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Big Grin AOC tells Senator Ted Cruz - You Almost Had Me Murdered
Posted by: xuenchen - 01-29-2021, 03:36 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (3)

U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is losing her mind again. tinylaughing

This time she's gone berserk on Twitter.

Talking back to Senator Ted Cruz....

Cruz apparently agreed with Her on something about the recent "RobinhoodApp" debacle.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there’s common ground, 
but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out.

Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren’t trying to get me killed.

In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign. 

LINK-->  (Tweet Link..)
[Image: AOC-Ted-Cruz.png]

So much for "Unity" eh 

Quote:Both Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are among lawmakers seemingly calling for congressional action after Robinhood restricted trading for GameStop following a surge spurred by a populist investing movement, but the New York lawmaker rejected Cruz after he agreed with her on social media, telling the senator to “sit this one out” because, she claimed, he almost had her “murdered” three weeks ago — a reference to the January 6 Capitol riot.

“This is unacceptable. We now need to know more about @RobinhoodApp’s decision to block retail investors from purchasing stock while hedge funds are freely able to trade the stock as they see fit,” Ocasio-Cortez said following news of Robinhood restricting trading.

“As a member of the Financial Services Cmte, I’d support a hearing if necessary,” she added, prompting Cruz to publicly express his agreement, which was not welcomed by the far-left “Squad” member:

LINK-->  AOC Refuses to Work with Cruz amid Robinhood, GameStop Fiasco: ‘You Almost Had Me Murdered’

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  Staircases in the Woods
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 01-29-2021, 01:29 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (8)

There are stories we've heard about people disappearing in the woods; people walking into portals, and many high-strangeness occurrences. 
Have you ever come across stair steps in the woods that lead to nowhere? 

Be warned! 

Don't step on them, or walk to the top. Many people have stories about there being a portal at the top of the steps where people walk through never to return. 

[Image: 1*8pGv4aJLnVKipEWz2woSwQ.jpeg]

Quote:Found deep in the woods where no man has been known to ever live, you’ll find staircases- no other structure attached to them, just a staircase.
While some of the staircases are brick, others are wooden. While some staircases look to be in ruins, others are perfectly stable. Regardless, all of these staircases have one thing in common: they reach up into the canopy, extending seemingly to nowhere at all.
That is, at least, one some Redditors would have us believe.

Recently, I came across a Reddit thread dedicated to creepy happenings in national parks around the country. While this thread dated back to four years ago, I was intrigued by the stories that were being told there. This thread, packed with various stories and claims, led to an amount of particularly unusual folklore.

Reddit user after Reddit user claimed to have heard of these staircases. Some even claimed having seen them for themselves. Users reported that these staircases could be seen sometimes even as deep as 60 kilometers into the forest. While reports of the staircases started off being situated all over America, soon reports of staircases found in Germany, Brazil, Portugal, and the Philippines were posted.

The first Reddit user to tell their story of the mysterious staircases found deep in the woods was a user by the name of searchandrescuewoods, an American Redditor who claims to have been a member of a volunteer Search and Rescue unit. In their post, searchandrescuewoods tells a bit more about their experience encountering isolated staircases in national parks around the country, saying:

Quote:I don’t know if this is true in every SAR unit, but in mine, it’s sort of an unspoken, regular thing we run into. On just about every case where we’re really far into the wilderness, I’m talking 30 or 40 miles, at some point we’ll find a staircase in the middle of the woods. It’s almost like if you took the stairs in your house, cut them out, and put them in the forest.

Interestingly, the Reddit user reports that these encounters with isolated stairs seem to be nothing of much talk amongst the members of Search and Rescue units. Whether it is because they are simply that common or for more nefarious reasons, I can’t really be sure. Nonetheless, searchandrescuewoods goes on to say:

Quote:I asked about it the first time I saw some, and the other officer just told me not to worry about it, that it was normal. Everyone I asked said the same thing. I wanted to go check them out, but I was told, very emphatically, that I should never go near any of them. I just sort of ignore them now when I run into them because it happens so frequently.

While there are very few photos available of the mysterious isolated staircases online, Reddit user TK622 came across this set in a forest clearing in Germany which can be found in the image below.

