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Skewed Demographics in Prime Time Broadcast TV Commercials
I and many others I know have noticed the skewed demographics on prime time TV commercials in our area. I've heard others online from all over say they have noticed the same things in their areas. Even people in other countries have noticed this about the U.S. This has been going on for at least five or more years now, but has become particularly more noticeable in the past few years.

I've noticed this with all the stations here, but my area picks up WZZM channel 13 (ABC) better than most others. It covers Kent County and the surrounding nearby counties in all directions. If I were further north, I'd be out of their main broadcast range. I'll be using that station in my example of how skewed the demographics of the commercials have become.

Now, before I explain what I mean about how the demographics are skewed, I am not trying to be racist with my observations, I'm only trying to understand why this is going on. I have some ideas but I want to hear what others say first.

Almost all the prime time commercials on the broadcast TV stations in my area contain only portrayals of black and mixed B&W families that are in the higher middle class range. They are presented as well educated with good jobs in a husband and wife household. They are shown as basically three types, a young couple, a nuclear family of a man and wife with at least two children or a well to do retired senior couple. They feature this portrayal exclusively and have a scant few of other races and usually only one or possibly two white people in the background out of as many as ten people in these commercials. Latinos are represented about the same as whites and Asians far less.

This market target they are portraying is a super small percentage of the local area viewership. I don't have all the figures locally, but the national numbers don't have that demographic as being that large, certainly not enough to warrant having every TV commercial aimed at such a tiny market segment.

Now the percentages.

About of 14% of the US population is black (same as in Michigan).

28% of that 14% earn more than $75,000 a year, the lower end of middle class for a family of 3 or 4. This equals 3.92% of the entire U.S. population.

Only 38% of black American households are headed by a married couple making that black demographic 5.32% of the total population.

44% of black Americans have at least graduated high school or 6.16% of the total population. It makes sense that far fewer have gone on to college at any level.

I have not gone into the number of unemployed or poverty level homes. Also keep in mind that most of the African American population resides in southern states and in larger urban areas. Compared to northern midwestern rural areas like the one I live in, blacks folks are a fairly rare sight unless you go to the bigger towns and cities. Rarer still are any upwardly mobile black nuclear families in my area.

So with the possibility that such a black demographic is only somewhere in the 4% to 6% range of the total U.S. population, and even far less in my area, why the hell are all the TV commercials featuring this demographic on almost every damned commercial?

Now, there are several communities that are primarily black within the viewing area of WZZM. Those are as follows . . .

Benton Harbor
Population: 9,806
% African American: 84.24%
# Of African American Residents: 8,260

Muskegon Heights
Population: 10,735
% African American: 76.32%
# Of African American Residents: 8,193

Grand Rapids   
% African American: 17.52%
2019, Grand Rapids, MI had a population of 198,000 people

Grand Rapids is the main audience for these stations. They have about a 17% black population at around 34,690 people out of a total of 198,0000. The other towns are really small in comparison and a least an hour's drive from Grand Rapids. Still, we are talking low single digits when we whittle it down to this very specific demographic in this broadcast area.

So why are they programming 90% or more of their prime time commercial spots with commercials that have such a small demographic? If anything, they are alienating 94% to as much as 96% of their viewing audience. Actually it is likely more than that, but I have to do some really deep research to find the better figures.




(07-23-2022, 02:48 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I and many others I know have noticed the skewed demographics on prime time TV commercials in our area. I've heard others online from all over say they have noticed the same things in their areas. Even people in other countries have noticed this about the U.S. This has been going on for at least five or more years now, but has become particularly more noticeable in the past few years.

I've noticed this with all the stations here, but my area picks up WZZM channel 13 (ABC) better than most others. It covers Kent County and the surrounding nearby counties in all directions. If I were further north, I'd be out of their main broadcast range. I'll be using that station in my example of how skewed the demographics of the commercials have become.

Now, before I explain what I mean about how the demographics are skewed, I am not trying to be racist with my observations, I'm only trying to understand why this is going on. I have some ideas but I want to hear what others say first.

