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  Lies and more Lies
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-03-2018, 03:40 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (6)

Quote:BREAKING: This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. 
Quote:The Honorable Jeff Sessions
The Honorable Christopher A. Wray
Attorney General Director
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530 Washington, DC 20535

Dear Attorney General Sessions and Director Wray:
I am once again writing regarding fabricated allegations the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
recently received.

As you know, the Senate Judiciary Committee processed the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to serve as
an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, leading to his eventual confirmation on October 6,

part of that process, the Committee has investigated various allegations made against Judge Kavanaugh.
The Committee’s investigation ha
s involved communicating with numerous individuals claiming to have relevant
information. While many of 
those individuals have provided the Committee information in good faith, it unfortunately
appears some have not.

As explained 
below, I am writing to refer Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton for investigation of potential violations of
18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 (materially false statements) and 1505 (obstruction), for materially false statements she made
to the Committee during th
e course of the Committee’s investigation.

On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Harris, a Committee member, referred an undated handwritten letter
to Committee investig
ators that her California office had received signed under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside,

The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh.
The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the
at of a car.

In addition to 
being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any time frame,
and failed to provide 
any location -- beyond an automobile -- in which these alleged incidents took place.
Burn the bitch

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  Not Witches but Pagans
Posted by: guohua - 11-03-2018, 01:26 AM - Forum: Metaphysics and Related Topics - Replies (1)

They are Not Witches.
But actually some really nice and friendly people.
No, No, they don't eat Children or Drink Blood, Not The Real Pagans I know.

here is a really good talk with two Pagans if you have about an hour, these people are not boring at all and it's not in an auditorium but a live web feed from one of the Paranormal groups I subscribe to. 

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  Highly Recommended !! If you like being spooked !
Posted by: Sol - 11-02-2018, 10:33 PM - Forum: Movies and TV Shows - Replies (5)

[Image: haunting-hill-house-review.jpg]

Brilliant writing, brilliant cast, just a brilliant show.

Finished binge watching this gem and will have to see it again as there are WAY TOO MANY details I've missed..

Loved it and highly recommend it.

Definitely a 4.5 out of 5 !

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  Did you know that Hitler and Goering were both decorated WW2 USA military Hero's!
Posted by: OmegaLogos - 11-02-2018, 08:12 PM - Forum: World History - Replies (2)

Explanation: Yep! It's a FACT! Here is why...

WW2 US military decorated Hero: Hitler (purple heart! ) [wiki] tinywhat

WW2 US military decorated Hero: Goering (earned rank of Captain! ) [wiki] tinywhat

Personal Disclosure: So next time you hear or see something disparaging associated with either of those names, you now have the information that clearly goes to the contrary! minusculebeercheers

Now for the Lulz ...


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  You Just Can't In Pakistan.
Posted by: BIAD - 11-02-2018, 05:52 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (8)

Meanwhile, back at the religion of peace...

Quote:Asia Bibi: Protests delay release of Christian woman accused of blasphemy in Pakistan.

Radical Islamists want Ms Bibi publicly hanged, while one cleric urges his supporters to kill the
three judges who acquitted her.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4716]

'The release of a Pakistani Christian woman who was acquitted eight years after being sentenced to death for blasphemy
has been delayed.

Asia Bibi was convicted in 2010 after being accused of insulting Islam's Prophet Muhammad in a dispute with her neighbours.
The mother-of-three, 47, has always maintained her innocence - but has spent the majority of the past eight years in solitary
confinement. Her release was delayed following protests by radical Islamists, who want her publicly hanged, and failed talks
between them and the government.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4717]
Asia Bibi.

A lawyer representing a local cleric who had raised the initial blasphemy charges against Ms Bibi petitioned the supreme court
on Thursday to reverse its acquittal. Her husband, Ashiq Masih, returned from Britain with their children in mid-October and was
waiting for her release so they could leave Pakistan.

France and Spain have offered her asylum, while the former bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, who is a Christian born in
Pakistan, said Ms Bibi should be granted asylum in the UK.
On Wednesday, the top court overturned Ms Bibi's conviction.

It prompted over 2,000 Islamists to block a key road linking the capital, Islamabad, with the garrison city of Rawalpindi, causing
traffic jams. Hundreds also blocked another key motorway linking Islamabad with other major cities.
Other protesters damaged or set fire to dozens of vehicles to pressure the government to prevent Ms Bibi's release.