[Image: 1*tWaxuubTttBAalZq02acTQ.jpeg]

Image Source: TK622 on Reddit

went on to explain that one SAR officer had even seen staircases that were “flipped upside down”. Other Redditors quickly chimed in with their own experiences. One Redditor, jeepdave stated that they were surprised that the stairs were actually so common, seeing their own experience as a weird, one-off occurrence that couldn’t really be explained. In his own post, jeepdave says:

Quote:I came across a set in rural West Virgina. I don’t think I was quite 40 miles deep but at least 10 or better. I thought maybe a house had once stood there but there was no cellar or other debris that would indicate a home was there before. Just a set of stairs with a base that went up maybe one flight — 16 so steps if I remember right. And sturdy. Could barely shake ’em. I didn’t climb up though. Worried it might break or fall over and I was alone.

Another user, known as taylorannshazam says that they encountered their own set of stairs in Michigan, writing:

Quote:An hour east of Iron Wood there is a clearing in the forest that has stairs. I was hiking and exploring with my cousins and we stumbled on a clearing about half a football field long. Had a few staircases but not against trees, just standing in the open. They looked like stairs from a normal suburban home. Kind of old though. The older cousin decided to investigate. He walked to the stairs to see how they were being held up, couldn’t find anything which weirded him out. He made us all leave. Grass didn’t grow near the stairs either.

While most of the stories found in the Reddit thread are centered in the United States, there came reports from a few Reddit users of stairs found in forests across the globe. Take German Redditor TK622 for example. Adding the image we looked at earlier into their post, the Reddit user is one of the few people to actually snap an image of the isolated staircases, writing:

Quote:I saw some stairs in the woods a few years ago. Didn’t know what to think of them and took a picture. They were covered in moss, but had railing on one side.

While the stairs found in this Reddit user’s post aren’t quite as grandiose as some of the staircases imagined from other people’s stories, they still seem oddly out of place. Just looking at them gives you an eerie feeling that you can’t quite explain. Just imagine coming across a set of metal stairs in the middle of the woods- surrounded by trees, leading to nowhere. It’s enough to make you wonder why they’re there and, even more so, who put them there.

Norweigian Redditor, Holyshitspace, sums up how I feel about these odd, isolated stairs popping up in national forests around the globe. In their own story, they explain that they came across their own set of stairs in the woods and it led to nothing but eerie feelings that they couldn’t quite explain, saying:

Quote:I made an account just to post this comment. A few months back, while visiting gramps in Lillesand (southern Norway), we went hiking. Nothing big, just a walk and a picnic in some woods. With us were my niece and nephew, who are both quite young, so I joined them in Hide and Seek while the proper grown-ups had coffee and whatnot.
Me and my nephew were first to hide, but we split up, and I ran alone quite a ways into a thicket of woods. And I found a staircase. Nothing remarkable, riddled with moss, and made from what looked like really old concrete with large pebbles of rocks in it. It didn’t really seem out of place at the time, but thinking back… Anyway, I decided it was fit for a hiding place, but after only a few seconds of squatting behind it, I got up, and stepped back.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that I really shouldn’t be anywhere near it. I suddenly had this feeling of being severely unwelcome, and that I should get as far away from it as possible. So I ran to my family and didn’t look back at it. Thinking about it now it still gives me the same sort of… I don’t know, twisted, wrong feeling.
So, why are these staircases out in the middle of nowhere, and why does everyone get a creepy vibe from them?

Some say they are just the remains of long lost settlements, while others hypothesize that the steps are used in rituals and a witch stands on the top steps to speak.  Still others think the steps lead to a portal to another dimension. 

Probably all just stories that someone came up with to keep their children from wondering too far into the woods alone, but then, what if they're true?  
What do you believe?

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Lightbulb NY Gov Cuomo Administration ‘Undercounted’ Coronavirus Nursing Home Deaths
Posted by: xuenchen - 01-28-2021, 09:48 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

Oh Boy a new report out from the New York Attorney General "suggests" Gov Andrew Cuomo somehow found a way to cover up the nursing home deaths caused by his own policies early in the COVID19 NY crisis last year !!

Always good and fun when high profile Democrats go at each others' necks isn't it roflmao.

So what's the REAL "reasons" for this?