Almost all the prime time commercials on the broadcast TV stations in my area contain only portrayals of black and mixed B&W families that are in the higher middle class range. They are presented as well educated with good jobs in a husband and wife household. They are shown as basically three types, a young couple, a nuclear family of a man and wife with at least two children or a well to do retired senior couple. They feature this portrayal exclusively and have a scant few of other races and usually only one or possibly two white people in the background out of as many as ten people in these commercials. Latinos are represented about the same as whites and Asians far less.

This market target they are portraying is a super small percentage of the local area viewership. I don't have all the figures locally, but the national numbers don't have that demographic as being that large, certainly not enough to warrant having every TV commercial aimed at such a tiny market segment.

Now the percentages.

About of 14% of the US population is black (same as in Michigan).

28% of that 14% earn more than $75,000 a year, the lower end of middle class for a family of 3 or 4. This equals 3.92 of the entire U.S. population.

Only 38% of black American households are headed by a married couple making that black demographic 5.32% of the total population.

44% of black American have at least graduated high school or 6.16% of the total population. It makes sense that far fewer have gone on to college at any level.

I have not gone into the number of unemployed or poverty level homes. Also keep in mind that most of the African American population resides in southern states and in larger urban areas. Compared to northern midwestern rural areas like the one I live in, blacks folks are a fairly rare sight unless you go to the bigger towns and cities. Rarer still are any upwardly mobile black nuclear families in my area.

So with the possibility that such a black demographic is only somewhere in the 4% to 6% range of the total U.S. population, and even far less in my area, why the hell are all the TV commercials featuring this demographic on almost every damned commercial?

Now, there are several communities that are primarily black within the viewing area of WZZM. Those are as follows . . .

Benton Harbor
Population: 9,806
% African American: 84.24%

Muskegon Heights
Population: 10,735
% African American: 76.32%
# Of African American Residents: 8,193

Grand Rapids   
% African American: 17.52%
2019, Grand Rapids, MI had a population of 198,000 people

Grand Rapids is the main audience for these stations. They have about a 17% black population at around 34,690 people out of a total of 198,0000. The other towns are really small in comparison and a least an hour's drive from Grand Rapids. Still, we are talking low single digits when we whittle it down to this very specific demographic in this broadcast area.

So why are they programming 90% or more of their prime time commercial spots with commercials that have such a small demographic? If anything, they are alienating 94% to as much as 96% of their viewing audience. Actually it is likely more than that, but I have to do some really deep research to find the better figures.





It definitely has to do with where you live. Whites and Hispanics make up the largest part of the population where I live. Blacks are very few, but they are nuclear families, highly educated,  and upper middle class or wealthy.

You have to go a long way into the city to reach  those that are unemployed, poor, homeless, and addicts. Their numbers are few as well, compared to the total population. The rest are just hard working, struggling folk, like the rest of us.

That is why I encourage people not to believe any thing the media pushes. They have an agenda, and they agenda is to make you think, believe, and to behave on command.

You are right to question their motives. Because indeed somewhere in there you will find the lie. Unfortunately cognitive dissonance, may make that truth hard to find.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

I must add that other networks like MeTv and a couple of others are definitely targeting aging white people based on the lame ass commercials they are putting out and repeating over and over again.

NightSkye, I understand that the area anyone is in has different demographics, but why are they selling exclusively to this incredibly small market when they could be using a bigger and more inclusive net to bring in their customers? I have quoted national figures and some from my area as a comparison, that question is valid at both levels. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS? It can't be good business to alienate 90+ percent of he public.

My area is far different than yours, you find poor folks everywhere except downtown and a few gated communities.
(07-23-2022, 03:29 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I must add that other networks like MeTv and a couple of others are definitely targeting aging white people based on the lame ass commercials they are putting out and repeating over and over again.

I don't watch much TV, but in the area where I live, the emphasis seems to be on the LGBT community.

