family are great people haven't done their homework.  Here is something to help you get started.  Now, go dig deeper for yourself.

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  A great talk about Dinos
Posted by: 727Sky - 04-17-2018, 04:21 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - No Replies

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Music Acoustic Guitar Groovy Assault of Your Senses
Posted by: OmegaLogos - 04-17-2018, 09:40 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (6)

Explanation: I have been surfing youtube looking for the very best of acoustic guitar playing and here is what I found ... (get your zen on ok) ...






Personal Disclosure: Now to just reinforce just how godly skilled you have to be to pull that level of stuff off I offer this oldy but goody ...


minusculebeercheers Enjoy!

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  Why Is the World Legalizing Marijuana All at the Same Time?
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 04-15-2018, 06:38 PM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (2)

I'm placing this in the "Hot Button Issues" forum because there are still those out there who believe marijuana is evil and anyone who uses it will burn in hell.   tinysurprised  I'm hoping those people who still believe the propaganda pushed on the masses years and years ago about the dangers of pot will see how we have been deceived (again) by the elite who control Big Pharma.

We have a cure for cancer and so much more using marijuana.
Watch and learn.

Quote:US states are rapidly legalizing marijuna. Big Pharma is introducing their version of Kmart Cannibas. Why? Is it just because cancer is due to increase by some 70% over the next 13 years, according to the World Health Org.? or is there something else going on. Mind control victims are forbidden from smoking or taking marijuna. Why? Why now?

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  The Best UFO Artifact Ever...
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 04-15-2018, 01:02 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (1)

For your weekend entertainment I bring you this video from 2013.  I missed this one somewhere along the way.   tinybighuh 

Quote:This is without doubt the best piece of UFO evidence ever disclosed to the public. The artifact has been tested and is not of this world, almost certainly alien in origin. From polygrams, to electron microscopy, to metallurgical analysis, here is hard evidence of extraterrestrial activity. The most recent information on the artifact from two independent labs, they stated that the chemical composition of this artifact “shouldn't exist” and shows complex isotopes and nano chemical structure, that even now don’t exist. The artifact is also apparently giving off some kind of radiation as well, this has been documented with dental x-ray films and mechanical malfunctions of electronic safes. .

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  Cancer Tumors Destroyed Using Nothing but Sound Waves
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 04-14-2018, 06:28 PM - Forum: Physical Health - No Replies

We are getting a few more drips of disclosure about the health technology the "elite" have been keeping from us.  Although some of this technology has been discussed before, most never made it for public use. Now it is.   tinybiggrin 

Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves

[Image: Ultrasound-therapy.jpg]

Quote:A recent breakthrough in high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy (HIFU) technology has proven its use as an effective cancer treatment. A multi-institutional research team from China developed a semi-enclosed, spherical cavity transducer that can produce a focused, standing-wave field with a subwavelength-scale focal region and extremely high ultrasound intensity. The spherical cavity transducer appeared to generate tighter focal regions and greater pressure amplitude compared with the traditional concave spherical transducer. Researchers said the level of intensity generated by the new transducer design may lead to significant improvements in HIFU therapy. The findings were published in the Journal of Applied Physics.

HIFU is a non-invasive, targeted treatment that makes use of sound waves to eradicate cancer cells.
HIFU uses an ultrasonic transducer to convert electrical signals into sound waves, then concentrates ultrasound into a small focal region to raise the temperature to more than 65 decrees Celsius, thereby killing cancer cells in the process without inducing damage to surrounding tissues. The technique works in the same manner as focusing sunlight through a lens, which helps eliminate the disease-causing cells.
HIFU can be used as an alternative to traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and surgery.