Demonstrations are also being held in Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Multan - and clashes with police have been reported.
Ms Bibi's acquittal has posed a challenged for Pakistan's new prime minister, Imran Khan, who came to power this summer
partly by pursuing an Islamist agenda.

He condemned the Islamists after cleric Afzal Qadri urged supporters to kill the three judges who acquitted Ms Bibi, revolt against
army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and overthrow Mr Khan's government. Islamists were to hold nationwide rallies after Friday's
prayers, stoking fears of violence.

Schools and colleges have been closed after radical cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi, the leader of Tehreek-e-Labbaik party, announced
that "talks" between his deputies and the government about Ms Bibi's fate had failed.
"We are ready to die to show our love for the prophet," he told an emotionally charged rally in Lahore.

Mr Rizvi's envoys wanted Ms Bibi barred from leaving the country, but information minister Fawad Chaudhry rejected the demand
and said the government would not be dictated to. Ghulam Mustafa, a lawyer representing a provincial cleric in Punjab who had filed
the initial blasphemy charges, asked the supreme court to review her acquittal.
This could result further delay Ms Bibi's release.

Pakistan's supreme court has not been known to reverse its decisions, but court reviews tend to take years.
Security has been stepped up near the facility where Ms Bibi is being held, authorities said.

Prison officials said on Thursday that two inmates were arrested last month for planning to kill Ms Bibi by strangling her.
The blasphemy law in Pakistan carries a mandatory death penalty and many hardline religious groups are opposed to it
being amended...'

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  Sean Hannity Will 'try to' ask President Trump About Area 51
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-02-2018, 05:27 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (4)

Go Sean!   smallgreendancer  

Sean Hannity is planning on asking President Trump about Area 51 and whether aliens are real after the midterm elections.
I look forward to seeing POTUS's expression when asked.   tinylaughing 

Could this be a way of seeding the public's mind for disclosure?  I suppose that depends on the President's answer. 

Quote:Fox News host Sean Hannity said Wednesday that a "great" question to ask President Trump after the 2018 midterm elections would be about the mysterious Area 51 in Nevada.

During the hand-off from Tucker Carlson's show, Hannity quipped, amid laughter, that he would "try to" ask the president himself "for everybody's sake."

Hannity is a routine interviewer of Trump, who favors Fox News over most other outlets.

Quote:Sean Hannity promises to ask Trump after the election if aliens are real

This would actually be the toughest question Trump's ever gotten from a Fox host pic.twitter.com/N6Lcl4KBZV
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) November 1, 2018

Area 51 is a classified Nevada base long rumored to be a home for extraterrestrial life. The topic came up at the end of Carlson's show regarding reports of a Google Earth "blind spot" over the area.

While it's unclear what Trump would say, during the 2016 campaign, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speculated that Earth may have already been visited by aliens and vowed to look into Area 51. She also said her campaign chairman, John Podesta, is an alien enthusiast who "made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out."


This should be interesting.  minusculebiggrin

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  White Men Bad Says Black Man.
Posted by: BIAD - 11-02-2018, 10:50 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (6)

It's not just the white farmers in Zimbabwe who were evil, the disease has travelled aids-like to
other parts of the world. A gay CNN host explains.

I think a star-like badge should be displayed on their lapels to identify these white people and
maybe they should be put in camps to stop their evil-doing. It's been done before.

Quote:White men are ‘biggest terror threat in US’, says CNN host.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4714]

'CNN host Don Lemon has called white men the “biggest terror threat” to the United States
during a broadcast 
on the American news channel. Lemon, who was on air with CNN anchor
Chris Cuomo, said:

“I keep trying to point out to people not to demonise any one group or any one ethnicity.
But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else -some people who
are marching towards the border like it’s imminent.

“We have to stop demonising people and realise the biggest terror threat in this country is
white men, most of them radicalised to the right, and we have to start doing something about

There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban — you know, they had the Muslim ban.
There is no white-guy ban. So what do we do about that?”

Lemon’s statements have stirred debate in the United States.

One Twitter user who backed Lemon, tweeted: “Hey Don Lemon, thank you for speaking truth about
the radicalisation 
[and the] threat posed to America by white nationalist and ultra right domestic terrorists.
From McVeigh onward, it has been under reported. Your courage is appreciated. Keep it going.”