I think because their audience today is more global than local, they are targeting the market where they think they will get the most attention and profit.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

Another consideration is one I heard that broadcast television is viewed almost entirely by lower income people. If true, why would they be catering to a small percentage of well off blacks and marginalizing the whites and Asians? Shouldn't these commercials be on paid services that rich folks watch online or on cable?
(07-23-2022, 03:36 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(07-23-2022, 03:29 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I must add that other networks like MeTv and a couple of others are definitely targeting aging white people based on the lame ass commercials they are putting out and repeating over and over again.

I don't watch much TV, but in the area where I live, the emphasis seems to be on the LGBT community.

I think because their audience today is more global than local, they are targeting the market where they think they will get the most attention and profit.

I can see your point on a global market scale, but then again, I don't think these commercials would fly in China or India, the two most populated places on Earth, or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea. They weren't intended for a global market, they were made to be broadcast in the states. Again my question stands, why alienate 90+% of their viewership? It isn't going to help sell their product or service to do that, so I am left to wonder, what are they really selling?
(07-23-2022, 03:58 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I can see your point on a global market scale, but then again, I don't think these commercials would fly in China or India, the two most populated places on Earth, or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea. They weren't intended for a global market, they were made to be broadcast in the states. Again. my question stands, why alienate 90+% of their viewership? It isn't going to help sell their product or service to do that, so I am left to wonder, what are they really selling?

I don't think hey are alienating 90+% of their veiwership.

They are not marketing to you or I. They already have us where they want us. And they know that we will bitch and complain, and still run off and buy their products without giving a single thought to where or how that money is used.

Look at Disney, look at the other entertainment markets, the schools, or any other venue for that matter. 

They don't care what we say when it comes to what we want to see, or what we want our children to be exposed to, they very openly and blatantly, tell us it is going to be our way, period.

They know we have been kowtowed, and we talk big on the internet, do nothing, and keep handing them our money.

In Norway a woman is being threatened with jail time for saying men cannot be lesbians. Now you can say, well that isn't happening in America, but Chappelle had his show closed down just a few hours before it was due to start, because of the same reason. Censorship and speech control.

Advertising has always been about conditioning, mind control, and money.

Maybe they are putting more emphasis on conditioning and mind control, since they already control our money.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

