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Big foot 101
Some decent research and history of this subject

Will be watching one tonight before bed and then the other in the early hours.

I do like Mr Paulides.

Mr Ballen followed up a lot of these stories.

Thanks for the heads up.

Kind regards,

We watched those last week. Good videos! We really like David Paulides, very matter of fact kind of dude. 
"As an American it's your responsibility to have your own strategic duck stockpile. You can't expect the government to do it for you." - the dork I call one of my mom's other kids
[Image: Tiny-Ducks.jpg]
Class 3 dropped yesterday:

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Problem for me is: there has never been a single shred of 'evidence' of the big hairy beast.

Not one tooth
Not one bone
Not one strand of hair

Nothing but stories told.

This is why Göbekli Tepe is such a big damn deal. No one can deny the evidence. I'm sure there are some folks who've held control of the scientific narrative who would like to cover it right back up. But, that cat's out of the bag. And, I do wonder why History has not been re-written as a result. You know ... how the Sphinx pre-dates the last ice age ... which means the pyramids probably do too.

Bigfoot? UFOs toting around living alien beings? Sorry!! Gonna have to present a tangible piece of evidence that can be subjected to intense physical scrutiny.
'Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to Mother in a cardboard box
You better run!
(11-05-2022, 01:05 PM)Snarl Wrote: Problem for me is: there has never been a single shred of 'evidence' of the big hairy beast.

Not one tooth

Not one bone

Not one strand of hair

Nothing but stories told.

This is why Göbekli Tepe is such a big damn deal. No one can deny the evidence. I'm sure there are some folks who've held control of the scientific narrative who would like to cover it right back up. But, that cat's out of the bag. And, I do wonder why History has not been re-written as a result. You know ... how the Sphinx pre-dates the last ice age ... which means the pyramids probably do too.

Bigfoot? UFOs toting around living alien beings? Sorry!! Gonna have to present a tangible piece of evidence that can be subjected to intense physical scrutiny.


Kinda like that idiotic notion that atoms exist - I've never seen one, or held one in my hand. I've never hit one with a hammer - Have you? No proof for their existence whatsoever, yet those pesky high priests of Science still insist that we believe in them!

And this "time" thingy - you can't play catch with it, you can't grab it and shake it, or ball it up in a spitball for use when you are bored in a classroom to shoot at the teacher. What proof is there that it is even there? I've never seen it!

And that silly legend of the Vu Quang Ox in Vietnam - no bones, no hair, no nothing.... no, wait, they DID find one of those a couple years ago, so it's "real" now... but it didn't exist before that, I assure you... I mean, if it had existed before that, surely some one of the thousands of hunters in the Vietnamese Highlands would have been able to bring back some evidence, a bone or a hair or SOMETHING, before it magically popped into being, but nooooo. Nothing but silly stories up to that point.

Or gorillas - they didn't exist before about 1880, either. Sure, there were stories of them before that, but those were just being told by superstitious tribesmen who, for all the stories they could tell, could not produce a single hair, bone, or toenail of a gorilla before they suddenly came into being when a white man found one...

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

I enjoy mysteries just like all other Rogues.

But i really do not think that we are gonna find any more mammals. We find insects and such, yeah. But all mammals have already been discovered. I am not too informed about the subject though. Just the way i feel.
"Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices."

-Jean-Paul Sartre
(11-08-2022, 03:37 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(11-05-2022, 01:05 PM)Snarl Wrote: Bigfoot? UFOs toting around living alien beings? Sorry!! Gonna have to present a tangible piece of evidence that can be subjected to intense physical scrutiny.


We each have the right to be skeptical with the extraordinary.

I remember an adventure up in the forests of Washington State before I retired.  Hi-tech hunting. All we found were bunches of bears and some Spetsnaz fellers running around and hiding where they shouldn't be. They literally called it a Bigfoot Hunt. I have no idea how many times this hunt had been run before I was invited (or how many times after), but I never questioned the hoaxiness of the Bigfoot story after. If Bigfoot existed in the state of Washington, we'd have found it.

Aliens? Spending a likely lifetime of travel to get here and stick probes in our butts? Nahhhhh ... not buying into that one ever. I can see the possibility of a craft with droids ... just not living aliens from another star system. And even then ... I want some evidence before jumping into it with both feet. The Phoenix Lights is probably the most convincing story. Would've been nice if ANYONE got a clear video of it at the time.