Are they covering up more vicious findings or is about money profits somewhere (like book sales) ?

Are they publishing this now and letting it go away soon enough ?

Cover-up Red Herring ?

OR, are they playing the old "Blame Shifting" game ??

Deep thinking necessary to find out !!

Quote:New York Attorney General Letitia James released a report Thursday which found Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration had “undercounted” the number of coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.

According to an online press release regarding the 76-page report, the discovery was made as AG James was “investigating nursing homes throughout New York state based on allegations of patient neglect and other concerning conduct that may have jeopardized the health and safety of residents and employees.”

Upon looking into the matter, it was discovered “a larger number of nursing home residents died from COVID-19 than the New York State Department of Health’s (DOH) published nursing home data reflected and may have been undercounted by as much as 50 percent.”

The report also noted certain nursing homes had failed to meet “compliance with infection control protocols,” which “put residents at increased risk of harm, and facilities that had lower pre-pandemic staffing ratings had higher COVID-19 fatality rates.”

LINK-->  New York AG: Cuomo Administration ‘Undercounted’ Coronavirus Nursing Home Deaths

LINK-->  AG Press Release

[Image: Limecoconut1.gif]

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  Are You Ready for SCOTUSGATE?
Posted by: Minstrel - 01-28-2021, 07:42 PM - Forum: Where Right goes Wrong - Replies (5)

I am.
Lin Wood has alluded to Justice Roberts' ...errrr...indiscretions, much to the chagrin of many that could not entertain the notion that the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court could be...dirty. But, give a listen to this interview/deposition/whatever if you're interested in making up your own mind.
(*note that the video portion of this...video...appears to be functioning as camouflage*)

"Gotta Serve Somebody"
Bob Dylan

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Tongue Biden to reopen Obamacare markets for COVID-19 relief
Posted by: xuenchen - 01-28-2021, 06:27 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (2)

Joey 0'Stipend is performing a miracle !!

He will be re-opening the ObamaCare exchange markets to provide victims of COVID19 shock/aftereffects with lost insurance !!

Wonder who pays this time ?

And I think some of the "Exchange" Areas have only one "choice" roflmao

Ass backwards back from the past !!

Quote:Fulfilling a campaign promise, President Joe Biden plans to reopen the HealthCare.gov insurance markets for a special sign-up opportunity geared to people needing coverage in the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden is expected to sign an executive order Thursday, said two people familiar with the plan, whose details were still being finalized. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the pending order ahead of a formal announcement.

Although the number of uninsured Americans has grown because of job losses due to the economic hit of COVID-19, the Trump administration resisted calls to authorize a “special enrollment period” for people uninsured in the pandemic. Failure to repeal and replace “Obamacare” as he repeatedly vowed to do was one of former President Donald Trump’s most bitter disappointments. His administration continued trying to find ways to limit the program or unravel it entirely. A Supreme Court decision on Trump’s final legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act is expected this year.

LINK-->  Biden to reopen ‘Obamacare’ markets for COVID-19 relief

[Image: Biden-Mask-roflmao.gif]

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  We seen the same lights
Posted by: guohua - 01-28-2021, 05:19 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (16)

[Image: ufolights_fitted.png]

My husband and I seen the same string of lights while we were at Bartlett Lake at about 08:30 PM Dec 3rd. 2020.
Except there were more lights and I'm sure these person didn't get them all.
I think we counted 33 craft and there was two grouped side by side like you see in the picture.
From where we sat by the fire looking West at the night sky my husband notice a light drop our of nowhere and traveling north and then one after another they all drop out of the same spot and traveled for about 30 seconds and popped out of sight, yes just vanished like they appeared.
Because we go fishing nd hunting with out our cell phones or cameras, we have no pictures.

Quote:String of lights seen in sky near Charlotte sparks UFO debate. What was it? 

I'm convinced it was either UFO's or our own Secret Space Force. 
It looked like these craft dropped out of a Wormhole and then entered another Wormhole and just vanished.