From an Email

Quote:The Silent Brainwashing  
Brainwashing is best accomplished when you have no idea that it is being done but simply occurs as part of the fabric of your life.   
 Think about TV Commercials and shows with these facts in mind. 
US population 334 million consisting of 57.8% white, 18.7% Latino, 12.1% Black and 11.4% Asian or other. 
About 10% of all existing marriages are interracial including those of all races, and only 5.6% of the population identifies as LGBT.  
You would expect the same ratios in TV commercials if they represented America but here's what you see instead, taken from a log of TV commercials over a 4-month period, which is quite different. 
For TV, white men as the majority of Americans have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials, they are either old, ugly and sick or they are the partner of a black woman and have no speaking part.   
In 3 of the commercials the white men are doing laundry and always paired with a little girl to whom they are delivering the clean clothes. In other words, less than 10% of the population is driving 90% of the narrative. 
There were zero commercials of White fathers and sons. None! So, while 75% of white children live with both their parents, including their fathers, we choose instead not to model that in favor of the 62% of black children that do not live in a two-parent household? Is this the healthy "normal" image we want to model to our population? 
Equally disturbing, young white boys and teens have also disappeared, unless they were flagrantly new age gay, as though that represents the "majority" instead of the pitifully small minority. What distorted perception of reality does that serve?  
The study found a majority of the children were white girls with a black "brother" even though this represents the smallest percentage of any reality discussed thus far! The MAJORITY of TV commercial couples consist of a white woman with a black man, when in reality these make up about 6% of the 30% of blacks that are married or about 2% of our population. Are you starting to see how pervasive this extraordinary brainwashing is? Exactly what are they trying to program into us with this relentless deluge of non-reality? 
Surprisingly, in the month of December there was an uptick (but not a majority) in good looking white male models, but research determined that in each and every case it was a cologne commercial and every one of those commercials were made in Europe where they still use white men in their commercials.  
Here, on the other hand, they prefer to portray young white males as so mind-numbingly stupid as being incapable of delivering their lines and couldn't even say "Liberty Mutual", the insurance company featured in the commercial. 
Over a period of 4 months, it concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12%, they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads.  
Then you have to ask, where are the Asians and Latino's that make up nearly THREE TIMES the black population? Are they in THREE TIMES the number of ads or is something severely skewed here in the minds of Hollywood and Madison Avenue? 
The fact is that while white males make up the largest segment of our population, they were in only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in their 60's to 80's and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While the study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that virtually every ad campaign for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln.  
In the commercials for automobiles there were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here where Mercedes and BMW had NO VISIBLE DRIVERS!! They showed the cars cruising highways but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. Are they more interested in selling the product while we appear to be more interested in selling the political/racial message? 
And it is not just our commercials that offer this skewed media driven unreality. It is also nearly impossible to turn on a show that doesn't have a gay couple or LGBT component, yet in reality only one in eighteen should, if they want to accurately represent the less than 5.6% of the population that fall in this group.  
The results of this brainwashing are dramatic and very successful. Despite the low percentage in real life, when polled, Americans have been brainwashed to believe that 24% of all Americans are LGBT! Based on commercials, they must also believe that the "average" American family is biracial, that white men barely exist, and Latinos/Asians do not exist at all 
That is the magic and the tragedy of the fake, dishonest and unrealistic "woke" TV that we watch and are affected by 24/7, even though it is far afield from our reality. 
Ditto for the "woke" minority that follow mindlessly in its wake, thinking that this bizarre narrative is in fact real or justified, when it is merely an illusion and fabrication. They truly do control our entire thought process and will distort our perception of reality, if we allow them to. 
While it is one thing to erase the stigma of single parenthood, bi-racialism, or unusual sexual preferences, it is another thing completely to portray them as the "Role Model" or "Norm", as representative of our entire society, especially at the expense of true normality or realism. 
In this case, it looks like White, Latino, Asian and straight lives don’t matter according to them, and Black privilege with a side of LGBT has taken us over.  
The brainwashing will continue and can only be stopped by educating those around you.

(07-23-2022, 04:25 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(07-23-2022, 03:58 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I can see your point on a global market scale, but then again, I don't think these commercials would fly in China or India, the two most populated places on Earth, or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea. They weren't intended for a global market, they were made to be broadcast in the states. Again. my question stands, why alienate 90+% of their viewership? It isn't going to help sell their product or service to do that, so I am left to wonder, what are they really selling?

I don't think hey are alienating 90+% of their veiwership.

They are not marketing to you or I. They already have us where they want us. And they know that we will bitch and complain, and still run off and buy their products without giving a single thought to where or how that money is used.

Look at Disney, look at the other entertainment markets, the schools, or any other venue for that matter. 

They don't care what we say when it comes to what we want to see, or what we want our children to be exposed to, they very openly and blatantly, tell us it is going to be our way, period.

They know we have been kowtowed, and we talk big on the internet, do nothing, and keep handing them our money.

In Norway a woman is being threatened with jail time for saying men cannot be lesbians. Now you can say, well that isn't happening in America, but Chappelle had his show closed down just a few hours before it was due to start, because of the same reason. Censorship and speech control.

Advertising has always been about conditioning, mind control, and money.

Maybe they are putting more emphasis on conditioning and mind control, since they already control our money.

You have finally touched on one of the possible reasons "why"? I have three ideas of why this is going on, social conditioning is one and mind control is the method involved (as it is with any advertising).

During prime time they are definitely alienating their main audience in my rural area, so I disagree with you there. Everyone around here that I brought up this issue with, as well as many online, are pretty fed up with whatever it is they are trying to do by producing these commercials and presenting them like 90% of the population of the U.S. population is composed of affluent African Americans. The alienation of whites is obvious, I'd even say blatant and in your face literally.

They do care what their audience thinks about their commercials or they wouldn't invest so much money in their production and airing them in the higher cost prime time slot if they didn't. They hire these advertising professionals for big money and must know what advertising produces money and what doesn't once they have aired.