Remember the War of the Worlds radio broadcast and all the ensuing drama? Yeah ... not going there. I'll hold my hand and wait for someone to put credible evidence in it. I saw this PhD professor on YouTube the other day. Typical delivery of the Scientific Narrative on most topics. Then he got to the theory of life on other planets, which he believed existed without a doubt ... only ... he couldn't say if there was _any_ intelligent life out there and that he highly doubted that there was. I bet if he'd been pushed the right way, he might have admitted the possibility God created mankind.

Just sayin'.
'Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to Mother in a cardboard box
You better run!
Hot dog!!! Bigfoot arguments  tinybiggrin

Disclaimer up front, I have never seen a bigfoot nor any evidence of one. I have never seen convincing proof they are an impossibility either. However, I think it is important to keep an open mind about all the things I do not know. On a balance of things I know and things I don't know? Well...

I love me some bigfoot shows and videos. The problem is so many of them are ridiculous. If you are skeptical, they do nothing but reinforce the notion of "crazy". I can see why some people scoff at the notion. Every noise in the woods is a bigfoot. Every broken branch was broken by bigfoot. Every mark on the ground is a bigfoot track. Can't swing a dead cat without hitting some bigfoot scat. 

However, there are some quality offerings out there which lend credence to the possibility. Myself, I like the idea a bigfoot might exist. It makes the world a far more interesting place. Not everyone who claims to have seen one can be a liar or mistaken. Somewhere, someplace, something for real had to happen. What that is, I do not know. 

I guess there is a narcissism inherent in anyone living. It doesn't matter when they lived but they will think all that can be known is pretty much known because... well I'm here now. So there. Done deal. Never mind the trajectory of discovery over human history. It does nothing but get steeper with every generation. Not important I guess. 

100 years from now people will look back on our quaint notions of being "advanced" and chuckle. They will wonder how we could have been so naïve. 

Now... Chupacabra's on the other hand. Those SOB's are everywhere.
Never seen one. I've seen countless videos or articles on the subject for years. Decades even. All pretty shady...

I have a very hard time believing that they exist, yet I believe that they do. Simply because I believe in some very trusty people that HAVE seen one.

It's a mystery to me though. How they can co-exist with us while being almost invisible or disappear without a trace.

There are things we don't fully understand, for lack of scientific evidence. Big Foot, for me, is one of those things.

~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~
(11-08-2022, 08:26 AM)Finspiracy Wrote: I enjoy mysteries just like all other Rogues.

But i really do not think that we are gonna find any more mammals. We find insects and such, yeah. But all mammals have already been discovered. I am not too informed about the subject though. Just the way i feel.

Hi Fins,
One thing that keeps cropping up in my mind, with the Bigfoot question, is this:

At what point do we stop, listen and actually BELIEVE in the eye witness reports?

If 1 person sees something "strange" in the local woods (just once) and no one else does...
If 2 or 3 people see it at the same time, but no one else does...
If a few different people see it on different occasions over a wider area and their descriptions match...
If dozens of witnesses come forward, separately reporting almost identical things from several different (but similar) locations...
If hundreds of people; Doctors, Lawyers, Cops, Teachers, Church Leaders etc ALL report seeing the same things over a very widespread area...
If thousands of people, from all walks of life, in almost every corner of the country, report it...
If tens of thousands of people, of all nationalities, of all races, of all backgrounds, in (almost) all countries of the world report the same thing...

At which of these points would I (or would you) start to believe that there MUST be something out there?

Well, we're already WAY PAST that last point.
There have now been hundreds of thousands of verified reports of strange, large, hairy, upright, bipedal, man-like creatures, spanning many decades, and from all parts of the world, already... right now.

If you want to hear some of their experiences, I'd recommend checking out Steve Isdahl on his YouTube channel "The Facts by How To Hunt .com"