Sound waves prove to be viable cancer treatment in various studies

High-intensity focused ultrasound therapy proved to be a highly-effective cancer treatment in various studies and clinical trials.
For instance, researchers at the University College Hospital in London examined 625 men with prostate cancer and found that 93 percent of patients who underwent HIFU alone remained cancer-free at five years following the treatment, without requiring surgery or radiotherapy. Data also showed that only one to two percent of patients who had HIFU treatment suffered long-term urinary incontinence, compared with 10 to 20 percent of patients who had surgery. In addition, only 15 percent of patients in the HIFU group developed erectile dysfunction compared with 30 to 60 percent of surgical patients.

“The results of this study are impressive and have the potential to transform prostate cancer treatment for many men in the future. It is extremely exciting technology and these results show that in men diagnosed early by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood testing, this targeted therapy could be as effective as surgery to remove the whole prostate gland or radiotherapy and cause far fewer side effects,” said study co-author Tim Dudderidge.

The findings were presented at an annual meeting of the European Association of Urology in Munich, Germany.
A British clinical trial funded by the Medical Research Council has also found that 95 percent of patients who underwent HIFU therapy for prostate cancer remained cancer-free at 12 months after the treatment. The researchers also found that none of the respondents suffered urinary incontinence during the follow-up period.

Another sound wave innovation to watch out for

Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada have developed a new technique that uses focused sound waves to activate minute particles known as nanodroplets. According to the researchers, the new technique was as accurate as using needles in biopsy.
“With a little bit of ultrasound energy, nanodroplets phase-change into microbubbles. That’s important because ultrasound can really oscillate these microbubbles. The microbubbles absorb of the ultrasound energy and then act like boxing gloves to punch the tumor cells and knock little vesicles off. That led us to detect some genes that were indicative of the aggressiveness of the tumour. That’s potentially very powerful. You can get a genetic characterization of the tumour, but do it relatively non-invasively,” said engineering professor Roger Zemp.

The findings were published in the journal Cancer Research. 
Find more news on medical discoveries at Discoveries.news.


Very good news!

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  RIP Art Bell
Posted by: 727Sky - 04-14-2018, 08:54 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (3)

My afternoon here and was listening to C2C when George announced Art Bell is dead at 72 years of age. He has suffered from COPD for several years but at this time cause of death is unknown. An Autopsy will be preformed next week to determine the cause of death.

An interview of Art by Larry king and what Art actually believes.

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  DOJ IG Report Released
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 04-13-2018, 11:41 PM - Forum: Political News and more - No Replies

This is just the beginning; lots more to come. 

Looks like McCabe will be doing some time behind bars, at the very least.

Quote:Andrew McCabe, onetime acting FBI director, leaked a self-serving story to the press and later lied about it to his boss and federal investigators, prompting a stunning fall from grace that ended in his firing last month, says a bombshell report released Friday by the Justice Department's internal watchdog.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz, appointed by President Barack Obama, had been reviewing FBI and DOJ actions leading up to the 2016 presidential election.
The report, handed over to Congress on Friday and obtained by Fox News, looked at a leak to The Wall Street Journal about an FBI probe of the Clinton Foundation.
The report says that McCabe authorized the leak and then misled investigators about it, leaking in a way that did not fall under a "public interest" exception.

"[W]e concluded that McCabe’s decision to confirm the existence of the CF investigation through an anonymously sourced quote, recounting the content of a phone call with a senior department official in a manner designed to advance his personal interests at the expense of department leadership, was clearly not within the public interest exception," the report says.

McCabe was fired from his role as FBI deputy director last month by Attorney General Jeff Sessions just days before he would have been eligible for a lifetime pension after it was determined that he misled investigators reviewing the bureau’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email server.

Sessions said that McCabe “made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor − including under oath − on multiple occasions.”
President Trump reacted to the report Friday in a highly charged tweet saying McCabe "LIED! LIED! LIED!" Trump also used the social media platform to describe allegations of collusion between his campaign and Moscow as "all made up by this den of thieves and lowlifes!"
(Sorry, I couldn't get the font to enlarge.)

Here is a link to the report:  PDF LINK

Watch Fulcrum News report: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gfeTNeHrMdYe/

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