Also, they don't have me where they want me and I'm sure they don't have too many people in their grip if they have at least an average IQ, no matter the racial background. The types of products and services that they are selling aren't what I am buying, although I will have to do a detailed analysis of these commercials to be certain about that.

As far as woke companies like Disney or Net Flicks are concerned, they are finding out how badly this effects their bottom line and the saying "Get woke, go broke" is becoming pretty popular among the masses. They are failing big time with their marketing, Net Flicks is about to go under and is scrambling to correct that and Disney has lost a huge amount of their revenue in everything but park attendance because they are getting push back from people who are getting pissed at the BS they are pulling.

I'm sorry, but I'm not in too much agreement with your assessments, however, I thank you for giving me more to think about and consider.
(07-23-2022, 12:36 PM)727Sky Wrote: From an Email

Quote:The Silent Brainwashing  
Brainwashing is best accomplished when you have no idea that it is being done but simply occurs as part of the fabric of your life.   
 Think about TV Commercials and shows with these facts in mind. 
US population 334 million consisting of 57.8% white, 18.7% Latino, 12.1% Black and 11.4% Asian or other. 
About 10% of all existing marriages are interracial including those of all races, and only 5.6% of the population identifies as LGBT.  
You would expect the same ratios in TV commercials if they represented America but here's what you see instead, taken from a log of TV commercials over a 4-month period, which is quite different. 
For TV, white men as the majority of Americans have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials, they are either old, ugly and sick or they are the partner of a black woman and have no speaking part.   
In 3 of the commercials the white men are doing laundry and always paired with a little girl to whom they are delivering the clean clothes. In other words, less than 10% of the population is driving 90% of the narrative. 
There were zero commercials of White fathers and sons. None! So, while 75% of white children live with both their parents, including their fathers, we choose instead not to model that in favor of the 62% of black children that do not live in a two-parent household? Is this the healthy "normal" image we want to model to our population? 
Equally disturbing, young white boys and teens have also disappeared, unless they were flagrantly new age gay, as though that represents the "majority" instead of the pitifully small minority. What distorted perception of reality does that serve?  
The study found a majority of the children were white girls with a black "brother" even though this represents the smallest percentage of any reality discussed thus far! The MAJORITY of TV commercial couples consist of a white woman with a black man, when in reality these make up about 6% of the 30% of blacks that are married or about 2% of our population. Are you starting to see how pervasive this extraordinary brainwashing is? Exactly what are they trying to program into us with this relentless deluge of non-reality? 
Surprisingly, in the month of December there was an uptick (but not a majority) in good looking white male models, but research determined that in each and every case it was a cologne commercial and every one of those commercials were made in Europe where they still use white men in their commercials.  
Here, on the other hand, they prefer to portray young white males as so mind-numbingly stupid as being incapable of delivering their lines and couldn't even say "Liberty Mutual", the insurance company featured in the commercial. 
Over a period of 4 months, it concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12%, they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads.  
Then you have to ask, where are the Asians and Latino's that make up nearly THREE TIMES the black population? Are they in THREE TIMES the number of ads or is something severely skewed here in the minds of Hollywood and Madison Avenue? 
The fact is that while white males make up the largest segment of our population, they were in only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in their 60's to 80's and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While the study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that virtually every ad campaign for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln.  
In the commercials for automobiles there were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here where Mercedes and BMW had NO VISIBLE DRIVERS!! They showed the cars cruising highways but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. Are they more interested in selling the product while we appear to be more interested in selling the political/racial message? 
And it is not just our commercials that offer this skewed media driven unreality. It is also nearly impossible to turn on a show that doesn't have a gay couple or LGBT component, yet in reality only one in eighteen should, if they want to accurately represent the less than 5.6% of the population that fall in this group.  
The results of this brainwashing are dramatic and very successful. Despite the low percentage in real life, when polled, Americans have been brainwashed to believe that 24% of all Americans are LGBT! Based on commercials, they must also believe that the "average" American family is biracial, that white men barely exist, and Latinos/Asians do not exist at all 
That is the magic and the tragedy of the fake, dishonest and unrealistic "woke" TV that we watch and are affected by 24/7, even though it is far afield from our reality. 
Ditto for the "woke" minority that follow mindlessly in its wake, thinking that this bizarre narrative is in fact real or justified, when it is merely an illusion and fabrication. They truly do control our entire thought process and will distort our perception of reality, if we allow them to. 
While it is one thing to erase the stigma of single parenthood, bi-racialism, or unusual sexual preferences, it is another thing completely to portray them as the "Role Model" or "Norm", as representative of our entire society, especially at the expense of true normality or realism. 
In this case, it looks like White, Latino, Asian and straight lives don’t matter according to them, and Black privilege with a side of LGBT has taken us over.  
The brainwashing will continue and can only be stopped by educating those around you.