Steve is an avid outdoorsman and hunter/guide.
He's spent his entire life in and around the wild woods and mountains of North America. He had NEVER seen any evidence of these creatures on any of his very many trips, stalking/hunting/tracking etc and was a firm disbeliever who actively used to say "If they were out there - I'd have found traces of them by now".
And then... he had an encounter with one.
And it shook his entire belief system to the core.
Everything that he thought he knew, everything that he was expert in was wrong.
He couldn't deal with it on his own, but was scared of the ridicule and scorn that he would get if he came clean about what he'd seen.
It took him quite some time to realise that there MUST be many others out there - just like him, who were scared to speak out, and that there MUST be a massive cover-up of the truth about this information.
So, he decided to share his story on his hunting channel.
In the hope that some others might come forward and find a safe space to tell of their own encounters, without fear of reprisals or ridicule too.
The last time I can remember that he mentioned the number of separate, individual encounter stories that he has personally received (usually via email) the total number was in excess of 85,000 and that was many many months ago.
EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND different, individual, separate people who have taken time to write to him, to thank him for a place to share their experiences, and to tell what they know. Many ask to remain anonymous (what would they have to gain from sharing an "experience" story with him/us if no one knows it was them who sent it in??) and many are now saying that he can share their name, as they are less afraid of the reactions they'll receive now.

On his channel - he just shares some of those many emails. He reads them out word-for-word and sometimes comments on them.
I think you'd like him, and I think you'll like the stories that he shares (there's no obligation to believe them all either!!)
Check him out,
[Image: CoolForCatzSig.png]
Big foot is real, but from a nearby parallel universe. I like to believe that he is an interphasic being from Star Trek lore.

Quote:Interphasic Rift
Spatial interphase, otherwise known as an Interphasic Rift, is essentially a "tear in time" created in a location of space where its very fabric has weakened, and an overlap in numerous universes occurs.
Because our universe coexists with a multitude of other universes in the same physical space, these tears may allow brief periods of time in an area of their space to overlap between universes. The dimensional structure of each universe is totally dissimilar and any use of power in one universe may cause another to be disturbed.

I can combine UFO sightings and the CERN conspiracy with this one too. A UFO warps spacetime to travel and causes two time periods from the same spacetime, or from another parallel spacetime, to over lap temporarily with our own and make big foot materialize and dematerialize during this interphasic condition.

CERN could be doing much the same and adding to, if not creating, these conditions that create these anomalies like UFOs, big foot, various lake monsters, etc.

This theory can also explain the type of evidence available. When it appears and is fully materialized, it can make changes in the environment like throw sticks and stones, leave foot prints and maybe even hairs, but once the interphasic conditions deteriorate and big foot phases back into his spacetime and disappears, than includes evidence like hair, blood, bones what have you. It all goes back to where it came from as it never existed here in the first place outside of a localized interphasic rift. However, it leaves foot prints, shaky videos, blurry photos and people are seeing it when it materializes.
(11-05-2022, 01:05 PM)Snarl Wrote: Problem for me is: there has never been a single shred of 'evidence' of the big hairy beast.

Not one tooth
Not one bone
Not one strand of hair

Nothing but stories told.

This is why Göbekli Tepe is such a big damn deal. No one can deny the evidence. I'm sure there are some folks who've held control of the scientific narrative who would like to cover it right back up. But, that cat's out of the bag. And, I do wonder why History has not been re-written as a result. You know ... how the Sphinx pre-dates the last ice age ... which means the pyramids probably do too.

Bigfoot? UFOs toting around living alien beings? Sorry!! Gonna have to present a tangible piece of evidence that can be subjected to intense physical scrutiny.

I have same issue, how could such a physical looking creature be so damn elusive all these past decades. But, I also think the 'evidence' has not been able to be understood by you, nor I, nor present humans as of yet. Something that science is not yet equipped to 'measure' the evidence because it's not tangible in human hands, nor under a microscope. I believe 95-98% of Bigfoot & UFO stories are just that, stories. However, the remaining 2-5% that don't have any worthy science debunking (cannot be explained away) I find very interesting. IDK, just a random thought. Wait, maybe Bigfoot tangible evidence is locked in an underground Smithsonian vault. Agree with you on the "Sphinx" age.

We all love a good mystery and sometimes mythology turns out to be stranger than fiction.

Apparently, recent discovered sites even older than Göbekli Tepe according to Graham Hancock's Netflix series, "Ancient Apocalypse".

Quote of the Day:

"There were no books on the Abominable Snowman. There were no cryptids. My teachers told me these creatures don’t exist, to go back to my homework, and to leave them alone. And so that of course instilled in me a desire to find out everything I could." - Loren Coleman

Quote:Loren Coleman and the Radical Field of Cryptozoology

How a young boy with an inquisitive mind grew up to become an author, museum director, and professional Bigfoot hunter. Meet Loren Coleman, executive director of the world’s only International Cryptozoology Museum, which he founded in Portland in 2003.
"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon

Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.

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