Quote:Multiple people have reported seeing an odd string of lights at night near Charlotte, igniting talk of UFOs on social media.
Photos shared Saturday on Facebook show what appears to be a string of lights floating over North Carolina’s Indian Trail community. The area is in Union County, just southeast of Charlotte.
“Anyone know what these lights were tonight?” Alisa Homewood asked on the “What’s Up Indian Trail?” community Facebook page. “No sound at all. They flickered like lanterns, but followed the same exact path up until they disappeared which was odd.“

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  DHS issues terrorism advisory
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 01-28-2021, 04:44 AM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (11)

Interesting timing.  
I say that because I've heard a couple of people on live streams say they saw another ad in Craig's List wanting "actors" in the Las Vegas area.  We know when this happens there is usually a false flag that follows shortly after. I don't have a date for when the actors are needed. If anyone has seen it, please post here so we can keep our eyes open. 

Quote:[color=var(--gray-80)]Jan. 27, 2021, 2:31 PM EST[/color]
By Wilson Wong

The Department of Homeland Security issued a national terrorism advisory warning Wednesday, citing a “heightened threat environment across the U.S.,” weeks after the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.
In an alert, DHS said Wednesday that a National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin would be in effect until April 30, saying the threat would “persist in the weeks following the successful Presidential inauguration.”

While DHS does not have any information related to a specific, credible plot, the department said it remained concerned over violent extremists who were “motivated by a range of issues, including anger over Covid-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, and police use of force.”

DHS added that “these same drivers to violence will remain through early 2021 and some may be emboldened by the January 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol.”

Yeppers, I'm just looking for more Antifa and hired actors to dress up with MAGA hats and Q signs and go out and shoot a bunch of people any day now. 
They need a reason to take our guns, and since the REAL MAGA people don't behave that way, they have to create the illusion themselves. 
Be save People. 
See something, say something. Although at this point, saying something wouldn't do much good. The "enemy" is the one you'd be reporting it to.

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  John Kerry aka U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
Posted by: xuenchen - 01-28-2021, 12:58 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (10)

Look who they dug up this time !!

The Biden Klan has resurrected the likes of John Kerry (former Secretary of State after Hillary under Obama).

John is now known as the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate !! (oh pleeeze ) 

John was active in negotiating the Paris Climate Agreements back under Obama 

He was in front of the White House Press Conference today and had the same old tired BS claims about climate 

Horrible bullshiest and lies abound !!!! 

Here we go again 

Millions of jobs at stake and they're trying to tell you the Climate agendas will create millions of jobs after millions of jobs get clipped and chopped 

Ass Backwards Agenda and you the Public get rooked 

Putin loving every scrumptious moment as Democrats wreck the U.S. energy business and help the Russian companies sell more oil and gas !!  tinylaughing

[Image: Biden-Mask-roflmao.gif]

Quote:John Kerry, the new “Climate Envoy” in President Joe Biden’s administration, admitted to reporters Wednesday in the White House briefing room that the problem of climate change would not be solved even if U.S. emissions were “zero.”

Kerry, who negotiated the Paris Climate Agreement as Secretary of State under President Barack Obama, was speaking along with National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy at a briefing about the president’s forthcoming executive orders on climate change

He said:

That is why [Biden] rejoined the Paris Agreement so quickly. ‘Cause he knows that it is urgent. He also knows that Paris alone is not enough, not when almost 90% of all the planet’s omissions, global omissions, come outside of U.S. borders. We could go to zero tomorrow, and the problem isn’t solved. That is why today, one week into the job, President Biden will sign this additional executive set of orders to help move us down the road, ensuring that ambitious private action is global in scope and scale as well as national, here at home. Today, in the order that he will sign, that Gina has described to you, he makes climate central to foreign policy planning, to diplomacy, and to national security preparedness.

LINK--> John Kerry Admits: Even ‘Zero’ U.S. Emissions Won’t Solve Climate Change

Lurch is back !!?

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  Democrat NGO’s To Direct Military / CIA & FBI In Purge of Conservatives
Posted by: Snarl - 01-27-2021, 04:29 PM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (18)


Sorry ... you'll have to click the link.  Forewarning: This is an InfoWars video.  You'll have to refresh the link after your browser's first attempt.

Alex Jones breaks down the meaning behind the words in Biden's Press Secretary announcement.  I don't always appreciate Alex when he goes on a rant, but when he settles down and analyzes things, he's rarely off the mark.

In a nutshell:  They're coming after you if you're a conservative ... and especially ... if you own a firearm.  If you haven't seen the video, you should probably have a look.