Excellent article, thanks.

The numbers they are using are different than the ones I found at the Pew Research Center, but the conclusion is about the same. I do believe that this article is less than accurate with regards to other races and classes being non-existent in these commercials, but it covers more than I did with my cursory investigation. I have noticed what they have pointed out in their analysis of these commercials though.

This fits with the idea that social conditioning is the answer to the question "why?". This is related to another angle, the virtue signaling band wagon. This could be the angle that sold these businesses on the focus of their "woke" advertising campaigns. I can't believe they'd want to lose money by doing this kind of thing, but maybe they feel they would be losing more if they didn't tow the line for this social conditioning program. This is where the cancel culture mentioned by NightSkye comes into play perhaps. Tow the line or be viciously cancelled for being racist Nazis. Using threats and intimidation to get their way basically.

ETA: The European advertising used as an example in that article supports the idea that these commercials are not for a global market, so let's put that idea to rest, although, it is probably an apologist's excuse when confronted with these facts and so can be useful to know about that idea.
I am not sure to the details of their end game. I don't think money is it. I am pretty much just guessing. Just trying to connect the dots and come up with an image that looks like it makes sense, to me.

You are quite right to take anything I say with a grain of salt. 
When I look at the history of how we got here, going as far back as I can personally reflect, it seems to have been a long and patient journey. 

Maybe because I am getting old, it seems they are speeding up the game. I know that us becoming smarter has no effect on the end game. It is not what we don't know that is the problem, it is what we have been conditioned not to do, that will be our downfall.

This movie helps explain it. It is over 10 years old, and is almost 2 hours long. Many won't watch, mainly because our attention span has been conditioned to reject anything that goes beyond a meme, a YouTube short, or a TikTok video.

We are no more than pawns on a chess board. They only show us what they want us to see. They only promote that which supports their agenda. 

When we see something presented by the media, or even on the internet, it is never by accident. It is all by design. Even our feelings, outrage, pleasure, sadness, desires, they are all controlled. We can't admit that we are controlled, because even our denial is part of the plan.

Knowing, being aware, that you are trapped in the matrix, is not the key to escape. There is only one way out. 

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 


I have found your posts quite useful, stimulating in fact. Thank you sincerely.
Ask Brandon he seems to speak a lot about this.
minusculebonker Got a pound that propaganda into your head one way or another.
(07-23-2022, 04:16 PM)Tarzan the apeman. Wrote: Ask Brandon he seems to speak a lot about this.
minusculebonker Got a pound that propaganda into your head one way or another.

They are too savvy to force propaganda on us unless it is part of their plan for a controlled response.

Propaganda is a very useful tool. Especially when one is so adept at it's use, that the truth can be twisted into a weapon that is used against you.

The truth is not always pleasant, and it is not actually at the center of the equation. Two factors that trigger our actions the most, is fear, and pleasure.

Basically we operate on feelings and emotions. They have become masters at controlling those two factors, therefore our beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors.

We have been conditioned to respond. Now they are able to control that response with just the right trigger.

It took years to condition us before, because the basics of life required social interactions, and physical labor. Distractions were numerous.

They have been able to speed up the process by control over our lives through our near complete immersion in a virtual society.

We never saw it coming. Yet even knowing is not enough. This is not a trap we can just walk out of. 