Another tweeted: “Truth hurts, Don Lemon is right.”

Employees at rival networks are among those criticising Lemon’s comments.
Janice Dean, a meteorologist at Fox News, tweeted: “My firefighter husband lived through the terror attacks on September
11th and is still going to funerals 17 years later. He knows what a terror threat looks and feels like. The comments from Don
Lemon are irresponsible, hurtful and disgraceful.”

Some have even gone as far to call the broadcaster a racist.
Despite the backlash, Lemon has not backed down from the statements. Instead he has reiterated that the biggest concerns
are homegrown.

He said: “I said that the biggest terror threat in this country comes from radicals on the far right, primarily white men.
That angered some people. But let’s put emotion aside and look at the cold hard facts. The evidence is overwhelming.”...'

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  Gaza Tyre Burning Is Bad... Because Of Tyre Shortage.
Posted by: BIAD - 11-01-2018, 12:32 PM - Forum: General News and Events - No Replies

I love how the need to report a ridiculous story gives away timelines and negates previous articles.

If you recall, the mainstream media reported that the people of Gaza protested due to the US opening
their embassy in Jerusalem. Yet in reality, it's a weekly -if not daily, event.

The BBC reported:

Quote:14th May 2018.
'Death toll rises to 52 - health officials
Palestinian health ministry officials now say at least 52 people have been killed by Israeli
forces at the protests on the Israel-Gaza border, and more than 2,200 others injured.

The death toll makes Monday the deadliest day since the start six weeks ago of a series of
protests dubbed the "Great March of Return", along the Israel-Gaza border fence.
More than 100 Palestinian fatalities have been reported over those six weeks...'

But what the BBC omit (again!) is:

Quote:'4 January -A 17-year-old Palestinian near Ramallah was killed during what IDF sources described as a violent riot in Deir Nidham.
9 January -A volunteer medic resident and Rabbi of Havat Gilad, Raziel Shevach, was shot dead by an unidentified assailant while
driving his vehicle near his home on Route 60 in the West Bank.
11 January -A Palestinian was shot dead near Gaza's border fence, reportedly during a protest against the US recognition of Jerusalem
as Israel's capital. A Palestinian was killed between the villages of Iraq Burin and Til in northern West Bank after Israeli troops reported
they were under attack from a "massive barrage of rocks."
15 January -Israeli troops shot dead a 24-year-old Palestinian during clashes that broke out near the West Bank city of Qalqilya, bringing
the total number of Palestinian fatalities to 18 since Trump's announcement to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December.
18 January -Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian militant and captured another one in Jenin, saying they were part of the Hamas cell that
killed rabbi Shevach the week before.

4 February -A 19-year-old Palestinian was killed and four others were injured during clashes in the Wadi Burqin neighborhood of Jenin
as part of the ongoing search for the terror cell leader that killed rabbi Shevach.
5 February -An Israeli man was stabbed to death in a terror attack at a bus station outside the West Bank settlement of Ariel.
6 February -During an Israeli raid in the village of Yamun near Jenin, the main operative responsible for the murder of Rabbi Shevach was
killed, and his house was demolished. According to a Shin Bet investigation, the cell he headed was planning to carry out additional attacks.
During clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian rioters in the city of Nablus, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported that one Palestinian
was killed and 110 were injured, six of them critically, as IDF soldiers were on a manhunt for Abed al-Karim Adel Asi, suspected of killing an
Israeli man outside the settlement of Ariel the day before.
7 February -An Israeli civilian was lightly wounded in a stabbing attack in the West Bank settlement of Karmei Tzur north of Hebron.
Another security guard who was present at the scene shot the assailant dead.
16 February -A 19 year-old Palestinian was shot during a protest near the Gaza perimeter fence and died five days later.
18 February -Israeli tank fire killed two Palestinian teenagers in Gaza during attacks against 18 targets belonging to militant groups
in response to an explosion that wounded four Israeli soldiers.
22 February -A Palestinian man was shot dead in Jericho after running at Israeli soldiers with a metal object.
25 February -A Palestinian was killed when the Israeli navy fired on the boat he and two others were sailing in after the boat ignored
warnings and strayed from a permitted fishing area in northern Gaza.