They know ... that we know ... that Bye-Den wasn't duly elected.  People won't go along with the Dems (and their stolen election) as the march us into Agenda 21.  They're gonna have to march us, in unity, at the point of a bayonet.

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  Gamestop, The Piñata Of The Internet Trolls.
Posted by: BIAD - 01-27-2021, 04:00 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (13)

There's more of Us and them: An example!

Quote:How GameStop found itself at the center of a groundbreaking battle between Wall Street and small investors

The video game retailer has become one of the hottest stocks this year in a tale that illustrates the changing face
of investing.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9004]
"What the hell does 'Lol' mean?"

'The coronavirus pandemic hit GameStop hard. Like many retailers, already suffering from the shift to online sales,
the video games chain is losing money and plans to close 450 stores this year. And yet, surprisingly, GameStop
has become one the hottest stocks of the year.

The 37-year-old chain store group is now the focus of a David-and-Goliath battle between an army of small investors
and Wall Street that shows no signs of abating and has highlighted some fundamental shifts in investing.

Last April, when the company announced mass closures, GameStop’s shares (GME) could be bought for $3.25 each.
On Tuesday they soared another 92% to end the day at close to $148, pumped up again by small investors hoping to
ruin Wall Street bets that the price would crash. It’s a bet that has, so far, proved very costly for the professional financiers.

The strange saga of GameStop’s cult status can be traced back to last September, when Ryan Cohen – investor and
founder of the online pet food giant Chewy – took a 13% stake in the retailer and started lobbying for it to move more
of its business online and become a serious rival to Amazon. Cohen and two associates were added to the company’s
board in January.

The company’s share price began to soar as small investors snapped up a cheap stock using the trading app Robinhood
and other services, seizing on what they saw as an ideal buying opportunity. Wall Street saw something else – a chance to
“short” an ambitious bet against Amazon they believed was bound to fail.

Shorting a stock is risky. It involves “borrowing” a company’s shares and selling them with the intention of buying them back
cheaper when the share price falls. Many Wall Street fortunes have been made this way, but if the price doesn’t fall, the
losses can be huge.

About 71.66m GameStop shares are currently shorted – worth about $4.66bn. Year-to-date, those bets have cost investors
about $6.12bn, which includes a loss of $2.79bn on Monday. Monday’s stock gain of 145% in less than two hours, which
extends GameStop’s gains for the year to more than 300%, is the latest sign that frenetic trading by individual investors
is leading to outsize stock-market swings. On Tuesday, the party continued. When, and how, it ends is anyone’s guess.

GameStop has been the most actively traded stock by customers of Fidelity Investments in recent sessions, with buy orders
outnumbering sell orders by more than four to one. The volatility prompted the New York stock exchange to briefly halt trading
nine times.

“We broke it. We broke GME [GameStop’s stock market ticker] at open,” one Reddit user wrote on Monday after the NYSE
halted trading. Ihor Dusaniwsky, a managing director at the data analytics company S3 Partners, called the situation “unique”.
Established investors were still betting that the company’s sky-high share price would – eventually – collapse, ignoring earlier
losses “and using any stock borrows that become available to initiate new short positions in hopes of an eventual pullback
from this stratospheric stock price move,” he said.

“Much like the revolutionary war, the first line of troops goes down in a rain of musket fire but is replaced by the troops next
in line,” Dusaniwsky added. The battle has become a war of attrition between a new generation of investors and established,
more diversified players.

Investors on the WallStreetBets subreddit forum have been promoting GameStop aggressively, with many pitching it as a battle
of regular people versus hedge funds and big Wall Street firms. “This is quite the experience for my first month in the stock market.
Holding till infinity,” posted one user on the thread. Another user said: “We’re literally more powerful than the big firms right now.”

In some cases, they’ve been right, with larger investors like Citron Research taking a sharp lesson in what can happen when
“herd investors” squeeze a stock higher.

Citron’s founder, Andrew Left, called GameStop a “failing mall-based retailer” in a report earlier this month and then predicted
that the stock would plunge to $20 in a video he posted to Twitter on Thursday.
According to CNN, Left has now given up on shorting the stock, citing harassment by the stock’s backers...'
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