There are consequences to leaving the metaverse. Very few will want to or will have the ability to survive outside of the system.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

(07-23-2022, 02:48 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: So why are they programming 90% or more of their prime time commercial spots with commercials that have such a small demographic? If anything, they are alienating 94% to as much as 96% of their viewing audience.

It's gotta be on purpose.  They're trying to piss people off ... instill hatred ... by putting lies right in-your-face.

Ya know what I always thought was ironic about 'anyone' hating on black people? That black people hate the black race as much (if not more) than any other demographic. Maybe that's the effort in this campaign.  Even if it is, it's doubtful such blatant misrepresentations are going to have _that_ as an intended effect.
(07-24-2022, 02:15 PM)Snarl Wrote:
(07-23-2022, 02:48 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: So why are they programming 90% or more of their prime time commercial spots with commercials that have such a small demographic? If anything, they are alienating 94% to as much as 96% of their viewing audience.

It's gotta be on purpose.  They're trying to piss people off ... instill hatred ... by putting lies right in-your-face.

Ya know what I always thought was ironic about 'anyone' hating on black people? That black people hate the black race as much (if not more) than any other demographic. Maybe that's the effort in this campaign.  Even if it is, it's doubtful such blatant misrepresentations are going to have _that_ as an intended effect.

It is on purpose, it's done because some dickhead in a media boardroom proposed 'it's effective' and ergo, is valid as
an advertisement. Ignore the irrationality of what I've just said, I agree with you that it sounds stupid. But this type
of commercial-making is laughingly based on the notion that anything displayed as thought-provoking -be it annoying
or just plain-'woke' is a favourable one, regardless of how its received.

Call the customer savvy or call them an idiot, it's all the same now. They have created a design that offers such terrible
biasedness in order to help themselves. They are -as Snarl pointed out, trying to instil anger, pushing emotive buttons
and stating their viewers are burdened with prejudice.

Why...? in the hopes that the people of the world are kept constantly in turmoil and to acquire information on such habitual
turbulence, one may find what they think they need on the television. If this becomes a much-needed medium like it was in
the past, more businesses will wish to have their commercials broadcast on their channels.

Think about all the hand-cleanser adverts during Covid, the useless test-kits, the multi-coloured face-masks now residing in
the bargain bins and what Fauci was constantly banging-on about.
Benjamins... it's always the Benjamins.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(07-24-2022, 02:15 PM)Snarl Wrote:
(07-23-2022, 02:48 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: So why are they programming 90% or more of their prime time commercial spots with commercials that have such a small demographic? If anything, they are alienating 94% to as much as 96% of their viewing audience.

It's gotta be on purpose.  They're trying to piss people off ... instill hatred ... by putting lies right in-your-face.

Ya know what I always thought was ironic about 'anyone' hating on black people? That black people hate the black race as much (if not more) than any other demographic. Maybe that's the effort in this campaign.  Even if it is, it's doubtful such blatant misrepresentations are going to have _that_ as an intended effect.

I think you may have touched upon another consideration of the "Why". I had given some thought that this was an attempt to influence the African American subculture by offering them a self image based on traditional 20th century white cultural standards. A kind of role reversal without making whites into the image of the black subculture, just kind of taking them out of this Black Norman Rockwell picture they are presenting. Like the goal is to convince black people to become white in every metric except the color of their skin, not to make a sale to this really small market target.

I haven't thought about this idea too much because the liberal progressives and their CRT and cancel culture wants to destroy white traditions and white cultural identity. I confess it is possible though, they are that fucked up.
(07-24-2022, 03:16 PM)BIAD Wrote: Think about all the hand-cleanser adverts during Covid, the useless test-kits, the multi-coloured face-masks now residing in
the bargain bins and what Fauci was constantly banging-on about.
Benjamins... it's always the Benjamins.

You reminded me of something they used to teach back in the mid 70s, when I was taking journalism in college.

We were told when it comes to advertising, the more idiotic, and the more it insulted your intelligence, the more effective it was.