3 March -A 59-year-old Palestinian farmer was shot dead when he approached the perimeter fence of Israel's border.
4 March -Three Israelis were lightly injured after a car ramming attack in Acre.
9 March -A 24-year-old Palestinian was killed in Hebron and many others were injured in clashes with Israeli forces. According to Palestinian
sources, the victim was severely handicapped, while the Israeli army stated he was holding a firebomb.
10 March -A 19-year-old Palestinian was killed during clashes between Palestinians and Israeli settlers in the West Bank.
16 March -At least two Israeli soldiers were killed and two injured in the West Bank after a Palestinian drove his vehicle into them.
The attacker sustained light injuries.
18 March -A 32-year old Israeli man was fatally stabbed by a Palestinian in Jerusalem's Old City. The attacker was shot dead by a nearby police
30 March -During the 2018 Land Day protests that began on March 30, at least 32 Palestinians were killed and thousands were injured during
clashes with Israeli troops at the Gaza-Israel border...'

So I think we can assume the protests are not isolated or occasional incidents. It's a regular occurrence and you can pick a side.
But think on that, every week an active assault takes place during the condescending reports of saving the dolphins, carbon-footprints
and climate change.

The first-world needs to get a grip on it's refuse-systems, it's causing mayhem for the Amazon forest and the children are coughing in China.
What is a civilised nation to do...? Oh wait, I have an idea.

Quote:Gaza demonstrators hit by car tyre shortage as Israel blocks imports
Weekly rallies by Palestinians in the region regularly feature burning tyres, but now the importing of them has been banned.

'Demonstrators in Gaza may soon have to look for a new protest accessory of choice after Israel blocked the import of car tyres into
the strip.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4708]
Young man taking time off from work to help make the sky dirty.

Images from weekly rallies by Palestinians in the region regularly feature the sight of burning tyres, which create a thick black smoke to
obscure the vision of Israeli snipers and create a more intimidating atmosphere.
They also provide cover for protesters to launch rocks, firebombs and grenades towards troops on the other side of the fence dividing
Gaza and Israel.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4709]
Al Gore Says F*ck-all.

But now, following in the footsteps of items such as chocolate, medicines and fuel, those living in Gaza are having to cope with a car tyre
shortage. The halting of imports by Israel has driven the prices sky-high, which has proven not just a problem for protesters, but also of
course for motorists.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4710]
How religious zeal improves life in a community.

Khaled Hamad is a taxi driver and the shortage is having a big impact on his business, which he says has gone down significantly since
Israel began clamping down on the imports earlier this year. According to Rushdi al Khour, head of the association of Gaza spare parts
merchants, which coordinates the imports, the shortage has caused the cost of a pair of tyres to leap from $120 (£93) to $300 (£233).

"This is a wrong decision by the Israeli side," he said of the ban. "Lift the siege and the protests will stop."...'


Quote:'..Ironically, the tyre ban has had a greater impact on motorists and businessmen than it has had on protesters, who can for now rely on
old ones left discarded in garages, fields and roadsides across the territory. The blockade on Gaza was first introduced by Israel and
Egypt in 2007, when the militant group Hamas took control.
Israel claims it is necessary to isolate Hamas, with the fence restricting the movement of people and goods...'
SKY News:

Burning tyres bad.

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  Two topics for one post.
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-01-2018, 11:42 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (3)

Quote:Fox News Channel crushed MSNBC and CNN yet again during the busy news month of October, topping both networks combined among total viewers.

FNC averaged 1.7 million total viewers to finish as the most-watched basic cable network for the 28th straight month. Rupert Murdoch’s cable news network also topped all of basic cable during the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m. ET for the fifth consecutive month despite heavy competition from Major League Baseball playoffs and other major sporting events, such as NFL and NBA games.

Fox News averaged 2.8 million primetime viewers as ESPN averaged 2.7 million and TBS picked up 2.5 million to round out the top three. MSNBC finished fourth, averaging 1.5 million primetime viewers and CNN finished a dismal ninth while failing to crack the one-million viewer plateau and finishing behind networks such as Hallmark Channel and HGTV.
How far CNN has fallen, oh my... could not happen to a better group of bias fake news idiots IMO ...

Hell on earth or just propaganda you decide..

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  Halloween 2018
Posted by: gordi - 10-31-2018, 09:38 PM - Forum: Rogues Promo Spot - Replies (15)

What's everyone doing for Halloween this year??

Here's my place...

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4700]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4699]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4701]

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