Today's advertisement, seems to go for the jugular.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

(07-24-2022, 03:16 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(07-24-2022, 02:15 PM)Snarl Wrote:
(07-23-2022, 02:48 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: So why are they programming 90% or more of their prime time commercial spots with commercials that have such a small demographic? If anything, they are alienating 94% to as much as 96% of their viewing audience.

It's gotta be on purpose.  They're trying to piss people off ... instill hatred ... by putting lies right in-your-face.

Ya know what I always thought was ironic about 'anyone' hating on black people? That black people hate the black race as much (if not more) than any other demographic. Maybe that's the effort in this campaign.  Even if it is, it's doubtful such blatant misrepresentations are going to have _that_ as an intended effect.

It is on purpose, it's done because some dickhead in a media boardroom proposed 'it's effective' and ergo, is valid as
an advertisement. Ignore the irrationality of what I've just said, I agree with you that it sounds stupid. But this type
of commercial-making is laughingly based on the notion that anything displayed as thought-provoking -be it annoying
or just plain-'woke' is a favourable one, regardless of how its received.

Call the customer savvy or call them an idiot, it's all the same now. They have created a design that offers such terrible
biasedness in order to help themselves. They are -as Snarl pointed out, trying to instil anger, pushing emotive buttons
and stating their viewers are burdened with prejudice.

Why...? in the hopes that the people of the world are kept constantly in turmoil and to acquire information on such habitual
turbulence, one may find what they think they need on the television. If this becomes a much-needed medium like it was in
the past, more businesses will wish to have their commercials broadcast on their channels.

Think about all the hand-cleanser adverts during Covid, the useless test-kits, the multi-coloured face-masks now residing in
the bargain bins and what Fauci was constantly banging-on about.
Benjamins... it's always the Benjamins.

So then why try "to instill anger", push "emotive" buttons and blatantly state their viewers are "burdened with prejudice" when it's all about the money?

I suspect many blacks are pissed off when they know that whitey is holding them down and then presenting personal goals (based on white culture) that are out of reach for the average African American. I know a lot of whites are pissed that this BS is being pushed so hard. So where is the money in that? I think it would reflect very poorly on the corporate bottom line when they get everyone pissed at these commercials.

They dangle a white carrot in front of the blacks with one hand and shame the whites with the other. That makes no sense to me if it's all about the money, however, it might make sense given some social engineering agenda. I believe I have connected enough dots to come to a reasonable conclusion that can resolve this cash vs culture conundrum. I've posted my conclusions in the following post below.
I will review the dots I'm connecting here. It's a fairly clear picture emerging and it's becoming clear to me at least what is the best conclusion to draw from all this.

These commercials are not being produced and aired on the higher priced prime time adverting spots to primarily sell a product or service, but being commercial advertising, it must be selling something.

Because these ads are not effectively selling (in effect the opposite) a product or service from a private corporate entity, then I must assume that these businesses are working on behalf of another organization. If so, there must be another agenda at play outside of the capitalist goal of higher profit margins.

Because the federal government is restricted and have their hands tied in certain areas, they will persuade private businesses and use NGOs to push though certain agendas that they can't pursue any other way without being directly implicated. Those in the government that are doing this will use backdoor deals and bribes and if these private corporations don't play ball, they will get threatened and intimidated with blackmail or getting cancelled for being Nazi racists. Naturally it would be better for a corporation to take a hit on their profits when the alternative is to go out of business, never to do business again.

The agenda here seems to be social engineering meant to elevate black people while cancelling out the dominant white culture. Why they would want blacks folk to become yuppies while shaming everything that is white culture is beyond me though. There is the idea that this agenda calls for an emotional reaction to cause more strife and division and so it may have nothing to do with raising black living standards while lowering the white's ones. This is part of the communist goals to destroy the U.S. from within, so there is that aspect.

I have one last idea, it is fairly lame but very believable. Due to the cost of production and the rates to air on prime time, these businesses create what they believe are universally excepted formats so that they could air anywhere in any slot. It's just basically saving advertising money by making one size fits all commercials, although they are over the top if that is the case. They are also trying to jump on the virtue signalling bandwagon to use that angle in these universal format commercials.

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